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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Odayaasha Beesha ****** oo wareejiyay 18 Maxbuus oo laga qabtay Dowladda Federaalka Isniin, March 26, 2007(HOL): Odayaasha Beesha ****** ayaa maanta wareejiyay 18 Maxbuus oo ka tirsan Ciidamada Dowladda federaalka, kuwaasi oo lagu qabtay dagaalkii dhawaan ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho. Waxgarad iyo Odayaal Dhaqameedyo ka soo jeedo Beelaha ****** ayaa maxaabiistan ku wareejiyay eheladooda, iyadoo kuwii eheladooda la waayayna lagu wareejiyay xubno ka socday Ururrada Bulshada Rayidka. Odayaasha wareejiyay Maxaabiistan ayaa waxay sheegeen in maxaabiista lagu qabtay dagaalkii Muqdisho ay guud ahaan ahaayeen 24 maxbuus balse lix maxbuus oo ka mid ahaa horay loo wareejiyay iyagoo dhaawac ah. Qaar ka mid ah Maxaabiistan oo wareysi siiyay Saxaafadda kadib markii ay xoriyaddooda dib u heleen ayaa waxay sheegeen in aysan dooneyn in ay dib dambe ugu dagaalamaan Dowladda Federaalka, waxayna caddeeyeen in intii ay xirnaayeen si wanaagsan loola dhaqmay. Nabaddoon Axmed Diiriye Cali oo sheegta Afhayeennimada Beesha ****** oo ka hadlay munaasabaddii lagu wareejinayay Maxaabiistan ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho uu ahaa mid ahli ah, wuxuuna caddeeyay in shir ay yeesheen Odayaasha Beesha ****** kadib la isku af-gartay in la sii daayo Maxaabiistan, isagoo dhinaca kalena tacsi u diray dadkii ay ka geeriyoodeen askar kale oo u dagaalamayay dowladda Federaalka, kuwaasi oo meydkooda dab la qabadsiiyay. Dagaalkii ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho dabayaaqadii todobaadkii hore ayaa waxaa lagu qabtay, laguna dilay Ciidamo u dagaalamayay Dowladda Federaalka, kadib markii ay dagaal xooggan iskala hor-yimaadeen Kooxo hubeysan oo ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Federaalka. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  2. Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya oo sheegtay in ay la hadleyso Odayaasha Beelaha ****** ee ka soo horjeeda Isniin, March 26, 2007(HOL): Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed (Gacma-dheere) ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay Dowladda Federaalka diyaar u tahay in ay la hadasho odaayaasha Beesha ****** ee eedda ka sheeganaya. “Annagu horayba diyaar ayaan ugu ahayn in aan la hadalno, balse iyaga ayaa na diidanaa oo wada hadallada ka meer-meerayay, hadana waxaan caddeyneynaa in aan rabno in la hadalno oo aan cabashadooda dhegeysanno”ayuu yiri Gacma-dheere. Wasiirka waxaa uu rajo ka muujiyay in wax la isla meel dhigi karo haddii ay labada dhinac isu yimaadaan oo ay wada hadlaan, waayo ayuu yiri Dowladda Federaalka waxay dooneysaa in ay la heshiiso cid kasta oo ka soo horjeeda. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaa uu baaq u diray Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasi oo maalmihii tegay ka qaxayay dagaallada Magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna ugu baaqayay in ay qaxa joojiyaan, isla markaana ay kuwii qaxay guryahooda dib ugu soo laabtaan. Dhanka kalena, Odayaasha beesha ****** ayaa iyaguna waxay soo dhaweeyeen wada hadalka ay ku baaqday Dowladda Federaalka, wuxuuna Nabaddoon Axmed Diiriye Cali oo sheegta in uu yahay Afhayeenka Beelaha ****** uu sheegay in ay la hadlayaan cid kasta oo bani’aadam ah oo nabad raadineysa. Sidoo kalena Odayaasha Beesha ****** waxay iyaguna ugu baaqeen Shacabka Muqdisho ku dhaqan in ay qaxa joojiyaan bacdamaa ay adkeynayaan xabad-joojintii ay dhawaan ku baaqeen, waxayna dadkii qaxay ka codsadeen in ay dib u soo laabtaan. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  3. Uganda oo Wada hadal la fureysa Odayaasha Qabiilka Hawiyaha Isniin, March 26, 2007(HOL): Sarkaal u hadlay Ciidamada Dhulka Uganda oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaalada Kampala ee dalka Uganda ayaa sheegay in ay saraakiishooda jooga Magaalada Muqdisho ay wada hadallo la furayaan Qabaa’ilka Soomaalida, gaar ahaan kuwa ka soo jeeda beesha ****** ee Muqdisho ku sugan. “Wiilasheena jooga magaalada Muqdisho waxay isku dayayaan in ay la hadlaan dhinacyada dagaalka iskala soo horjeeda, weyna sameyn karaan sidaas, haddii ay sidaas sameeyaana waxaa u sahlanaaneysa in ay qaab wada hadal ah ku soo celiyaan xasiloonida Magaalada Muqdisho”ayuu yiri Lt. Gen. Katumba Wamala oo ah Taliyaha Ciidamada Dhulka Uganda. Taliyaha wuxuu ka gaabsaday in uu ka hadlo Diyaarad Midowga Afrika u kireysneyd oo Jimcihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ku dhacday duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho, taasi oo ay ku dhinteen 11 ruux oo isugu jiray shaqaalihii diyaaradda iyo Injineerro dayactiri lahaa diyaarad ku haleysan Garoonka Diyaaradaha Mqudisho. Jimcihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ayay Ciidamada Uganda oo ku howlgelaya Magaca Midowga Afrika waxay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta Isgoyska KM4 ee Magaalada Muqdisho, halkaasi oo ay horay ugu sugnaayeen Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka, iyagoo horayna ula soo wareegay gacan ku heynta Dekedda iyo Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Dhanka kalena Madaxa Ciidamada Uganda Gen. Aronda Nyakairima ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan tuhunno ku saabsan in xubno ka tirsan Al-qaacidda ay ku sugan yihiin Magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo carrabka ku dhuftay in madaafiicda hoobiyayaasha ah ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho ay caddeyn u noqon karaan arrintaas. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda dalka Soomaaliyaa ayaa dagaallo ka dhacay dabayaaqadii todobaadkii hore waxaa ay sababeen dhimasho, dhaawac iyo barakac inta badan soo gaaray dad rayid ah, iyadoo dagaalkaasina uu u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka oo garabsanaya kuwo Itoobiyaan ah iyo kooxo hubeysan oo ka soo horjeeda. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  4. We are indeed besieged by 1- Political attitude 2- Clannish hatred 3- Opportunistic neighbor/foe Any ideas as to how to lift the siege and halt our tragic Fall?
  5. I agree with NG and SW. Opportunist waaxid! Qadiyadbaa loo doodaa buu maqlay!
  6. From Garoweonline.com Dhaqdhaqaaq Milateri oo ka socada Muqdisho By Mar 24, 2007 - 3:53:48 PM Waxaa caawa magaalada Muqdisho laga dareemayaa dhiilo colaadeed oo xoogan, iyadoo wadooyinka magaalada Muqdisho lagu arkay hubkii ugu badnaa ee ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya ay la soo gasho magaalada Muqdisho. Wadada dheer ee ka timaada Afgooye ee soo hor marta isbitaalka Banaadir ayaa caawa waxa ka soo gudbay 40 gaadiidka Cabdi Billaha loo yaqaan oo ku rakiban PM-yada kuwaasi oo soo galay wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga sida ay inoo xaqiijiyeen dad goob joogayaal ah. Dhiisha colaadeed ayaa caawa sidoo kale laga dareemayaa dhinaca wadada Balcad gaar ahaan deegaanka Darmoole oo ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamo Itoobiyan ah, waxayna wadaan dhaqdhaqaaq xoogan. Dhinaca kale xaafaddaha iyo deegaanada ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada ka soo horjeeda dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa dhaqdhaqaaq midkan la mid ah wada, waxaana gaaraya gurmad xoogan iyadoo loo daabulayo rasaas, waxayna maliishiyooyinkan ay bilaabeen iney sameystaan dhufeysyo adag. Dhaqdhaqaaqyada labada dhinac ayaa ka danbeysay kadib markii galabta lagu kala kacay shirkii la isugu soo dhawaan lahaa ee lagu doonayey in dagaalada lagu joojiyo, iyadoo saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya ay sheegeen in ay bilaabayaan baaritaano. Kulan dhexmarey Odayaal