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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. ^^I second that. Plus, those who really want change, accept the political reality of the moment. Ibtisim articulated in one pragraph as to why Riyale is the leader of SL today, and given his past why people seem to be tolerating his regime.
  2. ^^Only if the commoners possessed your discipline and laser-like focus!
  3. ^^ Wax walba maka murmaysaa ninyahow. Comments and analysis ku lahaa. The peace caravan in Jabbuuti is the only game in town adeer. Time to play hardball.
  4. caravan update for Ayyoub, the Waqooyi Galbeed brother.
  5. ^^Actually it’s your celebratory tone in this thread that’s doing disservice of what you stand for if your intentions are good. Of course I have no way of estimating your intentions adeer. If these men were after reform, they should take every opportunity to do so. Being part of regions cabinet represents such a good opportunity to make difference in average Farax's lives. I can understand if the complaint were about the process by which Faroole’s rose to power. But these media stunts should not be seen as a ‘great move’.
  6. Che, Ilka Jir has not resigned. Nuradin has. It was not a good move. You are typical Somali; either my way or the high way. Caku.
  7. Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u Xoreynta Soomaaliya oo ku heshiiyay in ay Dowlad-Midnimo-Qaran ku dhistaan Jibouti Sabti, January 17, 2009(HOL): Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya garabka Jibouti ayaa ku heshiiyay in ay Jibouti ku dhistaan Dowlad-Midnimo-Qaran. Guddiyo labada dhinac ka kala socda oo in muddo ah shirar ka lahaa arrintaas ayaa ugu dambeyntii waxay soo saareen war murtiyeed ay ku sheegayaan in ay gaareen heshiis ah in ay dhistaan Dowlad-Midnimo-Qaran, iyadoo laga bilaabayo in la isku daro oo la ballaariyo Xubnaha Baarlamaanka labada dhinac. Xubnaha Baarlamaanka ee Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo 275 xubnood gaaraya ayaa 200 oo ka mid ah waxaa lagu qeybiyay qaabka Afar Beelood iyo Bar (4.5), iyadoo Afarta Beelood ee waa weyn-na ay heleen min 44 Xubnood, halka Beesha Barka loo aqoonsaday la siiyay 24 xubnood. 75-ka mudane ee hartayna waxaa uu Isbaheysiga u reebay cid kasta oo loo arko in ay muhiim u tahay ku jirtaanka Dowladda Midnimo-Qaran ee la soo dhisayo. Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo isna lagu soo xulay qaab-qeybsiga Afar Beelood iyo Bar ah ayaa waxay afarta beelood u qeybsadeen min 61 xubnood, halka Beesha Barka loo aqoonsadayna ay heshay 31 xubnood. Ugu dambeyntiina, Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ayaa maalmaha soo socda waxaa laga filayaa in ay soo gudbiyaan xubnahooda Baarlamaanka, iyadoo marka ay soo gudbiyaan kadibna la isku darayo xubnaha Baarlamaanka labada dhinac oo isku darkooda uu noqonayo 550 Mudane. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online
  8. ^^Wayrax, that is what i suspected awoowe. Emperor, read the bio waryee. lool@Zack. Ma bakistan buu ku bartay ku lahaa. Waryaa amxaariga adiga iyo AT&T keliya miyaad u qabtaa inay yaqaanan I am waiting good Horn to enlighten you folks about the nature of Bashir's efforts. Waraa Jac, widaayow adiga haddaan SL la ammaanayn ama PL la xamanayn kuuma ah soo maaha? Awoowe Bashiir waa raggeedii. I have introduced to you a new face. Get to know the man waryee
  9. For the most part, this is good cabinet. Kudos for Faroole. He has succeeded to convince his opponents to work for the region and make a difference in people's lives.
  10. Hadhow bay niman hanad ahayn hebel yiraahdeene Hiiraalihii hanfiga laga qubee heeryada la saaray Ee gaalka hiifta leh intaa daba huqlaynaaayey Iyo midaan habarti awr goynin oon harumar keenaynin Oo wada haraa ah bay intaa daba hushleeyaane'e Haybaada Bashiir uma arkaan guul la hoyn karo'e I know Bashiir, and this poorly written bio does not do justice to his noble background nor does it tell the whole story of his quest of knowledge. For now though I must suffer you to read RealGedo's take on him. Source
  11. ^^The president should not be selected before the the combined parliament convenes. To the rest of your questions, I dont know. Of course i would favor Sharif. Whom do you favor? The man Crowned by The Devil?
