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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. @stop eating cheese before you go to bed
  2. ^^Actually you are not a cyber warrior if that is what brought you here in this thread. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: I'm afraid the tiresome and repetitive analogy of cyber-warmongers doesn't hold. Those who signed the Djibouti Deal live in the comfort of foreign hotels, whilst the majority of the Muqawama who do not want nothing to do with it are sacrificing their lives( on the ground). Are they wishing for war from the diaspora? Thus it's rather misleading to label the opposition to Sheikh Shariffs group and their conduct as irrational cyber warriors, simpletons and confused shabaabs. You make it sound like the opposition to the Djibouti agreement consists only of irrational- youth-warriors or diaspora warmongers, which far from the case, saxiib. Now, you probably have a great( and moral )case against those that desire the war to be continued till the Xabashis are driven out, given the conditions that SOmalia finds herself in, and the mass suffering that is occuring to the shacab. Suffice it to say tiredsome and repetitive references to people wishing for more war from their safety or people not caring about the suffering of innocent Somalis adds no weight to your case. That is unless your saying nin kasta oo dibada jooga he has to support Mr Shariff and his friends in Djibouti,khasab, lest I( Xiin) label them as a warmonger! [/QB] ^^Adeer, I’ve always said the stance of those who actually do the fighting on the ground is explainable. In their context, fighting and seeking death may some times make perfect sense. I have never questioned their intent. But as I have said many times, their strategies are not without faults. Sh. Sharif will bring majority of them home with him…so I have no worries about these youths adeer. Now the cyber warriors reference you are protesting is directed at the likes of A & T. It’s a correct label for those who live in the west quite comfortably yet find any hint of compromise in Somali conflict a dreadful thing! It’s as though they think this Somali conflict will in the end produce a winner, and the contest will be ended! In their mind, victory is around the corner! So why bother with peace talks? Any protest against this label as it regards to these folks has no merit.
  3. ^^Actually you are not a cyber warrior if that is what brought you here in this thread. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: I'm afraid the tiresome and repetitive analogy of cyber-warmongers doesn't hold. Those who signed the Djibouti Deal live in the comfort of foreign hotels, whilst the majority of the Muqawama who do not want nothing to do with it are sacrificing their lives( on the ground). Are they wishing for war from the diaspora? Thus it's rather misleading to label the opposition to Sheikh Shariffs group and their conduct as irrational cyber warriors, simpletons and confused shabaabs. You make it sound like the opposition to the Djibouti agreement consists only of irrational- youth-warriors or diaspora warmongers, which far from the case, saxiib. Now, you probably have a great( and moral )case against those that desire the war to be continued till the Xabashis are driven out, given the conditions that SOmalia finds herself in, and the mass suffering that is occuring to the shacab. Suffice it to say tiredsome and repetitive references to people wishing for more war from their safety or people not caring about the suffering of innocent Somalis adds no weight to your case. That is unless your saying nin kasta oo dibada jooga he has to support Mr Shariff and his friends in Djibouti,khasab, lest I( Xiin) label them as a warmonger! [/QB] ^^Adeer, I’ve always said the stance of those who actually do the fighting on the ground is explainable. In their context, fighting and seeking death may some times make perfect sense. I have never questioned their intent. But as I have said many times, their strategies are not without faults. Sh. Sharif will bring majority of them home with him…so I have no worries about these youths adeer. Now the cyber warriors reference you are protesting is directed at the likes of A & T. It’s a correct label for those who live in the west quite comfortably yet find any hint of compromise in Somali conflict a dreadful thing! It’s as though they think this Somali conflict will in the end produce a winner, and the contest will be ended! In their mind, victory is around the corner! So why bother with peace talks? Any protest against this label as it regards to these folks has no merit.
  4. NG, when the Somali center fell and the country descended into civil war Ethiopia was presented with a strategic leverage on a historical foe. Ever since that opportunity presented it self to her, Ethiopia has been taking advantage of the Somali divisions and mistrusts. There are tons of evidences one can back up that assertion. The issue is not whether Somalia’s political collapse benefits Ethiopia. That was never in question adeer. The issue is how Somalia can get out of this abyss she fell into! I believe Ethiopia will continue to frustrate any effort that can stabilize Somalia and return it to normalcy! If only our people thought that fact more aptly ,and strategize accordingly… My suggestions and that of Baashis and like-minded folks here on SOL are low-key in concept. They don’t appeal to our cyber warriors, who in their comfort in the west want to achieve spectacular victories against Ethiopia and America by the backs of what truly is a tired shacb! Absence of their agreements, we asked them to come up with an alternative to what we have today, that can realistically move things to a positive direction. Try to make sense out of their answers adeer!
