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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Speaking of Dubai iyo carabtaba, where is brother Sharmarke? Is he in Dubai? General Zu waa ku salaamay, saaxiib.
  2. PL shiddaa kusoo korodhay. I hope his visit does not impact negatively PL's coming election. ============================================ Somalia: President Yusuf 'expected in Puntland': sources 26 Nov 26, 2008 - 9:09:34 AM GAROWE, Somalia Nov 26 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf is expected to arrive in his native region of Puntland, government sources tell Garowe Online. President Yusuf is currently in Nairobi, Kenya, and the sources said the president will soon fly to Puntland, with unconfirmed reports saying he will land in the regional capital Garowe. It is not clear why Somalia's president is planning to visit his native region, but the trip comes at a time of tense relations with Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein. Further, Puntland is scheduled to hold presidential elections in January 2009 and President Yusuf is might mediate between the Puntland government and opposition candidates, who have disagreed over the government-appointed election commission. Source: Garowe Online
  3. Barlamanka Somalia oo lagu kordhinayo 275 xubnood Heshiis lagu qaybsanayo awooda dalka ayay maanta ku kala saxiixdeen dalka Jabuuti gudigii siyaasada ee DF iyo ARS, kaasoo dhigaya in baarlamaanka lagu kordhiyo 275-xubnood oo cusub. Saxiixa heshiiskaan ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa ergayga gaarka ah ee UN-ka u qaabilsan arimaha Somalia Ahmadou Ould-Abdallah, isagoo ku tilmaamay guul ay ku talaabsadeen Somalida. "Baarlamaanka waxaa laga dhigayaa 550-xubnood, waxaana xubnaha haatan lagu darayaa kuwo ka imaanaya Isbahaysiga qaybihiisa kala duwan" ayuu saxaafada Jabuuti u sheegay C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame oo dhanka isbahaysiga ka socda. Mas'uul u hadlay DF ayaa isaguna sheegay in heshiiskan uu yahay mid ay ogoladeen isjiidjiid badan kadib, wuxuuna carabka ku dhuftay in sababaha ay u oglaadeen ay tahay inuusan burburin shirka. "Hogaanka sare ee dalka sida Madaxweynaha, Afhayeenka Baalamaanka iyo Ra'iisul wasaaraha waxay ku imanayaan doorasho, waxaana dooranaya baalmaaanka cusub" ayuu mar kale sheegay C/raxmaan C/shakuur. Isbahaysiga ARS ayuu sheegay inay ka imaanayaan dhankooda 200-xubnood, halka ay 75-ka xubnood ee kale ka imaanayaan dhinacyada kale sida bulshada rayidka ah iyo waxgaradka Soomaaliyeed. Madaxda ergada ARS ee shirka ka qaybgalaya ayaa intaas ku daray in dowlad cusub la dhisayo bisha ugu horeysa ee sanadka 2009, isla markaana ay shaqeyn doonto 2-sano. "Labada sano kadib doorasho ayaa la sameyn doonaan, waxaana doorashadaas qabanqaabin doona xukuumada cusub ee wadaaga ah, waana wax lagu farxo inay shacabku dooran doonaan hogaankooda" ayuu yiri C/raxmaan C/shakuur mar kale. Afhayeen u hadlay Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo maanta ku sugan xarunta maamul goboleedka Puntland ee Garowe ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynuhu uu qaadacay heshiiskaas, kuna tilmamay mid xukuumada jirta lagu baabi'inayo. Heshiiska ayaa waxaa amaanay xukuumada Jabuuti, xubno ka socda dalalka caalamka qaarkood & Qaramada Midoobay, iyadoo heshiiska ay dhaliileen xubno ay ka mid yihiin kuwa ku sugan dalka Eritrea. Garowe Online, Jabuuti
  4. Somali goverment, opposition faction share power Wednesday, November 26, 2008 MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — The United Nations says Somalia's government has reached a power-sharing deal with a faction of the country's opposition. The deal increases the number of seats in parliament to include the opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia, a relatively moderate group that has split from the fighters at the heart of the country's Islamist insurgency. The agreement struck during U.N.-backed talks in Djibouti appeared unlikely to alter the chaos in Somalia, which is struggling with the ferocious insurgency. Hard-line members of the opposition have denounced the talks and previous deals have not ended the violence. Al-Shabab, the extremist group at the center of the insurgency, did not participate in the Djibouti talks. The State Department considers al-Shabab, or "The Youth," a terrorist organization. SOURCE: AP, Wednesday, November 26, 2008
  5. ^^ Caadi aad iigu keen-keentay wallee! Moroco ma rabtaa inaan ku dhaho Saaxiib aniga filimka dalxiis dalxiis ka ma i maro . Dadkaan oo Hotelada lacagaha iska siin siinayyaa ma ii mooday! Adiga xaggee tagtay, bal noo warran Farax?