  12. ^^Duke, give it few weeks. I am confident Indhacadde’s type will be dealt severely. Alshabaab will be an obstacle but theirs is an ideological obstacle, not a clan hegemony type like Indhacadde’s. Also you have to understand Ethiopians are not withdrawing to their original bases. They have setup ad-hoc bases along the southern border. Sharif and co is being very careful in maneuvering these dangerous waters. The Asmara group seems to be open to the possibility of participating in a national unity. Don’t get surprised if Jabbuuti conference gets postponed to accommodate them. All in all things are not as bad as biased reporters like Callasow of Waagacusub are reporting it to be.
  13. Originally posted by Emperor: What I thought to have been the next step, and was waiting for is the selection of the 550 MPs and finally go for the Presidential race or elections and create a government. The main purpose in this gathering is primarilly to select a president. Or at least that's what I am hearing. But the selection of new batch of PMs will also be made. Then two parliaments will be combined. Then a president will be selected. I dont have the dates,but that where things are headed. All big cats are there When the big cats are away, the mice tend to play, and that's what's happening in Mogadishu today i.e. Indhacade's speech and Islamic camouflage
  14. Jac, Did this Ethiopian university build a university building in Burco, or is it just using an adhoc building and naming it university?
  15. Jabuuti: Madaxweynaha Jabuuti iyo Nuur Cadde oo kulmay iyo Warar ku saabsan shirka Jabuuti oo furmay Jabuuti(AllPuntland)- Gelinkii danbe ee maanta ayaa magaalada Jabuuti waxaa ka furmay Shirkii dib u heshiisiinta ee u dhaxeeyay Guddiyadii Amniga iyo Siyaasadda, iyadoo ay ka soo qeybgaleen Ra'iisul Wasaaraha DKM iyo Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Sheekh Shariif Skeeh Axmed, xubno ka socday beesha caalamka iyo mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan labada dhinac. Shirkani oo furmay gelinkii danbe ee maanta ayaa waxaa hadalo ka jeediyay Nuur Cadde iyo Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed oo khudbadooda kaga hadlay ka bixitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya ee Magaalada Muqdisho, waxayna soo dhoweeyeen arintaasi iyagoo sheegay in ay ku faraxsan yihiin go'aanka ay Itoobiya kula baxday ciidamadeeda. Mas'uuliyiintan ayaa waxay sheegeen in rajada ay tahay in dhamaadaan dalka Soomaaliya ay ka dhamaan doonaan ciidamada Itoobiya, waxayna qireen in tallaabadani ay tahay mid ku timid wada hadaladii iyo horumarka laga gaaray shirka dib u heshiisiinta dalka Djibuoti. Nuur Cadde iyo Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxay kaloo sheegeen in laga mira dhaliyo shirka dib u heshiisiinta isla markaana la dhameystiro qodobada kale ee heshiiska iyo isku darka Labada Baarlamaan si ay u soo doortaan Madaxweyne kadibna la dhiso Dowlad Midnimo Qaran. Guddiyada labada dhinac ayaa maalmaha soo socda ka hadli doono waxyaabihii qabsoomay iyo waxa u harsan, iyadoo labada Guddi ay warbixinadii ugu danbeeyay ay soo bandhigi doonaan si loogu gudbo wajiyada kale ee harsan. Ra'iisul Wasaare Nuur Cadde ayaa la filayaa in uu u sii gudbo dalka Kuwait halkaasi oo ka furmi doono shirweyne caalami ah oo lagu casuumay inuu ka soo qeybgalo. Waxaana ugu danbeyntii laga filayaa in shirka Jabuuti ka furmay maalmaha nagu soo aadan ay ka soo bixi doonaan bayaano ku aadan horumarka laga gaaray shirka Jibouti iyo in lagu dhawaaqo xiliga rasmiga ah ee ay dhaceyso doorashada madaxweynaha iyo xiliga la isku darayo labada Baarlamaan. AllPuntland, Jabuuti
  16. Emp, waryee waa maxay baladaad saadinaysaa adeer? Mogadishu is in a festive mood. Give it 3 weeks, and then will for certain find out if the bad, old days are coming back to hount the city again.
