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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Waryee AU maad gabdhaha daysay. U just like stirring things up, don't you?
  2. ^^Except the holes in his argument are too big to be covered by your bare hands . You see, it is quite an incongruous notion for one to claim to have a faith whose fundamental principles he has to yet agree with. On a one hand SB, the man whose stand you loudly celebrated, asserts that he is a follower of Islam and that he complies with its directives. But On the other hand he objects to the very tenets he confessed to have believed! He believes the Qur’an but does not believe the shariicah! He believes the prophet but not his Sunnah! He believes Allah but not His claim that He created man! That’s preposterous (is it not?) and untenable stand to make. Most people, I believe, would agree with such assessment. While a contradictory statement needs not be rebutted, as it contains perfect incoherent prepositions that could barely survive, to spot it, remove its pseudo-intellectual gown, and spoil the sport of clapping for its empty loom is too tempting a opportunity for me to pass up. Inconsistency, good friends, is a curse, which the charlatans of this site are seemingly inflicted by, and it does not deserve to be showered with praise. Think about it a bit more and bonder, I say.
  3. Originally posted by makalajabti: We need to pick up the good things in the Sharia and throw away the "bad" ones like stoning, flogging sinners, dismembering thieves, death penalty and all restrictions on women . What do you reckon? SOmeoe agrees with me? I hope so ^^I reckon you are, at best, a misinformed soul ,or another charlatan character, at worst.
  4. ^I thought she could handle both .
  5. ^CabdiNur meel cidla buu kaa cayrsanayaa ee waxba ma aadan bi'in, yaa Xoogsade . Even if good naden meant you not to use her cyber name when addressing her in this forum that, I am afraid, would not be an honorable wish. And on another level it would be absurd for one to wish that.
  6. Congrats yaa Kheyr. Allaha kuu barakeeyo saaxiib.
  7. ^^Good call, yaa Pi. I say that if it would make any difference to the man who so barefacedly asserts unsupportable claims so often. His is a habit that we are unfortunately forced to deal with, here in SOL, and I knew good Castro would be left to clap with a one hand when he commenced this debate; the net result would predictably be a commendable effort but, sadly, an incomplete one. But having a Somali speaking Sultan is not rare these days, I suppose .
  8. JB, if integrity means standing for something you certainly have unimpeachable one. But integrity, though a desirable virtue by itself, is not necessarily an antecedent for the attainment of truth. I am not trying to steal your thunder but critical thinking too does not provide a silver pullet. We can sing its praises all we want and expect it to have extreme effectiveness on our prevailing problems, but the truth remains that it would all depend on the subject, the content, and the process through which we formulate our thinking. Any thinking that has good(as relative as it may sound) and genuine purpose is critical thinking in my books. Striving to reach the Truth is a noble mission, I agree. But its source and the means to reach it remain contentious. What’s not controversial is the fact that the Truth gives its friend a sense of stability and a measure of confidence. Those who have the Truth with them also have a judicious tendency and a sense of justice. The claim that logic is the final and impartial arbiter in all disputes is the biggest fallacy in your piece, I say.
  9. ^^Let that be the summary of this whole thread. LOOL@Amelia. It’s an ideal scenario of successful polygamy. Who can beat that. SOL girls take note, I say. Who wouldn’t like that kind of service , I ask. Rahimay, I liked how you stirred the crowd. Even witty Castro couldn’t handle the shell you dropped. Gabar iga dheh . --leaves this thread for good-----
  10. ^^rotten place aa? rag baa meesha ku dhalan gaaray saaxiib. It was an intellectual camp.marka dhuudhiga iyo dhilmaanyada laga reebo wax la heli karo maahayn saaxiib. We had a good time there.
  11. In Baashi’s link, she is an eloquent orator who mercilessly punishes the poor sheikh with her brute words. But in Amelia’s link, brave Sultan, when confronted with unpleasant facts, gets a bit shifty. She is busted.
  12. Many thanks to abraar. that was very informative. Biixi soo dhowow, saaxiib.
  13. Ducaqabow, I am not sure if he is the real one. Thats why i am testing him to give us some shirib. Bishaaro, minay fatuuro fiiq tiraa ninkii fadhaaya ma faayo aa shirib ladhahaa . but the one i am interested goes like this; galley gudduuda waa gardhee garnaylku kawsaar miyaa.. or talyaani tuugaduu tumaa anna inaan tusaan rabaa..
  14. How could Saajin dheere’s humor turn this thread in to a full blown fight?
  15. Odey cabdullow soo dhowow! Give us some shirib saaxiib ala garruun & bacadle style .
  16. Originally posted by Scarlet: Where did that fear come from? Do they somehow think it noble to suffer in silence? ^^Ar kuwaas xaggee joogaan? In where I live it is the other way around. They love medicine and want more of it . They even lend to each other when it runs out. The ones I know would not die without putting a fight, yaa Kooley . It is quite a generalization, I know, but I am refering to the elderly.
