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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. wait untill these pirates go back to thier villages and throw a party.
  2. ^^ @boowe barri laga raysay bariis caaano leh. That's Macallin BOB in action.
  3. looooooool@aaji: War ma hooyadaa baa dhimatay? Bax! Aabahaa iyo mafiiqda jabtay isha ka was! NG, to quote MS. Word of SOL, inomo caadhi maoho !
  4. Galbeed = Bogox! Maanta Sayid waxbaan ka faa idey. wax reer Bogox ma joogaan meelaha?
  5. Guddiyada Ammaanka iyo Siyaasadda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo saacadaha soo socda ku kulamaya Magaalada Djibouti Khamiis, November 20, 2008(HOL): Guddiyo Ammaanka iyo siyaasadda qaabilsan oo ka kala socda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ayaa mar kale waxay saacadaha soo socda ku kulmayaan Dalka Jibouti. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf ayaa sheegay in guddiyo labada dhinac ka kala socda ay Jibouti ku kulmi doonaan, iyagoo sii amba qaadi doona wada hadallo u socday oo ku saabsan sidii xal loogu heli lahaa mushkiladda siyaaso iyo ammaan ee ka taagan dalka Soomaaliya. Wasiirka oo sii hadlayay waxaa uu sheegay in ay ku rajo weyn yihiin in xal loo heli doono mushkiladda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna xusay in ay dowlad ahaan arrintaas si weyn uga qeyb qaadan doonaan. Dhanka kalena, Wasiirka oo wax laga weydiiyay sida uu u arkayo hadal uu dhawaan sii daayay madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ku saabsan in wada hadallada Jibouti uga socda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta laga weeciyo Dalka Jibouti, isla markaana loo bedelo dalka Liibiya ayaa sheegay in arrintaas uu u arkayo mid lagu burburinayo wada hadallada Jibouti uga socda dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya. “Annagu waxaan aaminsan nahay in Jibouti is-af-garad iyo heshiisyo ay ku gaareen Dowladda Federaalka iyo mucaaradka ka soo horjeeda, haatanna ay arrimahooda meel wanaagsan marayaan, sidaas darteed waxaan leenahay ciddii ku talineysa in wada hadallada meelo kale loo weeciyo waa cid daneyneysa in baaba’aan miraha ka soo baxaya wada hadallada Jibouti”ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Jibouti Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf. Guddiyada Ammaanka iyo Siyaasadda ee ka kala socda Dowlada Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta ayaa ilaa iyo hataan waxay ku guuleysteen arrimo ay ka mid yihiin in Ciidamada Itoobiya ay 21-ka bishan ka baxaan fariisimo ay ku leeyihiin Magaalada Muqdisho, dhamaadka bisha December ee soo socotana guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyntiina, Kulanka ay guddiyadan ku yeelanayaan Magalaada Djibouti ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo maalinta berri ah ay ku beegan tahay waqti loo qabtay in ay Ciidamada Itoobiya uga baxaan fariisimo ay ku leeyihiin Magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan Warshaddii Baastada, Xeyla Bariise, Towfiiq, Garoonka Kubadda Cagta Muqdisho Stadium iyo Wasaaraddii Gaashaandhiga, lama oga in Ciidamada ay labadaas maalmood gudahood uga guuri doonaan fariisimadaas. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online
  6. Oodweyne, TFG has a salvage value, and the caravan intends to milk it. If it ceases to exist, the caravan will deal with whatever replacement the powers that be put in its place. Of course local players will have to be engaged as well. That's the vision of this caravan Oodka. But you my good cyber friend have no capacity to obsorb it. Now since you are in a good mood tonight, why dont you read out the verses of Somaliland's legal basis, her dealings with the Intelegence community, and the timelines of her full indepedence. Dont forget to tell us the difference between PL and SL. Some people, especially those in the outside world, tend to confuse the two. Hayye nagu soo dhur hee!
  7. ^^^Attention seeking minyaro’s are so passé! All old men like me need to do is a get cell phone and talk
  8. If it weren't for my minyaro plans, i would agree with the Point man! Cell phone is my freind. Kaygu laakiin waa aamusane, i use no ring tone .
  9. ^^ SL is no Bantustan. On that account Oodweyne's protest is warrented. having said that, there are two parallels between secessionist inclinations and that of the said South Africa’s Bantustan. 1- setting aside a sizable land for specific groups for political expediency 2- asserting a sovereignty that’s not recognized by outside world. I know it’s not fair to pick on my old pal Oodweyne but the man needs to give serious consideration to Liqaye’s observations.