ka tirsan beesha ****** & saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah oo lagu kala kacey Dhageyso bur-burkii ku yimid wadahadlada Odayaasha beel ka tirsan beelaha ****** iyo saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa galabta kulan ay ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho natiijo la'aan ku dhamaaday kadib markii la isku afgaran waayay waxyaabihii looga hadlayey kulankaasi. Axmed Diiriye oo sheegta afhayeen beelaha ****** oo kulankaasi kadib saxaafadda la hadlayey ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in wax natiijo ah uusan ka soo bixin kulankasi, wuxuna Axmed Diiriye uu sheegay in Sarakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku wargeliyeen odayaashii kulankaasi ka qeybgalay in ay go'aansadeen in guri walba oo magaalada Muqdisho ku yaala ciidamada Itoobiya ay baaris ku sameynayaan. Axmed Diiriye waxaa kaloo uu sheegay in saraakiisha Itoobiya ay kasoo horjeesteen qodobadii heshiiskii Khamiistii lagu gaaray magalada Muqdisho waxayna ku adkeysten buu yiri in howlgalo milateri ay ka fulinayaan magaalada Muqdisho. Saraakiishii Itoobiyaanka ee kulankaasi ka hadashay ayaa kulankii ka dhex sheegay in qorshihii lagu heshiiyay aysan odayaasha qaar ka tirsan beelaha ****** aysan fulin taasina aysan ku qanci karin. Markii Saraakiisha Itoobiya ay mowqifkooda u gudbiyeen odayaasha beelaha ****** qaarkood ayaa waxay codsadeen in la siiyo daqiiqado yar oo ay ku showraan iyadoo laga ogalaaday hase ahaatee odayashii dhexdooda ayaa ku kala qeybsamay waxayna markii danbe ku towfiiqeysteen in ay iska caabin kala hortagan hadii ciidamada Itoobiya ay baaris ka bilaabaan magaalada Muqdisho. Axmed Diiriya ayaa ku eedeeyay dowlada Itoobiya in ay fulineyso qorshaha Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed wuxuuna afhayeenku uu sheegay in aysan aqbaleyn in beel beel kale loo madax qabto waasida uu hadalka u dhigaye. Odayasha beello ka tirsan beesha ****** ayaa waxay beesha calamka ka codsadeen in la soo farageliyo arimaha ka taagan magaalada Muqdisho iyo faragelinta ay dowlada Itoobiya ka dhex wado beelaha Soomaaliyeed. Ugu danbeyntii waxaa kulankii maanta uu ku dhamaaday muran iyo is cambaareyn labada dhinac oo mid walba uu ku eedeynayey inuu balantii ka soo bixi waayay. Garowe Online,Muqdisho
  7. ^^Fair enough yaa Sakhar. But I blame gardarro intead… Gardarooy waxbaad geysataa goor iyo ayaan e Gafkii aad samaysaa batiyo godobahaagiiye Gashi aan yarayn baad qabtaa jeer lagaa gudo e Waxaad goyso moyee lawaa nimaad gargaartaaye *** Gurigii barwaaqaysan baad gubi taqaanaaye Oo ruuxaad gadhqaadaa wallee guul ma xoogsade e Adiga iyo geeridu dadkii waad gablamiseene Adigoon gadaal uga hadhayn mid iska kaa giijay *** Qofkii tabartii gees kaa mareey wax u gaboobaane Gaag baa uso hadha kollay ruuxii kaa gudo e Adoo gabi ka tuuruu arkaa kii garaad xumiye Adaa gaanbiyaay howl yaraan soo galaangala e *** Adigaa dhibaato u gasba oo reer gadaafo ahee Adaa garab ku taaglee yidhaa geesi baad tahaye Gaasaan nin kale beeray baad guro tidhaahdaaye Markaasuu garbada kii lahaa gama'a diidaaye With that...Lets beseech Allah to guide us and get us out of this mess. *****Logging off***********
  8. Sakhar, you could’ve condemned yesterday’s acts with fewer words. It was barbaric and inhuman. No justifications for such a savage ritual on any grounds. Period. But where were you yaa Sakhar when the nomadic families were massacred and blown in to pieces by C-130 gunners? Where were you when the pious were killed their deaths left for the hyenas of Jubbooyinka? Did you not know it happening? Where you not satisfied then to see them mowed down? Answer me adeer. This time try to speak with more truth then grammar. Please.
  9. lol@Azmaya. Do you understand who is the government’s opponent yaa Azmaya? Understanding your enemy helps you in many ways.
