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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. LOL@"Ich bin ein Puntlander". If he were to say that he would be correct and more closer to the truth, than Kenedy's half truths!
  2. The writer is uninitiated in the criminal venture she’s trying to undertake. If I had the time to write back I would just repeat those unanswered questions until she gives in or simply gives up on you.
  3. LOL@Anthony ibnu Tony Al-Mundine! It’s an unambiguous branding. Not a bad idea to make the first move, yaa Kashafka!
  4. It’s good to see that a Muslim fighter wins—even in a boxing ring. Lets pray Muslims also win in the larger struggle.
  5. LOL@Kashafa & Castro! You guys seem to have deviced a good plan. Make sure it's fair though haddii kale idinkaa warlords kale noqonayya . YY, I think most of Qurbaha folks are genuinely concerned about this ‘uncivil’ war. And considering the fact that majority of them consists of women and children, I wouldn’t characterize them as warlord supporters. I can definitely see the advantage that Somalis in the Diaspora have to take a positive initiative and intervene in this conflict but the great challenge remains to be how to organize them and unite their efforts.
  6. ^^Many communities do the same thing but that’s hardly an excuse yaa Castro. Look at how these people suffer! Waa halxiraale! Bal adigu fur! Edit; for those of us who live in the Qurba land do indeed have their share of the blame, I agree! But we are not nearly—or vast majority of us are not—as guilty as those who directly fueled, and still fueling, this war by supporting men like Yalaxow.
  7. ^^It reflects badly on them. It really does! Even you and I are ashamed of him. They could do a lot! You see, good Castro, the reason Yalaxow thrives is simply because he has a solid tribal support. The man, we all know, get a logistical support from his kinfolk. He gets a continual supply of young greens to burn up. Alas, there are even, I suspect, educated men and women who assist him in his dealings when abroad. If they know how to do all of these, the apposite could also be true. They could dry up his economic lifeline, and cut off militia supply! Adeer waa ayyaan darro!
  8. Castro; All the warlords are the same type! Honest is the only positive feature Yalaxow has!What else would you expect him to say? What worries me though is how hopeless it got for his community to have him and Saajin Dheere as unchallenged leaders! That’s scary wallee!
  9. xiinfaniin

    A Love Note!

    Originally posted by S.O.S: A/c brother Nur, ..who are patient; ..who are pious; ..who are good-doers; ..who are equitable; ..who repent; ..who fight in His Cause; ..who act justly; ..who put their trust in Him; ..who purify themselves; ..who follow the Sunnah.. w/c. ^^Mu'ihilaat xubba ar-Raxiim. Xayaaka'Laah yaa Shamz!
  10. Bisinka! Dulmigu meel walba waa gaaray! Ilaahow na furo.
  11. xiinfaniin


    ^^Caawa meel uma socdo awoowe ! I am here to stay!
  12. xiinfaniin


    Bishaaro, calm down sister.All is not lost now. Perhaps I am too alert tonight !
  13. xiinfaniin


    ^^Clever! I thought you've almost hurted yourself while halting it! My bad adeer.
  14. xiinfaniin


    ^^Caawa waa laysoo aftaxay adeer. Meel aan keyboardka uga socdaaba iska yar ! Waa adigii fiicnaaye, what’s up with this feminine offence, saaxiib? Seriously!
  15. xiinfaniin


    ^^So you know i would be hardly offended by a mere words on a cyber screen, sister. Though your assertion that I twisted your words makes the whole thing a limply handshake, still I accept your apology, good sister. With all honest I was not seeking an apology from you. Perhaps an explanation would’ve sufficed. Let’s call it a bad joke.
  16. Nomads, Mr. Pain's wisdom still holds; time makes more converts than reason. Pigheaded Bush finally caves in. U.S. Said to Weigh a New Approach on North Korea
  17. xiinfaniin


    ^^Addeer ayyaamahan meesha waa ka maqnaa (almost), sow aniga yaaban maaha? And Bishy was one of few nomads here whom I thought had it all. Bal ka tali, saaxiib.
  18. xiinfaniin


    ^^Awoowe, what r u on tonight? Surely you are not speaking coherently! What does that sister get to do with this? War illeen ibtilo, ma waxaanan ogeyn baa dhacay?
  19. Naden; that some times happens, good sister. No problem.
  20. xiinfaniin


    ^^Is that your final transition to zero, yaa Bishy? Care to explain what that entails?
  21. ^^Your untimely inquiry is the cause of my wonder, sister!
  22. Originally posted by naden: ^ xiinfaniin, are you talking to me? Name names, brother, so you can take your boom (no, not the dance type) like a man. ^^ Should I hear nightingale’s wails, and remain completely silent? O companion! Am I some flower so that I may remain silent? No. I wasn't talking to you, sister. But why ask and hang your head in the public square? Wonder if it is a case of the wicked-suspect-could-almost-confess? edit: Endeavour, aakhiru azamaan waaba iska tahay wallee!
  23. ^^ Dumarkii xishoodkii baa ka tegey waayadan!