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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. ^^Would you propose Hargeysa as a venue for this conference yaa Baligubadle? Is it practical to hold this conference in Garoowe? How about Xamar? Kismayo? Baydhabo? Why not?
  2. ^^ . Santaaro, kaa daa yuusan adna Pirateland guy kuugu wicinne .
  3. Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta garabka Jabuuti oo gudbiyey liiska xildhibaanada baarlamaanka cusub & TFG-da oo sheegtay in wixii galabta ka danbeeya magacii isbaheysigu meesha ka baxay Xubnaha Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta Garabka Jabuuti ayaa galabta u gudbiyey guddiga dhexdhexaadinta shirka Jabuuti Liiska xubnaha uga mid noqonaya isbaheysiga baarlamaanka cusub ee la filayo inuu dhowaan doorto madaxweyne, waxaana gudbinta liiskaasi ay ka danbeysay shirar & wadatashi maalmahan u soconayey xubnaha isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta, loogana arrinsanayey xubnaha isbaheysiga uga mid noqonaya baarlamaanka cusub oo lagu saleynayey habka 4.5 sida uu dhigayo qodob ka mid ah heshiiskii ay wada saxiixdeen Isbaheysiga & TFG-da. Xubno isugu jira TFG-da & isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta oo ku sugan Jabuuti ayaa aragtiyo kala duwan ka bixinaya rajada laga qabo in Isbaheysiga dib u xorreyntu ku guuleysto mid ka mid ah labada jago ee ugu sarreysa dowladda federaalka, waxaana xubnaha TFG-da qaarkood ay rajo aan cago adag ku taagneyn ka muujinayaan haddii xubnaha Isbaheysigu isku raacaan in ay jagada madaxweynenimada u sharaxdaan Sheekh Shariif rajada guushu tahay mid mugdi ah, waxeyna taasi sabab uga dhigayaan in Isbaheysiga siyaasad ahaan looga guuleystay markii la ogoleysiiyey in hanaanka wax lagu qeybsanayo in uu noqdo 4.5. Aragtida labada dhinac ayaa u kala dhigan sidatan:- Xubnaha TFG-da ayaa ku doodaya. "Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta markii la ogoleysiiyey in wax lagu qeybsado 4.5 ayaa laga taqalusay, sababtoo haddii aad xusuusatid shirkii Kenya lagu qabtay ee la lagu soo dhisay TFG-da markii la soo gabagabeeyey wejigii 1-aad ee loo gudbay wejigii 2-aad ee awood qeybsiga, qoladii TNG-dii Carta ka socotay siyaasadoodii afkaa ciida loo daray, sababtuna waxey aheyd markii lagu yiri beel baa wax lagu qeybsanayaa, qeybtii ku soo aaday xubnihii TNG ahaan soo aaday ay qabiil u qeybsadaan, shaqsi kasta oo ka mid ahaa TNG-dana uu qabiilkiisii salka la galo, tan hadda ku dhacday qolada mucaaradkana waa la mid, nin kasta oo ka mid ah mucaaradka marka uu qaato xubintiisa wuxuu salka la galayaa qabiilkiisa, waana caadada Soomaalida looga bartay" "Xubnaha Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta ayaa ku adkeysanayaan in rajadoodu aad u wanaagsan tahay, ayna ku taamayaan in ay ku guuleysanayaan mid ka mid ah labada kursi ee dowladda ugu sarreeysa. Xubnaha Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta garabka Jabuuti ayaa iyagana qaba fikirkan. "Maanta cid ka mudan ma jirto xilkaasi Sheekh Shariif qabashada xilka madaxweynaha sababtoo ah, waa nin bulshada Soomaaliyeed dhexdeeda sumcad weyn ku leh, taageero weynna ka haysta shacabka Muqdisho, sidoo kale, waa nin aaney jirin cid uu wax u geystay, oo qolo kasta wadahadalo la furi kara, wuxuuna horay u balanqaaday in uu ku dedaalayo sidii ay Soomaaliya uga hirgeli laheyd dowlad loo dhan yahay oo dalka ka hirgelisa ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka"