  10. abu ansaar17, the situation is very fluid right now. It seems particular clans are beginning to waver in the face of determined tfg. Ethiopia wants to play safe. It’s not in their interest to be seen siding with a particular clan. So it seems it begun to contact certain tribal elders and tame their animosity against it. But when the bush comes to shove, that kind a stance is untenable one for both Ethiopia and these elders. The real sentiment of the fighting force is against Ethiopia, and not against Puntlanders. But you have people like Ulusow and others like him who wants to appease the powers that be while opposing tfg. He wants to challenge the old man’s ascendancy in Xamar on clannish grounds. It won’t work, I predict. Those knights whose intent is purely to drive Ethiopian forces are the real power to reckon with. Waxaa kale waa dameeri dhaan raacday adeer.
  11. Fresh clashes in Mogadishu despite ceasefire announcement by Ali Musa Abdi Friday, March 23, 2007 MOGADISHU (AFP) - Somalia's powerful ****** clan said Friday it had reached a ceasefire agreement with the Ethiopian army, even as heavy fighting erupted for a third straight day in the capital Mogadishu. Ethiopian military officials confirmed that a ceasefire meeting took place in the Mogadishu residence of warlord Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdid, but fell short of confirming the truce. Meanwhile, AFP correspondents and witnesses reported sporadic gunfire between Ethiopian troops and insurgents in Mogadishu after two straight days of heavy artillery exchnages that claimed at least 24 lives and left hundreds wounded. Residents reported exchanges of fire at the defence ministry headquarters where Ethiopian troops are based. "There is no face-to-face fighting, but Ethiopians in the camp are receiving shots from long range machine guns and they are returning fire in their direction," southern Mogadishu resident Ahmed Yolah told AFP. "The neighbourhood is very tense," said another resident Mohamed Aden Ibrahim. A spokesman for ****** clan elders, Ugas Abdi Dahir Mohamed, said earlier that they had agreed with Ethiopian military officials to implement a ceasefire. Suspected Islamist insurgents are largely drawn from the capital's dominant ****** clan. "The Ethiopians will remain in their military compound and will not militarily engage with Somalis. And for our part, the ****** will not fire any shot and will respect the ceasefire," the spokesman said. The ****** elders command respect owing to their traditional role of solving disputes, but their ability to apply a ceasefire is limited by their clan's division into numerous sub-clans with competing interests. The ****** spokesman said the deal also covered the Somali troops who rely on their well-trained and well-equipped Ethiopian counterparts for firepower against the insurgents. The government, which has vowed to keep fighting until it defeats the insurgency, accepted the idea of a ceasefire but said it should have been involved in the talks. The government did not participate because the ****** elders do not recognise its legality. "A ceasefire, if any, should be reached and signed with the government if necessary," said spokesman Hussein Mohamed Muhamoud. But he conceded: "It is good to hear from killers and violent people that they will respect peace." Clan sources said the agreement was the first since Somali-Ethiopian forces routed the Islamist fighters from much of south and central Somalia in January, sparking a deadly guerrilla-style insurgency that has left scores dead. However, Somali clans have been notorious in violating truce agreements in the past. Western intelligence sources have warned that Somalia risks becoming a terrorist haven if efforts to empower the government fail in the face of fierce opposition from clan warlords. A small force of some 1,500 Ugandan troops is in Somalia as part of an African Union peacekeeping mission aimed to help government troops regain control and enable Ethiopian forces to leave. The United Nations on Thursday condemned the latest flare up and called for an immediate truce to allow access of humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of displaced civilians. Somalia has in been in turmoil since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre cleared the way for a deadly power struggle. Source: AFP, Mar 23, 2007
  12. Ethiopian military officials, clan elders agree truce to stop fighting in Somali capital Friday, March 23, 2007 MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - A truce Ethiopian military officials and elders of the dominant clan in Somalia's capital agreed to on Friday was holding, except for skirmishes that left at least one dead. The truce follows two days of fighting during which dozens of people, mainly civilians, were killed. The truce was scheduled to take effect at 12 p.m. (0900GMT) Friday but sporadic gunfire could be heard around the former Defense Ministry building in southern Mogadishu, which has been one of the front lines in the two days of fighting. The rest of the capital remained calm Friday. One civilian died early Friday, possibly from a stray bullet from the gunfire that began in the morning, said Mohamed Barre Olad. Olad saw the body as he walked to his home, which is near the former Defense Ministry headquarters. He said he saw also a wounded man being taken to a hospital in a wheelchair. An elder, Mohammed Ibrahim Aden, told The Associated Press that 25 ****** clan elders met with "several Ethiopian (military) officials" late Thursday and agreed to stop hostilities and begin talks. "We have asked the Ethiopian officials to pull their troops