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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. ^^^Though you needlessly labor to make sense out of observable political events in your beloved south, retarded, nevertheless, you are not. Let us watch how things proceed from here. For now, good Johnny Boy, the buffer zones of southern politics are noticeably shrinking, to which direction apparently is in no dispute. Proxy wars too are waning in strength to whose favor is also clear for all to see. I beg your inside to shade light on us as to what these trends mean! P.S:- Where's Xoogsade ? Ar soo bax siyaasadaa i haysee!
  2. ^^^No wonder why your posts are disappearing faster than a snow in late March or early April in that mid-western state!
  3. Good one NGONGE. Time and political actualities on the ground, have appealed the realist side of you but the value of unity and its meaning need not allude you still. Sing the Burcawi songs , I insist. As for the phantom state and that of the colonel in Jowhar, phantom they both really are, I concur. But the latter with a different dye, just like in the sense of that in William Wordsworth's poem: She was a phantom of delight When first she gleam'd upon my sight! With something of an angel light, yaa Syidii . Tolstoy, as I have alluded before, it’s the quirk of fate that you have peculiar fond to spend energy and labor in advancing some thing as morally bankrupt as that of secessionist idea. Your emotional fog is so thick, I am afraid, that any discussion with you will vanish in a sure vain. A state whose would-be borders rest on a colonial sketch, inspired by clannish ambition, and supported by political grievance can’t be reconciled with my vision of what Somalia should/would be! Carry on Saaxiib .
  4. ^^Many thanks, good sister. These are the fruits of sustenance; it simplifies the complexity of life itself.
  5. ^^^Has the wise NGONGE fallen in the chase of that phantom state ? How did you get there? You owe us explanation, yaa Syed NGONGE!
  6. ^^^Call it pessimist or defeatist if you wish, but the fact remains that the old man is meaner than yours and seems to be on a mission. For him, as you alluded to, the wining strategy is to put your scofflaws out of business and, once and for all, bury them in the sands of Shalan-bood. Although it has not come as theatrical as I’ve wished, still the Yey-Ghedi team are destined in achieving that said goal (apprehending those thugs that is). What can JB (I promoted you as another warlord as you’ve shown all the qualities necessary to be one) + Yalahow + Qanyare + Indhacade do about it? Not much really except whine, and whine, and endlessly whine . You’re falling below the mark if you fail to understand the wisdom in that approach. While you were amused by the performance of Saajin Dheere in the political gallery of Jowhar, the rug, so to say, has been pulled out from under you . Perhaps it’s a deficit of comprehension that you failed to recognize that the lyrics out of it are better than the music. Look at how time has not been nice to your hasty predictions, good JB. Don’t you make me conclude that you’re indeed as novice in Somali politics as you are in philosophy? As for my prediction for another Somali Conference, which could be final depending the out come of the southern cleanse, I thought that was obvious to all. As far as I am concern the core of southern conflict has not been addressed and although the old man and his team in Jowhar could make a substantial contribution by reversing the booty politics, genuinely inspired reconciliation process, I hold, is prerequisite to resurrect our dead state from its demise. Till then let the old man take away those who tend to perfect in the pretentious Jihadi posture while sitting on their reeking loot from the equation of Somali politics. Would not that be a great service to us all, I dare ask?
  7. ^^^Another mouther-of-half-truth, are you JB? You see, good JB, for those of us who think the only contribution old man could make to increase the chances of the next Somali Conference succeed is to apprehend the gangs in the south or at least reduce them to a bunching-bags, we are satisfied with the current political arrangement, I must report . So suggest more, good JB, and be receptive to the prospect of the old man subduing that troubled south.
  8. Sky r u in Masar? And how did you come in contact with Mahad?
  9. It is pure qaraw Eid Mubarak, good Lander!
  10. xiinfaniin


    ^^^Ceebi waa lama af maroojis Another Somali terse? Eid Mubarak saaxiib.
  11. xiinfaniin


    Eid Mubarak to you all. Make sure you eat before you go out to pray; it is the sunnah.
  12. ^^War Illeen ibtilo annagaa aragnay. In general, you are smart and civil, and a good mannered fellow who does not mince his word. But this one is unbecoming of you. Perhaps you should know, in the art of debate, to delineate and lay bare all the logical fallacies of a shaky argument is an essential function. If Xiin’s statement smells to you as flawed talk that’s constructed on a wobbly ground why not demolish it? What is this sheepish coy? How could you miss the opportunity to make one of eNur’s deputies shiver and die in the cold? How could you let it pass and not make your moment of fame? Would it not be something to boast for the months to come? Or, as the case may be, you do not want to expose the cause of your abnormal surge. If that is the case, why loose your oddity in the woods of SOL? For all I know, you are not another charlatan who is not worthy for my dual. Lets hold it there and, I promise, I will honor your retreat. And don’t call me out of my sawmacah again :mad: . P.S: I hold Muttakallim responsible for your anomaly . Illaahow danbigiisa dhaaf.