  4. Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee ku sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo oo sheegay in ay ka qaybgelayaan doorashada Madaxda Dalka Soomaaliya Jimco, January 23, 2009(HOL): Xildhibaanada barlamanka KMG ah ee Somalia kuwooda ku sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa markii ugu horaysay shaaca ka qaaday in ay ka qeybgalayaan doorashada Madaxda Dalka Somalia ee loo balan sanyahay in ay ka dhacdo dalka Jabuuti. Kulan saxaafadeed ay xildhibaanadu ku qabteen magaalada Galkacyo ayey si wada jir ah ku sheegeen in maalmaha soo socda ay ka dagayaan dalka Jabuuti si ay ugu qeyb noqdaan Xildhibaanada madaxwaynaha dooranaya. Xildhibaan Saalax Nuux Ismaaciil Badbaado oo ka mid ah Xildhibaannadii kulankaasi qabtay ayaa sheegay in ay qaateen hadalkii ahaa in Xildhibaannadu ay isugu tagaan dalka Jabuuti, kaasi oo ka soo yeeray guddoomiyaha Baarlamanka Shiikh Aadan Madoobe. Su’aalihii ay Saxaafaddu weydiisay Xildhibaannada waxaa ka mid ahaa waxa ay Baydhabo ku diideen in ay dib ugu laabtaan ,waxaana ay sheegeen in ay ammaanka oo xun ay arintaasi ku kaliftay. Ugu dambeyntii Xildhibaannadaan oo loo arkay in ay ka gadoodeen baarlamanka ayaa lagu wadaa in ay ka qaybgalaan doorashada Madaxda Dowladda Midnimo Qaran ee Soomaaliya loo soo dhisayo, taasi oo is qabqabsi badan kadib lagu heshiiyay in ay ka dhacdo Dalka Jabuuti.
  5. Former Somali Prime Minister Declares His Candidacy for the Somali Presidency For Immediate Release Friday, January 23, 2009 Minneapolis – USA – January 22, 2009 - Former Somali Prime Minister, Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh, has announced today that he is a candidate for the upcoming Somali presidential election, soon to be held in Djibouti. Dr. Galaydh who has a Ph. D in public administration was a Fellow at Harvard University during the 1980s and taught at Syracuse University and most recently at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. "The restoration of a peaceful, prosperous and progressive Somalia is within our reach" Dr. Galaydh said in a statement adding that as a Professor of Public Policy and as a former Senior Civil Servant, Minister, and Prime Minister, "I have the requisite experience and expertise," to take part in serving our troubled country. Speaking of his vision, the former Prime Minister stated that Somalia, " has been engaged in unnecessary bloodletting for far too long and the time has come for Somalis to end the cycle of violence, and to get on with the arduous task of national reconciliation and peace." Dr. Galaydh is determined to focus on the designing and implementation of peace plans. Professor Galaydh further noted that he is confident that he is a leader who understands the complexities of peaceful dialogue, national reconciliation, and forging ahead with an urgent agenda of reconstruction and development. He is also fully cognizant of addressing the issues of regional peace, good neighborliness and cooperation. Dr. Galaydh said, “in a globalized world, it's imperative that Somalia should return to the community of nations and to work responsibly for international peace, security, and shared prosperity.” The academic turned politician stated that his vision for Somalia is one where the brightest and the most progressive Somalis take charge of the leadership of the nation. " By declaring my candidacy for the presidency of Somalia," Dr. Galaydh said, "I am pledging to empower the talented Somalis inside and outside of the country so that we can pull ourselves out of the crippling quagmire." Dr. Galaydh promises to make a concerted effort to seek the support of all Somalis who are genuinely committed to peace, justice, and development. He is also committed to the formation and the sustaining of a representative government which is for all Somalis.