  17. Horn, alshabaab is not a perfect organization. Their shortcomings are numerous. Chasing Hiiraale and Indhacadde however are not among the shortcomings I have objected. Neither is deterring mini warlords in Wardille's death. Jumcah wanaagsan ikhyaar.ta
  18. To Kismayo, alshabaab brought peace and security. As LSK noted, the death of an individual should not be the yardstick to assess alshabaabs admin in that city. We should look at the no so distant past where lootings, killings, and insecurities crippled that great city and its people. Today Kismayo is not only a peaceful city, but it’s also a thriving place, and has regained its dominant status business wise. It’s not coincident that Ibrahim Afghan and Abdurrahman Siiro pacified the most two unstable regions in South Somalia: Kismayo and Marka! In the absence of federal government these regions will be better off in Alshabaabs hands as they bring justice, and do away with clan dominance.
  19. ^^fill me in bro, what are you hearing now. Things are very fluid at the moment.
  20. Shirkii TFG iyo ARS oo galabta si rasmi ah uga furmay magaalada Jabuuti iyo Sh. Shariif iyo Nuur-cadde oo hadalo ka jeediyay Waxaa galabta si rasmi ah uga furmay hoolka shirarka ee Hotelka Kempiski ee magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti shirkii dhinacyada dowladda federaalka iyo isbaheysiga dib xoreynta kaasoo soo bilowday horaanta sanadkii 2008. Shirkan ayaa waxaa galabta ka soo qeyb galay ra’iisal wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen iyo Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed, iyadoo uu goob joog ka ahaa ku-xigeenka wakiilka Q/midoobay ee Somalia Waliid Mussa, waxaana sidoo kale ka qeyb galay xubnihii gudiyada Siyaasada iyo Amniga. Shirkan oo galabta ahaa kala war qaadasho oo qura ayaa waxaa halkaasi hadalo kooban ka jeediyay Nuur-cadde iyo Sh. Shariif iyagoo labaduuduba diirada saaray ka bixista ciidanka Itoobiya ee caasimadda Muqdisho, waxayna si isku mid ah u qireen inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin ka bixistaasi ayna rajeynayaan inay ka dhamaadaan ngebi ahaanba dalka ciidankaasi. Sidoo kale, labadan mas’uul ayaa ka hadlay horumarka uu sameeyey shirkan Jabuuti waxayna si isku mid ah u tibaaxeen in la sii wado lana dhameystiro isku darka labada baarlamaan si ugu dambeysta loo doorto madaxweynaha dalka Soomaaliya, lana unko dowlad Midnimo Qaran sida horayba ay ugu heshiiyeen. Kulankan oo aan weli soo idlaanin ayaa waxaa la filayaa in warbixino looga dhegeysto gudiyada Amniga iyo siyaasada, gaar ahaana midka Amniga oo isagu bishii tagtay ku howlanaa sida loo sugi karo amniga caasimadda iyo sida la isugu dari lahaa ciidamo ka kala socda labada dhinac ee TFG iyo ARS. Shirka ayaa la filayaa inuu sii socdo maalmaha soo socda iyadoo ugu dambeyna ay ka soo bixi doonaan bayaano ku aadan wax qabadka shirka, iyadoo laga yaabo in la iclaamiyo xilliga sida rasmiga ah loo mideynayo baarlamaanka TFG iyo midka ARS. Shirkan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli magaalada Baydhabo ay ka soconeyso qaban qaabada doorashada madaxweynaha Somalia, iyo sidoo kale xilli uu maanta ku dhawaaqay in Nuur-cadde uu u taagan yahay qabashada jagada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
  21. War deg deg ah: Xubno muhiim ah horayna uga tirsanaa isbaheysiga garabka Asmara oo ku soo biiray garabka Jabuuti Labada siyaasi ee Jaamac Cali Jaamac iyo Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi ayay warar hoose oo aanu ka helnay illo lagu kalsoonaan karo inoo xaqiijiyeen inay ka soo go’een isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta garabka uu hogaamiyo Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ee fariisinkoodu yahay magaalada Asmara ee xarunta dalka Ereteriya. Siyaasiyiintan ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay kulan hoose ku wada qaateen magaalada Dubai ee xarunta Imaaraadka Carabta guddoomiyaha isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta dalka Soomaaliya Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed halkaasoo ay ku wada hadleen. Xubnahan ayaa la tilmaamay in lagu qanciyay aragtida isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ee Jabuuti iyagoo ku qancay sida uu wax u wado haatan Sh. Shariif oo ay horay u dhaliilsanaayeen aragtidiisa ah in isbaheysigu uu heshiis la galo dowladda federaalka KMG Soomaaliya. Sakariye Maxamuud ayaa ahaa kuxigeenkii guddoomiyaha golaha fulinta ee isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta garabka Asmara, iyadoo Jaamac Cali Jaamacna uu ahaa xubin muhiim ah oo ka tirsan isbaheysiga, waxaana la filayaa inay dhowaanta soo gaaraan magaalada Jabuuti si ay uga qeyb galaan shirarka u soconaya TFG iyo ARS. Garaad Salaad Xirsi, Djbouti E-mail: garaadcadde@hotmail.com
