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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. ^^Ninkan waa curadkii Oodweyne ee ha la yaabin, mayal adayga odoguu ka wattaa
  2. I will pay attention to the MPs in Mogadishu, and whether their flights are delayed or otherwise obstructed. Expect anything from Hassan and his PM
  3. aamiin And the government who supposed focusing on this fight is busy issuing useless decree for far away regions
  4. I thought our script Carafaat was busy digging Somaliaonline database for xiinfaniin triggers It is disappointed Carafaat's efforts are diverted to also dig for past conferences. Perhaps xiinfaniin triggers and past peace conference have something in common
  5. xiinfaniin is a very powerful man indeed
  6. LOL @Che, Awoowe at times Somali politics disappoints , and the wall to wall opposition to Jubbooyinka initiative to unite the people of three regions and establish a peaceful administration was quite frustrating. That the people united and defied the apparent executive overreach of current national leaders is relieving to say the least.
  7. The Zack, Apo, Jacpher , et al, this is assuming a life of its own...the entire politics in the South will be defined around the bold move of dadka Jubbooyinka
  8. Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in maalinka beri ah ay ka kala imaanayaan magaalada Nairibi iyo Magaalada Muqdisho Xildhibaano ka soo jeeda deegaanada Jubbooyinka & Gedo, kuwaas oo doonaya in ay la qayb sadaan farxada Ergooyinka iyo shacabka Jubbooyinka Gedo. http://www.puntlandpost.com/faah-faahin-sida-loogu-cadeeyey-dastuurka-jubbaland-state-warbixin/
  9. Jacpher, If you ever find the time to read this book, please post a review. Somali people shall never wish away the atrocities that destroyed their state.
  10. LOL@NN, Guys lets cut some slack for our Oba ---he understands no such notions of governance, check and balances. It all sounds to him a ferinji stuff
  11. Yesterday it was Ahlusunnah leaders speaking out against Mogadishu decree, today the MPs themselves spoke out. The Kismayo momentum is hard to stop
  12. ^^Indeed Specially when they falsely reported a 500 government army contingency arrived at Kismayo the day the PM's failure was publicly reported. They even provided forged pictures to buttress the lie
  13. Oba is having a bad day today But the loots still haunt the man
  14. http://horseedmedia.net/2013/04/02/xildhibaanada-gobolka-gedo-ayaa-ka-soo-horjeestey-maamulkii-loo-magacaabey-gobolka-gedo/
  15. Apophis;933518 wrote: LOOOL Btw, Oodweyne's question should be taken literally and not rhetorically, and the answer should be: no one knows. Ps: NGONGE was overwhelmed by the unusual warm weather he encountered this morning; he was dazed and confused dee ^^One hopes London weather was the reason SOL elder NGONGE's out of character behavior Oodweyne's question was an old one posed by none other than the man himself. He provided varying responses since. I think yours is the most succinct one .
  16. Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaake oo isna goobta ka hadlay ayaa u hambalyeeyay ergadii codka kalsoonida siisay axdiga KMG, wuxuuna sheegay in shirkan la geliyay naf iyo maal sidii uu u miro dhali lahaa, wuxuuna kula dardaarmay ergada ina y sii ambaqaadaan qeybaha ka harsan dhismaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland. Ansixinta axdigan KMG ee la filayo in lagu maamulo dowlad goboleedka la doonayo in loo sameeyo gobollada Jubooyinka ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xilli xukuumadda Soomaaliya ay dhawaan maamul u dhistay gobolka Gedo oo kamid ah sedexda gobol ee la isku yiraahdo Jubooyinka. Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online Hnur@hiiraan.com Kismaayo-Soomaaliya.
  17. That is a progress Ergadii Shirka Kismaayo oo ansixisay Axdi KMG ah oo ay ku shaqeyn doonto Dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland [sAWIRRO] Talaado, 2 April, 2013(HOL) :- Ergadii ka qeybqaadaneysay shirka la doonayo in maamul goboleed loogu dhiso sedexda gobo lee J/hoose J/dhexe iyo Gedo ayaa maanta ansixisay Axdi KMG ah oo ay ku shaqeyn doonto dowlad goboleedka loogu magic daray Jubbaland ee la filayo in loo dhiso gobollada Jubooyinka. Sida ay warbaahinta u xaqiijiyeen gudiga farsamada shirka maamul u sameytna Jubooyinka Axdigan KMG ayaa qoristiisa la bilaabay bishii 8-aad ee sanadkii tagay, waxa uuna ka koobanyahay shan cutub iyo 50 qodob. Ergada ka qeybqaadaneysay shirka ayaa loo qeybiyay axdiga KMG ee Jubbaland shalay gelinkii danbe, waxaana saaka loo fariistay cod u qaadidda axdigan oo la filayo in lagu maamulo gobollada Jubooyinka marka la dhiso maamul goboleedka Jubbaland. Saaka ayay bilaabatay cod u qaadidda axdiga KMG, waxaa shirka goobjoog ka ahayd 870 Ergo oo ka kala socotay sedexda gobol, waxaana codeysay dhamaan ergadii goobta ku sugnayd, ma jirin cid diiday, sidoo kalena ma jirin cid ka aamustay. “870 qof ayaa fadhida, 870-kuba way codeeyeen, wax ka aamusay ma jiro wax diidayna ma jiro, sidaas daraadeed maanta oo bisha April laba tahay, waxaan cadeeynayaa anigoo ah shir gudoonkii shirka, in ay dhalatay dowladdii Jubbaland,” sidaa goobta ka aqriyay Macalin Max’ed oo ah gudoomiyaha gudiga qabanqaabada, ahaana shirgudoonkii shirka. Ansixinta dastuurka kadib ayaa waxaa goobata ka hadlay masuuliyiin sar sare oo katirsan maamulka KMG ee Kismaayo, siyaasiyiin, haween iyo odoyaal, waxaana dhamaantoodba ay muujiyeen dareenkooda ku aadan sida ay ugu faraxsanyihiin ansixinta axdiga KMG ee Jubbaland.
  18. Sulleiman The Great;933513 wrote: federalism or anarchism the ball is in your court Oba. If it were up to him, Oba's choice would've been decidedly the latter. IC (international community) made a choice for him, and there is no going back
  19. NGONGE sounded desperate this morning. That is not a good sign. Perhaps Oodweyne has been assigned to pen a rebuttal to the Jubbaland reality . Waa markuu 'Who Are the Somalilanders?" ku bilaabi jirey :D
  20. Oba, you will have to share Xamar with everybody because Xamar is the capital city of Somalia, which means it is for all. If you really want to claim Xamar as your own , then give up the capital city for (say) Hargeysa Haddii kale sidiinii faataxa qaata , oo dhibka naga daaya
  21. Guul iyo nus wonder what our Mintid and other separatists goons say now that there is no Gedo to do their dirty work for them
  22. Baashi, he briefly and in a very diplomatic way summarized the offer from Mogadishu to stop this process. His speech was before teh constitution was passed. Watch the video WW posted when you get home. But this is exciting news. It is noteworthy that 870 delegates attended and voted today. More delegates (it seems) that voted for the current federal constitution.
  23. this is a great news I liked Madoobe's speech (they attempted to bribe us with posts on the expense of Jubba people (very powerful stuff)), and General Ali Madoobe's announcement of a public ceremony tomorrow captures the sentiment of Jubba people , indeed