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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Ninkii qalab buris/dubbe ka lihi wax walba musbaar buu moodaa! weeye sheekada Castro .
  2. .....the conclusion seems inescapable: The United States is disengaging from the Iraq war before victory is at hand, or even in sight. Hence, a defeat, not of American arms, but of the U.S. policy in Iraq, is now a distinct possibility. The argument suddenly seems over and the nation appears to have reached a consensus: earliest possible withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, consistent with the avoidance of a strategic disaster. But here is the rub: We are not going to get out of Iraq without suffering terrible consequences for having gone in. And when we come out, we no longer control what goes on within. Read on Patrick J. Buchanan's article
  3. ^^^But remember, good Liibaan, in this piece of real state females rule and we should be good and behaving guests or risk to face the proposed exile to that barren land. The choice is clear, saaxiib.
  4. xiinfaniin


    Faarax, you must’ve been on Xabad Sowdah . Stop using that thing before you fall in love with a third woman . If that does not work, here is what I think you should do. In this coming Friday when you get home from work, look your wife in the face, think long and hard, remember those days when she was your newly found love, and with her alluring good looks, when you were convinced that she was the only one on this green earth. Remember the praises you showered, the kisses, and the tears and the smiles. Remember the comfort you found in the midst of her angel serene. And as you dive in those memories of the past, what happened to your perfect woman, is the query you should solve! Who lost the strength and whose foresight has failed to endure? Was it her who you fell in love or was it the tantalizing curves you desired? What a man are you if the passage of time on your woman had caused you to change? Now come back to your senses and let the realist side of you win. Look at your precious kids and smiles they brought to your face. Look, and look, and look, I insist, till you realize that life has no meaning if it is devoid of burden.
  5. Originally posted by nabadshe: The Wise Do Forgive but Fools Do Forget Priceless.
  6. ^^Natural talent, indeed . Get off Rahima’s back you disgruntled Faaraxs , I say! The sister has every right to claim her real state back. Who wants roaming Faaraxs in their midst, I ask? Especially when the likes of Xiin, super sonic Xiin that is, start dolling out tips to implement polygamy plan. On a more serious note, polygamy is admitted and not encouraged. It is not your cup of tea. It comes with strict rules that few living Muslim men could meet. It is supposed to be a social solution, and not a satisfaction for sexual surge. No matter how tempting is the notion of sleeping with multiple Xalaal wives, I for one think the emotional risks and the instability it causes out weights the pleasure one gets out of it. The wisdom of marriage, as the Qur’an points out, is two; to continue the gene of humanity without descending to an animalistic norm and to create emotional stability between the two genders. As long you could achieve those two objectives the drive for more wives needs to come to a halt.That is if you live with in the bounds of a Muslim country. If you, however, live in the West, as I do, polygamy should remain fantasy, I say. For if you practice it you’re recklessly risking too much to loose, if you understand its legal ramifications that is. Ad hoc contracts would not work so don’t try to entertain them. If you’re childless and your spouse is unable to conceive, and you determined to have a child (though that’s in Gods hand), a smooth legal release from your spouse is the way to go. To scoff the law in your host country is not a wise exercise. It is a self-termination of sort. Having said all that, I am not foolishly exempting my self from the enjoyment and delight of having multiple loyal girls (of course with an Islamic sanction). But it would be after a long and hard thinking, I promise!
  7. ^^^NGONGE, these pics look and feel English families to me! The net yields from the works of yesterday’s assimilation, could it be? Muhammad, red carpet or not, the man is in a deep hole! Mongolia is frozen in time, and fierce warriors (historically any way) he spoke of had then succumbed to the power of ideas and were consumed by an ideology that was/is uniquely matchless! Mongolia may hold the keys for Bush’s locked mind !
  8. Rahima, you see when I wrote that I was on to some thing greater than satisfying my male ego and if that is the only thing you did not like about this thread, then we are not that far apart. That loyalty and obedience are prerequisite for successful and healthy marriage is no point of moot, I assert, and hence not the source of your discontent. It is the manly style and the seemingly colorful manner by which it was delivered that had you disgorge! It would’ve been much better had I indicated that faithfulness is a two way street. Fair? But is it not that an obvious we should not labor? Unless you have a problem with Polygamy by choice (that is what it supposed to be any way) program that I have started, spare us, good Rahima, from the looming exile to that barren land ; the would-be-mens-forum that is.
