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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Sheherazade :- Is it not unreasonably desperate to tail the man just to register your previous misgivings about the position he took on that issue? Do you not demote your self if you continue dwelling in past discussions and drag us all to re-fight wars that have been lost? What are you exactly looking for: a debate with him on the same very topic? An apology? I do really attest to your ability to debate and reason well with others. Your passion about the issues you care is quite strong. You eloquently stated your position and its reasons on this issue numerous times. I agreed. And many others agreed with you and with likeminded others. I though Nur had erred on it. Many others did that too. And so the discussion had ended, or so I thought. What’s beyond me is this chronic whining about an issue on which one moon has already elapsed. Is it not out of character for such a woman, like you, whose respect is held by many to keep grudges that long? I took for granted that people would understand that every one is entitled to his/her opinion. Wrong. Object, if you will, but move on I dare say.
  2. Calypso, neacons don’t necessarily share conservative values (social ones) you just listed. Theirs is an ad hoc conservatism that’s intended to expediently deliver foreign policy objectives. Muslims support for Bush in 2000 had to do more with the fact that Al Gore chose a Jew as a running-mate than falling for conservative propaganda, I think. But you’re right the fact we Muslims are Republican by values (social value, not all of the ones they sell to us though) while we vote Democrat by default poses a challenging political dilemma. For instance, last election I settled for the convenience of less-than-two-evils proposition and voted for Kerry! I even ignored the fatwa from my Shiekh!
  3. Propagating your ideas (not theirs) through morally acceptable and financially viable means, good Castro, is what I meant to say. In that, replicating their tactics (wicket ones such fear, lies etc.) is not something for us to entertain. Clearly though these men have shown shrewdness in framing their message and tuning it so that it is consumable for the large public. I personally would not mind if dislodging Saudi monarchy and giving people their country and resources back could be achieved through peaceful means. Remember it was Khumaini who taught us how taping and recording political messages and distributing them could expose and highlight the injustices committed by the Persian monarchy. And in the end, that simple medium made possible the downfall of Shah. Think, good Castro, what it takes to reverse clannish politics and apprehend thugs in our beloved land without resorting to full conflict with them!
  4. Mystifying something that’s clear to all is duplicity of sort. Competing, good Sharmarke, to occupy and stand on the summit of power has been, and will continue to be, part and the parcel of human nature. These men are not guilty of keeping their eye on the American powerhouse neither are they guilty of aiming to attain foreign policy goals that in the end preserve the military superiority and the economic dominance of America and her allies in the vital region of Middle East. They did, I believe, what men with ambition strive to do. They understood that the world is coming to a clash and refused to entertain the naiveté of peaceful coexistence when one’s economic sustenance directly depends on other’s natural resource. The morality of their means is not an issue here for we all know this ilk operates on a totally different set of moral values! I guess it’s our turn to compete and learn how to tune and propagate our message, don’t you think, good Sharmarke? Muhammad, this thread has turned out to be more informative than initially though! We now know who feeds Castro’s progressive tendencies. And who though Xiin of all people would have interest in the political ingenuity of neoconservative cabal! Look how this brought political insights of the Wordette, Ducaqabe, Tahliil and Seeker. Please do continue.
  5. ^^Dhuuboy, bal qiyaas inta sano een jiro .
  6. ^^^ @when an eagle descends to mingle amongst a bunch of clucking turkeys.
  7. ^^Maya maqal Abaadir. Laakin where did you get that, ye Caashaq gatherer ?
  8. I am not a fan for conspiracy theories. This article does not theorize about hidden conspiracy at all. It narrates a success story of a few committed men who put their money where their mouth was/is. Though one could disagree the extent of their influence and whose ears they got, their penetration and the vigor of their sway is not point of moot. 'Neoconservatives and their blueprint for US power’ has been fascinating story for me. How these Jewish intellectuals understood and used the venues of American power is quite intriguing, to say the least. Learn who they are and What they aim These guys know what they doing, don’t ye think?
  9. Story of the rise of neoconservative media. ---------------------------------------------- One day a novel must be written that conveys the sense of purpose and energy that surged through the Standard’s offices—and that of the whole Washington neoconservative network—in the days after September 11, 2001. No more esoteric musings about Gilligan and the Skipper. The Project for a New American Century—a Bill Kristol-founded pressure group that specialized in gathering the signatures of the obscure and moderately famous in support of a more militarized foreign policy—would be ignored no longer. At long last, there would be an audience.. Read how these guys did it?
  10. If we apply pyramid analogy of English essay structure to this, it certainly reduces this whole paper to an empty loom. Its apex is a deceptive blame, stuffed by historical inaccuracies, and seated on a mournful-cry for western intervention. Sorry but this is another rubbish,similar to what we have been getting lately.
  11. ^^^Balo ku degtay . Waaba haddaan english danbe ku hadlo !
  12. ^^^Who does not wish to hear all of that? Baashe , I think its good call. Castro’s concern could be easily addressed by subjecting these audio-bloggs to strict administrative rules by the admin. Nur would be a good candidate for this, I agree. And who knows NGONGE’s (I have developed new fond for picking on him these days) neglected boredom thread could see the light again. And to complete SOL’s gender symmetry, likes of Falxado, Rahima, Xirsiyo-Sahra (forgot the other name, Aerowen?), and Bishaaro and other respected sisters could be invited to contribute as well. Improved quality on the content of this site would be the net gain of it. So I vote yes, and bring it on I say.
