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Everything posted by xiinfaniin
Che, the old man is both the political leader, and the trusted clan elder for the large family. As things stand now, Puntland will fully participate in this war. He may not need them though as he has foreign troops entrenched in Xamar and with the logistical support of the Intelligence community. But the intent is there hence Puntland’s leadership shares the guilty with him. S.O.S, a large percentage of Puntlanders are indeed cheering tfg with voices choked with happy emotions, as it were, interrupted with brief intervals of applauses, thusly one would find very hard to absolve them and not throw the blame at their door. But as you correctly pointed out, equal number of them, if not more, have deep misgivings about Ethiopia and old man’s alliance with it. But those, to put it meekly, are weak and have no voice with the current system. I see no easy answers yaa S.O.S.
Folks, leave the cyber Captain alone. He’s humbled by the rude intrusion of truth. He's innocent in many ways. Gone are the days when the Generals and Captains of this place used to ridicule slightest suggestion of armed insurgency popping up in Xamar. Today the country is up in arms, and the war is on, and raging. The tone has transitioned from celebratory to defeatist in few months. That’s quite telling…
LOL@NGONGE. Post it in the political section. It has the potential…
^^That was an embarrassing result from a flawed arithmetic of war.
Boosaaso: Puntland oo jawaab ka bixisay warar sheegaya in ciidamo ka socda Puntland ay Muqdisho joogaan 22. Mar 2007 - APL Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Madaxwayne kuxigeenka Puntland Xasan Daahir Afqurac ayaa wax kama jiraan ku tilmaamay hadallo kasoo yeeraya qaar kamid ah odayaasha Muqdisho oo ay ku sheegayaan in ciidamo Puntland ka socda ay weerar ku yihiin magaalada Muqdisho . Afqurac oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay madaxtooyada Boosaaso ayaa sheegay inaysan jirin ciidan Puntland leedahay oo jooga Muqdisho. Md: Afqurac wuxuu sheegay in ciidamada dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya lagu qaybsaday habka 4.5 oo ay u siman yihiin beelaha Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna sheegay in ay jiraan ciidan Puntland laga qoray oo kamid ah ciidanka federaalka, beelaha Soomaaliyeed oo dhanna ay sidaasi ciidamada ugu jiraan. Wuxuu ku tilmaamay wararka sheegaya in ciidamada Puntland duullaan ku yihiin Muqdisho mid dano gaar ah ay ka leeyihiin dadka qiilka ka dhiganaya arimahaasi. Afqurac wuxuu sheegay in Puntland ay taageersan tahay dawladda federaalka Soomaliya , dadka arimahaasi ku doodayana ay doonayaan inay majaxaabiyaan dawladda waqtiga badan lagu soo lumiyay ee federaalka. Shacabka Puntland ayuu ugu baaqay inay arimaha dhacaya ka feejignaadaan, ayadoo ay jiraan dad doonaya inay ammaan daro dhaliyaan. Afqurac wuxuu sheegay in Puntland ay heegan ku jirta , ishana ay ku hayso waxyaabaha ka soconaya dalka Soomaaliya. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
Another development...
Safari is a respectable Somali restaurant. Keep the good work saaxiib.