  22. Sheekh Shariif oo la kulmay ARS-Asmara 15 Jan 15, 2009 Gudoomiyaha Isbahaysiga ARS-Jabuuti Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa kulamo qarsoodi ah kula qaatay Magaalada Dubai xubno ka tirsan Isbahaysiga ARS-Asmara oo uu xifaatan ka dhexeeyo. Xubno ARS-Asmara ayaa la sheegay inay kala hadleen Sheekh Shariif sidii loo dhameyn lahaa khliaafaadyada u dhexeeya dhinacyada Isbahaysiga, isla markaana ay u yeelan lahaayeen hal hadaf. Zakariye Max'ud Xaaji Cabdi oo la safan Sheekh Xasan Daahir ayaa sheegay in kulamadaas ay ahaayeen kuwo ay dhinacyadu kaga hadleen sidii hal mowqif loo yeelan lahaa, kadib bixitaanka Ethiopia. "Ma qabno in Ethiopia ay si dhameystiran uga baxayso Somalia, balse waxaa fulay qayb ka mid ah heshiiskii Jabuuti oo ay galeen dhinacii uu khilaafku naga dhexeeyay" ayuu yiri Zakariye oo ku sugan Dubai. Wararka hoose ee laga helayo Dubai ayaa sheegaya in Sheekh Shariif iyo Sheekh Cumar Iimaan oo dhanka Asmara ka tirsan ay taleefoonka ku hadleen, lana sheegay inay si weyn isugu soo dhawaadeen. Sheekh Shariif ayaa xiliyadii ugu dambeeyay waday dadaalo uu ku kasbanayo kooxaha kasoo horjeeda, inkastoo ay ku baaqday Al-shabaab inay dagaalo kasii wadayaan Muqdisho, ciidamada Ethiopia kadib. Inkastoo Sheekh Xasan Daahir uu ganafka ku dhuftay inuu heshiis la galayo Sheekh Shariif, hadana waxaa socda dadaalo ka madaxbanaan oo dib loogu mideynayo Isbahaysiga ARS. Garowe Online, Muqdisho
  23. New Puntland President Faces Stiff Challenges By Alisha Ryu Nairobi Thursday, January 15, 2009 Last week, parliament members in Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland elected a new president, who will have to lead the region through one of the most turbulent and uncertain periods in modern history. As a politician who campaigned for reform, President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole has vowed to eliminate piracy, corruption, and to restore security. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole ® sits beside outgoing President Muse (l) in Bossaso, Puntland, 08 Jan 2009 Winning 49 of the 66 votes cast by parliament members last week, Abdirahman Mohamed Farole became Puntland's fourth president since the region declared autonomy from Somalia in 1998. Mr. Farole defeated nine other candidates to win the election, including incumbent President Adde Muse whose first four-year term in office was marred by increasing acts of piracy off the Puntland coast, kidnappings of foreigners for ransom, and allegations of gross financial mismanagement and corruption. In November, a former fisheries minister and presidential candidate, Ahmed Saeed O'Nur, begged parliament not to re-elect Adde Muse. He repeated long-held accusations that Mr. Muse and his inner circle accumulated U.S. dollars while encouraging the uncontrolled printing of the Somali shilling. The act drove down the shilling's value and created crippling hyper-inflation throughout Puntland. U.S.-based Somalia observer, Michael Weinstein, says Mr. Muse campaigned hard for re-election but he could not stem the anger toward him and his unpopular administration. "What changed in Puntland was a feeling on the part of the clans that he was going overboard with his corruption - that he was taking too much and giving too little. People are fed up with his corruption," he said. Despite weeks of political tension prior to the vote in parliament, the election itself was remarkably peaceful. Weinstein says that was largely due to the intervention of clan elders who mediated between Mr. Muse and the opposition led by Mr. Farole to ensure a smooth transition of power. "That is really important. It proves that Somalis can get their act together. The success of the Puntland elections can begin