  5. NG, when the Somali center fell and the country descended into civil war Ethiopia was presented with a strategic leverage on a historical foe. Ever since that opportunity presented it self to her, Ethiopia has been taking advantage of the Somali divisions and mistrusts. There are tons of evidences one can back up that assertion. The issue is not whether Somalia’s political collapse benefits Ethiopia. That was never in question adeer. The issue is how Somalia can get out of this abyss she fell into! I believe Ethiopia will continue to frustrate any effort that can stabilize Somalia and return it to normalcy! If only our people thought that fact more aptly ,and strategize accordingly… My suggestions and that of Baashis and like-minded folks here on SOL are low-key in concept. They don’t appeal to our cyber warriors, who in their comfort in the west want to achieve spectacular victories against Ethiopia and America by the backs of what truly is a tired shacb! Absence of their agreements, we asked them to come up with an alternative to what we have today, that can realistically move things to a positive direction. Try to make sense out of their answers adeer!
  6. This, it seems, is Riyaale's solution to the issues good Xidigo raised. I am not sure Xidigo would like this however!
  7. Xiddigo ayyaamah odeyga way ku kacsantahay wallee
  8. ^Not in the political section though, old man! Waad soo dhuntay waryee oo orodoo Generalka aad --->
  9. ^^Oh it's the only thing in town now that makes sense adeer. By the way, the story of Hyena and Caweer, the she-comel, is a widely circulated one! Allow yaa caawa ayyaanloo Caweeri ka kacdaa. Said the Hyena!
  10. ^^Oh it's the only thing in town now that makes sense adeer. By the way, the story of Hyena and Caweer, the she-comel, is a widely circulated one! Allow yaa caawa ayyaanloo Caweeri ka kacdaa. Said the Hyena!
  11. Yes! But my bigger suggestion was not to fight in our major cities and displace our population. My more pointed suggestion was we should take this war inside Ethiopia... now we have a peace process going on...i want to give it a chance adeer. ps-- i still welcome the idea of taking the war in Ethiopia though...laakiin somali ha is disho Ethiopiana ha ku dhexjirto ilaa marinkale oo la maro la waaye mooyee hadda i mari mayso especially when there is an active efforts to find a different path!
  12. Yes! But my bigger suggestion was not to fight in our major cities and displace our population. My more pointed suggestion was we should take this war inside Ethiopia... now we have a peace process going on...i want to give it a chance adeer. ps-- i still welcome the idea of taking the war in Ethiopia though...laakiin somali ha is disho Ethiopiana ha ku dhexjirto ilaa marinkale oo la maro la waaye mooyee hadda i mari mayso especially when there is an active efforts to find a different path!
  13. Malika, it’s not difficult to envision a closure to our conflict. But it will take a paradigm shift of sort. Some one or group must depart from how Somalis perceive politics! Some one must articulate a way out of this. I am hopeful for Jabbuuti Agreement started to adopt that approach. In the meantime, we must deal with those who construe the geel-jire style fighting as the only approach to regain our lost dignity. Marka soomaalida geel laga dhaco, laysma weydiiyo alternatives. Geelii halasoo dhacsado uun baa laga sheekaystaa ra’yi kale kama furnaa arrintaa…that was the geel-jire approach!
  14. Malika, it’s not difficult to envision a closure to our conflict. But it will take a paradigm shift of sort. Some one or group must depart from how Somalis perceive politics! Some one must articulate a way out of this. I am hopeful for Jabbuuti Agreement started to adopt that approach. In the meantime, we must deal with those who construe the geel-jire style fighting as the only approach to regain our lost dignity. Marka soomaalida geel laga dhaco, laysma weydiiyo alternatives. Geelii halasoo dhacsado uun baa laga sheekaystaa ra’yi kale kama furnaa arrintaa…that was the geel-jire approach!