Warar dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan dagaalkii ka dhacay Muqdisho.. Shalay waabarigii ayaa ciidamo isugu jira Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwo Itoobiyaan ah waxay ku soo faafeen xeradii hore ee Oodweyne, Shiirkole iyo deegaano kale oo ku dhow dhow, waxaana markiiba halkaasi ka bilowday rasaas ka dhaceysay qoryahaha fudud iyo kuwa culus. Dagaalkaan oo socday mudo shan saacadood ayaa aakhirkii waxa uu keenay in ciidamadii Dowladda FKMG qaarna la qabto kuwana la dhaawaco, kadibna dib loogu celiyo xaruntii Wasaaraddii Gaashaandhiga. Ciidamada Dowladda FKMG ayaa waxaa la dagaalamayey kooxo aad u hubeysan oo markii hore ka tirsanaa deegaanka, kadibna xoojin ka helay deegaano kale, waxaa kaloo dhacday in ciidamada Dowladda qaarkood lagu khasbay in ay dhigaan dareeskii ay wateen iyo waliba qoriyihii ay wateen. Qaar ka mid ah ciidamadii Dowladda ee ku dhintay dagaalkaasi oo aan la garaneyn in ahaayeen kuwo Dowladda ka tirsan iyo kuwa Itoobiyaan ah ayaa wadooyinka waaweyn gaar ahaan jidka Sodonka iyo kan wadnaha lagu jiiday maydkooda qaarkoodna dab la qabadsiiyey. Dagaal kale ayaa waxa uu ka bilowday agagaarka Hotel Ramadan iyo Ex-Shaneeco Puntland, waxaana la isku adeegsaday hubka culus iyo midka fudud, waxa uuna dagaalkasi socday mudo labo saacadood, kadibna galabnimadii ayaa dagaal xoogani ka bilowday Suuqa Xoolaha iyo agagaarka Darmooley, waxaana lagu waramay in dagaalkasai ahaa mid aad u kharaaraa, waxaana la sheegay in Ciidamada Itoobiya ay madaafiic la dhacayeen dadka rayidka ah. Isku soo wada duuboo dagaalkii shalay waxaa ku dhintay ilaa iyo dad gaaraya sodon qofood oo labada dhinac ah. Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa beenisay in qaar ka mid ah ciidamadooda lagu jiiday wadooyinka waaweyn ee Magaalada Muqdisho, waxayna sheegtay Dowladda Itoobiya in aysan ciidamadooda dagaalkaas ka qayb-qaadan, sidoo kale ciidamada Uganda ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii ka dhacay Muqdisho aysan ka qayb-qaadan oo ay ku ekaayeen xeryahooda. Dowladda Federaalka ayaa lagu waramay in aysan ilaa iyo hadda si rasmi ah uga waramin dagaalkii dhacay, hase yeeshee C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa laga soo xigtey uuna sheegay in koox yar ay ka soo horjeedo Dowladdiisa, kuwaasna gacanta lagu soo dhigi doono. Dowladda Federaalka oo ku kala qaybsan tahay.. Dowladda Federaalka ayaa ku kala qaybsan dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay qaybo ka mid ah Magaalada muqdisho. Qaar ka mid ah wasiirada Dowladda ayaa waxa ay dagaalkaasi ku tilmaameen mid la doonayo in lagu baabi’iyo qabiil gaar ah, waxayna uga digeen Ciidamada Shisheeye in ay u kala hiiliyaan Dowladda lagu dhisay qaabka Qabiilka. Cali Max’ed Geedi iyo C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa waxay sheegeen in ay dagaal xoog leh la gali doonaan wax uu ugu yeeray kooxo yar oo ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Federaalka, iyagoo sheegay in maalmaha soo socda la soo afjari doono. Dhanka kale Xildhibaanada iyo Wasiirada ka soo jeeda Beelaha ****** ayaa waxay ku hanjabeen in ay xilalkooda ka tagi doonaan, haddii aan wax laga bedelin Mowqifka C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Geeddi ee ku wajahan Beelaha ******. Dowladda Mareykanka oo ka hadashay. Safiirka Mareykanka u fadhiya Magaalada Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa ka hadlay dagaalka ka soo cusboonaaday Magaalada Muqdisho oo u dhexeeya Ciidamada Dowladda oo gacan ka helaya kuwa Itoobiya iyo kooxo ka soo horjeeda, waxaa uuna dagaalkaasi ku tilmaamay mid aan loo baahneyn waqtigaan, isagoo sheegay in dagaalada noocaan ah ay weligood ka dhici jireen dalka Soomaaliya. Safiirku waxa uu sheegay in Dowladda Mareykanka ay diyaarineysay 60-Milyan oo Doolar oo uu sheegay in ay ugu talagashay shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee la filayo in la qabto April 16-keeda, balse safiirku waxa uu sheegay in lacagtaasi aysan Dowladda Mareykanka si toos ah uga soo bixin, ugu dambeyntii waxa uu sheegay in shirarka dib u heshiisiinta ah laga qayb-galsho shaqsiyaadkii qunyarusocodka ahaa ee ka tirsanaa Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah. Sheekh Xasan Daahir oo markii ugu horeysay ka Guddoomiyahii Golaha Shuurada Maxaakiimta Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo tan iyo intii Maxaakiimta laga awood roonaaday aan wax hadalin ah bixin ayaa xalay ka hadlay xaaladda Soomaaliya, waxa uuna sheegay Sheekhu in aad ugu xun yahay waxa ku habsaday ummadda Soomaaliyeed, isagoo ku tilmaamay dagaalada Muqdisho ka socda kuwo Bulshada Soomaaliyeed ay ku dooneyso in ay isku xoreeyaan, Xasan Daahir Aweys waxa uu Beesha Caalamka ku eedeeyey inay ka hiilisay, isagoo sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay dagaalamaan inta ay nool yihiin isaga iyo dhamaan Mas’uuliyiintii Maxaakiimta, Sheekh Xasan waxa uu carabka ku dhiftay in ay nabad qabaan isaga iyo mas’uuliyiintii Maxaakiimta ayna joogaan meel ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyntii Xasan Daahir Aweys waxa uu tilmaamay in ay Soomaalida dhexdeeda heshiin karto, haddii laga daayo faragelinta lagu hayo, isla markaana ay dalka isaga baxaan ciidamada shisheeye. Axmed Diiriye oo ku tilmaamay dagaalkii. Afhayeenka Beelaha ****** Nabadoon Axmed Diiriye ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay qaybo ka mid ah Muqdisho uu u dhexeeyey Dowladda Federaalka oo sida uu tilmaamay horkaceysa wax uu ku tilmaamay ciidamo dalka ku soo duulay iyo Beesha ******. Axmed Diiriye waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay in C/llaahi Yuusuf uu doonayo in uu dagaal cad la galo Beelaha ******, isla markaana uu duulaan ku yahay Beelaha ******, waxa uuna taa ku tilmaamay mid riyo ah, Beesha Hawiyana ay is difaaci doonto. “Horey ayaan u ogeyn in C/llaahi uu qorsheynayo in uu duulaan ku soo qaadayo Beesha ******, iyadoo Beesha caalamka aan ku bandhignay, balse ay ka aamustay, haddana dagaalku waxa uu ku bilowday sidii uu C/llaahi doonayey” ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye oo sheegay in xalka Soomaaliya uu ku jiro in wadajir ah looga hadlayo arinta Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay laga maarmaan tahay in la qabto shirweyne ay ka qaybgalaan dhamaan qaybaha Soomaalida. Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro
C/llaahi Yuusuf: “Dadweynaha madaafiic ayaa lagu ridayaa qudhooda haddii ay iska qaban waayaan kooxaha hoobiyeyaasha ka soo dhex ridaya” Madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa sheegay in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loo soo afjari doono dhibaatada kooxaha hubeysan ay ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo xusay in magaalada aysan wada joogeynin dowladda federaalka iyo wax uu ugu yeeray kooxaha fitno wadayaasha ah ee qaraxayda wada. Madaxweynaha oo wareysi siiyey Iddaacadda VOA-da ayaa intaa ku daray in muddo badan ay sugayeen in wax laga qabto kooxahan oo laakiin ay hadda noqotay xiligii lala tacaali lahaa, wuxuuna xusay madaxweynuhu in dadka degan xaafadaha ay ku dhuumanayaan kooxahaasi lagu amray iney ka guuraan hase ahaatee haddii dadku ay iska saari waayaan iyaga laftooda la duqeyn doono iyaga qudhooda. “Meeshii uu Madfac nooga soo dhaco madaafiic ka xoog badan ayaan ku rideynaa, waana in shacabku iska qabtaa kuwa madaafiicda ka soo dhex ridaya haddii kale iyaga qudhooda ayaa lagu garaaci doonaa” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Yuusuf oo dhinaca kale beeniyey in isagu uu bixiyey amarkii lagu weeraray guriga guddoomiyaha gudigga siyaasada beesha Ceyr Dr. Maxamed Max’uud Culusow, isagoo sheegay in Culusow uu taageersanaa maxkamadaha oo isla maarkaana la raacinayo.
