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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. xiinfaniin;991579 wrote: Sir Nickolas Kay filed a report against Somaliland. The objective of his report is unmistakably clear: make a case for the need of his UN office (political office) in Hargeysa.
  2. ^ Nimanka Mudug iyo Nugaal ka yimi dhulka iyagaa iska leg Wir wax ka dheh ina gumeedyahow .., All jokes aside, why can't we just all get along eh?
  3. Whether Khaatumo MPs take part or not, the numbers still favor Faroole.
  4. Arsenal have been brought down back to earth with a thrashing. So far, a draw against Everton and a loss against Man City does not bold well for their title aspirations, especially with Chelsea waiting for them. Let's hope that loss against Man City gives them a wake up call... for if Arsenal want to win the TITLE, big games matter, all the time.
  5. ^ Ka daroo dibi dhal: Xaaji, the infirmary is thataway------------------------------------------>
  6. ^ Ma hubtaa inaan dhahay ha tago? Once again, put down those pompons and whistle!
  7. ^ If you must ask such an obvious question, then you my friend must still be celebrating The National Flaunt Your Mental Illness Day of the "republic" of somaliland, which I think ended last week. You go, Xaaji Xunduf...
  8. There is nothing political about the stuff you're showing us saaxiib. So be a good lad, and take this beautiful thread to the General section.
  9. Kaluun, while I enjoy these rather colorful posts of mediocrity of yours, don't you suppose it would have been better if you'd posted it in the General section of the forum? Please have the admin move it there. Thanks
  10. Funny how they all show up here when summoned, yet you never see Silanyo in Garowe or Faroole in Hargaysa....what a bunch of pathetic baboons!
  11. Guje;989888 wrote: Waqooyi pple are all ( the vast majority of them ) like kaluun, xunjuf and the other swivel eyed lunatics on this site and other somali sites talking ad nauseam about SL and their clan. waa dad iska waalan, nobody takes them seriously. Ouch...Guje strikes below the belt. but then again no damage was done.....*moving along*
  12. Guje;989888 wrote: Waqooyi pple are all ( the vast majority of them ) like kaluun, xunjuf and the other swivel eyed lunatics on this site and other somali sites talking ad nauseam about SL and their clan. waa dad iska waalan, nobody takes them seriously. Ouch...Guje strikes below the belt. but then again no damage was done.....*moving along*
  13. Samafal;984002 wrote: Faroole has no chance to win this. People say it's two horse race but I believe if he comes third in the first round he would be lucky. if you look at it, you can't see where the votes will come for him. Bari the largest region has 21 MPs . This business community are fuming with anger for his mismanagement with the economy. The civil service including the army has not been paid for months while he campaigns lavishly with their hard earned cash. There are no checks and balances, no transparency, Faroole has the absolute say of how to spend the state's coffers. This community would not entertain with themselves voting in Faroole again. He can forget about the half of Nugaal's 9 votes. Here the community are divided on hardline supporters and damn right opposition. Reer Mudug have 10 votes and Faroole is not liked here nor respected. He has neglected this region for years and pay back is in order for him. Reer Sanaag have 12 votes to dispense and voting for Faroole is not on the agenda. Simply put there's nothing substantial he has done for this region and that Makhir University project was one intended to secure votes from them but I think they would not be fooled like that. Reer Sool are undecided this year and there's even doubt if they will take part. Even if they did would they vote for Faroole? Ha ha ha, Samafal nin wanaagsan baad u egtahay, laakiin, I am willing to wager all that you've said against a little bit of Mudane faroole's money, that is, of course, if you're a betting man? Saaxiib, Mudane Faroole isn't going anywhere and all the mps who will reelect him will be laughing all the way to the bank when he is sworn in for a second five year term.
  14. Lol@ "practical border" .... Xaaji, we've missed your madness-- welcome back.
  15. The Gooners continue to march on with last week's taming of the high flying Suárez and Sturridge duo of Liverpool...I mean, with Ozil, Ramsey and Cazorla orchestrating the midfield against Gerard, Henderson and Lucas.--How could anyone expect Liverpool to win that match? The game was won and lost in midfield... Arsenal's were excellent, as Ozil and Cazorla even reminded Rosicky (who was on fire) of the days he, Fabrigas and Hleb reigned supreme in midfield, whilst on the other hand Liverpool lacked the venom in the middle to really unleash the sharp fangs they possess in Suarez and Sturridge. I hope Liverpool at some point soon realize that unless they overhaul their midfield they can kiss their title aspiration goodbye--no good having great strikers if they don't the ball. Now getting back to Arsenal; they've indeed proved themselves capable of manhandling any of the big dogs by beating one of the best teams out their midweek, and I hope they will still have some juice left to overcome ManU this weekend, although, I believe there will be more pressure on MU to come out swinging hard and put out a great performance against the current leaders in the premiership, and also prove to those who've lost faith in them that they remain a force to be reckoned in spite of Moyes
  16. ^ That's a tough one to say at the moment with such a challenging season this year...but if they continue playing like they have, with such confidence and finesse, I believe they can humble any team on the premiership. Come december, if they don't drop too many points against the big teams they will be playing, I think Arsenal will be amongst the top three in January.
