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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. ^^ Charts, and raw data about a Puntland that does not exist...how could that help you understand the situation?
  2. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Juje, Why the president's signature is not required here? Why the accord is not implemented? 1) There is already an execuive signature on it and the ink hasn't dried yet. 2)If you go back to the accord you will notice what was agreed on is not something that is implemented overnite. Xiin sxb 'ohinta ohin orgi ka weyn' what ever sparked Farole to embark on this uncalculated and rueful step will emerge as we progress. However the Galkacyo accord will be implemented as agreed on and the TFG government is not, at the present, considering making or adding amendments to it. Juje, I am not a mind reader. I was however one of those who defended the Accord, and Sharif’s stance on it. In light of Sharif’s deafening silence, however, Faroole’s protest is legitimate and has a merit. The president needs to articulate what are the sticking points if any and the timelines to implement this accord. What is the role, and dare I say the use, of TFG if it can’t even implement simple interim arrangements with a stable region awoowe. Much was expected from this entity in terms of reconciliation of Somalis. I can understand the necessary security arrangement against those who are resolved to fight it. But inserting ambiguity where one is not needed defeats the purpose. If Faroole is asking new amendments to Galkacyo Accord Sharif should say so publicly. But the information I have is that Faroole is asking the implementation of Galkacyo Agreement.
  3. Oodweyne, I can certainly understand M Yare’s frustration with me. I have mastered how to flush rascals like him out of the SOL political woodworks. His feign is no longer, and the man we knew is back digging SOL archives to put up a defense against the rigorous analysis he has been subjected to. One also understands what is eating you up awoowe. After twenty years of isolation, and humiliation in the hands of powers that be, you are still doing what you always do best, praying others to fail. Sharif is the president of tfg. Faroole is the head of PL. Very important portfolios indeed. They are in the business of debating the federal structure of future Somali state. What you hear is indeed the birth pangs of Somalia’s rebirth. You are reduced to comment on the style of these two men. We are offering a meaningful content, putting things in context in the hope that the grieve stricken snm boys like you, who after telling the world that they are indeed a sovereign nation seem to be still fighting the boys from the east, can see the big picture. In the hope that you realize that men in leadership capacity do things right through negotiation and compromise. Finally as stakeholders, we pen relevant opinion about the issue at hand. You on the other hand unfortunately remain the prisoner of the past, under the shackles of what happened in 1980s. Yet one can notice the apatite to participate in Somali politics. Hence your predicament ya Oodweyne is real . Dacawaatuna macakum ya ikhwannaa
  4. M Yare, Charity is not what I seek on this forum. I am here to undress your feeble argument, and expose your sinister motives.
  5. M Yare , that you feel inferior to xiin’s analytical rigor is quite palpable, but one does not concern too much with that, for while you are busy seeking shelter from the political crafts of Puntland Elites , as you put it, others are busy framing the future state. I have addressed the two points you raised. Somalis have no problem with Garoowe and are not afraid of the people who reside in it. And the second point is a one fat lie for that was NOT part of the accord.
  6. M Yare, as SOL records attest to, you are among those who are afraid of the vapors of their mind, seeing a threat of PL elites coming from every direction. Let me attack your heart again: A- As part of Galkacyo Accord, a joint committee based on Garowe will have been sanctioned to develop provisions of Federal Framework. There are reasons of choosing Garowe as a base for this team, for Garowe is the capital of Puntland, which is a part of tfg arrangement unlike SL. B. Official PL presence at all bilateral and multilateral dealings with international actors was not part of this Accord. It was discussed and agreement could not be reached.