  13. lol@Taadan oo kale Tiro kuma jirin Liiska tumashada Waan ka tiri jiray Meygaag, tani waa classic saaxiib. Jecliyaa marka mid iskibrisa lasoo rido! Bishaaro, odaygu Shummeey oo kale uma turo !
  14. Originally posted by Caano Geel: their like rest in my view vultures hovering over the carcasses of the dying . Usual yields of impeded minds. Get the full story, son, before you pass your judgment. Would ye?
  15. xiinfaniin

    Its a Girl!

    Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: Right, first lets cut of their clitoris and then empower them! Dwelling in previous topics has become an appealing art these days! Give it up dude .
  16. Xiiniiya-cadde , very genius indeed.
  17. ^^Dee waa cunnada. Sow maaha, yaa Muhammad?
  18. Originally posted by M u h a m m a d: Nimanyahow ciraab laguma kaco curuf la'aaneed e Cod xidhaal ah oo wada cajab ah cayn aan ka higaadsho Wax cad oo madow baan arkee car ee yaa sheega? Waxa dunida caaqil u ah oon ciddi khilaafaynin Oo caasiga iyo caabudkuba wada cisaynaayo Aan calalna oogada ka qabin car ee yaa sheega? Wax calaha ka dheer baa jiroon ciddi ka gaabnayne Cidhib dhiibsi kuma gaadhi karo cududaheenaase Caynkaasna anigaa arkee cara ee yaa sheega? Cawadii waxaan kaa tagayn cadowna kaa eegin Oo waaga kaa caraaya oo ku cid la'aynaaya Caynkaasna anigaa arkee cara ee yaa sheega? War xaggee jirey markuu Maxamed saan dadka u harowsaday . 1-Indhaha 2-Cunnada, weliba waxa si habeydan u furay Xaaji Gooni oo ahaa ninkii la xujjeeyey: Waxa dunida caaqil u ah oon ciddi khilaafaynin Oo caasiga iyo caabudkuba wada cisaynaayo Aan calalna oogada ka qabin waa cajab ilaahee Cunno weeye oo waa naqaan caynka ay tahaye ------- waa waxaad kurtiin calalineysaane Maxaad iga carayn saa anaa ka ciraab badane! Waan soo noqon haddii alle idmo.
  19. Alla-ubaahanow:- sadex iney u dheeraato soo maahayn? 1-Timaha 2-Luqunta (qoorta) 3-San-qaroorka
  20. ^^Raali ahow, adeer. Nabad iyo caano .
  21. Yoonis , a simple brotherly advice has brought your worst on us. What called, one would wonder, for you to be overly defensive (thought this time one could say you’re on the offence as well) on my passing suggestion? Was it ’ afgoosad ’ you said? I must’ve been wrong on my assumptions on you! Cary on, I insist, with your mulish mark as you have a peculiar style to make your entrance in to political debates. JB , firstly, apologies accepted saaxiib, as it was a responsible move to remedy good Yoonis’s youthful indiscretion and restore some civility in to the discussion. But let that backhander from you, as I am sure you would agree, cause no weakening of strength on my critique on the thesis you penned. But let me first call Samurai Warrior back and ask him if the challenges the land of Punt face overshadow the success it had? Can a state that operates on raw and an un-ratified constitution, have no population census, selects its members of parliament through broken and primitive tribal system, and is yet to reap the fruits of political parties show its chest and boast about political success? Has Puntland met its political milestones or has it fallen short to meet the first signpost? I await your inside, good Samurai Warrior, to shade light on these questions of mine and I would appreciate if you tend to them while having in mind that the yardstick of success is not how worse Puntland could’ve been but rather how better it could’ve done. Now few words for my old chap JB. You seemed to have flipped the norm over its head, saaxiib. The flock of the ‘dying embers of the south’, as you put it, to Puntland and their rising prominence in its circles of power should be a success story, I thought, and a one that deserves to be marked with appreciation and gratitude. That, I am sure, is how those you categorized ‘locals’ received it. Your attempt to shade them with a blurry light and end their identity with a question mark is a cheap dent. As for your prediction to the explosive nature of the state’s sub-clan structure and its being a ticking bomb that is ready to explode smells to me as a defeatist talk. All tribal politicking is a risky business and represents unstable political structure, I agree. But what predictors have you seen to forecast such a gloomy event for Puntland’s fate? From where have you gleaned it, saaxiib? But the Puntland’s association with the old man and its edgy security as it relates to its borders are legitimate issues that can’t be dismissed easily, I agree.
  22. Yoonis, Although I can understand the source of your defensive style, you need not bury such topics merely because you suspect and doubt poster’s intent. As sluggish as I think JB some time could be this one of his, I must admit, touches a row nerve. For him to put Puntland on the political scale is indicative that he means to play hardball with you on the issues you care. Why not bring some thing to show, as Samurai Warrior seemed to promise, instead of coming across as dismissive as you did? Scoff if you will, but with your manly stride! Waa talo, saaxiib.
  23. I called it 'controled buufis ' and a one which our esteemed sister is able to handle with ease.
  24. ^^Wallee caadi ma tihid ! Very intriguing, I found, is how a simple shoe is used to undress the perceptions Somali women have and the anxieties they feel about this subject! Carry on, you’ve already won my receptive ear.