back from front line areas and force government troops to do the same," Aden said. "We have also promised on our part to pull our fighters back from the battle fronts." Somali intelligence officials ordered Wednesday that the satellite television station Al-Jazeera close its Mogadishu office but they did not give any reason for the order, said Abshir Mohamed, the channel's head of administration in Mogadishu. Mohamed said that the letter was signed by the city's intelligence chief Ahmed Hassan Ali. Information Minister Madobe Nunow Mohamed said he has not seen the letter. "But I will tell you that Al-Jazeera has conveyed the wrong messages to the world," he told The Associated Press. "We will shut down additional radio stations and channels if they distort facts." Hundreds of residents had fled their homes Thursday during a second day of fighting between Islamic insurgents and Somali and Ethiopian troops in which at least four people were killed and six wounded. The fighting seemed to be less fierce than the previous day's battles, during which at least 21 people were killed and more than 120 people wounded. "This is a tragic situation," U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia Eric Laroche said. "Tens of thousands of people are fleeing Mogadishu, and civilian casualties are mounting daily." Government officials had vowed Thursday to continue fighting the insurgents in Mogadishu who they said are led by the newly chosen head of Somalia's al-Qaida cell, Aden Hashi Ayro. The suspected al-Qaida leader is one of the people the U.S. targeted in a January airstrike in Somalia. Ayro is a top leader of the ousted Islamic courts and the government had reports he was in Mogadishu, said Deputy Defense Minister Salad Ali Jelle. The Council of Islamic Courts that Ayro served as military commander was driven from the capital in December after six months in power. But the group has promised to launch an Iraq-style guerrilla war, and mortar attacks pound the capital nearly everyday. Counterterrorism experts believe Ayro, who is in his mid-30s, received al-Qaida training in Afghanistan. U.N. officials have linked him to the killings of 16 people. Counterterrorism officials also believe he was involved in a plot — never carried out — to bring down an Ethiopian airliner. Government officials have said the government's offensive was focused on parts of the capital controlled by the Habr Gedir clan, a branch of the larger ****** clan. The Habr Gedir clan is a major supporter of the more radical elements of the Islamic courts and remains opposed to the government. Somalia has been without an effective central government since 1991. The current administration has failed to assert control throughout the country, and the African Union has deployed a small peacekeeping force to defend it. But daily violence has continued in the capital, with civilians caught in the crossfire bearing the brunt of the violence. Associated Press writers Salad Duhul in Mogadishu contributed to this report.
  13. Asks ThePoint: 1- If the Ethiopians leave en masse next week - will the violence suddenly end - and if not how do you deal with it? ie. given an intractable intransigence on the part of some people how do you go about building a government? Adeer Ethiopia is an enemy state in many circles of Somali society. Its presence did not help. In fact, it exacerbated our situation. As long Ethiopia is on our soil, people will find very hard to swallow their religious pride and national conscious and support this tfg. Ethiopia must go. Simple. As for what to do with anarchist amongst us whom the absence of governance benefited them and want the country to stay lawless, even after Ethiopia leaves, I think icu’s rise to power and how it managed to subdue such folks is a great example to follow. People want peace and stability. The days when moor-yaani-sm was fashionable are over. Thusly I don’t think dealing with thugs and isbaaro-profeeters is an insurmountable challenge, or warrants Ethiopian intervention. Midda kale, you need to realize that those of us who oppose Ethiopia’s meddling do so out of conviction that Ethiopia is not there to help us. It’s there, we believe, to further its interest. Ethiopian interests, we hold, are diametrically opposed to ours in the region. So the notion that asserts an abrupt Ethiopian withdrawal hurts our goal to stabilize our country and erect our state is bogus. It just doesn’t add up to make a political sense. 2- What are the parameters of this negotiated settlement to be arrived at the national reconciliation meeting that will, in your mind, lead to a lasting peace? What is the (realistic) grand bargain to be arrived at to establish a functioning government in Somalia? After securing complete Ethiopian withdrawal, the great bargain, as you put it, is not difficult to envision. Real reconciliation conference mainly owned by Somalis and held inside the country should attempt to achieve two things. 1- The current form and the composition of tfg must be bended to reflect political organizations/allegiance--- religious, tribal or otherwise. If it was on the interest of Somalia’s peace and stability that allowed full time warlords and known murderers to participate—nay lead—our political bodies, it’s only fair to demand unconditional and equal participation for our Islamist leaders. Yes, you hear me right. I want the Aways’s and Turk’s of Somalia get a respectable seat in our national gatherings. Why not? 2- Complete reversal of civil war gains--- properties, farms, and towns must be returned to their rightful owners. At minimum, the process to exact that overdue justice need be agreed.