  9. If I hazard a guess, good Rahima, you must’ve not liked what we wrote (I wrote!)! Men’s forum is no good, I say!
  10. The jealousy factor will always be there, you right! But this Puspo man has been there and done it and his feedback is useful, I thought. The education tip is by far the most useful one. If you succeed instilling that loyalty and obedience thing in her heart, man you’re the winner I say . Ina Haabiil was on to some thing when he uttered those stanzas; Madi cararta maqasheeda koris midabsan baa dhaanta Marwo camol xun maangaad ninkeed maqasha baa dhaanta Faarax-Jaalle, ask any Halaal Store and you're good to go ! P.S: I realize that I will be lynched soon. I am resigned to my fate.
  11. If the baby is she, pick one from this short menu: Butaaco Saxarla'a Barni Ceebla'a Canbaro If it is he, I would recomend Geedi!
  12. ^^^The guilty of the wicked is still raw. When Afweyne murdered those religous scholars, equally astonishing was how the rest of the population reacted. It was very appalling that streets of Mogadishu were not flooded with dad ka gil-gilanaya his murderous and unjust operation. Years latter it was Mohamed Dheeg of Hargaisa who summed it up with his literary genius:- Culama u-diinttii markuu diirad laha mariyey Daqiiqadiiba laba miig markuu duuliyuhu kiciyey Dushiinay kusoo wada dhaceen duull'a sahaydeenne Meeshuu Daa'in inaad dhiidhidaan idinka doonaayey Waataad durbaan qaadateen oo diliko dheesheene Waataad dabaal-deg iyo farax dibad baxayseenne Danbigiinu sow waxaa Afweyne sii dib dhigay maaha? Yes indeed!
  13. ^^^Why not? I think it would. Given these tips from that tested man and as long you have enough money to support this enterprise you should have no problem with Xalimos . P.S: Ducaqabe, Bishaaro weli waa dhallaan, waxay experience aad sheegeysid saaxiib ?
  14. Originally posted by Faarax Brown: But if its about what contributes to(Factors) rape & debating about wether dressing provacatively is one of the Many factors that leads to rape,then we have a debate. The larger question is: Is there a chance(Even a 2% chance) that Dressing in a certain way contributes to rape? Who beats that? I called it priceless! Good job, Faarax-Jaalle!
  15. No wonder Habad Sooda is in every Halaal Store! Say nay is not gonna work, I tell ya good Bishaaro ! This Habad Sooda thing min-daawaat kay ka mid tahay .
  16. Four-Track Mind From Polygamy: Tips to Succeed with Many Wives, by Puspo Wardoyo, the founder of the Indonesian National Polygamy Society. Translated from the Indonesian by Sari Sudarsono. Originally from Harper's Magazine, January 2005. Make an agreement with your wives on a fair schedule for the nights you spend with each. Having four, I allocate one week in a month for each wife. It can be in a row, but it can also be spread out, subject to agreement. Educate your wives to be good and faithful, and to understand the principle of Islamic polygamy. You can do this by reading the Koran, as well as by filling your library with books on polygamy. Communicate all the time with all wives and children, at least by phone. Don’t compliment one wife in front of another. Eat a lot of fruit, vegetables, seafood, and honey to maintain your stamina. Don’t smoke. Smell good. Be diligent in brushing your teeth
  17. This one is very interesting(If you can put up with the tedious biblical references) ;'creationist view (Christian view, this one is) of the formation of the Grand Canyon' Enjoy the ride . ---------------------------------------------- God Rocks! The Grand Canyon is an awesome display of God’s creation and a place to find and explore the wonders of His creation. If we visit the Canyon, or read the prevailing interpretive literature about it, we will find that the views presented are predominantly based on evolutionary theories. These theories tend to deny God’s involvement and often His very existence. When viewed from a biblical perspective, however, the Canyon has “God†written all over it. Not only is the Canyon a testimony to creation but it also presents evidence of God’s judgment of a world broken by the sin of man, known as “the Fall,†as told in the book of Genesis. Based on the lineages laid out in the Bible, God created the heavens and earth and everything in them in six literal days about 6,000 years ago. Contrary to what is widely believed, radioactive dating has not proven the rocks of the Grand Canyon to be millions of years old. The vast majority of the sedimentary layers in the Grand Canyon were deposited as the result of a global flood that occurred after and as a result of the initial sin that took place in the Garden of Eden. As the great post-Flood continents and mountains began to rise from the waters of a global deluge (Genesis 8:3‒5), a huge chasm was formed that is now the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Inland waters, rushing down to the newly deepened ocean basin, rapidly excavated the 5,000-foot-deep layers of mud, silt, and sand that had been deposited during the year of the Flood. And the fossils found in the rock layers are remnants of the plants and animals that perished in the Flood. Many in the secular and Christian worlds have claimed that the Flood described in the Bible was just a local event (or even myth). However, the