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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Yeah, that's if cambuulo was oil... And by the way, the article says the fed gov has invalidated exploration rights issued by Puntland and somaliland. As far as we Jubaland is yet to go down that path, so what's up with the misinformation T?
  2. Mooge;980669 wrote: Another hot fadhikudirir news. nairobi is buzzing with cumar abdirashiid's coming announcement. he will join the puntland presidential race. Why? puntland presidential race is the hottest ticket in town lately. before it was abdiweli, now it is another former prime minister. puntland state government is as influential as the mogadishu government. some would say puntland is more influential at the world stage and that is why it is the top price for people who know something about politics. the race will get crowded soon If PM Cabdirashid joins the Puntland presidential race then it would indeed be a very interesting curve ball thown in and would make things very ineteresting. Am just not sure who's throwing this curve ball, Faroole or Gaas?
  3. ^ Sweat nothings from those losers in Xamar who have nothing else left to hinder the completion of Juba Administration. President Ahmed Madoobe has headed back home and will soon resume his work, and the dimwits in Xamar can resume licking their elbows as usual...
  4. Why did our dear president change his name from Xassan Culusow Maxamuud to Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud? Isn't this sort of filial disloyalty unbecoming of a Somali individual, let alone a president? ... tsk tsk tsk!
  5. ^ LOL Abbaas, please have patience with our resident Doctor who has formed an aversion to perceived "haters".
  6. Thanks Doc, keep 'em coming..
  7. In the long run this affair will be settled by the business community who will ultimately support the currency that best retains value in their own judgment.
  8. ^ No need to generalize a whole community, majority of whom do not support this nonsense about the 6 provinces. In fact, most of the influential segemnts of the community are working with Sharif Sakiin to turn their Bay, Bakool& Shabeelah Hoose Federal State into a functioning reality, and the few like Jawaari & Co who take their orders from Mudane Culusow do not represent the will of those peoples. These shenanigans are merely a last ditch effort by Mudane Culosow to muddy the waters in the hopes of preventing the Juba Administration from solidifying their early successes... But alas, Culusow has become adept at clutching at straws when it comes to the Juba affair
  9. caqlixumo.com Webmaster: Mudane Jawaari
  10. RedSea;979362 wrote: The government mishandled the situation. I don't think the People Erigavo cared that much whether they use SL currency or the old Shilling. But as always some people are making it look like conflict between forces of different ideologies. Red, aren't both currencies interchangeable? And if so, which is stronger relative to the US Dollar?
  11. Carafaat;975422 wrote: Haatu, Read the Somali sources as well. According to those sources Faroole opposed the Jubba deal and tried to sabotage it. Thats why he was refused to enter Addis. Faroole cares little about Kismayo or Mogadishu or even a city close to home like Galkacyo. He has his own agenda and it a step foward for the Jubba contigent to enter in to a deal directly with the Federal Goverment without interverence or middleman as Faroole. Carafaat, you remarked that Faroole, in your own words, "has his own agenda". Could you please clear up and elucidate what exactly you mean by that? What hideous "agenda" might Faroole have up his sleeve that we don't know and that you've got a hot scoop on? See, my friend, it's one thing to fart about the place by writing rubbish on these threads, and another to actually make sense. Federalism is Faroole's baby: So you tell us what other so-called agenda does he have besides insisting upon the agreed upon principles of the federal constitution?
  12. Carafaat;975384 wrote: How would you interprete the words 'But Farole dismissed the deal' ? How will you spin this one? LOL...you're the one trying to spin a general denouncement of the anti-federalization camp in Xamar into something it is not for your own retarded reasons, but nonetheless do carry on señor Carafaat
  13. ^ So dismissing Culusow's government for not wanting to genuinely implement the agreed upon federal system is the same as being against the deal Jubaland signed yesterday, right?
  14. ^ Adeer wax caqli gal ah ku hadal. Faroole meel uu uga so horjeestay heshiiskii shalay lagu kala saxiixday lama hayo ee meesha kalatag sheekada raqiiska ah.
  15. LOL... Waxaan maqli jiray, "Habartii odeyga la saar!" ... Carafaat, jinni Faroole la dhaho miyaa kaa dhex hadlay adnah?
