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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. The city of Aw Osman will overcome the legacy civil war, and the locals will regain their authority ---this is the way of Allah
  2. For a potential amelioration of the situation and perhaps the only way to save his presidency, a must–study lesson to him in this respect would be the recent agreement reached between Puntland and his own Prime Minister, Saacid Farah, a more calm and conciliatory figure.
  3. Apophis's one lines are more lethal it seems than Oodweyne's ; just like a skier's foot awakens the sleeping snow and still survives, Oba survives (in fact he seems to enjoy) Oodweyne's torrent
  4. Here is HiiraanOnline's fight back after Kismayo leaders dashed Hassan's hopes http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2013/Mar/wararka_maanta29-21422.htm
  5. ^^You are a warrior Mooge, that much is clear. I too was holding the fort against invading separatists who though they are mere onlookers in this epic political conflict made no secret who they wish to prevail Tell us more the next steps ... P.S: I heard the Gedo stakeholders came out forcefully in the defense of this conference, a development that caught the PM and his team by surprise I must imagine
  6. ^^ Baashi hawshaan Abwaan iyo Liqaye baan ku halleeyey. I must save Hassan's presidency now that my online pals are not performing up to the challenge
  7. Baashi;931791 wrote: This much was known and expected. There is no news here. The tidbit folks of that neck are waiting is President Hassan's next move. Baashi, The president is still in Qatar (or may be in Dubai). The challenge for him is can he lead. And by lead i mean can he accept the realities on the ground and move the country forward. He has made bad, very bad political choices and needs to step back and see the big picture of where the country is
  8. Waranle_Warrior;931748 wrote: Xiin, Its very difficult to predict how Somalia would look like in 6 months or one year's time. The whole situation is up in the air, we hoped for a better Somalia and expected things to improve dramatically but now the situation looks like its going deep down and perhaps could revive the old clanish rivalries that once existed in south Somalia. The President of Somalia lacks charisma, his personality weak, and had been losing credibility for all the reasons you listed in your first post. He was rumored to be controlled by few interest groups, whether be it HAG or Damjadiid its no secret that he's not an independent thinking man. If I talk about his cabinet, I don't much of a substance there its full of personas non grata and th PM don't even get me started. You talked about the issue of SL, I think its better that they refused to talk and or take part in May conference. There is nothing this SFG could do or can change so its better they talk with the next government. To sum up, someone said before that its a waste of 4 years, that's if they did not add blood and injury to the Somali politics. This is what I think: The President initially (somehow) thought he could engineer South Central regions to his liking using his interior minister. I think with Kismayo being the way it is, he will have no choice but rethink his strategy toward federalism. He cannot single-handedly define what federalism means for Somalis. It is notable that he dislikes it but cannot say so for obvious reasons. He will be best advised to take following steps to defuse the situation: 1- Help the consultative process in Kismayo, not hinder it, by personally going there and giving speech about how bad the federalism is for Somalia but affirm his obligation to uphold the constitution which mandates federalism as the supreme political structure of the land. Endorse the gathering and pledge support and cooperation for the resultant administration 2- Help Bay and Bakool community to organize similar conference in Baydhabo to establish state of their own. Do the same (visit, pledge support etc) 3- Repeat 1 & 2 for the remainder of the South Central region in a effective and productive manner...facilitating and all. 4- Address the question of Mogadishu and put concrete policies in place to remake the image of the capital. Address the plight of IDPs, the properties (personally owned or public) 5- Engage with the parliament to expedite fleshing out clauses relating revenue sharing , resource allocation, integration of national army and development money distribution 6- Once he gets all of this in place, talk to Somaliland (involving Khatumo & Puntland as stake holders in the outcome) as the leader of Somalia and hammer out a deal that does not damage Somalia's territorial integrity and does not cause political and security implosion to that stable region. This is free advise from SomaliaOnline to our beloved President Hassan Sheekh
  9. But WW, I invite you discuss what is the next for the government . Do you think they will continue what they were doing which is rushing to influence the outcome of the federal movement in the South, which seems has not worked for the president, or will they wise up and correct course , and do the right thing which is focus on the capital and make it hospitable place to be for the weak and strong alike, focus major infrastructure i.e harbors, airports, roads etc, focus on institutional building i.e. national army, education etc, and focus on services i.e. health ... which way will they take, WW?