  7. Baraawe is alshabaab strong hold, i doubt pirates have strong presence in that town
  8. xaajigu ninkii waallaa ee Buuhoodle baan ku ogaayye goormuu Kismaayona noogu yimid
  9. Originally posted by Abu-Salman: Main points or details of that crucial accord boowe? We know Somalis self-importance, but as long as they require no more than 17 or 25% of the power share/funds in Sland's absence (let's remember that Puntland is but a major segment of 4 or 5 majors groups and that superficy or land fertility etc is not of much relevance in that respect), then it may be a starter... PS: Let's not forget that those who suffered most or Baidoa group's share represent approximatevly the same as the entire D-group's one, while even the relatively numerous South/Central require no more than others's share! Abu Salman, The Galkacyo Accord was primarily an interim arrangement in the absence of a fully negotiated federal framework. What the tfg government did was come up a reasonable arrangement for Puntland and tfg to work together in the areas of education, security and the development and fleshing out of federal provision to build a palatable framework for all concern. I believe in this interim arrangement PL is considered as ¼ of Somali pie. It’s not so much that PL is asking too much out of the federal pie as it’s that in certain political quarters the very notion of federalism is quite firmly resented. Sharif it seems is torn between the two camps: those pro federalism and those trying to delay any advancement toward that eventual political station. We urge him to heed the common sense that says a centralized Somali state is a political proposition that is very hard to sell. I am one of those people who believe that federalism is a weak arrangement that can be hardly maintained, a loose framework atop of clannish political settings. But to move back from this deadly cliff, federalism is the only solution, short of a complete take over of the country by one strong group with a strong and practical political vision, which I doubt it will ever emerge. Juje, Why the president's signature is not required here? Why the accord is not implemented?
  10. ^^It's xagar today, it will be Bu'aale tomorrow and so the push forward will continue
  11. It’s good news that our secessionist brother are being preoccupied with other Somali’s economic and political activities these days.
  12. remeber the waterloo analogy...alshabaab will lose Kismayo thusly they will lose somalia
  13. It’s strategically imperative for the survival of Sharif’s tfg to find synergy with Puntland or any other region that is willing to cooperate with the transitional government in a federal framework. Equally important is for Sharif to avoid by all cost to revert or sacked in back to the politics of 1991, where warlords with deep clannish animosity attempted to decide the political framework of Somalia. The abrupt break down of Nairobi negotiation suggest that Sharif, the man whose only appeal to the Somali masses was his ability to compromise, is sadly failing to see the value proposition of the aforementioned strategy, and, even worse, is at risk at heeding the counsel of men who either do not appreciate or resolved to resist the changes that Somalia went through in the last twenty years. The Galkacyo agreement was come about because of the efforts of men of great caliber in an effort to erect the first pillar of a just, practical federal framework where wounds of civil war can be healed, and clannish animosity and mistrust can be mitigated. If one reads the accord itself one sees how these men attempted to be reasonable, how they massaged the tribal sensitivities of Somalis by affirming the authority of the tfg and the autonomy of federal states, Puntland in this case. When many actively campaigned to deepen the mistrust, reasonable people saw the Galkacyo accord as a good, positive step taken to begin the revival of a Somali state. Why would a president whose sole responsibility is to transition the country from the status quo become hesitant in signing such a good deal? Perhaps his constituency and political allies have yet to buy into viability of federalism as a future framework for Somalia. But have they tabled an alternative or explained how to deal with those who spent time and energy in building autonomous admins like Puntland or even Somaliland. Or perhaps Qanyare political philosophy still has a receptive ear in the highest echelons of the tfg arrangement. In the final analysis, and the ambiguity of Sharif’s rationale in delaying the signature notwithstanding, Faroole’s insistence on the implementation of this agreement could not be more right. He might have shown more temper than reason in his press conference in Nairobi, but his objections to Sharif’s delay tactic is hard to explain away. Sharif must honor the hard work of his PM. He must sign the Galkacyo accord. Surely the fickle ones will cry appeasement. But god knows by signing it, Sharif will have laid the foundation of a strong Somali state.