God of the Bible made a covenant between Himself and the earth. He promised that whenever a rainbow appeared, it would be a reminder that He would never again bring such a flood on the earth. If Noah’s flood was just a local event, then it means that God breaks His promise every time a flood occurs somewhere on earth. In the book of Joshua, from the Old Testament, the Lord commanded Joshua to build a memorial of twelve stones to remind fathers to teach their children what the Lord had done. The “stones†of the Grand Canyon are also a memorial, a memorial placed there by God to remind fathers to teach their children what He has done—that as a result of sin He judged the earth with a global Flood. The canyon is a grand cathedral, carved in the rocks by water that has eroded, fluted, and polished the walls into shapes fitting for a cathedral. Nowhere else on earth is there such compelling evidence of a young earth that was inundated by a global Flood. Fossils tell a story, but the story we “read†depends on the “glasses†we are wearing when we do the examination. If we wear our evolutionary glasses, we will get one story. But if we have on our biblical glasses, which allow us to see biblical truth, we will get a very different story. So what kind of story do fossils tell and why is it significant? The first and most significant issue is that fossils represent death! With our biblical glasses on, death comes into the world as the result of man’s sin against God. If fossils are in layers millions of years old, then how do we account for all the death, disease, and destruction found in the fossil record if those fossils were formed before the Fall? Genesis 3:18 says that thorns and thistles were a direct consequence of sin. How do we account for the fossils of thorns found deep within the geologic record if they are a result of man’s sin? If God declared the world very good, which He did at the end of the creation week, could that have included such things as cancer and arthritis, which we also find in the fossil record? As Dr. Duane Gish’s book title says, Evolution: The Fossils STILL Say No! As you travel through the Canyon, you will at some point reach bedrock, that hard layer where you can go down no farther. Your travel through life is much the same—at some point the only way is to look up. Some may question using the Bible as a science and/or history book. But who better to write the instruction manual on the life and history of the universe than God? He created it all! Unlike secular geologists, creationist geologists don’t need to speculate about history, because we accept the eyewitness accounts preserved in a reliable written record—the Bible. Man’s theories continually change as more scientific “facts†come to light. Yet God has never had to revise His book, because in it there are no mistakes. You can trust God’s Word. Source: Harper's Magazine.
  18. ^^^SOL is in a dire need for 2005 e-Nuri Soft Socio-Skills these days ma is tiri? I too look forward reading it (IA).
  19. Castro, you’re indicting capitalism because America bi’isay soow maaha? Regulation is a must but don’t be mistaken there is a world of difference between regulating a system so it can function well and owning and laying claim on the entire resource of the nation and assuming the role of dispenser. Liban, I agree.
  20. @Callypso. I vote Capitalism with sanity. Free market is the way to go as long the invisible hand is that of God! Globalization is another name for slavery. So nay, I say. Castro, Hantiwadaagii cilmiga ku dhisnaa soo kii no shaqeyn waayey maaha, saaxiib?
  21. ^^The eagle has landed, you right. But what seemed to his eagle eye as an enticing prey is indeed a worn–out bone ! The cow has already been out of the barn, good Mutakallim . Your well-constructed sequel will have a boomerang effect as eNuri has already retracted that position. Move on old chap, and don’t let the past cloak the horizon of SOL.
  22. ^^Another immovable dweller, are ya? Good one Nur. I too hope this ends those vengeful bawls. Their cries were not over spilled milk after all .
  23. ^^^Ciddii i kashifi lahayd waxba kama noola !Lakiin Baashe aa? Bisinka iyo Burdaha aan ku dhahay . Ar kaa naf yaraa ku jirta, Dhuubo Mar labaad kunoqo!
  24. Originally posted by sheherazade: X, u say: I took for granted that people would understand that every one is entitled to his/her opinion. Now go away and think about that Nothing to think about. Yours is not an opinion at all. It is untimely complaint. Callypso, higher standard indeed. But the man gained the anger of SOL’s lynching crowd by simply penning a theoretical piece in which he speculated that FGM could be of use. All the disclaimers and qualifications he attached have fallen on deaf ears. A month has passed over that controversy and the unrelenting protest continues. Even worse, some people have defied the civility of discussion and begun drawing picket lines against his new topics just to register their discontent with him. Some even opted mucky name-calling as recourse of choice. That compels me to believe that ‘baroortu orgiga ka weyn’ thing. There must be other undercurrent that’s fueling this. In which case, we can do very little, if at all, to soothe xanuunka hayya dadkan. Allaha caafiyo. I am done.