Dad kor u dhaafaya boqolaal kun oo dowladda federaalku ay digniin ku siisay iney ka baxaan deegaanada u dhexeeya Ex-xarumihii Warshada Baastada iyo kuliyaddii ciidamada Jaalle Siyaad. Wareegto ka soo baxday Xafiiska Ra'iisul-wasaaraha xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya Cali Max'ed Geeddi ayaa digniin culus loogu jeediyey laguna amray guud ahaan dadweynaha degan inta u dhaxeysa E-Kuliyaddii Jaalle Siyaad ilaa Warshada Baastada inay halkaasi ka guuraan. Wareegtada ayaa lagu sheegay haddii ay dadka degan goobahaasi sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ugu guuri waayaan in talaabo adag laga qaadi doono isla markaana dowladda federaalku aysan mas’uul ka noqon doonin wixii dhibaato ah ee soo gaara, waxaana goobaha wareegtada lagu sheegay in laga guuro ee kala ah inta u dhexeysa warshadii Baastada ilaa Kuliyaddii Jaalle Siyaad ah ay ka mid yihiin halka ay degan yihiin dadka ugu tirada badan magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana goobahaasi ay yihiin, meelihii maalintii shalay meydadka ciidamada Dowladda wadooyinkeeda lagu jiidjiiday. Wareegtada ka soo baxday Xafiiska Ra'iisul-wasaaraha dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xilli dagaalo qaraar ay ka socdaan qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasoo u dhaxeeya ciidamada Dowladda federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo dhinac iyo maleeshiyooyin hubeysan . Dadka ku dhaqan deegaanada lagu sheegay wareegtadan qaarkood ayaa markii ay maqleen warkan walaac u fara badan ka muujiyey, iyagoo sheegay ineysan fahmi Karin waxa loo jeedo arintan, isla markaana aysan garaneynin meel ay guryahooda ka aadaan, iyagoo qaarkoodna saaka bilaabay iney ka baxaan deegaanada la tilmaamay in laga guuro, waana markii ugu horeyasay ee maamul ka jira dalka Soomaaliya uu soo saaro wareegto amreysa in in laga guuro deegaano baaxadoodu ay intaa la’egatahay oo dad u badan ay ku nool yihiin, lama garanayo sababta rasmiga ah ee arintan keentay hase ahaatee waxaa loo malaynayaa in dowladdu ay damacsan tahay iney qaado dagaal muddo dheer qaata oo ay la gasho kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ee kacdoonka wada.
Fierce fighting rages in Somali capital Thursday, March 22, 2007 MOGADISHU, Somalia (CNN) - Fierce fighting raged in the Somali capital for a second day as government forces battled insurgents determined to oust Ethiopian-backed interim President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. The heaviest exchanges were reported in northeastern Mogadishu - an area where government and Ethiopian forces occupy an army base. The battle had subsided by Thursday afternoon after a pitched morning battle. At a news conference inside the presidential palace, Deputy Defense Minister Salad Alijeele blamed the fighting on what he called "terrorists," including al Qaeda agents. He pledged the Somali government would defeat them. Residents said people were fleeing the capital by the hundreds, with their belongings in tow. In fighting Wednesday, Somali insurgents dragged government soldiers through the streets of the capital after killing them in battle. Journalists who witnessed the deaths said at least 20 people were killed in the fray. The insurgents have been angered by the participation of Ethiopian soldiers in the fighting, which has been sporadic since the Ethiopian troops arrived in December. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi had promised his forces would withdraw within weeks. The battles in the capital began about 6 a.m., when insurgents and government troops clashed near a base that houses Ethiopian soldiers in the Medina district, in the southern part of the city. The Ethiopians fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns. About 300 government soldiers were involved in the fighting, which also spread to the north, where it continued on Thursday. At least 56 people were wounded in Wednesday's citywide fighting and were taken to Medina Hospital, sources there said. Journalist Aweys Osman Yusuf of Radio Shabelle said it was hard to determine how many of the dead and wounded were soldiers and how many were civilians. Insurgents dragged several dead soldiers, possibly including Ethiopians, through the streets, where some of the bodies were burned. Yusuf said a car dropped one body off near the Radio Shabelle offices, and it was burned by bystanders. The body was said to be that of an Ethiopian, he said. The government has said 4,000 soldiers are positioned around the city. According to Yusuf, Wednesday's fighting lasted longer than usual. Many of the insurgents belong to a militant Islamic group that took over much of southern Somalia until pushed out in late 2006 and early 2007 by Ethiopian-backed Somali troops. Wednesday's fighting stopped about midday, but "still the situation in Mogadishu is tense," Yusuf said. "No more buses are running in Mogadishu. Businesses have been closed down. The