  15. Increase the muqaawamah, you say! Widen the coverage of the conflict! Adeer let me tell you two things. 1-That is not a new idea. It has been what the resistance has been doing for the last year or so. 2-This approach has produced little success. Surely it has shown Ethiopia and her alliances that Somalis even when they are down and weak can still put a fierce fight to defend and resist what is rightfully theirs. But what we are not telling to ourselves is that Ethiopia is not necessarily interested in holding Somali lands in the former Somali republic. What Ethiopia wanted was to deepen the Somali conflict to the degree where dialogue and peaceful settlement is near impossibility. She wanted a scenario where those whose political muscle and military strength depends on her continue needing her for the years to come. Her strategies have always been that if Somalis can be divided both on clannish and ideological lines, she would stand to prevail. And here my good friend is where your bankruptcy clearly shows on. Today as a Somali you are staring at millions of your kind hoarded into shacks, internally displaced in their own country and dying by the hundreds. You are staring at the destruction of your major cities. All your muqaawamah could muster was to kill perhaps thousands of qotti boys in your own urban centers and YOU think that is a sign of military success! You want this limping struggle to continue without even acknowledging that it’s Somalis by large numbers that are enabling Ethiopia’s occupation in the south. You are shirking to address that root cause adeer. You don’t want to ask whys, or do you? You don’t want to stare right back at the painful facts that makes our current conditions so ripe and right for Ethiopia’s triumph, or do you? If truth were to be boldly told, Ethiopia has been occupying Somalis since last decade.Don’t bury your head few inches deep in to the proverbial sand! Only a fool can ignore the reasons why a poor and famine prone country like Ethiopia succeeded to reach that triumph point were her soldiers are singing her national anthem and hoisting her flag on the beaches of her arch enemy’s seat! It’s clear to me. It’s the divisions that existed and still exist between Somalis. It’s a failure of leadership. When you are divided and lack proper leadership who can grasp the enormity of our situation, the masses are bound for confusion. And that’s where the rabble-rousers like A & T are emboldened and their tororogs get receptive ears. Supporting the continuation of a war in which a very small percentage of the population fights it in a region where America with all her logistical reach decidedly showed interest and determination to exploit the weaknesses that exist in both Somali level and regional level as well, is (without mincing words) the peak of intellectual dishonesty. I never thought of you that you were a dwarf adeer in terms of seeing the big picture of things but here you’ve certainly spoken like one! But let me at least agree with you on the extensional nature of Ethiopia’s threat to the Somali state. I certainly would also agree with you had you suggested this war be taken deep inside Ethiopia. But where you disappointed me is the notion of widening the coverage of this conflict inside Somalia and increasing the muqawamah against Ethiopia in the current Somali theater. If your ideas are taken and implemented the outcome will be both tragic and predictable. Just like Beledwyne, your people will vacate the major cities and run with their lives. And you know where they will head to survive. Just like the Bakaaraha, ill-equipped youths however brave and determined will hardly make a fatal dent to the shield that’s America and her hired boys whoever they may be! The alternative is very clear. Get your acts together thru compromise and seek help from those sympathetic to your cause. Revive the Somali state before you threaten to any state. Strategize and go from there! Somalia maanta wax san iyo wax xun lakala dooran mayyo. Waxaa lakala dooranayyaa wa laba daran midkood. The wise ones see it that way, but the mutacaaqils of this world operate in different reality, their own reality!