  10. Originally posted by S.O.S: If you're proposing to achieve unity between us on the basis of religious subservience, would that entail identity before unity or unity before identity? I would never sing, good SOS, what one of the Pan Arabism concept proponents once sung: Salaamun calaa kufrin yuwaxidu baynanaa Wa ahlan wa sahlan bacdahu bijahanama So take the ‘if’ out. It’s clearly xarfu shakk! Now, in order to do justice to your topic, give me time to lay out what I think the real issues are. As a young man I read a book by the title of Awlawiyaat A-dacwah by Yusuf Qardawi. I wish the heading of your post could have borrowed the title. cuz that's what i think the real issue is!
  11. Originally posted by Deputy: I again I do not care about alshabaab or the UIC or mohamed Aideed or galmudug state or puntland or somaliland or RRA land, their policies, strategies, and tactics evoke my feeling in only one aspect will they bring peace, even if it means the stamping down of all opposition through the instict of self preservation? TFG has failed even in this Brother Xiin, your intentions are good but let this contemptible fraud die, and with hope how ever weak look forward to new realities and new caravans with this carcass out of the way. ^^ If TFG ceases to exist, and it’s no longer party to the current conflict, there will not be a need to engage it. It would be good riddance. Till that day comes though, we must differentiate what we desire from what the facts are awoowe!
  12. In avoidance of turning Baashi’s post into another caravan debate, let me say to brother Liqaye : My argument may be weak, and even my conviction that the only way out of this mess goes through compromise and dialogue between Somali factions may be delusional . But the notion the alshabaab type strategy will usher a new era of peace and stability sounds even weaker. It’s reactionary and only good at opposing things, perhaps destroying things but from what I can tell, it's an empty loom! Time will tell, waa haddii alla na gaarsiiyyee!
  13. Originally posted by Deputy: Jaale Xiin I posted the above before you posted yours, I was not referring to the puntland or somaliland, I have had only a passing intreast in bantustans. I get it for your peace caravan to succeed some sort of negotiation must take place as the swahilis might say sawa sawa. But perhaps another scenario is the TFG just curling up and dying. Liqaye, Tfg for some is AY. I, for one, however don’t think so. I think it's a political arrangement that's only legitimate in the eyes of those who invested time and money in it. The measure of its survival in my mind is not whether it succeeds on the ground and exerts authority. The real measure is whether those who ascribed to it the token legitimacy it so far enjoyed still see some value in it. I still think that to be the case. It could die and crumble, but that didn’t happen yet. I can grant you that if the tfg evaporates, as you seem to suggest, this version of Jabbuuti peace agreement will be amiss. Needless to say another batch of caravans will have to be sent to continue the peace and reconciliation process.
  14. loool@if such a state, still does exist even then, that is. It will insha Allah. And you, unless you choose to retire in England, will be treated with dignity.
  15. Liqaye, I would normally trust your observation but I have to ask you what 'realities on the ground ' suggest that PL is seceding, or SL is closer to indepedence, or for that matter tfg is about to disapear. I dont really think last few days drama signifies a looming political gamechanger event! Yey even if he wants to cant abondon this tfg; he has no where to go. Nur is on the winning side or at least on the right side of the equation. The powers that be have invested so much into this that they cant really walk away with no alternative in sight....
  16. It does not please me to see Aw Tusbaxle’s long, and mighty labor produce the mouse that’s, as Malika aptly called it, this political vice! Kaliyya waxaan oran lahaa: ma intaasaad rimanayd As for Baashi's waxa layiri stuff: I dont see PL seceding. I dont even see SL seceding. AY may be gone and done with, but I still blve the political arrengment that 's tfg is here to staty!
  17. ^^I recognize SL. How's that for compromise, Oodka?
  18. ^^I was answering xaaji NG's q! I was not looking for an argument with you. It would not be productive to argue with you since you would be defending a sovereignty I do not recognize
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Ouch! Folks who matter? WHO? ^^Regional entities such Arab League, AU and IGAD. International bodies such EU, and UN. War ma sii wadaa
  20. I am hopefull Ayyoub! We've debated to death the ramifications of the concept of seceding which you seem to be taking lightly! folks who matter are more imaginative adeer!
  21. Originally posted by Oodweyne: And, in for emphasis sake in here, perhaps, you should recalled as to how the intelligence services of the Franch State first come to Somaliland, in-order to reach an agreement with the authorities there; long before the "special French forces" first came to Berberra as a staging post on their way of capturing the pirates in Puntland could proceed. And then, later on, shipping them to France for the crime of high seas piracy and legal prosecution that should follow in the wake of that crime. Regards, Oodweyne. lol.
  22. @Oodweyne adeer, your frustration is understandable. But wisdom, as it were, is not, and never has been, one-day’s purchase!
  23. ^^The world is not fair! Never has been! But we should not be depressed about it, lock ourselves in our livng rooms, and start eating M&Ms....