airport and seaport are heavily guarded by government soldiers." Also Wednesday, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi called a news conference at the airport. When journalists arrived, they were seized by government soldiers. A reporter and his driver from Radio Shabelle were among those taken away. The government had no comment on the action. The practice of dragging bodies through the streets is reminiscent of what occurred when Somali militiamen shot down a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter in 1993 during a failed U.S. attempt to capture a warlord. The images of American troops being dragged through the streets led to the withdrawal of U.N. forces and years of anarchy in Somalia. In March, about 400 Ugandan peacekeeping forces arrived in Mogadishu as part of the first contingent of the African Union Mission in Somalia -- AMISOM, in U.N. parlance -- charged with helping the war-torn country rebuild. Ugandans have not been involved in the fighting, but have provided security to public facilities such as the port. In January, the United States sent AC-130 gunships on a mission to attack suspected al Qaeda members in southern Somalia. Source: CNN, Mar 22, 2007
Ethiopian tanks open fire in Somalia fighting Sahal Abdulle Thursday, March 22, 2007 MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Ethiopian tanks guarding a Somali government base in Mogadishu opened fire on unidentified attackers on Thursday as clashes broke out in the capital for a second straight day. Witnesses said the cannons thundered repeatedly over a 10-minute period, followed by the chatter of machine guns around the base, situated in a former defense department headquarters. A separate gun battle also raged in the northern Ramadhan neighborhood, witnesses said. It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties, but hundreds of residents -- mainly women and children -- fled the fighting pushing their belongings on donkey carts. "The fighting is still going on. It is the remnants of the Islamists and the government fighting," said a Ramadhan resident who declined to be identified for fear of reprisal. The defense department base has been a favorite target of gunmen who almost daily launch hit-and-run attacks on the government and its allies, including African Union (AU) peacekeepers from Uganda who arrived this month. Both areas were strongholds for the Islamist movement that ruled Mogadishu and its environs for the last half of 2006, until the government and Ethiopian soldiers defeated them and took the capital just before the New Year. The fighting follows one of the bloodiest days in Mogadishu since the government and its Ethiopian allies took over the city from the Islamic courts. On Wednesday, residents dragged the corpses of what appeared to be government soldiers through the streets before burning them, after gunmen opposed to the government and its allies fought gun battles that killed at least 16 people. CLAN FIGHT The grisly scenes recalled the aftermath of the 1993 downings of two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters by Somali militiamen during a failed American operation to capture a warlord. The images of dead American troops being dragged through the streets helped prompt the pullout of U.S., and later, U.N. peacekeepers who were battered by regular militia attacks in the Horn of Africa nation. Though many believe the insurgents are defeated Islamists, diplomats say criminals, warlord fighters and clan militiamen have also joined into a loose coalition opposed to a government they believe is a tool of foreign interests. In Adado in north-central Somalia late on Wednesday, one soldier was killed and three others were wounded after an inter-clan dispute broke out at a government military camp, a doctor who treated the wounded said. The fight was between soldiers from interim President Abdullahi Yusuf's ***** clan and others from the ****** clan, a traditional rival. Clan politics play a huge role in Somalia, and the rivalry between the ****** and ***** has caused major problems for the government since its inception in late 2004. (Additional reporting by Farah Roble) Source: Reuters, Mar 22, 2007
I would like to think mine depicts neither the intent nor the reality, but represents a shrill of curiosity from my part as to the sheer consequences such a policy could have if it ever implemented.
LOL@Cara &Che. The difference in headlines is indeed telling of how Duke and I view this issue. Duke, you’re absolutely right that my family was forced to leave. In fact some of my immediate family were killed or maimed. I hate [very strong word i know] the amxaars more than I dislike some aspects of Somali politics that resulted in my exodus. Waryaa daawadayda hayya?
I assure you, mine is not a professional jealousy of any sort . It just so happened that my post coincided with Duke’s. Differnt headlines for the same content!