  6. ^^I think he will write a story of his own. Haddaan aqaanno, najjaasuu soo wadaa.
  7. ^^Adiga Harar iyo Canada maahe xaggee gaartay ?
  8. Originally posted by Haneefah: ^I presume he means outside the Midwest. Cajaaib, meesha maxaa loogu sii wada socdaa oo yaala. p.s wlc back Mr. Faarax. Maxaa laguu waayey beryahan? ^^ Haneefah, welcome back. Secondly I travelled to other States, and Canada Also I have been to Kenya. Masii wadaa waa iga dhammaan rabtaaye
  9. ^^War anigu meesha uma socdo ilaa good Baashi tago, then aniga iyo nuune waa ballansannahay Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: ^When was the last time you travelled Xiinow? travelled to where Farax?
  10. Originally posted by Baashi: Keep Hope Alive By Rajo-Ku-Nool *Waxa-La-Yirri Tall Tales Aw Baalle acted like Andy Defresne, Tim Robin’s character in Shawshank - the movie, a prisoner who knows the importance of keeping hope alive, and informed the crowd that they better get busy hoping that the best days are yet to come. He told them it’s better to get their plans and dreams in order to escape the inhumanity of their existence than to lament about that of which they cannot alter or long for dead yesterdays. He recited the story by Juxa , an Aesop like wise man, about a man who had incurable disease that deformed his bones. The man in the story was in his twenties, like the youngsters of the town, and he wanted to tie the knot. After enduring rejection after rejection, the character of the story settled in a modest hut near the center of the city. He busied himself with perfecting horse shoes metals -- a tall order! He never had time to lament or reflect his misfortunes explained Aw Baalle. All he had was a task to finish, money to save so he can have doctors attend his ailment, and the hope that one day he will find a suitable woman ready to tie the knot. Aw Baalle concluded the story by Juxa by telling the crowd that the deformed man in the story did not get a wife. But the man prospered, Aw Baalle told the crowd, and succeeded to have reputable doctors from near and afar attending to his ailments. The crippled man with the crooked legs and the hunchback accomplished a lot despite insurmountable difficulties in the way. His disability never changed. If anything it worsened as years passed by, Walliga Duule reminded the crowd yet he remained hopeful that he might be able to cure his affliction and charm girls to marry him. He saw the possibility and that alone kept him hopeful. Hayye
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Waar niyow don't make me go there as well if all those are coming ....... Had me thinking about majnunu layla iyo old Baashi oo murmayya... waryaa nuune dadka ha noogu yeerin ninyahow. Haddaan dubai tago, waa inaan PL iyo SL soo arkaa IA. Sharci baa ka yaalla taas .
  12. Sticking issues include: Ethiopian withdrawal TFG parliament, its size etc… Cabinet I am hopefull they will agree on some thing, but these Ethiopians must adhere to what they signed and withdraw. TFG officials are saying teh withdrawal have already begun. We will see. I know some will try to block the exit, but that should not matter. Withdraw they must!
  13. NG, To the most Somalis, supporting a peaceful conclusion to the Somali civil war comes effortlessly. To articulate it in a manner that does not exclude the political interests of some factions, say al shabaabs, is not however as easy. Likewise to demolish the notion of dismembering the Somali republic on the bases of colonial legacy or past grievances is not particularly difficult. To coherently put forth a scenario where incorporating that region back into the fold does not undo the significant progress it made on many fronts is not however, as they say, igu soo orod . You get my drift… lol@waxa foosha xun aad wadid jooji... Me, ku mee adeer?