  10. ^^You are being troll , xaaji xunjuf. This is not a post to pray for voilance. Take your filibuster to the aptly created threads waryaa
  11. Che, agreed with the 'careful' part. The parliament is rightly staying out of this. Their role will come when there is a state to approve. Remember the constitution defines the borders of the regions as those of the 18 regions under the last legitimate government of late Siyad Barre. So no one anticipates any border conflicts. Once a state is established by the consent of its leaders, the parliament will approve it. And then and only then, will the parliament and government engage with the new state in matters concerning revenue sharing, militia integration, service delivery and all the institutional building stuff Hassan campaigned on. This business of trying to jump in front of the local process is futile...the sooner they realize that better for all concern
  12. ^^Wrong thread I guess , xaaji xunjuf. After your laud prayers for violence, we shall never take you serious or credible. Question is which way will they go: will they continue marching on their current path or will they accept what they wish is at best premature for people are not ready for it, or worst regressive and reminiscent of the old regime and majority of the people wont accept it?
  13. ^^But he is an appointed leader, and has a hierarchy and a boss to report to, and I respect that. The president will ultimately own this, it will be his failure or success. Saacid is the prime minister , he executes President's policies. He is in a tough position. The PM is between two fires: locals (very organized) vs. the president's direction (rigid it seems, and out of sync with current realities)
  14. Che, It is not as bad as it seems. I heard all other points were agreed and in fact the local players compromised on them. But the establishment of a federal state NOW, and as a direct result of the ongoing conference at the university was something the locals could not give away. The PM and his team , I heard appreciated the fact that there are hundreds of delegates that come from far away regions to participate in this conference but the federal government seems to have an overarching policy from the president...this is why they had to go back to Mogadishu for final consultation. More likely that they will come back and hammer deal with the locals----this is too vital a region to antagonize its innocent people by denying them their constitutional rights
  15. The PM said he came back for more consultation with his government. He said there are many delegates that are present at Kismayo who want to establish federal state. He said people of Jubba region and their temporary administration want and support central government. The PM said the conflict is a constitutional one. This is a fact we repeated many times in these boards.
  16. ^^Agreed Here is the PM's press conference Saacid oo shir jaraaid ku qabtay Muqdisho Published: March 29, 2013 Raiusal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Saacid ayaa markii uu kasoo dagay garoonka Caalamiga ah ee Aaden Cadde saxaafadda shir ugu qabtey isagoo ka hadley safarkii iyo wadahadalladii ay lasoo galeen maamulka magaalada Kismaayo. Raisul Wasaaraha ayaa amaan ujeediyey shacabka iyo maamulka KMG ah ee Kismaayo sida wanaagsan ee ay usoo dhaweeyeen isagoo dhanka kalena sheegey in dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya aysan waxba ka qabin in ciidamada AMIOSOM ay lasii shaqeeyaan maamulka KMG ah ee magaalada Kismaayo. Sidoo kale mar uu RW ka hadlayay wadahadallahii fashilmay ayuu sheegey in labada dhinac wada hadal dheer kadib ay isku qabteen arimo dastuuri ah. Saacid oo ka hadlay shirka kasocda Kismaayo ayaa sheegey in odayada badan ee ku xareysan shirkaasi ay iyagu rabaan maamul wanaagsan iyo Soomalinimo isagoo dhanka kalena weeraray in shirkaasi uusan waafqasaneyn dastuurka oo aysan dawladda aqoonsaneyn. Saacid ayaa shacabka Kismaayo iyo maamulka KMG ahba ku amaaney iney yihiin dad dawladda raba ayna soodhaweyn, sooryeyn iyo sagootis wanaagsan isgu dareen. Saacid ayaa sheegey inuu wadatashi dawladdiisa ugu soo laabtay isagoo sheegey iney Kismaayo la tageen qorshe maamul goboleed lix bilood ah balse laga diiday isagoo sheegey in laga codsadey iney shirka Jaamicadda kasocda ay ka qaybgalaan. Hadalkan kasoo yeeray RW Saacid oo ahaa mid lasii ogaa intii aysan waftigani Kismaayo tagin isla markaana ahaa mid si wanaagsan loo dhigay kuna qotoma farqigii udhaxeeyay labada dhinac. Ma jiro wax hadal ah oo kasoo baxay dhanka maamulka Kismaayo oo kusaabsan arimahan balse waxaa lagu wadaa iney isla maantaba saxaafdda sharaxaad kasiiyaan wadahadalladii dumay iyo fikirkooda.
