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Everything posted by xiinfaniin

  1. SD, Xaaji Muse raciyaddii Ingiriiska buu ahaa, ina cali shire ingiriiskay ishayyeen. Markii ingiriisku soo qabtay baa raciyyadu daawasho ugu timid. waa taarikh dheer sidii Napoleon baa jasiirad keligii lagu xiray
  2. ^^War ingiriiskaa masaafuriyey markii durriyadu gacan siisay
  3. ^^Soo tuu ina cali shire Ceerigaabo xukummi jirey maaha
  4. qusuusidu taladay goysaa, hub uma baahna edit: Jacayl, xaajiga iyo ina godane dhibka koonfurta keliyya bay heshiis ku yihiin
  5. daraawiishtu alshabaab maaha ee waa daraawiish. haddana qusuusi baaba loo dhisay
  6. Dowladda Masar oo sheegtay inay tababarayso ciidamada Booliiska iyo kuwa badda ee Dowladda Soomaaliya Khamiis 11, Feb, 2010 (HOL) Sarkaalad u hadaashay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Masar oo lagu magacaabo Muna Cumar ayaa saxaafadda ugu sheegtay Qaahira Arbacadii shalay in dalkeeda uu tababar siinayo ciidamo Soomaali ah. Muna Cumar oo ah wakiilka Afrika ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee Masar ayaa sheegtay in dalkeedu uu ka helay dowladda Soomaaliya codsi ah inay qayb ka qaataan tababarka ciidamada ammaanka iyo kuwa badda. "Ciidamada aan tababarayno waxay gaarayaan 1000-askari oo isugu jira Booliis iyo kuwa badda, si amaanka barriga iyo badda Soomaaliya loo soo celiyo sannado badan oo fowdo ah kaddib" ayay Muna Cumar u sheegtay warbaahinta. Sidoo kale Muna Cumar waxay sheegtay in dalkeeda uu ka walaacsan yahay xaalka Soomaaliya ayna madaxda Soomaaliya iyo Madaxda Masar inta badan ku hadlaan taleefoonka si ay Masar garacan uga geysato nabad kusoo celinta Soomaaliya. "Madaxweynaha Somalia Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed wuxuu naga dalbaday inaan gacan ka geysanno sidii ciidamada AMISOM tiradooda loo kordhin lahaa loona gaarsiin lahaa 8-kun oo Askari" ayay tiri Muna Cumar. Sarkaaladdu waxay ugu dambeyn sheegtay in dalkeeda ay ka go'an tahay inay sii xoojiso xiriirka ay la leedahay Dowladda la aqoonsan yahay ee Soomaaliya ka jirta, ayna sii wadi doonto gacanta ay u fidinayaan. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online
  7. Maamulka Gobolka Sool oo ku eedeeyay Xarrkatul Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam inay ka dambeeyaan ammaan-xumada ka taagan Gobolkaas Khamiis 11, Feb, 2010 (HOL) Maamulka Gobolka Sool ee Somaliland ayaa maanta ku eedeeyay Xarrkatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin iyo Xisbul Islaam inay mas'uul ka yihiin amaan-darrooyinka ka jira gobolkaas oo ay ku muran yihiin iyaga iyo Puntland. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool ee maamulka Somaliland Maxamed Cabdi Dhimbil oo saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay inay qabteen dhowr qof oo ku lug lahaa falal isugu jiray qaraxyo iyo weerarro qorsaheysan oo gobolkaas ka dhacay. "Caddeymo ayaa u haynaa in Xarrakatul Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam ay abaabuleen falalka ammanka wax loogu dhimanayo ee ka taagan Gobolka Sool, waxaana soo bandhigaynaa dhawaan" ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha. Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay inay hayaan dad xiriir la leh dhinacyadan oo lagu qabtay Gobolka Sool xilli ay dhaceen qaraxyada iyo weerarrada, ayna dhawaan soo taagi doonaan Maxkamad. Gobolka Sool ayaa labadii todobaad ee ugu dabeeyay waxaa ka dhacayay falal isugu jira qaraxyo iyo dilal lala beegsanayay madaxda ciidamada iyo mas'uuliyiinta kale ee gobolkaas oo ay gacanta ku hayso Somaliland. Ururka Xisbul Islaam iyo Xarrakatul Shabaab ayaan ka jawaabin eedda kaga timid Maamulka Somaliland iyo sidoo kale inay lug ku leeyihiin falalka ammaandarro ee ka taagan Gobolka Sool. Maamulka Somaliland ayaa horay ugu eedeeyay Xarrakatul Shabaab qaraxyo laba sano ka hor ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa, kuwaasoo lala beegaday Safaaradda Itoobiya, Madaxtooyada iyo Xarunta Hay'adda UNDP. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online
  8. looooool@sheekhu shuurada ma cuno al yacni waa hee...