  14. Dagaalo mar kale ka qarxay Gobolada Jubooyinka 16 Nov 16, 2009 - 11:45:27 AM Ugu yaraan 15-qof oo dhinacyadii dagaalmay u badan ayaa ku dhintay dagaalo maanta ka dhacay Gobolka Jubada hoose, kuwaasoo u dhexeeyay ururada Xisbul Islam iyo Al-shabaab, waxaana dhinacyadu ay dagaalka ka kala sheegteen guulo. Inkastoo aan wax war ah laga hayn tirada ramsiga ah ee dagaalkaas uu dhaawacu kasoo gaaray ayaa hadana wararku waxay sheegayaan in degmooyinka Kismaayo iyo Afmadow la gaarsiiyay dhaawacyo fara badan. Dagaalkan ayaa qarxay 6:00 aroornimo ee saakay [Nov 16], waxaana sarkaal u hadlay Al-shabaab uu sheegay in weerarka iyaga lagu soo qaaday ayna jabiyeen kooxihii soo weeraray oo uu sheegay inay qayb ka ahayd Jabhada ONLF. "Saldhig ay ciidankeenku ku leeyihiin deegaanka Xagar ee Gobolka Jubada hoose ayaa weerar lagu soo qaaday, waxaana dilnay tiro ka mid ah ciidankii Xisbul Islam iyo ONLF, waana jabinay" ayuu yiri Sh. Xasan Yacquub Cali oo saxaafada la hadlay. Afhayeenka ayaan sheegin khasaare iyaga dagaalka kasoo gaaray, wuxuuse xusay in xabadu ay soo gaartay deegaanka Xagar oo Al-shabaab ay gacanta ku haysay, isagoo xusay inay u suurogashay inay jabiyeen ciidankii soo weeraray. "Dagaalka inaga ayaa ku xoog roonaanay, wuxuuna ahaa mid nalagu soo qaaday, ma jirin ciidamo ka tirsan ONLF oo dagaalka nala galay, hadaladaasna waa been" ayuu yiri Sh. Axmed Max'ed Islaam [Madoobe] oo warbaahinta la hadlay. Xagar oo ahayd goobtii dagaalka intiisa culus uu ka dhacay ayaa waxay waqooyi kaga beegan tahay Kismaayo, waxaana la sheegay inay gacanta u gashay Xisbul Islam, inkastoo aanay jirin warar madaxbanaan oo xaqiijinaya; bale uu dagaalku qaboobay. Mas'uul u hadlay ONLF oo lagu Magacaabo Xuseen M. Nuur ayaa sheegay inaysan jirin wax dagaal ah oo xoogagoodu ay ka galeen Somalia, isagoo sheegay inaysan jirin sabab keeni karta inay la saftaan dhinacyada Somalia isku haya midood. Saraakiil u hadlay Xisbul Islam ayaa sheegay in dagaalku uu u siqay dhanka Gobolka Jubada dhexe oo daris la ah Jubada hoose, iyadoo dhinacyada uu dagaalamay ay bilaabeen dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan oo cusub.
  15. I think you are losing it now. I have done only two things which i thought was all to your benefit. 1. I corrected your mischaracterization of today's discussion/negotiation betweeen tfg and puntland whose importance aludes you. #2. I asked your oponion about Siilaanyo's comment about Somaliland experiment. Instead of addressing the issues straight, you are resorting feeble works and talking about knives
  16. Shariif Should NOT go to Addis for this purpose! Indeed especially when the negotiations get tough
  17. Sharif's trip is confirmed. And it's not good that he goes to Adis Ababa while a very important work is going in Nairobi
  18. Fulaynimo aanan kugu ogeyn baad beryahan lasoo baxday awoowe War sida isku dhaan boowe Waryee waaba ka shakiyey are you disputing Siilaanyo's foundindg fatherness?
  19. Oodweyne you were not known to be a man with silly theories. Characterizing today's discussion as a ransom demand is however assine. Two leaders with stature and political maturity sat down to discuss weighty matters. Apparently because of the nature of these sensitive and consequential matters, they did not see eye to eye on every thing initially. But the negotiations will continue and eventually an agreement will be struck insha Allah. Is that difficult to comprehend waryee? Btw I am still waiting you to make clear what is your stance on Somaliland’s founding father’s latest comment.
  20. M Yare, the two boats are not in danger of separating We cannot help if the man with silly, and idiotic theories construes the birth pangs of federal Somalia as a separation.
  21. ^^ Awoowe u sheeg rag hawli ka dhexeyso inay is xoqaan inay tahay xaajo rag Juje, awoowe adna bal nala cel celi
  22. ^^Actually I did not mean to attack yaa Macno Yare When I said you have been pregnant with the stuff you repeat on these boards I meant it, I just forgot to add the
  23. Good. Oodka saasaa lagaa rabaa awoowe. Here is why I asked the question. Siilaanyo is a political heavy weight, a man who could be considered the father of Somaliland arrangement so what he says matters. When he says that our experiment will be fully aborted if an election does not take place, you either have to agree or disagree. And that is what I expected from you awoowe. There is no calamity in PL, and you know it. So lets not play tricks here