  17. The Zack, You should have allowed Mawlaanaa Xaaji Xunjuf to finish his wicked prayers
  18. ^^And they thought xiinfaniin was picking on them and was particularly clannish You see , Gheelle, this is what surprises me: why would a government confronted with such a major issues (humanitarian, security, lack of institution etc) spend whatever political capital it has on periphery administration that are fighting alshabaab, and securing vital regions by setting up from the bottom administrations ? I mean, it is astonishing , isn't it?
  19. Somali Federal Government, whatever its intentions were, seems to have failed to solve simple political conflicts in regions that do not even question its legitimacy and supremacy---imagine when the SFG engages with Somaliland, a region that does not even recognize SFG's legal authority. One finds a solace in the fact these political conflicts (Baydhabo, Marka, and Jubba region) are for the most part based on constitutional interpretation--- are less clannish in tone. But they are political conflicts that risk derailing SFG's focus of securing the country by defeating alshabaab and thusly require an immediate resolution. The point of contention is clear: who has the authority to setup local administrations. Is it the federal government or the local communities? The SFG insists that it is imperative for it to lead any effort to establish local administration. The locals (some more organized, and vocal than others) fundamentally disagree with the SFG's assertion and see it as an executive overreach, unconstitutional. SFG forced its way in Baydhabo with no success. SFG's attempt to setup for Jubba regions ended in a complete, and public failure. After coming short in his effort to convince Jubba region leaders to disband close to 500 delegates, stop the conference and allow the SFG to temporarily administer the region, the PM has flew back to Mogadishu. I am sure leaders at the top (PM and President) will regroup and deliberate where to go from here. Question is which way will they go: will they continue marching on their current path or will they accept what they wish is at best premature for people are not ready for it, or worst regressive and reminiscent of the old regime and majority of the people wont accept it?
  20. Maamulka Kismaayo oo dowlada Somalia ku eedeeyey guul-darada ku timid wadahadalkii u dhexeeyey Afhayeenka maamulka KMG ah ee magaalada Kismaayo C/naasir Seeraar ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay wadahadaladii guul dareystay ee magaalada Kismayo ku dhexmaaray dhinacooda iyo masuuliyin ka tirsan dowlada oo uu horkacayey Raisul wasaare Saacid. C/naasir Seeraar oo la hadlayey idaacada BBC-da ayaa sheegay in natiijo la’aanta wadahadalkaas ay masuul ka tahay dowlada Somalia oo uu ku eedeeyey ineysan saameynin tanaasulaadkii looga baahnaa, isagoo dhinacooda sheegay iney wax ka badan ka tanaasuleen si wadahadalku u guuleysto. “Dadkii dowlada u metelayey wadahadalka ma aheyn kuwo u qalma masuuliyada loo soo dhiibay, anaguna wax badan ayaan ka tanaasulnay, sidaasoo ay tahay waxaan ku balanay in wadahadaladu sii socdaan” ayuu intaa ku daray C/naasir Seeraar. Waxaa uu sheegay in labada dhinac ay isku afgarteen inta badan qodobadii laga wada hadlayey hase ahaatee mid ka mid ah qodobadaas la isku mari waayey kaasoo uu sheegay inuu ku saabsanaa cida xaqa u leh iney hormuud ka noqoto maamul sameynta Jubooyinka. “Shirkii maamul sameynta Juballand ee dhowaan ka furmay Kismaayo waa sii socon doonaa, ergooyinkana waa joogaan, mana hakanayo illaa lagu soo dhiso maamul goboleed buuxa oo ka mid noqda federaallka” ayuu yiri Afhayeenka maamulka KMG ah ee magaalada Kismaayo C/naasir Seeraar, iyadoo dhinaca kale dowladu ay weli diidan tahay shirkaas.