  9. Macno Yare & Oodka waa predictable Shaalalkii garaadkay holhol ka qaadateen bay dawladnimo moodeen, Qusuusidaa ka shireysa nimankan, haa loo kaadiyyo
  10. ^^Could you share the original hadiith in arabic?
  11. ^^That is what some of you wanted, right? Intee niri dagaal waa xunyee,nabad inoo daayya Intee niri dal iinaan lahayn dawlad ku ahaada Somalia is resovled to come back; it has refused to die a sheeps death; markay liicdaba rag baa alla u bixiyyaa
  12. I like the qabiltu map it is good Xaaji Xanduf predicts a union renewal
  13. Peacenow is still alive and kicking, full of energy, as ever, to capitalize on the Somali tragedy. I thought he was banned.
  14. ^^This hadith is probably weak. But what if it was of the strong type? What is wrong with enticing the faithful for what arguably is their deepest wish? I mean yaan la iska hadlin for the sake of it
  15. xaaji xanduf, goorma kumandooskii somaliland garoonka buuhoodle soo xirayyaan
  16. Bosaso(AllPuntland)- Xarunta Rugta Ganacsiga ee Puntland ayaa wado qorshe ay ku doonayso in ay xoolo nool ugu dhoofiso dalka Indonesia, markii ay arrintaasi ka soo wada hadleen wafdi ka socda dawladda Puntland iyo Madaxda dawladda dalkaasi, oo ay isla soo qaadeen sida ay suuragal utahay iyo sida loogu baahan yahay Iskaashiga dhinacyadan. Guddoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga Puntland Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim oo safar ku tagay dalkaas ayaa la soo kulmay, dhigiisa dalkaas iyo ganacsatada xoolaha ee dalkaas, oo ay ka wada hadleen xaaladaha ganacsiga ee Puntland iyo Indonesia. Si qoto dheer ayuu sheegay Gudoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga ee Puntland in ay uga wada hadleen, sidii xoolaha ka dhoofa dekeda magaalada Bosaso, loo geyn lahaa dalka Indonesia, isla markaasna ay xoolahaasi unoqon lahayeen kuwa balaariya ganacsiga labada dhinac. Heshiis ka hadlaya Iskaashiga labada dhinac ayaa lafilayaa ugu dambeynta in qalinka lugu duugo, kaas oo horumarin doono ganacsiga Puntland, isla markaasna faa’iidooyin badan soo gali doona Suuqyada ganacsiga ee Puntland. Gudoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga ee Puntland Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim ayaa dadaal dheer ugalay sidii wax looga qaban lahaa ganacsiga Puntland, wuxuuna sidoo kale socdaalo kala gedisan ku tagay dalal badan oo uu kala hadlay horumarinta ganacsiga Puntland. Mr, Maxamuud wuxuu cadeeyey in ay wadi doonaan dadaalkan, isagoo ugu baaqay dhamaanba Shirkadaha iyo dawladdaha doonaya maalgashiga dhaqaale in ay soo gaaraan Puntland oo ah meel nabadgalyo ka jirto. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  17. Goballada bartamaha Soomaaliya oo la isu biro-tumanayo Talaado, Feb, 9, 2010 (HOL) Xoogagga Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca, Xarrakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin, iyo Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayaa hadda u muuqda kuwa ku jirra diyaar garow dagaal iyo isku hub uruursi shaki iyo cabsi ku dhaliyay in badan oo ka mid ah dadka ku dhaqan Goballada Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud oo ay kala maamulaan dhinacyada iska soo horjeeda. Waxaa intaa sii dheer warar kale oo sheegaya in degmada Feer-feer ee dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya soo gaareen Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah iyo kuwa loo soo tababaray Dowladda Soomaaliya oo laga yaabo in ay lug ku yeeshaan gulufka Colaadeed ee durbaba sasaankiisa laga dheehan karo Goballada bartamaha gaar ahaan deegaannada ay gacanta ku hayaan Xoogagga Islaamiyiinta ah laakiin ku kala duwan arragtiyada diimeed. Saraakiisha Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca ee ku sugan Goballka Galgaduud ayaa si joogta ah ugu cel celinaya weeraro ay damacsan yihiin in ay ku soo qaadaan Magaalada Beledweyne oo ay gacanta ku hayaan Xoogagga Xarrakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin iyo Xisbul Islaam oo dhinacooda u sii diyaar garowbay in ay iska caabiyaan weerar kasta oo kagaga yimaada dhinaca Goballka Galgaduud ama dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya. Waxaa joogto ka noqday goobaha dadku ku badan yahay ee Magaalada Beledweyne Muxaadarooyin ay qabanayaan Saraakiil ka tirsan Xarrakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin iyo Xisbul Islaam kuwaa oo dadka ugu baaqaya in ay ka qeyb qaataan Jihaad lagu wado in uu ka bilaawdo bartamaha Soomaaliya kaa oo sida ay hadalka u dhigaan ku wajahan kooxaha ay soo abaabuleyso Dowladda Itoobiya. Sidoo kale wararka laga helayo degmooyinka Gure-ceel iyo Caabud-waaq