  6. US urges Somali factions to finish transition By JONATHAN KONUCHE NATION Friday, January 23, 2009 Just two days after the United States President Barack Obama was sworn in, the US is urging the stakeholders in the Somali government to continue the cooperation aimed at completing the transition within the appointed time frame. A statement from the US Embassy says that the US is committed to supporting the Somali Parliament to complete the presidential succession process within the thirty-day period as outlined in the Transitional Federal Charter. Somali Transitional Federal Government First Deputy Speaker Mohammed Omar and Member of Parliament Ahmed Ashare, who is also the Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Information, Culture, Public Awareness and Heritage, welcomed the commitment saying it would go a long way in supporting the transitional government meet the set deadline. Somalia has been without an effective central government since President Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991 sparking a wave of inter clan wars. The two leaders lauded US President Barack Obama’s inaugural speech, especially where he condemned graft. Said Mr Omar: “The commitment solidifies the forward progressive way which will enhance the establishment of multiparty system and fair elections slated for September”. Speaking to the Nation in Nairobi, Mr Ashare said that the message from the US was an indication that the Obama presidency would promote democracy. “It also shows that the new US president is interested in seeing Somalia embrace democracy and it also acts as a catalyst for stability in our country,” said Mr Ashare. New president “Since President Yusuf’s resignation last year, we have consistently advocated a peaceful and transparent election of a new president while respecting the progress made in the Djibouti process,” said the statement from the US Embassy. Late last year, Mr Adan Muhammad Nur became acting president after Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed stepped down from the presidency. The constitution requires that the speaker of parliament takes the post of the president in an acting position until elections are held. Source: Daily Nation, Jan 23, 2009
  7. ^^Galkacyo iyo Buuhoodle waa kaydka PL, and the defenders of PL security. lol@Camir & Paragon Esp. Paragaon, awoowe haddaad haysaa, that's the positive attitude and the power of thinking big you need in order to rule. Dadka intaa qaarbaa iska dacwoonayya, oo aaminsan conspiracy theories aan jirin. Haddaad haysaa awoowe. Come four years, chances are that the General will rule PL. Weligaa dadka iyo dalka yaan lagaa sheegan. Waa waxaagii. Nimankeer go'ida shaydaanku ku saladday halkay gefeeni waa kaa. Waryaa reer Nugaal & Sool, halkudheg u hayya?
  8. ^^lol That's passé now Ducaysane. It has no political content any more. Think about future slogans.
  9. ^^loooool Raggeedii. Hadda kuwaa kaa xanaaqi doonna. Laakiin SOOL & NUGAAL hakala reebin awoowe. Waxbaa iskugu jira nimanka ee saa u ogow.
  10. Pardon the qabiil undertones… Xizbul Maakhir Dekedaahan dhisnaayyo, dalkan waan barwaaqayn,ee Ilka-jiir inala door Gaashaanbuurta Bari Dadku waa anagabee, dalka aan xukumannee, boowe keenna nala door Xizbul Mudugh wal Hawd (cayn) Deeganadii maqnaa aan durba soo xoreyne, nala doora curadkaan –x candidate Xizbul Sool wa Nugaal yaa usoo baxay?
  11. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: Xiin brother, this forum attracts a diverse group of Somalis from multiple regions in Greater Somalia and the wider Somali world and it seems they all want to stress the importance of their ancestral region and that is reasonable in my opinion, nothing wrong with being proud of where your father/mother was born or where you grew up as a kid, but i object to projections of 'pride' or 'importance' at the cost of others. All roads led to Rome and they brought the terrible Goths there, why would you want all roads to lead to Kismayu if this theoretically could mean the end of the city in case of a backlash? Why would anyone propose absolute monarchy when we are still paying the price of a absolute dictatorship? Maybe i misread your post xiin(and i apologize if i have)and the posts of everybody else, but my choice of using the words: ''Supremacists galore'' could be explained as a reaction originating from observing over the last couple of weeks a pattern and a steady rise of intolerance,indecency and the pure degradation of respect towards one another on SOL. You are definitely misreading my post, Adam. You are (quite uncharacteristically) using plain literalism. Pedantry aside, all roads do not, and will not lead to Kismayo. You and I know that. Even those that lead to that city today go through important places like Dhoobley and Kabsuuma . Likewise, I hope you don’t believe both Farax B’s question and my quick rejoinder were serious symptoms of prejudice and pride, respectively. Clearly, this is an Adam exception. In my line of profession, when exceptions are thrown they are handled with care .