  14. ^^Ethiopia knows what it wants. That has been clear and apparent in its dealings with different Somali functions. It has been evident in its policies and how it accommodates political aspirations from opposing regions. No surprise there. The question is: does tfg know what it wants yaa Sakhar? Did it miscalculate Ethiopia’s political ambitions to gain foothold in Benadir to forgo its reliance on northern regions adeer?
  15. Originally posted by Pi: Most likely occupiers were on it, and an Angel came down and hit it with it's wings. Or maybe Israa'fil just yelled at it, and the sound waves crushed the plan. Divine hand in the works. Whatever keeps your misplaced faith intact. LOOL ^^ War waa lays hayyaa , even the sky is not safe ma istiri!
  16. Originally posted by Pi: By the way, I've observed this, and I think others can corroborate it, but there's this strange sadistic want of some "Puntlanders" (case in point: Abu Paragon, xiin, remember ole "windtalker" or was it Horn ) to destroy not only the TFG but Puntland itself. They're quick to jump up and down with giddiness anytime there is a threat to Puntland. Remember when the ICU came to Mudug. Their support for ICU is no more than grievances against Puntland adminstration. Very strange if you ask me. Sub-clan greivances? You tell me. Am I way off on my speculations? :confused: :confused: ^^Not really off the mark, yaa Pi. You guessed it right; xiin & Abu Paragon waa isku reer, wax badan ma kala tirsadaan. Their sub-clan hates the current ruling sub-clan. They’ve contributed money and critical information and enticed ICU’s failed invasion of Puntland. Now they are trying it with other means. Very dangerous I tell you. Rag haddaad colaad leedihiin ciidanse u weydo hadba waxaad ku ciil bixi kartaa kuu cawa adduuna . Now you need to deal with them, instead of pointing the obvious saaxiib. Baashi, I think you’ve eloquently summarized my answers. It’s getting late where I am and I will IA log in tomorrow. We shall continue. ThePoint, good to see you back adeer. I will try yours tomorrow as well IA.
  17. ^^Waryee Alle-ubaahane, Baashi waa daacad, and i am not really saying it just for the sake of muran. I know the man. You don’t have to impeach his integrity to disagree with him, adeer. Waxaani waa cyber medium and one cant pass a judicious judgment on any character here without hastily committing the cardinal sin of tuhun. Beware saaxiib. ps- Baashi, dont let my tazkiyah on you sway you. Challenge me adeeer and be harsh on me in this debate. I need someone who can really dig in these things with me, so may be we can arrive some workable formula to agree to.
  18. Originally posted by Baashi: Awoowe warkuba wa intee! The tragedy in Benadir region has little to do with PLers . Anyone who implies otherwise is onto something. If you something I don't know plz educate me. I agree. But I thought it was newsworthy that the man responded to the accusation that come from certain disgruntled folks in Xamar. As you know I don’t buy into the notion that Xamar belongs to specific clan. That’s bogus adeer. Those who populate it today or great many of them invaded it by force and caused the mass exodus we all know, and which brought you and me to where we are today. But that does not wash PL leadership guilty of participating last war. In fact they are proud of it. If you doubt me all you need to listen is how Afqurac and Cadde talk about it. Midda kale do you think this post of mine implied some sinister motive against Planders yaa Baashi?