Muqdisho: Dowladda Federaalka oo shacabka degan warshada Baastada ilaa Kuliyada Jaalle Siyaad ka codsatay iney isaga guuraan."Waa maxay sababta" 21. Mar 2007 - APL Muqdisho(AllPuntland)-Ra'iisul Wasaaraha dowladda Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta wareegto uu soo saaray ugu baaqay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee degan agagaarka warshadda Baastada ilaa Kulliyada Jaalle Siyaad iney isaga guuraan sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan. Wareegtada kasoo baxday xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in goobahaasi laga soo abaabulo weerarada loo geysanayo xarumaha dowladda iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed, waxayna dowladda KMG ku amartay dadka degan goobahaasi iney sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay isaga baxaan. Dhanka kale Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed "Gacma Dheere" ayaa caawa ka codsaday dadka degan laga bilaabo Warshadda Baastada ilaa Kulliyada Jaalle Siyaad in ay ka baxaan si la isaga qabto kooxo uu ku sheegay qas wadayaal oo deegaanadaasi ka soo abaabulo falalka dadka lagu xasuuqayo. Baaqa kasoo baxay xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayuu sheegay Gacma Dheere in ay tahay sidii loo badbaadin lahaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed si looga qabto kuwa dhibaatada ku haya dadka rayidka iyo dowladda, wuxuuna Gacma Dheere intaa raaciyay in dowladda ay mudo labo bilood ay u dul qaadaneysay dhibaatada lagu hayo shacabka iyo dowladda. Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ayaa sheegay in mudo Todobaad gudahood ay gacanta ku dhigi doonaan amniga guud ee magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana Todobaadkaas gudahiisa ay la dagaalami doonaan kooxaha dowlad diidka oo uu sheegay iney ka hareen maxkamadihii Islaamiga. Dhanka kale waxaa magaalada Muqdisho caawa iyo galabta soo buuxiyay ciidamo fara badan oo ka tirsan Milateriga dalka Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo loo diyaariyay iney gacanta ku dhigaan goobaha amni xumida ka taagan. Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali AllPuntland, Muqdisho
Cara, all those three categories are bad and despicable. But I think those who belong them are minority in these boards. Or so I like to think. Faarax, I think you are right. Angry people do weird things though and if this war continues with this velocity burning dead bodies, I am afraid, may become a measure of success. Remember how some folks (who are ironically humbled today as the painful truth rudely intruded) linked images of perishing icu fighters, in a very fragile yet animate way, to make a political point! And then you have this link today. That’s what the world is coming to adeer.
Caano, it’s obvious that there's no justification for such savagery! It also comes across as quite alien practice to both the Somali culture and the Islamic teachings. Lets hope that it merely represents how certain angry mobs reacted to the presence of these Ethiopian forces, and not a conscious policy from an organized entity.
^^Roobka, You never know! There may be some ice-fishers and winter-campers in this thread .
LOL@Caano, waxaan Ahay Aabahaa!! Waryee General Zu jeegadaad i haysaa wallaahi. qoordh iyo xero ka daba gaallee, i say. Strawberry_Xu, whatever you do, make sure you give NG a fitting role.
^^Dont forget, dead ducks & thermal underwears.
Originally posted by Caamir: You do have realized now that the ferocious culture of the factions in Mogadishu who burned the dead soldiers had no boundaries or had done nothing of that nature before? The Islamist supporters are even condoning the acts of committing horrible crimes in the name of our beautiful religion. What do you say if they are being nurtured with stiff measures to effect the right dose of pacification even it takes using raw force to disarm and civilize them. In his interview with VOA, the president indicated that the government is cognizant of the source of the recurrent hit and run tactics, but they have been refraining from responding with barrage of blows for the sake of the people under its protection. Reuters reporters said that crowds were chanting "Allahu Akbar" and pelting stones with the burning corpses. Aaah you’ve conveniently came back …it was shrewd of you to have disappeared yesterday when the boys paraded dead corpses around these boards. No matter. It’s not wise to isolate and address particular snippets of Mogadishu’s complex issues adeer. As far as I am concern the issue is not whether a particular spot is in need for pacification or what have you. The more pressing issue, which you are conveniently forgetting, is the presence of foreign troops on the Somali soil. That needs to be addressed first before any meaningful political program is launched. Here is the classic dilemma of this conflict: tfg can’t survive without the presence of foreign troops. Most Somalis despise, and at times resort to violence, and oppose such a proposition. You would easily dismiss me as a defeated icu supporter if you count on foreign help and think you can subdue any resistance. If you mean governance and want to end Somali civil war however you would see where I am coming from yaa Caamir. Forgo for the old man and his bubbles for a minute, and share your thoughts as to what you think priority of this tfg should be. Prolong the civil war, or help to end it. Their choice! As for condoning the mutilation and burning bodies, I have been on the record opposing it. I see no values in demeaning the corpses of the dead. It’s un-Islamic and quite savage to do so.
South Mogadishu: clashes update...TFG takes over..
xiinfaniin replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Kashafa & Che, It’s no longer hit-and-run. These are real military confrontations. It’s do-or-die for both sides. And all of that happening in a big urban center. Lets leave it at that. -
South Mogadishu: clashes update...TFG takes over..
xiinfaniin replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^^This could get out of hand,a way out of hand, if the reports I am hearing are true! -
GD, I did not condone the burning of the dead. I said it’s sickening. Perhaps you need to read before you respond desperately. As for your cries about certain neighborhoods, why not wipe them out as you and other rascals threatened, I ask? What’s holding you back? Cambarro, Not sure at any price part. But again you may be right.
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