  13. ^^Waa kaa yeelay, mase garawsan sababtaad cuskisay. Adna mid naga yeel: dood quus ah oo caata ah golaha ha keenin. Haddaad keento difaaco oo meel saar. Dadka caqiidadooda ha maagin ee tixgeli oo qadari. And that brings to halt our playful exchange. P.S:-Jawaabahaagii dib baan u aqriyey, kuligood cod xabeebsan oo buuq ku furanyahay baad ku tiri. ------going back to my sawmacah--------
  14. ^^Look who’s doing the assumption now, good JB! Do I see camouflage with philosophical hype to evade the debate? Don’t let your tenderfoot show its greenish push. Though eloquence is not your mark, you will find me accommodating to your inelegant talk. As you can see from the points I chose (1 and 2), I am interested to know the fundamentals of your surge. One and two, good JB, one and two, and don’t let the crop to fail!
  15. ^^I suspect not that you wish to fly too close to the baking sun. So One and two are good enough, yaa JB . My intent is to engage you in a meaningful debate while Satan is bind with that heavenly chain. So wonder no more, saaxiib. There has been a pattern of ceaseless questioning from your inept mind and Ramadan may prove to be that fateful crunch for your intellectual curiosity. Ad logicam you say? I honor none of the logical fallacies; the reason I gained our philosopher’s anger . Waste no time, good JB, in the strict adherence of its rules. It may make you look smarter but falls short in delivering truth. P.S:- Nur's shoe does not fit, even if I try hard, and as soon as he returns I will resign from the stage. I have not gotten the Ijaasah yet, saaxiib.
  16. JB, the stud of SOL. It was my intention to take a break from SOL’s debate forums for this blessed month. Ramadan, I thought, is a bountiful month where opportunities exist to impose a lasting self-discipline: a season of khery where the influence of good overwhelms that of the wicked. In a good measure, I was at it until I saw this thread. It enticed me to return to compensate for anomalies not anticipated in my original assumption (no more assumptions,I promise). In his absence, Nur has left an intellectual vacuum that I am unequal to fill. I am adolescent to his religious knowledge and his ability to reason. Mine is a mere ad hoc for your desire to debate. So before Nur’s safe return, let me entertain you as I hate to see you disappointed in your analytical pursue. What do you say about Nur’s five points, saaxiib? 1.Either believe in Allah or you don’t, if this is the case, the discussion takes on a different path. If you, then read on. 2.You believe in Allah but you have doubts on his judgments 3.You believe in Allah, you trust His judgments but you don’t believe in Prophet Muhammad 4.You believe in Allah you trust His judgments, you also believe in Prophet Muhammad but you doubt on his judgments 5.You believe in Allah, you trust His judgments, you also believe in Prophet Muhammad and you trust also trust his judgments but you doubt the authenticity of the Hadith, especially those with implicit inequality between men and women. P.S: You can ignore the whole debate if you think the whole thing is inopportune quarrel. In that case, I will surely go back to my sawmacah. Baashe you’re on to something, aren’t you? Ramadan Kariim to all.
  17. Ramadan Kariim to all. ---------------------------------------------- Is There a Perfect Age to Have a Baby? The pros and cons of having kids in your 20s, 30s, and 40s. By Jessica Brown. Originally published in American Baby magazine, January 2005. read and do something about it
  18. WT , I think you have taken sister’s analogy little too far. To her (and I share that view, to some extend), for the old man to send isbaaro-removing cavalry to the besieged city of Xamar would only exasperate things as those in the city would see him as revenge-seeking man who wants to settle old scores. Her analogy rightly fits in that clannishly induced political environment. So lets not stretch that string too extreme, saaxiib. Geedi belongs to Xamar and he can go there any time. But Xamar needs a totally different strategy than the old man is currently entertaining. If the old man does not walk the walk and keeps talking while he remains a behaving magan under the idiocy of M Dheere (balo loo bahanyahay?), he is risking a civil war and the miscarriage may as well cover him with blood.
  19. Ramdan Kariim to all. Aan cibaadeysanno (IA).
  20. ^^^ @Saajin tuulo joog ah. Hadalkaa waxbaa ka run ah.
  21. ^^Aftalyaan miyaa? Waxa tiriba lagu yiri, I say As to our fellow OLOL's case, emotions are, some times, very disruptive forces indeed.
  22. I am not sure what I want. But this is certaintly what I don't want: Midda gaaban ee garabka iyo, guudku wada joogo Ee socodka uma gaatisee, gididiflaynaysa Ee gura ma laacdee ritiga juu, ku ganacgoysa Janbal gibin ah een golos ahayn, guur aan ka la’aado . Source P.S: Kuwiina aan Soomaaliga aqoon raali ahaada.
  23. lol Nuune; Sayidii faraskaaga waxa u firjihaayo. Maya awoowe kaasi wax badan ma aqoon, taydu waa mid kale. Soo daahee, whats this deal all about?
  24. Though I don’t want to steal your thunder, good Tolstoy, one could easily pierce your logical bases--while affirming the historicity of the said elections, as that was remarkable event in the political history of Somalis in general and in SL in particular---to conclude having successful elections is prelude to the eventual statehood of the Somaliland . If that would be the sole yardstick to dole out sovereignty to every seceding part, then it would surely be a recipe for political disorder and a source of instability in the larger world. What about if Puntland , unhappy with current political arrangement in the south, decides to secede? Well, according to your logic all they have to do is run a credible parliamentarian election and perhaps a presidential one, and brandish the historicity of their political signpost, no? P.S: congratulations to all Landers; this was a political milestone indeed.
  25. Is the talk about how to share the fleecing then, good Sky? Or is it more about the legality and its jurisdictional status? Absence of any argument for the latter, I bet it is first. any one here? Maanta siyaasadaa I heysa .