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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. These talks were designed to arm twist Culosow, for better or worse...but thankfully President Madoobe will finally get the green light to name his cabinet and finish building the Jubaland administration. ************************* Ka dib heshiis maanta duhurkii 21 Ogoosto, 2103 Adis abeba ku dhexmaray Madaxweynayaasha Jubaland iyo Dowlada Federaalka ah ayaa Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh Wuxuu Casumaad rasmi ah u fidiyey Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Maxmed Islaam iyo ku Xigeenkiisa Cabdulaahi Sheikh Ismaaciil Farataag iney booqasho ku yimaadaan Muqdisho. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh wuxuu kaloo sheegey in loo baahan yahay in lasii wado dib u heshiisiinta Gobolada isla markaasna la sameeyo tanaasul dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya. Heshiiskii maanta dhex maray Jubaland iyo Dowlada Federaalka ayaa Dowladu waxay si buuxda u aqoonsatey Maamulka Axmed Madoobe iyadoo horey dhowr jeer Madaxweyne xasan Sheikh u sheegey in deegaankaas ay ka jiraan Madaxweynayaal dhowra isla markaasna uusan mid gaara aqoon saneyn. Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa kaalin muuqata ka qaadatey in labada dhinac heshiis isla gaaraan iyadoo cadaadis adagna la saarey, Hebayn hore ayaa labo Ergo oo kakala socda labada Madaxweyne ay Wax heshiis ah isla gaari waayeen iyadoo kulan Casho ah oo labada Madaxweyne isku arkeen uu isna ku dhamaadey guul la’aan, saaka waabarigii ayaaWasiirka Arimaha dibada Itoobiya Dr Tedros wuxuu ukala dhexeeyey socod labada dhinac ah oo uu ukala dabqaaday tasoo dhalisey in labada dhinac is arkaan ayna wada hadlaan, isla markaasna heshiis wada gaaraan. Heshiiska ayaa nuxurkiisu ahaa in dowlada Federaalka ah ay si buuxda u aqoonsato Gobolada Jubada hoose, Jubada Dhexe iyo Gedo ay yihiin maamul Goboleed uuna Madaxweyne u yahay Axmed Maxamed Islaam isla markaasna Doorkii Dowlada dhexe la waafajiyo. Jubaland waxay hoosta ka xariiqeren iney iyagoo raacaya Dastuurka Federaalka ah ay si buuxda ula shaqaynayaa Madaxwyen Xasan Sheikh iyo Xukuumada Raysal Wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon. Waxaa la isla meel dhigey oo kale in waxayaabaha dhiman lagu dhameeyo Casumaad uu Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh ku casumey hogaanka Jubaland magaalada Muqdisho, lama shaacin xiliga ay Jubaland aadayaanm Villa Soomaaliya
  2. Tillamook


    Bloody drug addict...lol:D
  3. This is nothing more than Silanyo scratching Culosow's back to save face in this embarrassing issue...
  4. Shouldn't this story be the other way around? Sheekadu waa, call them thieves before they call you thieves:D
  5. Garowe will become the capital when President Culosow moves there and that most likely gonna happen....NEVER!
  6. Nonsense. Our lands are holy and should not be tampered with...
  7. ^ Garoodi, if we were to put quotation marks around what you wrote above, it would be similar to the "baaaaaaaing" of a cross-eyed goat. Which then again would be understandable considering the grazing style you share with goats. Saaxiib, the khat trade is the topic of this thread. What do you think about it ?
  8. Odey;972733 wrote: Has anyone noticed it is only Somalilanders that cant stand Gas and support Faroole at the same time?. That says a lot and simply confirms why Puntland needs him! It's nothing unusual. Our northern brothers always go for the OPPOSITE of what most Puntlanders want. It's nothing more than a prepubescent type of mentality with no merit whatsoever.
  9. ^ And yes again, but it's that government that should organize the society to be like Singapore. Lee Kwan Yew was a great visionary who willed his nation into becoming the modern economy and country that it is. We must get the right leaders into office and if they don't deliever we should kick them out, until we get the right persons into government. P.S Without the export of livestock we would have been doomed, for the livestock trade is the only reason we've survived all these amidst or the turmoil and conflict.
  10. Hobbesian_Brute;972721 wrote: I agree, but regards development, where will they get the money to build schools, hospitals, roads, etc ?? even if they confiscate all the monies from the shacab, it won't be enough. the model your advocating is statism , its outdated and doesn't work. hospitals, schools should be left to the private sector. for the roads, a highway authority that collects tolls should be priority. but the most important role of any administration is to create the conducive environment for businesses to flourish, when that happens people prosper and the state as well, a rising tide lifts all boats as they say. i should create a state of my own, i would have passed this dawlad ku sheegs in no time. sxb, I agree, all those infrastructure developments should be left for private enterprises,but the government needs to jump start the economy. As we speak, the government does little to promote commerce and trade, which in turn limits the taxes it could collect. Puntland has so much untapped potential which the current leadership is letting to go to waste. And one other thing...one person alone cannot fix Puntland. Which is why the government should be democratized so that the smallest tuulo has it own local mayor. Thankfully today we've a federal government for the whole Somalia, and we also have the government at the State level. What we now need to concentrate on getting government down to the provincial and municipal level. Just as we Puntlanders are not to keen on having Mogadishu appointing officials to govern us, we should not allow Garowe to appoint provincial governors and city mayors.
  11. ^ That is a very good quality that Faroole has. It is always laudable inuu ninku cadkiisa goosan karo oo aan lagu saqajaami karin, but at the same time that shouldn't be the end all and be all of Faroole's presidency. Puntland needs economic development. The youth need jobs, the sick need good hospitals, the children need good schools. A broad road network must be built for the movement of goods,services and people efficiently. Aqua ducts and reservoirs must be constructed to promote agriculture. There is so much that Puntland needs to accomplish and just being anti-Culosow will not cut it anymore.
  12. ^ blah blah blah - seriously, Garoodi, enough with the deranged drivel, I mean c'mon man? If you can't stay tethered to reality long enough to contribute something cogent on this forum...then its time to walk away from the computer! But if you can, please tell us who you think would make a better President for Puntland, Faroole or Gaas?
  13. ^ Well well well... if it isn't the escapee from the psychiatric hospital. How you doing, Garoodi? Have they finally let you out of the heavy meds ward to celebrate Eid? Good for you saaxiib:D Cambuulo iyo bun;972652 wrote: no it doesn't count tillamook you can only choose one Saaxiib, it is really a tough call because I like the leadership abilities of both Faroole and Gaas, and they both bring to the table the proven track records of being staunch supporters of federalism, which I believe is the only way to bring Somalia together and move it forward. So like I mentioned before, I'll be happy if either one wins.
  14. Am for either one or both. Does that count, Mr Digir Ka dhargow?
  15. Awesome news! Alxamdulilah if Abdiwali wins and rabilcaalamin if Faroole stays. This is gonna be a win-win for Puntlanders.
  16. The Mayor is responsible for the city's sanitation and cleanliness, and it's unbecoming of you to stretch his remarks to such low depths. All he said was cleanliness should start at the home environs and did not talk of any woman's personal hygiene like you've implied. C'mon man, get your mind out of the gutter!
  17. The Kenyans will hand over the port and airport to the rightful authority which is the Jubaland State of The Federal Somali Government. When will all you haters understand that the Jubaland Express is unstoppable?
  18. ^ All hot air orchestrated for the upcoming elections.