  16. Axmed Madoobe: Waxba micno weyn maaha erayga “..Land..” ee maamulka waa Sidiisii Hogaamiyaha Maamulka Jubba Axmed Maxamed Islaan (Axmed Madoobe) oo ka hadlay heshiiskii shalay (Arbaca) lagu saxiixay magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa sheegay inay guul u tahay dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Axmed Madoobe oo markii ugu horeysay Dowlada Soomaaliya u aqoonsatahay hogaamiyaha Rasmiga ah ee gobalada Gedo, Jubada Dhexe iyo Jubbada Hoose, ayaa sheegay in meesha laga saaray xiisadii siyaasadeed ee ka dhalatay dhismihii maamulka Jubaland. Axmed Madoobe oo ka hadlay qodobada lagu heshiiyey ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in isbedalka lagu sameeyey magaca maamulka uusan qiimo weyn ku fadhin, balse muhiimada ay tahay aqoonsiga maamulka ay shacabka deegaanadaasi dhisteen ee Jubooyinka oo hada loo bixiyey maamulka KMG ah ee Juba. “..Guud ahaan heshiiskaan waa mid alabaab cusub u furaya Soomaalida, khilaafaadka ka jira Soomaaliya maalamahan ninkii wax raba inuu sheego Arrimaha Kismaayo ayuu afka marinayey, marka “..Dherigaasi..” hada waa la *****lay oo cid wax danbe ku daaran meyso…” ayuu yiri Axmed Madoobe oo wareysi siiyey idaacada VOA. “…Waxba micno weyn maaha erayga “..Land..” ee la bedalay ama hada laga dhigay Jubba Administration, ee maamulka waa sidiisii, dhismiha iyo dhameystirkiisana waa sidiisii hore, Magaca macno ma sameenayo ee maamulka waxa uu qabanayo ayaa muhiim ah…” ayuu yiri Hogaamiyaha Jubba Axmed Madoobe oo ka hadlayey isbedalka lagu sameeyey magacii hore ee maamulka ee ahaan jiray Jubaland. Dekkada iyo Airporka Kismaayo “…Muddada lixda (6) bilood soo socota in maamulka Jubba uu sii maamulo dekkada iyo Airporka ayaa lagu heshiiyey, kadibna markaasi dowlada lagala tashado inay soo magacaabeyso, balse qaabka dhaqaalaha kasoo baxa illaha dhaqaalaha waa mid lala sugayo markii Dowlada Federaalka iyo maamulada Federaalka nidaam ku heshiiyaan, balse hada waxa kasoo baxa waxaa lagu maareenayaa arrimaha Jubba…” ayuu yiri Axmed Madoobe oo ka hadlayey heshiiska laga gaaray cida maamuleysa illaha dhaqaalaha ee magaalada Kismaayo. Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay in qodobka heshiiska lagu daray ee ah in shirar dib u heshiisiin lagu qabto magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo, ay yihiin kuwo dhameystir ah oo loogu talogalay in lagu heshiisiiyo dadka gudaha Soomaaliya jooga. Ciidamada Jubba Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Darawiishta, Booliiska, Nabadsugida iyo Asluubta dhamaantood ay hoos imaan doonaan maamulka Jubba. Wuxuuna sheegay in ciidamada Militariga guud ay hoostagi doonaan Dowlada Federaalka sida uu qabo Dastuurka Federaalka. Source: Horseed
  17. GAROODI;974415 wrote: It's because they are a different country and the constitution of the republic of SOMALILAND states it is imperative to have good relations wih naibours and not interfer in their domestic affairs Einstien. Keep hiding behind Kenyan tanks all Somalis know who the real langab are. Your reverse psychology won't work on me. You should thank god almighty that he duriyada not only have the balls to do what they said but implement it as well. Thank your maker that they are no longer interested its precisely because of this that you have garowe and bosaso left do you think had it been part of SOMALILAND territory that we would be without it today hahah. Hag and duriyada have no animosity between themselves: if duriyada wanted the presidency, prime minister and half the so called parliament the entire somali speaking people's would pray salatul shukri and we all know it hahaha. But Somalia is gone in my view. It's dominion of hag now and watch it will happen so get comfortable in your wasteland because the days of welfare checks is gone. That died with Abo siad. No jubaland no mugdisho Saxib Ethier you have bosaso and garowe call it sadaqa from duriyada hahahaha Pheee...ew! That is one heck of a moronic post if ever there was one. Saaxiib, I stopped reading right after "it's because it is different country" which I believe was in the first sentence. In any case, the more you try to defend yourself against the obvious laangaabnimo of duriyada, the guiltier you look Garoodi. *shakes head*
  18. GAROODI;974366 wrote: Tilamock your lot only think you have relevance however in reality other then talk and bravado nothing substantial. Hag have the capital, the presidency and the majority population in south Somalia. Duriyada have the entire north they are insignificant to Somalia politics because they choose to unlike your lot who inhabit the few desert wastelands between the monoliths. Other then bravado and talk I assure your lot mean little to Somalias situation. You have struggled to stop SOMALILAND and with all your so called influence have managed to achieve nothing substantial in south Somalia. lol...you've just agreed with our statements. The reason duriyada keep to themselves is precisely because of the aforementioned laangaabnimo and their abject irrelevance in Somali political affairs...
  19. xiinfaniin;974331 wrote: Finally! Carafaat and Garoodi, not to mention our USC pals who thought the legacy of 1991 clan wars can be solidified have finally accepted, or rather forced to accept, the reality that is federal Somalia where communities and regional blocks will form the basis for inclusive national ownership of the country. Kismayo was a test case for whether Somalis can move forward or whether the likes of Odey Xaad, and USC remnants continue to plunge the country into further disarray and disunity. This agreement is very simple: accept the political manifestation of the provincial constitution and move the country forward. It goes without saying if Hassan manages to stick to the agreement (he has bad record of sweat talking to his opponents while failing to offer any tangible concessions), he will have managed to stop his political bleeding. Xiin: The dogs bark, but the federalism caravan passes on... The next stop for the federalism caravan is bay/bakool/shabeelaha Hoose!
  20. ^ Garoodi, the term laangaab by definition means "minority", so no need to get your knickers in a twist, mate... The SNM laangaabs my buddy Apophis is referring to, is simply meant to highlight why that grouping is inconsequential in the political machinations of Somalia, while Apophis' group-- who will go unmentioned-- are the majority who decide Somalia's political fate.