  16. Increase the muqaawamah, you say! Widen the coverage of the conflict! Adeer let me tell you two things. 1-That is not a new idea. It has been what the resistance has been doing for the last year or so. 2-This approach has produced little success. Surely it has shown Ethiopia and her alliances that Somalis even when they are down and weak can still put a fierce fight to defend and resist what is rightfully theirs. But what we are not telling to ourselves is that Ethiopia is not necessarily interested in holding Somali lands in the former Somali republic. What Ethiopia wanted was to deepen the Somali conflict to the degree where dialogue and peaceful settlement is near impossibility. She wanted a scenario where those whose political muscle and military strength depends on her continue needing her for the years to come. Her strategies have always been that if Somalis can be divided both on clannish and ideological lines, she would stand to prevail. And here my good friend is where your bankruptcy clearly shows on. Today as a Somali you are staring at millions of your kind hoarded into shacks, internally displaced in their own country and dying by the hundreds. You are staring at the destruction of your major cities. All your muqaawamah could muster was to kill perhaps thousands of qotti boys in your own urban centers and YOU think that is a sign of military success! You want this limping struggle to continue without even acknowledging that it’s Somalis by large numbers that are enabling Ethiopia’s occupation in the south. You are shirking to address that root cause adeer. You don’t want to ask whys, or do you? You don’t want to stare right back at the painful facts that makes our current conditions so ripe and right for Ethiopia’s triumph, or do you? If truth were to be boldly told, Ethiopia has been occupying Somalis since last decade.Don’t bury your head few inches deep in to the proverbial sand! Only a fool can ignore the reasons why a poor and famine prone country like Ethiopia succeeded to reach that triumph point were her soldiers are singing her national anthem and hoisting her flag on the beaches of her arch enemy’s seat! It’s clear to me. It’s the divisions that existed and still exist between Somalis. It’s a failure of leadership. When you are divided and lack proper leadership who can grasp the enormity of our situation, the masses are bound for confusion. And that’s where the rabble-rousers like A & T are emboldened and their tororogs get receptive ears. Supporting the continuation of a war in which a very small percentage of the population fights it in a region where America with all her logistical reach decidedly showed interest and determination to exploit the weaknesses that exist in both Somali level and regional level as well, is (without mincing words) the peak of intellectual dishonesty. I never thought of you that you were a dwarf adeer in terms of seeing the big picture of things but here you’ve certainly spoken like one! But let me at least agree with you on the extensional nature of Ethiopia’s threat to the Somali state. I certainly would also agree with you had you suggested this war be taken deep inside Ethiopia. But where you disappointed me is the notion of widening the coverage of this conflict inside Somalia and increasing the muqawamah against Ethiopia in the current Somali theater. If your ideas are taken and implemented the outcome will be both tragic and predictable. Just like Beledwyne, your people will vacate the major cities and run with their lives. And you know where they will head to survive. Just like the Bakaaraha, ill-equipped youths however brave and determined will hardly make a fatal dent to the shield that’s America and her hired boys whoever they may be! The alternative is very clear. Get your acts together thru compromise and seek help from those sympathetic to your cause. Revive the Somali state before you threaten to any state. Strategize and go from there! Somalia maanta wax san iyo wax xun lakala dooran mayyo. Waxaa lakala dooranayyaa wa laba daran midkood. The wise ones see it that way, but the mutacaaqils of this world operate in different reality, their own reality!
  17. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Let me start with where I think Xinn's biggest mistake lies. Not that I am intersted in fault-finding, but that it is so fundamental for the way we look at things. XINN's myth of an Ethiopia with upperhand and strong is just that- a MYTH. That it occupies Somalia today is not a good enough demonstartion of its strength. Who can't occupy Somalia today? Zanzibar surely can. Ethiopia is WEAK. Yes Ethiopia is weak. Yes it sits on a avalanche of ethnic tensions. Yes it’s character as a state is fundamentally shaky. But Ethiopia, yaa hasty A & T, is a lot stronger than Somalia today. Unlike many nomads here in SOL, I don not speak of Ethiopia in imperial terms! She’s not an empire. She can’t occupy Somalia and subjugate Somalis. What it has done and continues to do however is to destabilize Somalia! On that score Ethiopia has done a superb job, and the divisions between Somalis only helps her to further that goal. Only stable Somalia can leverage inherent weaknesses of the Ethiopian state you listed there. Warring clans as we are today can hardly take advantages of Ethiopia’s weakness. So lets not day dream adeer! Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: I am calling for the maximisation of WAR, and spending all intellectual, capital, labour and other resources to augment the struggle. For a short term goal and a longer vision: Short Term: - Kicking the occupying forces out of Somalia and saving us the ignominy of being "under occupation" by the poorest country in the face of the Earth. [ Timeline: 6 months, intensify the attacks, and widen the coverage of the areas hostile to the EThiopian army. good progress has been made last week] - Once Ethiopa is out of Somalia, it is obvious Islamic groups will fill the gap. However, here is where your man Sheikh shariif and all the somali intellectuals can play their role to reign in the top 'gaas-dhagoolayaal' in the courts [who no more threatened by capture] should see the benefit of agreeing to a broad-based national Transitional governmnet that will organise elections within 6 months] How do you kick the occupiers out? By continuing what we are doing today? Is that what you propose to kick the Ethiopians out? And do you think Ethiopia is the sole external factor that’s causing this mayhem in our land? I expect more from you! I want you to come up a plan and strategy that takes all the factors into consideration. Suggesting the continuation of today’s violence only shows how scanty your merchandise is! I dropped the peace variable in the equation mind you. I did not argue that it’s a lot easier to maximize peace than war given our position today! At least maximize the opportunity I am giving you and be reasonable with your propositions saaxiib! Give us a plan of war by which we can defeat Ethiopia, and revive our downed republic. If you don’t have that plan as it’s difficulty to imagine one given prevailing divisions within the Somali house, then grow some balls and embrace the peace plan!