  17. I'd stash all that money in a secret Swiss account and smile like Culosow every time I'm asked about it..
  18. I believe the Gunners are officially one of the best contenders for the title this year. Wow, what a performance!
  19. His pursed lips fought hard to contain his ebullience, but the delight on Arsene Wenger's face this afternoon testified to the fact that Arsenal are back to their best, their 4-1 deconstruction of Norwich City, a display reminiscent of the days of Henry, Pires, Bergkamp and Viera. Now of course its Ozil, Cazorla, Giroud and Wilshere, and it was the last of these three whose combined interplay, featuring dazzling one touch football, produced a goal of sublime quality at the Emirates. To witness such beauty on the football pitch, was like coming across a long lost lover, after so many years, and having that flame rekindled. Arsenal have, once again, taken football to a different level in the Premier League. Teams like Manchester United and Chelsea might have won a lot more over the last twenty years, but they have never achieved the technical mastery and synergies that Wenger has been able to achieve with Arsenal. Its ten year since Arsenal won their last league title, going the whole season without losing a single game. In that 2003-04 season the likes of Henry, Pires, Bergkamp and Ljunberg would combine pace and incise passing, with one touch play and masterful off the ball running, to slice through the opposition, as if they had all been fitted with ice skates, and the opposition had had their feet set in concrete. At the end of that season it had seemed as if Arsenal might go on to dominate for years, but football was in the process of changing. It was the beginning of a new era, in which foreign billionaires were about to take on the chairmanship of football clubs, and transform the balance of power in the Premier League. Arsenal were greatly affected by this change, and for various reasons it has taken Wenger and the club, the best part of ten years, to work out of a response. Roman Abramovich came along, and later Khaldoon Al Mubarak, and over the last ten years Chelsea and Manchester City, have raided Arsenal, weakening them each season, and taking their best players, offering them ridiculous amounts of money that Arsenal could not hope to match. The result was Arsenal started each season, needing to start anew, never being able to benefit from the synergies created by their best players in the previous season. This created a climate around the Emirates, where players, with ambitions for winning, would start to look elsewhere, e.g. Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona and Robin van Persie to Manchester United, even if the money of Chelsea and Manchester City were not the key drivers. Arsenal then, seemed to find themselves in a no-man's land, with a coach, who was capable of getting the best out of players, with a team that couldn't hold to their best talent, the effect of which, was Arsenal huffed and puffed at times, but always got into those important Champions League positions. The tide however turned this summer with the stunning signing of Memut Ozil, which smashed Arsenal's transfer record, and as Amy Lawrence of the Guardian pointed out was the first signing of a proven world class player since the transfer of Dennis Bergkamp. This signing marked a watershed moment in the club. First it signified a change in fortune in Arsenal's finances. Ivan Gazidis hinted that a new deal with sponsor Emirates had given Arsenal greater resources to compete in the market. However it wasn't just the fact that Arsenal had money. For one reason or another Wenger also saw the need to sign proven talent for huge amounts of money, something which runs counter to his beliefs and practice, focussed principally on developing players, either young or those with potential that has not been properly tapped. It seems thought, that a decade of frustration at the Emirates has caused Wenger to realise that he needs to change his tactics, if he is to see more success in this new world of football. That means sending a message to the world, and to Arsenal players, that he wants to see the best players at The Emirates, even if he has to pay, and even if it means buying in players, who are already fully formed. The result has been a side, which has stolen a march on the big guns, both in terms of the publicity gained and the points tallied. There are of course questions about whether the club is capable of clinching the title for the first time in ten years. Olivier Giroud shows potential, but has yet to display the devastating kind of form that any title winning side needs from their principal striker. Furthermore whilst Arsenal can slice through lesser opposition, faced up against tougher sides, like they were against West Bromwich Albion a few weeks back, questions might be asked about the steel in the side. Arsenal have yet to play the likes of Manchester United, Manchester City and Chelsea. However the future looks bright for Arsenal, even in the days of Wenger, the title winning sides tended to be victorious not because of their battling quality, but because they had managed to take the game to a different level.