  21. Raisul wasaare Saacid iyo wafdigii uu horkacayey oo iyagoo gacmo maran dib ugu soo laabtay Muqdisho Wafdigii uu horkacayey raisul wasaaraha Somalia Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon Saacid ayaa ku soo laabtay goor dhow oo galabta ah magaalada Muqdisho ka dib markii socdaal shan maalin qaatay ay ku tageen magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobolka J/hoose. Raisul wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa dayuuradaha siday waxay soo caga dhigatay garoonka Aadan cadde abaarihii 3:30-pm galabnimo ee maanta, waxaana halkaas ku soo dhoweeyey madax kala duwan oo ka tirsan dowlada oo isugu jira, wasiiro, xildhibaano, saraakiil, ururada haweenka iyo qeybaha bulshada. Raisul wasaaraha ayaan illaa hadda la hadlin saxaafada, waxaana garoonka dayuuradaha Kismaayo ku oo sagootiyey saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada AMISOM iyo masuuliyinta maamulka KMG ah ee magaaladaas. Raisul wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa soo laabtay iyagoo fara maran ka dib markii xalay la shaaciyey iney guuldareysteen wadahadalo shan maalmood u socday iyaga iyo maamulka Kismaayo kaasoo ku saabsanaa arrimaha maamul u sameynta jubooyinka iyo Gedo. Wixii warar ah ee ka soo kordha sawirada soo dhoweynta Raisul wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa wararkeena ugu horeeya ayaan idinkugu soo gudbin doonaa Insha ALLAAH.
  22. Somalia: Bay region admin ‘violates federal constitution’: Baidoa MPs 28 Mar 28, 2013 - 2:19:30 PM MOGADISHU, Somalia Mar 28, 2013 (Garowe Online)Somali lawmakers from the country’s Bay and Bakool regions have rejected President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s newly appointed regional governor as “unconstitutional” in a move that intensifies the political dispute in Mogadishu, Garowe Online reports. A group of Somali MPs from Bay and Bakool regions, all of who belong to the ****** clan, held a press conference Thursday in Mogadishu. The lawmakers include MP Aden Mohamed Saransoor, MP Osman Libah and MP Hassan Moallim Hussein. “As you all know, a decree dated 4 February 2013 issued from the highest government offices in Somalia appointed a new governor of Bay region and this appointment violates Article 46 and Article 51, of the Somali Federal Constitution,” read a written statement issued by the MPs. Continuing, the statement read: “This new administration for Bay region appointed by decree is a danger to local communities, since the legally elected administration has been removed.” The Somali MPs from Bay and Bakool regions requested Somali government leaders to “adhere to the law and constitution” of Somalia. Earlier this month, parliament Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari travelled to Baidoa, capital of Bay region, to resolve a political dispute that erupted after President Hassan appointed a regional governor by presidential decree. On August 1, 2012, a National Constituent Assembly adopted the Somali Federal Constitution, which guarantees the voluntary merger of two or more regions of Somalia’s 18 administrative regions. President Hassan has demanded to appoint regional governors for Hiran, Bay, and Lower Jubba regions. The president has appointed new governors of Hiran and Bay regions, and it is the first time that Somali MPs from the above mentioned regions have voiced their concerns regarding President Hassan’s unilateral decision. In the southern port of Kismayo, capital of Lower Jubba region, President Hassan has rejected a convention held by local communities to establish Jubaland state administration and the president has demanded that he appoint a regional governor, but Kismayo leaders have rejected President Hassan’s pressure as unconstitutional.
  23. Why Suldaan of all people base his critique on the size of a cabinet he knows to be for the most part ceremonial? Isn't Suldaan one of the most avid follower of Somali politics in general, and in Somaliland in particular (which I can say is his specialty)? What is this ya Suldan?
  24. LOL Another prayer from Mawlaanaa Xunjuf