  18. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Let me start with where I think Xinn's biggest mistake lies. Not that I am intersted in fault-finding, but that it is so fundamental for the way we look at things. XINN's myth of an Ethiopia with upperhand and strong is just that- a MYTH. That it occupies Somalia today is not a good enough demonstartion of its strength. Who can't occupy Somalia today? Zanzibar surely can. Ethiopia is WEAK. Yes Ethiopia is weak. Yes it sits on a avalanche of ethnic tensions. Yes it’s character as a state is fundamentally shaky. But Ethiopia, yaa hasty A & T, is a lot stronger than Somalia today. Unlike many nomads here in SOL, I don not speak of Ethiopia in imperial terms! She’s not an empire. She can’t occupy Somalia and subjugate Somalis. What it has done and continues to do however is to destabilize Somalia! On that score Ethiopia has done a superb job, and the divisions between Somalis only helps her to further that goal. Only stable Somalia can leverage inherent weaknesses of the Ethiopian state you listed there. Warring clans as we are today can hardly take advantages of Ethiopia’s weakness. So lets not day dream adeer! Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: I am calling for the maximisation of WAR, and spending all intellectual, capital, labour and other resources to augment the struggle. For a short term goal and a longer vision: Short Term: - Kicking the occupying forces out of Somalia and saving us the ignominy of being "under occupation" by the poorest country in the face of the Earth. [ Timeline: 6 months, intensify the attacks, and widen the coverage of the areas hostile to the EThiopian army. good progress has been made last week] - Once Ethiopa is out of Somalia, it is obvious Islamic groups will fill the gap. However, here is where your man Sheikh shariif and all the somali intellectuals can play their role to reign in the top 'gaas-dhagoolayaal' in the courts [who no more threatened by capture] should see the benefit of agreeing to a broad-based national Transitional governmnet that will organise elections within 6 months] How do you kick the occupiers out? By continuing what we are doing today? Is that what you propose to kick the Ethiopians out? And do you think Ethiopia is the sole external factor that’s causing this mayhem in our land? I expect more from you! I want you to come up a plan and strategy that takes all the factors into consideration. Suggesting the continuation of today’s violence only shows how scanty your merchandise is! I dropped the peace variable in the equation mind you. I did not argue that it’s a lot easier to maximize peace than war given our position today! At least maximize the opportunity I am giving you and be reasonable with your propositions saaxiib! Give us a plan of war by which we can defeat Ethiopia, and revive our downed republic. If you don’t have that plan as it’s difficulty to imagine one given prevailing divisions within the Somali house, then grow some balls and embrace the peace plan!
  19. A & T, thanks for the effort adeer. It has been a good read! But, and with all seriousness, I am not interested in defending an online persona called xiinfaniin! What I am interested in are good ideas! Do you have any yaa A & T? What do you reckon Somalis should do to resolve their 18-year old civil war? What is the heart of Somali civil war (quite elementary I know)? What do you propose to tackle it? Somalis cannot choose their neighbors, and Ethiopia is one of the neighbors Somalis has to deal with. Today that neighbor of ours has the upper hand. Most Somali affairs fall within the sphere of her influence. Somalia is right where Ethiopia wanted it to be! How do you want to address that reality? Anger and emotions aside, what else do you have to offer yaa A & T? Commit Jabbuuti Agreement to the flames! Don’t maximize the peace variable, to use your analogy, but give a decent attempt to construct a plan that could maximize the other variable, the war variable! I am all ears adeer… If you only excel in how to deconstruct (or give the impression of it) what other men constructed to better their situation, and have no ability to come up with better alternatives or lack the sagacity to acknowledge your own failure, however, so waxaagu tororog maahaa? Ama talo keen ahow, ama talo raac ahow!