  17. ^^I thought I’ve managed to maintain a good relationship, for the most part, with sisters. Of course there are always some reactionaries whom I never intended to please. Waxaa jira kuwa sheekha inay iga maagaan shaqo ka dhigtay. Anna xerta sh.Nur baan ku jiraa , adeer. Pious Rahima knows she is one of my favorite sisters. Waagaan wiilka ahaa haddey joogi lahayd sheekadu intaa waa kasii fiicnaan lahayd .
  18. Of course it is part of it. And it is the beauty of our religion that it does not deny our natural tendencies. But it is also unmerited to reduce the whole system to a mere sexual satisfaction. When you go back to the practice of the prophet and take a close look at his polygamous relationships they all had higher motives. Some were political; establishing trust with certain communities. Others were compassionate act to provide welfare. And some were done to break certain societal norms. All in all his was an excellence in meeting the end goals of his message. Though he remains the example and the model we should strive to imitate, truth remains that we always come short. When one enters polygamous relationship it’s understandable that he is not only doing it to address social ills but he is also in it to fulfill his own interests, namely to meet his sexual needs. That’s good and well but it gets indefensible when one overlooks the responsibilities and other duties that come with these relationships. Marrying just because it is permissible lacks the heavenly wisdom that the lawgiver intended to have, I think. That’s why I am very careful to support the system but not necessarily those whom the system serves for they sometimes misuse it and abuse it. But it’s also an extreme of sort to oppose this system simply because some men abused it. We need moderation saaxiib. But to come back your question (which I partly answered), I don’t think polygamy is established solely to satisfy men’s burning desire for another ‘flesh’. To control your desires and wants is part of our faith. If it were the case that you could just enter this relationship without looking beyond your sexual urge it would have destroyed the marriage institution, I believe. If not how could we reconcile that with the great emphasis this religion puts on family and the responsibility that comes with it. Islam, I hold, is about perfecting families and seeing to it that you are accountable for what the ones you brought to this world. In the final analysis, Castrow, it is the benefit of this Ummah that this option exists and thusly this system survives, I say. For may be the case when the day arrives for you to return to that beloved Borame you might find it very useful indeed .
  19. ^^^In reality though, you can’t just concede your God-given right so readily saaxiib. I may not be brave enough to do it but I still see how it benefits society (and me ofcourse ) if done right. That’s why I wonder if the real Castro is same as his cyber character that vehemently rejects any thing that’s remotely polygamy. Would he forgo, I wonder out loud, men’s deepest wish; sharing multiple xalaal wives . He says he would. Easier said than done, i say .
  20. ^^ Still not giving up on that. Castrow, to me it is very simple. If you live in the west you should not do it as it causes more harm than good. Of course we are allowed to entertain it as an idea but when the bush comes to shove we should stick saving our monogamous families as I am sure that puts more on our plates than we can fulfill. Even if some of us assert that they can indeed multitask and are able to ensure the emotional stability, educational and religious growth and financial viability of their families the legal difficulties are, in my estimation, insurmountable. Making pledges and signing piece of legal document may be one option but it requires mature foresight in a period of time when both sides are driven by sexual spurs.
  21. That’s no wise possible good Castro. If it’s allowed by Islam how could we disallow it yaa saaxibii? Is it not that a contradiction of sort? [edited]Blessed: crash-course i agree.