ee Goballka Galgaduud ayaa iyaguna sheegaya in mar marka qaar la arkayo gadiid ay ku xiran yihiin cod baahiyaal oo ay mas'uuliyiinta Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca dadka ugu sheegayaan in ay ka qeyb qaataan dagaallka lagu xureynayo kooxo markaa ay ku tilmaamayaan in ay diinta ku soo duuleen. Wararkaasi dhiilada xanbaarsan ee ka soo kala baxaya Xoogagga sheegta in ay u difaaca diinta iyo ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka ayaa waxaa sii shidaya hajabaadaha is daba jooga ah ee ka soo baxaya dhinaca mas'uuliyiinta Dowladda Soomaaliya oo si toos ah u sheegay in dhawaan weerari doonaan deegaannada ay gacanta ku hayaan kooxaha mucaaradka ku ah. Dadka ku dhaqan Magaalada Beledweyne ee dhawaan ku barakacay dagaalladii ugu danbeeyay ku dhaxmaray Magaalada kooxaha wali birta isku afeysanaya ayaa hadda ka fikiraya wax ay ka yeelayaan hajabaadaha soo baxaya, waxaana xusid mudan in ay jiraan qoysas markii hore qorsheynayay in ay soo guryo noqdaan oo hadda dib uga laabtay go'aankaa mar haddii aysan xaaladu aheyn mid leysku haleyn karo.
  18. Japan to offer $35.2 million to Somalia for security, infrastructure Monday, February 08, 2010 TOKYO — Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada told his counterpart from the Somali transitional government on Monday that Japan will offer $35.2 million for police assistance, infrastructure maintenance and other purposes, a Japanese Foreign Ministry official said. Prior to the talks in Tokyo, Ali Ahmed Jama Jangeli, the minister of the Somali transitional federal government that was established in 2005, called for Japan’s help in ensuring security in the country which is a hotbed of Islamist rebels and pirates, telling a press conference that the people of the African nation need alternative options to support themselves. Source: Japan Today
  19. ^^They will soon be heading to the bushes
  20. Al-Shabab retreating from Mogadishu, reports say Monday, February 08, 2010 Al-Shabab fighters have reportedly vacated their strongholds in Mogadishu ahead of a government offensive. According to sources, the group has been pulling out all its weapons and vehicles from its main stronghold ever since they heard the reports of an imminent government attack. Other reports also suggested that other Al-Shabab strongholds, including the Daynile district, have witnessed large movements of military personnel and equipment. It is unclear if this is a military tactic that Al-Shabab is employing. In addition, five people were killed and dozens of others injured on Sunday in shelling that rocked parts of the Somali capital Mogadishu, medics and witnesses said. Source: PressTV
  21. New Somalia government offensive against Al Shabab By Scott Baldauf Staff writer Monday, February 08, 2010 The weak, transitional Somalia government may finally bring President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed some badly needed legitimacy if newly trained forces can push back the militant Islamist group, Al Shabab. Johannesburg, South Africa - A long-awaited offensive by the weak, transitional Somali government may finally bring President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed some badly needed legitimacy, but it is almost certainly going to increase the hardship of tens of thousands of civilians who are being forced from their homes. The conflict has the potential to spread outside of Somalia. The offensive is targeting the militant Islamist Al-Shabab rebel group who have threatened to launch a jihad, or holy struggle, against Kenya for its reported military support for President Sharif’s government. The most recent bout of fighting began in January as thousands of Somali troops, newly trained in Djibouti, Burundi, and reportedly in Kenya, began to return to Somalia and take up positions on the front lines. Fighting in Belet Wayne, Dhuusamareeb, and the capital of Mogadishu has killed 258 in the past month, displaced some 82,000 others, and increased the number of Somali civilians who must rely on external food aid to survive, according to the United Nations. Al Shabab’s deputy commander, Sheikh Hussen Abdi Gedi, told a reporter for the pro-Shabab radio station, Andalus, that the Islamic militia was prepared to call for jihad against Kenya. “Kenya has prepared troops that comprise of Kenyans and Somalis, who are trained to attack and take over the regions,” Sheikh Hussen told Andalus radio on Sunday, referring to press reports that Kenya had trained some 2,500 Somali troops for the Sheikh Sharif government. “They are planning to attack us on the land, sea, and air. We are