  20. A & T, thanks for the effort adeer. It has been a good read! But, and with all seriousness, I am not interested in defending an online persona called xiinfaniin! What I am interested in are good ideas! Do you have any yaa A & T? What do you reckon Somalis should do to resolve their 18-year old civil war? What is the heart of Somali civil war (quite elementary I know)? What do you propose to tackle it? Somalis cannot choose their neighbors, and Ethiopia is one of the neighbors Somalis has to deal with. Today that neighbor of ours has the upper hand. Most Somali affairs fall within the sphere of her influence. Somalia is right where Ethiopia wanted it to be! How do you want to address that reality? Anger and emotions aside, what else do you have to offer yaa A & T? Commit Jabbuuti Agreement to the flames! Don’t maximize the peace variable, to use your analogy, but give a decent attempt to construct a plan that could maximize the other variable, the war variable! I am all ears adeer… If you only excel in how to deconstruct (or give the impression of it) what other men constructed to better their situation, and have no ability to come up with better alternatives or lack the sagacity to acknowledge your own failure, however, so waxaagu tororog maahaa? Ama talo keen ahow, ama talo raac ahow!
  21. ^^^I am assuming that Redka is an educated fellow who can think long and hard abou the plight of Somalis today. Calling out on his inconsistencies is not alienating him; it's educating him! As for other folks like supporting alshabaabs strategy line, I did call out on them as well. But since they did not have allegiance for Ethiopian puppets or hold disturbing political agendas like this dude does, I did not accuse them any duplicity at all. Redka, adeer you are broken man. Maantoo dhan ma i jiid aan ku jiide baan ku jiraynaa. You cant hold two contradicting positions at the same time.
  22. Canadian resident 'Asparo' killed in Somalia Michelle Shephard National Security Reporter Canadian Abdullahi Afrah, widely known as Asparo, left Toronto a decade ago. Sept. 28, 2006 A former Toronto resident who joined an Islamic insurgency in Mogadishu has been killed this week during violent clashes in wartorn Somalia. Ethiopian troops killed Canadian Abdullahi Afrah, 56, late Tuesday during fighting in central Somalia, according to local media reports and various members of Toronto's Somali community. Known widely as Asparo, he had left Toronto a decade ago to return to his birthplace in support of an Islamic group that fought to bring leadership to a country without a stable government since 1991. He became a high-ranking member of the Union of Islamic Courts that held power in Mogadishu for six months in 2006. The group's strict adherence to sharia law – such as the public executions of criminals and flogging of women who failed to don the hijab – drew comparisons to the Taliban. "It's unfortunate to see a former friend and colleague fall into the trap of the radicals, particularly for someone who lived in Canada and enjoyed the freedom and law and order," said Ahmed Yusuf, a Toronto social worker who used to play basketball with Afrah when he lived in the city in the 1990s. Others say the killing will undermine efforts to bring peace as Afrah was among the moderate voices within the Islamic movement. "It is not clear why Ethiopian troops went there at this particular time. ... This will reinforce the position of the hardliners who were arguing against any peace deal while the Ethiopians are inside Somalia," said journalist Sahal Abdulle, who returned to Toronto last year after surviving a bombing that killed Canadian journalist Ali Sharmarke. "(Afrah) was one of the few intellectuals within his organization that had weight to move this peace process forward." Afrah had initially immigrated to Canada when Somalia's government collapsed in 1991 and Toronto became home to thousands of Somali immigrants and refugees. He is best remembered here for running a halal grocery store on Dundas St. W. His friends say that, while he lived in Canada, he wasn't overly political or religious. When the Union of Islamic Courts was in power in 2006, there was tentative support for Afrah's group since their authoritarian rule had brought stability. Somalis celebrated the Islamists' defeat of the rival warlords, whose fighting had left the country in shambles. "There's a bright future if things go on like this. We can say people will be saved, resources may come back, international relations may improve, construction may happen, people's trust in each other may be renewed," Afrah said in an interview with the Toronto Star from Mogadishu in October 2006. Two months later, Ethiopian troops moved into Mogadishu in support of the country's fledgling transitional federal government and crushed the Islamic group, sending its leaders fleeing. Afrah had remained in hiding in Mogadishu with his family. During a 2007 cellphone interview, Afrah had warned that Somalia would descend into chaos if the U.S.