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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. ^^Fiicnaantii baad ka badatay indeed ! I am begining to like your thoughtfulness.
  2. xiinfaniin


    ^^^ With italics, you know good Faarax, I was not stealing that trade . Its that famous Norwedes-infected lake by which you could find ‘Xiintown’. I suspect you too are one of those good looking men who, with a marked pride, call it home. Barasho wanaagsan, saaxiib . Gabdhahana ha i sheegin, that i live there that is.
  3. ^Horta middaan Bishaaro ah waa iska key arkootay ! Abraarna waaba iigu tagtay . Wheres Baashi when you need him? Abraaray, blackseed mindaawaat key ka mid tahay . Allow yaa ogaada mid walba jikadey utaallaa hadda. Kaalay Wiilo thread kaan waa ku khafiiftay ma istiraahdeen. Xoogaa markay joogtaba iyadoo iskoobe wadata bay ku soo galeysaa ! War yaa Ilaahay yaqaan oo nooga maciina ? I thought raula could be of help here. Bishaaro; Baxru sittiin aa ku jirtaa ! Awoowe Xiin is about to furnish his latest literary yields! Hakaa saarto . Big truoble.
  4. What this panel recommended is to decriminalize polygamy relationships/marriages. They are not suggesting legalizing polygamy. The two are different.
  5. ^^Not yet, saaxiib. As tempting as that notion seems to be, I am very meticulous in entering that venture. Of course blackseed has yet to cure that protectiveness trait, which all sisters are inflected upon; an ailment of sort.
  6. xiinfaniin


    ^^You’re right on the money. Except in this case, suaveness retreats with grace, good Castro, or it risks being eclipsed by the presence of strong women.
  7. xiinfaniin


    ^He is utterly serene as well. In Xiin's town, where children are above average, and where all women are strong, and men are good looking, JB would probably not fare well though .
  8. Time for Faaraxs to move to Canada then .
  9. War waxaan yaa kuusoo aqriyey ? UFF and UFF, i say.
  10. Would it not be nice if the closure of this thread goes some thing like; Eebow nin gobahaan ahoo guni rifeysaaye !?
  11. ^^And whose Major was he? An enlisted native for the British rule to safeguard the interest of the Whiteman’s colony? And how proud are you, good Suldaan? Malaha you are still mourning for Koofil’s demise as well! Oh how sad. I think time is ripe to describe the likes of you and other secessionists for what they are; a ruined-bunch who are still longing with nostalgia for the darkest era of African history. But realize, good Suldaan, that history has been nice to the Great Syed while Ina-egare (I don’t remember him to be honest) and his likes vanished in the heap ashes of Somali history. To be sure Syed was not a perfect leader. But time has proven him right. His vision has fully materialized and the nation he long hoped has born. Though there isn’t much to be proud of today, still I find a reposing ground in that congratulatory lyrics that was composed for him: Allow yaa darwiishkii salaan dabacsan gaarsiiya Allow ayaa dalkaagii yiraa dowladnimo qaaday Allow yaa dabaal-deg iyo farax kala dul geeraara!
  12. Originally posted by Suldaaanka: I remember them bombing a warlord and his thugs in their hideouts. ^^Ayyaan-darro iyo aragti-gaabni isbiirsaday dheh. Warafkuba marbuu tuuryada gefaa taako leelaha'e Geesigii tilmaannaa marbaa fulay u tookhaaye'e Nimmaan adiga kugu toosin baa kuu takhaashuma'e ---shakes his head-----
  13. SW, shifo waa horaa lagala quustay. Haku daalin adeer.
  14. I don’t know Togane. I don’t read normally his poems. Get that, would ye good Xoogsade. Now, that he is a poet is not in dispute. The fact his mere lyrics have aroused many emotions is testimony for that. Hence, to show the sun with a dimming lamp is futile saaxiib. Is he controversial? You bet. But clannish he is not. That is where Xiin comes in. As for the poems and how it is used to remark on politics, that is an art. A satire. Though I would not equate the Great and visionary Syed with this westernized said Togane, yet I see some parallel in how they employ poetry.
  15. ^^War ninyahow Allaha ku caafiyo. Aamiin. Despite the seemingly vulgar outburst of his poetic style, Togane is consistent as ever. It is a mere political commentary. No more no less. Get used to it saaxiib. If Mogadishu warlords have been the targets of his ridicule, this time, the foot, so to speak, is in the other leg. May be it is what he does not say, rather than what he says, that people find objectionable.
  16. ^^Maalin dhaweyd anoo Halaal store ku jira baa gabari soo gashay. Inteysan wax kale dalban bay waxay tiri: walaalow bahashii wadaadadu cuni jireen ma gaddaa ! Maxaan kale oo ku fasiraa dee, her husband must be on it . Castrow, way laysku sheegay bahasha . You're late adeer. Waxaa iigu daran Ducaqabaha is qaafinayya just like he doesn't know what this seed is used for !
  17. lol@Castro iska er-eryo. Mayya bro. Warniyahow Kheyr ha la iska daayo. As to how I know it works at that age better, ma ka dhabbaa saaxiib, talk to the elders and you will hear the wonders this seed does. You will be amazed at how many will attest (not that they will prove it, but attest they will nevertheless) to its effectiveness. Bishaaro, scare tactic won’t work, I tell ye!
  18. Castrow, Blackseed in English and حبة السوداء in Arabic are what’s called. Try it. No feedback is necessar, saaxiib . If I were your at age I would probably amass it in my kitchen. It comes handy, saaxiib . lol@married men's madecine.
  19. Castrow, It sure can. But that ever popular black-seed should be in every Xalaal store in your area, I would think. Just ask the cashier, saaxiib. Even the Arab stores should have it. Ka gaarsii . Bahashu innaba caadi maaha .
  20. ^^^C’mon bro, why else would I advocate for full blown polygamy and introduce natural V aka Xabadsowdah .
  21. Bishaaro, iska daa bakheylnimada ee xoolahaaga wax ka bixi .
  22. This horse is never too dead to beat! Haddaan R-SOL nahay waan diidnay fatwadaa. There is too much at stake here .