  22. Nin Gumoobay!! WQ: Ibraahin Yuusuf Axmed Hawd99@hotmail.com -------------------------- Juun, juun, juun. Qofka bisha juun Iswiidhan soo galaa wuxuu moodayaa janno. Kaymuhu cagaaranaa! Dhirtu dhaadheeraa oo qurxoonaa! Dhulku doog iyo ubax badanaa! Maxaa balli iyo haro galac leh! Maxaa tog iyo webi meel walba qulqulaya! Magaaladu nadiifsanaa oo degganaa. Labaatanka bisha juun oo ay qorraxdu diirran tahay ayuu Rooble soo galay Iswiidhan. Wuxuu dalandalinayey qoyskiisa oo ka kooban xaaska Hodan iyo laba ilmood, Ismahaan oo lix jir ah iyo Axmed oo afar jir ah. Waa afartan jir miyi ku barbaaray tobankii sano ee u dambeeyeyna ahaa askari bilays ah. Riyadiisa ugu fog uguna weyni waxay ahayd mar uun in uu reerkiisa nolol ku filan u helo, mar uun in uu gaadho heer uusan cuntadooda, arradbeelkooda iyo hoygooda ka welwelin. Riyadiisa kale ee muhiimka ahi waa in uusan mijintiisa qaadka ah iyo sigaarka waayin. Toddobadii sano ee uu reerka lahaa arrimahaas wuxuu ku helayey silic iyo saxariir. Maalintii uu naftiisa iyo reerkiisaba Iswiidhan u dhiibay iyo maalintii la siiyey sharcigii degganaanshaha waxaa u dhexeeyey oo keliya saddex toddobaad. Waxaa loogu daray aqal cammiran oo afar qol ka kooban. Haddii bil walba la siinayo lacag tii askarinnimada kumannaan goor ka badan dhib kuma aha isaga iyo xaasku in ay sidii laba ilmood aroor walba boorso dhabarka saartaan oo dugsi afka dalka lagu barto u jarmaadaan. Lacagta caydha loo yaqaan oo ay dadka dalka u dhashay ceeb laga xishoodo u arkaan reer Rooble mushahar ugama duwana. Lacagi sow lacag uun ma aha? Waxa loo dhididaa sow in lacag la helo uun ma aha? Aqalka uu dhex fadhiyo iyo waxa dhex yaal ee telefeeshin, armaajo, qaboojiye, fadhi debecsan, sariiro ka sii debecsan, iyo alaab kale oo badan haddii uu Soomaaliya joogo weligii ma heleen. Wuxuu xasuusan yahay aqalkii jiingadda ahaa ee uu sannadihii dambe ku noolaa, kaas oo xilliga kulaylka foorno noqon jray marka roob da’ayana la moodi jiray in madaafiic lagu duqaynayo. Bilawgii ayey arrintu sidaas ahayd, hayeeshee xaalku wuxuu xumaaday markii uu Rooble cid shaqo u dirataba waayey. Markii uu afka wax ka bartay wuxuu ku dadaalay in uu shaqo helo, laakiin wax guul ah kama gaadhin. Berigii uu Soomaaliya joogay wuxuu maqli jiray â€carabta waxaa laga helaa shaqo askarinimo ahâ€, markii uu bilayska Iswiidhan shaqo noocaas ah u doontayna waaba lagu qoslay. Boqollaal kale oo soomaali ah oo aan subax kallihin ayuu bartay, dabadeed niyaddii shaqo raadintu waxay ku shiiqday eber. Biilkiina habartii bixin jirtay waxay bilawday bahdilid. In uu xafiis hebel warqad ka keeno, sababta uu shaqo u waayey, waxa uu muddadii la oo dhaafay qabtay iyo hadaltiro la mid ah ayey marka uu masruufka u doonto kala hor timid. Qalbijab iyo niyadxumo ayaa dhan walba ka soo weeraray. ........Sabtida iyo axadda carruurta wuxuu geeyaa dugis qur’aan, yartiisana markii ay toddoba jir gaadhay ayuu xijaab kurka ugu daboolay. Isaguna wuxuu bilaabay salaad aan cabsi Eebbe ahayn ee cabsida dunida ah. Haddii uu Alle ka cabsanayo wuxuu iska dayn lahaa qabyaaladda, xanta, xasadka iyo qaadka. Xaaska wuxuu ku dirqiyey in ay tukato oo xijaabato ka dib markii uu arkay ama maqlay naago dabagaab qaatay oo gaambiyaan iyo caddaan gacanta qabsaday. Intaas ayuu qoyskiisa beloxijaab uga dhigay. Dunida wuxuu ugu neceb yahay naagaha ay Hodan telefoonka kula sheekaysato marna booqato ama iyagu soo booqda. Xataa waxaa ku jira kuwo caddaan ah. In kasta oo uu jecel yahay in ay guriga fadhido, haddana aad ayuu u neceb yahay telefeeshinka iyo waxa daran ee ay ka daawato sida Glamour, Dallas, Rideriet iyo waxa la midka ah. Rooble ma oga in uusan isku heli karin xaaska in uu guriga ku hayo iyo in ay ahaato qalanjadii dhuubnayd. Waa taas jeer la egaatay ka dib markii ay nolosheeda ku koobtay kijada, telefeeshinka iyo sariirta. Isla markaa gurifadhigu kama hor joogsan in ay u fekerto una dhaqanto sida dumarka kale. Durba waxay caado ka dhigatay haddii ay wax isku khilaafaan in ay tidhaahdo: â€Jaalle, halkani waa Iswiidhanâ€. Ujeeddadeeda si fiican buu u fahamsan yahay. Wuxuu yaqaan rag gurigoodii laga eryay oo debedyaal ah iyada oo qiil looga dhigtay weedhaas habaarka qabta. Sii aqri---waa sheeko aad u xiisa badan runtii..
  23. ^^Life is, or rather should be, about to learn and improve. I am not a taste maker but the reason this piece sits well with our women folk is because eNuri has shown ability to express delicate shadings [read: pragmatism] without abandoning its original principles. I think. And thats good, I agree.