to provide a model for the whole of Somalia. It actually worked," said Weinstein. It also helped that Mr. Farole, who had been finance minister under Puntland's first president Abdullahi Yusuf and planning and international cooperation minister under Adde Muse, is viewed by many people in the region as a reformist. Puntland resident Abdirasaq Mohamed says even though Mr. Farole was not democratically elected, many people believe their clan representatives in parliament have chosen the right person to lead the region. Mohamed says the new president has popular support because he is expected to improve the security situation in Puntland. He says the region is in chaos because of the failings of the previous administration. Top among his campaign pledges, President Farole promised to focus on alleviating poverty by providing government funding for social and economic development programs. Noting that poverty is also fueling pirate activity off the coast of Puntland, the president said that he would fight piracy by promoting job creation for thousands of youth. He is also expected to make good on a promise to renegotiate a highly controversial mineral and oil rights agreement signed between former President Muse and an Australian company in 2006. Mr. Farole left Puntland after falling out with Mr. Muse over the deal. Mr. Farole, who advocates unity with Somalia, criticized Mr. Muse for awarding the contract without consulting the transitional federal government in Mogadishu and engaging in a process that he said was far from transparent. Mr. Farole says he believes Puntland's natural resources should be used to benefit all Somalis, not just one person or a region. Weinstein says it is vitally important for the future of Somalia to have an honest leader in Puntland, who is seen taking concrete steps toward fulfilling promises. "The bottom line is that a responsible, stable government in Puntland can stabilize Somalia as a whole," said Weinstein. But one lingering issue is threatening to become a major obstacle toward building peace in the region. Earlier this week, President Farole demanded that neighboring Somaliland withdraw their forces from disputed Sool and Sanag regions and urged voters there to reject the breakaway republic's attempts to secede from the rest of Somalia. Somaliland Foreign Minister Abdullahi Mohamed Du'ale expressed anger, saying the Puntland leader's comments are a major set-back for relations between the two rivals. The dispute over the regions of Sool and Sanag in northern Somalia began in 1998, when Puntland formed and declared the regions as sovereign territory based on the ethnic make-up of the region's inhabitants and their clan ties to Puntland. Somaliland claims Sool and Sanag because the regions fall geographically within the borders of pre-independence British Somaliland. Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991, but is not internationally recognized. Source: VOA, Jan 15, 2009
  24. Originally posted by Nur: SOS bro. You write: "I'm not an ideological supporter of ONLF, but I'm a moral and material supporter of ONLF." Akhi, how can we differentiate our Ideology from our Morality and hence our Material ( Actions ) Support for any cause? Please elaborate on this a bit more, its a very interesting philosophical issue that even surpasses in relevance to current issue in discussion. This is in fact in the realm of Islamic Aqeeda which I am very much interested to align it with the Quraan and Sunnah, our benchmarks. Nur Nur, SOS was perhaps referring to the concept of Masaalix and Mafaasid. I know you are erudite man in these matters. The third Khalif had ordered the burning of all masaaxifs of quran except one. It’s haram to burn quran. But the maslaxa to consolidate the source of Islamic teaching outweighed the mafsadah burning quran masaaxif could incur. At least ONLF keeps the struggle active and alive. And to a significant degree, it prevents inter-clan fighting, as the clans that comprise the bulk of ONLF’s fighting force are busy fighting the Ethiopian enemy, instead of each other. More over, there is a clear religious rationale in supporting ONLF’s fight: a brutal, merciless enemy is occupying a Muslim land and that land must be liberated ya Nur.