  14. Shirkii dib-u-heshiisiinta oo ka furmey dalka Jabuti Shirkii Jabuuti ayaa maanta [Nov 24, 2008] si rasmi ah uga furmay Magaalada Jabuuti, iyadoo dalkaas uu gaaray ra'iisul wasaraha Somalia Nuur Xasan Xuseen [Nuur Cadde]. Wafdiga ra'iisul wasaaraha Somalia iyo ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Wasiirka warfaafinta Axmed C/salaan iyo weliba Xil. Kiishburm, iyadoo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay dalka Jabuuti. Xubnaha Qaramada Midoobay ee shirka wada ayaa waxay sheegtay inay casuumaad u fidiyeen Madaxweynaha Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed si uu goobjoog uga ahaado xiritaanka shirkan. Gudiyadii amaanka ayaa waxay yeesheen kulamo hordhac ah oo ay kaga hadleen heshiisyadii ay horay u gaareen, iyagoo si gaar ah diirada u saaray bixitaanka ciidamada Ethiopia iyo xabadjoojinta. Sidoo kale gudiyo loo kala saaray inay ka shaqeeyaan ajandayaasha ay shirkooda kaga hadlayaan guddiga siyaasada oo ay ka mid noqon doonaan awood-qaybsi dhexmara mucaaradka iyo DF. Gudi kale xuquuq Insaanka ka shaqeyn doona oo laga soo xulay DF, ARS iyo Bulshada Rayidka Soomaaliyeed ayaa iyaguna shir gaar ah ku leh dalka Jabuuti, kuwaasoo si weyn uga hadlaya xadgudubyadii ka dhacay Somalia. Qodobada kasoo baxa kulanka gudigan xuquuqda aadanaha ayaa waxaa la hordhigi doonaa kulanka berri dhacaya ee dhinacyada siyaasada iyo amaanka, iyadoo la sheegay in gudigan uu helay xog badan. Xubno ka tirsan ururada bulshada rayidka ee ku sugan Jabuuti ayaa waxay si hoose u sheegeen inay jiraan xogo dhab ah oo gacanta loo geliyay gudigan cusub ee xuquuqda aadanaha, kuwaasoo faahfaahinaya tacadiyadii ka dhacay Somalia intii uu burburku jiray iyo cidii geysatay. Dhinaca kale waxaa weli soo gaari wadanka Jabuuti Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yusuf oo sheegey inuu ka qayb galayo shirka nabadeynta Somalia. Shirka ayaa lagu wadaa inuu maalmaha soo socda soo afjarmo, iyadoo DF iyo ARS-Jabuuti ay muujinayaan niyad wanaag ku aadan inay shirkan kasoo bixi doonaan qodobo muhim ah. Garowe Online, Jabuuti
  15. Jabuuti: Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta oo beri si rasmi ah u furmaya Jabuuti & Nuur Cadde oo rajo ka muujiyay inuu soo afjarmo khilaafka Madaxweynaha kala dhaxeeyo 24. November 2008 - APL Jabuuti(AllPuntland)-Waxaa maanta dib u dhac uu ku yimid shirweynaha dib u heshiisiinta ee Dowladda Federaalka KMG ee Soomaaliya iyo Isbaheysiga Mucaaradka Garabka Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed, waxaana lagu waday in maanta uu furmo, balse arrimo farsamo uu dib u dhacay ilaa beri. Ra'iisul Wasaare Nuur Cadde oo maanta ka degay dalka Jabuuti isaga iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in uu rajo wanaagsan ka qabo in shirka labada dhinac oo looga hadli doono arrimaha siyaasadda ay ka soo baxaan wax wanaagsan oo Soomaalida dan u ah. Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in beri marka uu furmo labada dhinac ay ka wada hadli doonaan wax kasta oo nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta kaalmeynaya, rajada laga qabo in ay wax ka soo baxaana ay aad u wanaagsan tahay. Mar uu Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ka hadlayey khilaafka Madaxweynaha kala dhaxeeya ayuu sheegay in marka hore khilaafka waxa keenay ay tahay in shacabka wax loo qabto, sidaas ay tahayna waxaa uu carabka ku dhuftay in mar kasta rajo laga qabo in uu soo afjarmo khilaafka u dhaxeeya Madaxweynaha iyo isaga. Wararka laga helayo Jabuuti ayaa sheegaya in shirka beri la filayo inuu furmo laga cabsi qabo inuu muran iyo khilaaf uu ka dhasho, kaasoo ku saabsan arrimaha Siyaasadda gaar ahaan ka hadalka awood qeybsiga, walow uu Ra'iisul Wasaaraha uu rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay. AllPuntland, Jabuuti
  16. ^^In hindsight, one could look back and come up with all sorts of explanations as to why particular event happened the way it did. According to you Sharif is lucky b*std…i.e he just happens to be offering something that’s both palatable in political sense and timely to both uncle Sum and Ethiopia . That easy... Except there is a rude truth lurking around the corner. The notion of peace caravan preceded well before the time Ethiopia’s momentum or Unlce Sum’s political stamina worn out. But lets not look back now adeer… Tell me now whether you see its larger value if not its political genius? And while you are at it, tell us also whether you think it’s good idea to form a government where this side of the opposition and the tfg in its current structure come together to transition the country? Unlike my friend Aw Tusbaxle, I hope you agree with me that Ethiopia’s withdrawal is a foregone conclusion…
  17. Naxar is missing the point few miles iyo hodhodho... This thread exposes the fundamental flaws of Yey's political calculus adeer...whether he survives or not is periphery to that larger point.
  18. ^^But you were against this caravan in the first place right? You wanted the war to continue, no? You supported the zero sum game,maaha xaaji Oodka? In fact, I am not even sure if you still hold the same positions you held few months back. So explain your self saaxiib. Because I am observing some trends here
  19. ^^Before you were sure he and his caravan were failure. Before you thought his were bad ideas. Before you thought he was naive...etc. Now proven you knew not much about the larger movement, you think some greatness of sort was thrust upon him... Allow alle...