  19. 1. Is this war a nationalistic war? If you are referring yesterday’s war, it’s not nationalistic at all. But there are those in Xamar who are genuine in their opposition against Ethiopia and tfg. They are mainly the remnant of defeated Islamic Courts. They do have their rights to oppose this tfg, and I certainly sympathize with them. Lest you forgot, there are hundreds of angry shabaabs in Xamar whose wounds from the last war are fresh. When these youths strike at the Ethiopian bases and attack tfg soldiers, I do sense some nationalistic sprit in their acts. So yes this war is not all tribal in nature. But it’s dominated by clannish sentiments and hence my reluctance. 2. Is this war a religious war? The same answer I gave to q#1 applies here. Besides if you listen to the old man’s alqaida and terrorism rhetoric, it’s tempting to brand it as such. But I know better, and recognize that he and his tfg want to appease the powers that be and just throw these lines when they want to address western audience. So it’s partly religious as well when you count those who are fighting for the cause and want to drive Ethiopia out of their soil. 3. Is Somalia under occupation? Certain regions in Somalia are under occupation, including the Capital. Baashi forget about the technicality of this, and face the sheer fact that Ethiopia, supported by US, defeated a genuine Islamic movement that enjoyed grassroots support from the public. That’s a fact. Tfg offered a diplomatic cover and become the face of this hegemony for its own political interests, which we all understand. But that does not take away the fact that Ethiopia has a heavy military presence, and continues to assert control and authority on many areas. Think about those who were abducted from Nairobi, and after brief transit at Mogadishu airport, sent to Addis jails. Even big names like Madoobe were flown out of his land, which is supposedly under tfg control, and sent to Addis after sham public concessions. It’s really clear that Somalia in invaded. Even US is wrestling how to sanction this invasion after the fact, and attempting to buy AU troops to legitimize this project. So it’s quite clear that Somalia is under occupation. You know Baashi Iraq is under occupation in reality but some people don’t admit. The fact is that masses or a great majority of it will always see it that way as long foreign troops remain on its soil. Same thing goes to our case adeer. 4. What does the TFG want? Adeer it’s a riddle. Some times you might think it want to rule Somalia, and genuinely resurrect it from its grave. But you look at its behavior and how it utterly fails to recognize the wadaads and their political participation. You begin to doubt when you see them cashing the terrorism card and intending to milk the west for own political gains. So you tell me what you think they might want to achieve. 5. Does the TFG represent a particular clan? Which clan is that? I don’t think tfg represents a particular clan. But you can’t help but wonder when you hear naked threats coming from Jeelle about certain sub-clans being the target of the government’s wrath. There are cues that indicate that it’s coming down on a certain sub-clans. But in short, tfg’s composition is clannish but I don’t think it represents a particular clan. 6. Do you support peace in Somalia? Absolutely adeer. I pray for it. Sincerely that is. 7. Do you support reconciliation summit between the warring factions (details and the terms later)? Reconciliation summit in which all parties participate is the way to go. Actually it’s the only meaningful and realistic way to go. So I do support that. 7. Is this conflict about Muslim vs. Munafiq kinda deal as some would argue? That’s a rhetorical question yaa Baashi. If you insist, it’s too simplistic for me to answer it. I already told you that tfg is viewed as an enemy partner. Its leaders brought Ethiopia to our soil. They say they are fighting with terrorists. They even say they are fighting with alqaida. As you can see there is a reason to doubt their sincerity. But I wouldn’t go as far as accusing the whole entity as a munaafiq. There must be some good people who are not on board with all these policies but don’t see any other alternatives to jump the ship and abandon it. 8. Do you believe force is the cure of the Somali conflict? Oh another loaded question yaa Baashi. But this time let me give in and say NO. Force alone is not the solution for Somali conflict. It may be the case that force may be needed to right some wrongs but it must accompanied with a realistic program and legitimacy. This is very simple adeer. TFG in its current form and policies is not viable and will not deliver us from the evil as it were. Ethiopia is the elephant in the room. It has to go. Short from that, violence is inevitable.
  20. Baashi, Afqurac has been inline with the tfgs program---that goes to Cadde and to Puntland’s entire leadership. They are the ones who's sending Puntland boys to fight at the side of Ethiopian invaders. So No I am not wrong if I hinted their share of the guilty yaa Baashi. But the masses are not accountable for the corrupt acts of these leaders. They realy are not.
  21. I was nodding in agreement with you in a good measure until you managed to slip this yaa Khalaf: Originally posted by Khalaf: however out of the main players now da TFG has the upper hand and most likely will succeed....their greaest opponent will not be a muslim oriented insurgency or popular uprising, but the warlords of mogadisho who still enjoy much presitage and power amongst thier constituents and can sway the tide of the storm....reality sxbs. As far as I am concern, tfg is part of the problem, it has no legitimacy in my eyes because it broke our virginity by inviting Ethiopain tanks into our urban centers, it sold our youths and sent them to Addis jails, it participated in the brutal put down of the product of our Islamic sahwah, and it’s indeed on the payroll of Western I with an unrealistic agenda of combating the rise of Islam. That’s my beef with it adeer. I wanted it to succeed and could’ve tolerated it, don’t do Duke’s moves on me adeer, you can dig in SOL’s recycle bins and see my stance on the siad warlords, but everyone has a limit of tolerance and you can compromise to a certain degree. I cant with conscious support an entity whose greatest achievement is helping Ethiopian kill its own brightest youth. Thusly the cycle of violence continues and we can only offer our sincere prayers to get us out of it yaa Khalaf.