urging people to be ready and defend our land.” A fresh chance for legitimacy – and stability Somalia has been at near-constant war since the fall of its last functioning government, the dictatorship of President Siad Barre in 1991, so the current uptick in violence can be seen as just another sad chapter. But the Sharif government sees its current offensive as a chance to finally push back against the Al Shabab militia whose ties to Al Qaeda and use of suicide bombers make it an international menace. This might mean more hardship in the short term, experts on Somalia say, but it might mean more stability in the long term. “Certainly in the short term, any concerted military offensive against Al Shabab is going to have humanitarian consequences, but the hope is that in the long term this can lead to a resolution of the conflict so that people can get on with their lives,” says E. J. Hogendoorn, director of the Horn of Africa Project at the International Crisis Group’s office in Nairobi. “This is a chance for the government to show the public, in places where they don’t control territory, that they can provide services and to show they are a functioning government.” Source: The Christian Science Monitor
  22. Somali Capital Braces for All-Out War Alan Boswell Monday, February 08, 2010 Nairobi, Kenay (VOA) - Remaining residents within Somalia's battle-torn capital are fleeing as rebel and government forces prepare for new clashes. The Western-backed Mogadishu government has announced its intention of launching an offensive against the Islamist opposition. For weeks, the Transitional Federal Government has been promising to drive back the rebel forces who control much of Mogadishu and most of southern Somalia. The threat was reiterated by the the nation's foreign affairs minister during a visit to Japan. He said the offensive would begin "very very soon." Those in the capital city say clashes appear imminent, with the government army positioning to attack, and reinforcements reportedly flowing into the shifting rebel lines. The government has begun to shell al-Shabab-controlled areas. Some reports say there have civilians have been killed in the shelling. Hundreds are said to be fleeing the city in expectation of major violence, most heading to the Afgoye Corridor about 30 kilometers south of Mogadishu. The camp there is thought to house the most concentrated number of displaced people in the world. The spokesman for the insurgent Islamist group al-Shabab, Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, told reporters his fighters are ready for any attack, saying the government would be unseated from power. The group regularly denounces the official administration for being un-Islamic. The official government is headed by Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, a former insurgent leader who was elected by the nation's parliament in early 2009. Most of his tenure in power has been marked by a strengthening Islamist insurgency, composed of many of his former friends and allies. Most powerful and most radical of the rebel groups is al-Shabab, thought by Washington to have links to al-Qaida. Fighting alongside, and occasionally against, is Hizbul Islam, a conglomerate of smaller rebel factions. The embattled administration has been buffered from the insurgents by an African Union peacekeeping force composed of Ugandans and Burundians, which protects about 10-square blocks that includes the presidential palace and the airstrip. The government has for months lingered in inaction as the rebels have entrenched their control throughout much of the country. But its officials say the time has come for retaliation. A recent Reuters report quoted an anonymous Kenyan official as saying 2,500 Somalis have just finished military training in northeastern Kenya and are being deployed with the Somali military. Kenya, not eager to start a direct conflict against the Islamists, and has denied the accuracy of such reports But some doubt whether the Somali army is capable of conducting the long-promised counter-insurgency campaign. The army is criticized as being poorly funded and undisciplined. Soldiers complain of late pay and a lack of equipment. The Mogadishu government says support from the international community has been inadequate. In addition, the administration is plagued by a perception of being corrupt and inept. Source: VOA
  23. Tallaabo xaggaa iyo somaliweyn loo qaaday weeyye . Horey keliyya maaha. waa meesha leebku kaaga jiree Afeef waxaa i ahayd in hirgelinteedu ka duwanaan karto fikirka curtay iyo guddoonka odoyadda taa waa loo joogaa