-backed Ethiopian troops wouldn't leave the country and vowed to have them removed by force if they refused. Somalia has seen some of its worst fighting in the past 18 months, with almost daily suicide and bombing attacks that have made the country more unstable than Iraq or Afghanistan, according to some international observers. But a key step toward peace was taken last month during a conference in Djibouti, where Somalia's transitional federal government signed a ceasefire agreement with the opposition group of moderate Islamists, the Alliance for Reliberation of Somalia. But the June 9 agreement split the insurgents; radical leaders vowed to continue fighting and called Somalia's interim government a puppet regime for Ethiopia and the U.S. Source: Toronto Star, July 03, 2008
  23. ^^^Adeer anigu bad cas personally uma aqaan. Laakiin wuxuu qoray baan wax kula qaybsanayyaa. The man believes in dagaal southka ka socdaa uu iska socdo inta alshabaab Ethiopia ka adkaanayaan. Matter of fact he wants in alshabaab (super power miyaa balada) ay PL weeraraan oo ay gooyaan Ethiopia’s supply lines as he puts. All the while he makes it clear he supports separatist agenda in the North and does not want them be subjected to the same instability and chaos! That’s what he espouses on these boards. He wrote that he loves Secessionism to death. Marka adeer anigu ma aqaan inaad aqriday waxa wiilku qoray laakiin waxaas baan meesha ka aqriyey. And to me, it’s the stuff of the mindless separatist who wants to prolong Somali civil in the hope that it may someday help him achieve his cause!
  24. Faysal, adeer uma baahnid maantoo dhan inaad PL ku meeraysid. PL has the following issues, and I opposed them all. 1)Xiriirka Ethiopia iyo TFGda 2)Tahriib 3)Lacago Faalso ah 4)Lately, hostile policy toward ONLF cause Adigu, intaanba meel fog la gaarin baad waxaad rabtaa in qabiilkaagu by any cause including being Ethiopia's subservient Soomaali ka go'o! Taas waaba loo dul qaadan lahaaye, waxaad ku doodaysaa Jabbuuti agreement waa caddaalad darro ee alshabaab dagaalka ha wadeen... As i said in other thread I was wrong on my assumptions on you!
  25. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin: PL is not the enemy’s QT! It’s the land of the pious! Only men of religion live there. I am really shocked that you agree with Redka to attack it! I am not sure about Berbera and Jabbuuti though. I can’t vow for them. That is mr. Xiin at his best ladies and gents. Okay what about all the unholy things that are going on there horta. Most of you'll are thinking what has gotten into this guy? Well this is how some folks have started to 'reason' as of late. So am just tring to show the flip side of their reasoning lest they get where I am coming from. Puntlanders got a free pass to critize whom they want to and oppose whom they don't desire and no one seems to linked them to their home state which is the source of alot of problems lately. I bet mr. Xiin knows alot about (1) human traficking in port of Bosaaso. (2) Somalis being handed over to Ethiopia (yes somaliland is mentioned mostly) (3)Ethipian bases inside Puntland where they have planned and coornated their attacks from. (4) the Somalis from South being turned back from Galkacayo airstrip. (5) The continues fake money that is being put out by Pland state causing inflation (6) The piracy who hijack ships which carry alot of aid reliev for the suffering masses almost daily. Xiin what do you also say about Planders almost undivided support for the old dog, the Ethiopian puppet who took off from Mudug to be entrusted with a somalia' presidency throne only to bring along univited guest to the house. Redka, I must apologize to the gallery for starting a dialogue thread with you! I did not know you were that simpleton!