  22. Che, I hope you are not hinting that Puntland masses are guilty of old man’s misguided politics in the south. What can they do adeer other than risking jeopardizing their hard-earned stability and peace? You know the old man would exact on it the same military solution that he is experimenting with Xamar now. And it’s a credible threat when you look at Puntland’s tribal composition and how this man is revered in some circles. So masses don’t have a realistic option other than to see and wait. Remember reer Gaalkacyood resisted to participate last war, but the old man and Puntland leadership found other means to do it. Me, yesterday’s war in Xamar did not come as a shock. Perhaps it shocked the delusional among us who bought tfg’s marketing line, and thought that Ethiopia will pacify without facing real resistance. The only thing that was shocking about yesterday’s clashes were the savage nature and inhuman acts some fighters resorted as means to project victory. And realizing that some of the brunt bodies were tfg soldiers, it really adds a worrisome note to our slippage into another civil strife.
  23. Scores of residents flee as Somali, Ethiopian troops battle rebels in Mogadishu Thursday, March 22, 2007 MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Scores of residents fled their homes Thursday during a second day of fighting between Islamic insurgents and Somali and Ethiopian troops. There was no report on casualties. Residents boarded minivans or taxis to move to safer parts of the capital or leave it altogether. Poorer ones carried belongings on their heads and in plastic bags. Insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and heavy machine-guns. Government troops responded with artillery and machine gun-fire in the early morning battles in northern and southern parts of Mogadishu, witnesses said. Hundreds of government troops were deployed to reinforce troops who fought insurgents Wednesday, said Fathi Mohamed Aden, a clan elder who saw the fighting take place in his northern Mogadishu neighbourhood. Both sides then engaged in a fierce gunbattle, he said. In a southern Mogadishu neighbourhood, gunmen attacked government and Ethiopian troops based at the former Defence Ministry building, said a witness, Jamila **** Roble. The fighting follows Wednesday's battles during which insurgents dragged the corpses of six soldiers - four Somalis and two of their Ethiopian allies - through the streets of Mogadishu and set the bodies on fire, drawing crowds who threw rocks and kicked the smouldering remains. The scene was similar to one in Mogadishu in 1993 that grabbed the world's attention when militiamen shot down a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter during an attempt to capture a warlord and dragged around dead American soldiers. The Clinton administration pulled out U.S. troops, and UN peacekeepers soon followed suit, leaving Somalia to years of anarchy. "The fighting has meant the end of my life and happiness," said 37-year old Shamsa Abdikadir Wehliye, whose son was killed in Wednesday's fighting. "I lost two sons in 1993 when the U.S. troops fought battles with the Somali militia and now I have lost the last one." She spoke at Medina Hospital while tending her 50-year old husband, who was injured by shrapnel in the previous day's fighting. Among the evacuees was a mother of seven who said she was forced to leave behind her husband and two of her children because they were too weak to travel. Hadija Mad Osman said her husband was injured by shrapnel when a mortar exploded near them, and the children had diarrhea. "I have left my husband and two of my children lying in a makeshift house near the football stadium," Osman said. "I do not know where I am going." Wednesday saw some of the heaviest fighting in Mogadishu since a fundamentalist militia known as the Council of Islamic Courts was driven from the capital in December in an Ethiopian-led offensive that had U.S. support. But the group has promised to launch an Iraq-style guerrilla war, and mortar attacks pound the capital nearly every day. The leader of the Council of Islamic Courts, Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, told the British Broadcasting Corp.'s Somali service that the insurgents and residents of Mogadishu were justified in fighting the Somali government troops and their Ethiopian allies, but denied he was involved in it. Speaking in a rare interview late Wednesday since his group's ouster, Aweys said he and other Islamic leaders were safe and living in Somalia, though he declined to disclose his location. He said that he considers African Union peacekeepers already in the country as enemies. "We were invaded and no one respected us while we were in power and were ready to negotiate," Aweys said in a satellite phone interview. Source: AP, Mar 22, 2007
  24. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: ^^^Don't the public share the guilty for being so complacent about their brother's plight? It's littel complex than that yaa Che, and you know it.
  25. ^^Not really rooting…but I slightly feel vindicated on my previous stances. Namely, that the current framework is untenable, and must not have the honor of a legitimate government. Although I would’ve loved to see a tolerable coalition of Muslims fighting the Ethiopians in the capital, it’s clear that this conflict is morphing into a tribal one, and hence one must wait and see where it goes from here. I strongly believe that for our generation, the expulsion of Ethiopia from our country is a must if we ever desire to leave in peace with dignity. ^^Intaa kusoo ururi adeer.