  12. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini: A bit too late for all that. I suspect shababs and the other armed groups wouldn't want anything to do with 4.5 clan formula, joining somali warlords and sitting under the shade of foreign African tanks; the very things Sheikh Shariff sent so many young Somalis to die and fight against in 2006. ^^Abu, either you are ignorant about the details of 2006 war, or convenient revisionist of the history of 2006 war. Sharif did not order armed wing of the courts to go to war. The war was niether planned nor prepared for. It was they who initiated the fight in an effort to prevent any deal with the tfg while Ethiopian forces were present in Baydhabo. The consequences were clausal and far-reaching. But that was yesterday. Today we have different realities to deal with. Sharif knows it, so does alshabaab. Soon you will hear change of rhetoric and attitude from both sides. But the measure of success should not be whether two sides do not fight each other. Rather the real yardstick for success especially for Sharif is whether he wins over alshabaab and convinces them to be part of a national government. Not necessarily all of them but significant part of them. equally important is how he chooses to deal with the holdouts, and what strategy he implements to exact national reconciliation.
  13. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: Supremacists galore! ^^lool. In general, you do manage, ya Adam, to articulate complex matters in few words. I have the sense today is an undesirable exception. Will it be too much to ask if you elaborate a bit on the above caption of yours, ya Adam?
  14. ^^Waa markaagii. Horn, that's partly true. But what's not true though is that alshabaab is bunch of inflexible warriors. With a legitimate and genuine leadership this divide can be overcome. This time the pressure is on Sharif to come up reasonable compromises. He needs to take the initiative and frame the issues adeer. That’s how politics are engaged. Let others react to your initiative. Of course Sharif is not the leader of the nation yet though we are hoping he will become one soon.
  15. ^^That was PL's view. Xiins view is that Kismayo is the center of the universe. which means all roads lead to Kismayo. Ask BOB and Baashi!
  16. Sh. Sharif will most likely be the next president of Somalia. When that happens, those of us who saw in this man rare quality of leadership, when others dismissed him as naive and gullible, will be pleased and joyful. The work of reviving Somali republic will not end with Sharifs’ inauguration, however. It will start with it. To move forward, and to avoid past mistakes, we suggest following guideposts. 1- Recognize Alshabaab for the sacrifices they made to resist and liberate Somali lands. 2- Implement a transparent confidence building measures before engaging alshabaabs 3- Adopt a strategy of gradual integration, instead of quick assimilation of alshabaab forces into the national security. 4- Resist the temptation of using terror labels to demonize alshabaab in seeking support from outside world. 5- Allow a grace period for genuine reconciliation to take place. =============================================== Gobonimo ninkii doonayyaa geel ma cayrsado'e Waxaa loo gol leeyahay waa gundhiga dawlad gooniyaha Gidaar qaran waxaa lagu dhisaa gogol heshiiseedee
  17. Xaji NGONGE, I hate to say it but things are not as black and white as you seem to think adeer. There is always a grey area. And in SL's case, I have a room for subprime deal . War ma fahamtay, mise hoos baan wax kuugu sheegaa ? Ibti, please do me a favor, gather the tribe and NGONGE breaks halloo xiro. Waxaan ka baqayyaa isagoo way duushayey tarreenka ku dhexheesayyaa in la maqlo FB, In case you didn't know, Somalia rotates around Puntland
  18. Qolada go'aysoy, ninku waa siyaasi ee intaa yaan la hilmaamin. As long SL has North, Ibti, and Blessed we have a hope. Alla haddaan Dubay iyo Londong tago maxaan is fahmi lahayn.
  19. It's heading to Jabbuuti , in case Juje is still in doubt.
  20. ^^Waryee Oodweyne apparently you dont know much about the concept of framing. Dont worry, as I said, our dispatches from Baraawe are on thier way to Burco. Xiiniinyo-dabadood[LOL], and not Oodweyne,the city, will be a rest area for xiin's southern reporters.
  21. Thanks Blessed for the clip. It was curious that he met with Ina Abdallah. More interesting is he was asked about Jabbuuti peace gathering, and how he sees it. "It’s natural", he said, that I hope peace for Somalia. They didn’t ask him about this article. The rest are secessionist talking points.