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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Why does he need treatment from anyone other than his immediate kin? Am with the rabid kitten, CidanSultan, on this one: The fool needs to head back home and take care himself and his family!
  2. <cite> @Safferz said:</cite> Well this advice is more specific to me, but I think they're good guidelines nonetheless: - Don't approach me in a hostile environment, or in a creepy way -- NEVER follow a woman you see walking on the street, never try and talk to someone from your car, never approach a woman on public transit. A coffee shop, a bookstore, a party or event, etc are less awkward places to strike up a convo without coming off like a creep. - Don't touch me, ever - Don't use pick up lines - Don't let your friends/wingman do most of the talking for you - Don't go overboard with physical comments/compliments, if you want to tell a woman she's beautiful then say it once and leave it at that. Better yet, compliments on things other than her body are best -- maybe she has a nice outfit on, a pretty necklace, etc. - Say hello, introduce yourself and be polite. Have something to actually talk about, for example talking about the place you're at (ie. a concert) is always a good icebreaker. - Have a sense of humour, SMILE and always make eye contact - Ask for a phone number, not my BBM PIN or a Facebook add. Don't call within a day or two, and you've lost your chance. And when you do call, don't drag things on -- say how it was a pleasure to meet and that you'd love to see her again, and ask her out. I will now take questions Hello there, Safferz. The advice I seek now is NOT how too woo the common chick on the street which is very easy for me, but rather a niqaab wearing Xaliimo who refuses to make eye-contact with anyone and won't even speak to you when spoken to. But, I must say it's quite presumptuous on your part to offer such below par advice to the great and all conquering hero of SOL known as Tillamook. Might be, Abaayo, that your advice maybe well received by some wussies out there, but it is very offensive to a guy like me who most girls admire from afar. Who knows, you might be one of them, if you knew me, inadvertantly biting your bottom lip whenever you set your eyes on me, as you take note of the glistening sheen of my glorious trade-mark Somali forehead. I know you're thinking by now:"Tillamook, pride will be you downfall!" but rest assured sis, most women harbor unclean and wanton thoughts about my fabulous and grand physique, seemingly chiseled from a boulder of the finest rocks out there. In fact, it is more than likely that some chicks maybe touching themselves inappropriately right this minute reading about me, and others still may go to bed tonight dreaming of the suggestive and gargantuan ego that I exude. I can't say I blame them though, because I ooze forth the extremely potent pheromones of a genuine faarax whose sexual masculinity can get any red-blooded women in the immediate vicinity on her knees begging for more. But I tell you, Safferz, neither my aura of unbridled machismo nor my incredible looks, nor my gift of gab seem to be working with this Niqaabi Xaliimo. This chick acts as if she is deaf and dumb every time I try to approach her, which makes me wonder-- am I beginning to loose my pimp game? Or is there a different way of approaching these type of "holier than thou" ones?
  3. What the Heart Cannot Forget by Joyce Sutphen Everything remembers something. The rock, its fiery bed, cooling and fissuring into cracked pieces, the rub of watery fingers along its edge. The cloud remembers being elephant, camel, giraffe, remembers being a veil over the face of the sun, gathering itself together for the fall. The turtle remembers the sea, sliding over and under its belly, remembers legs like wings, escaping down the sand under the beaks of savage birds. The tree remembers the story of each ring, the years of drought, the floods, the way things came walking slowly towards it long ago. And the skin remembers its scars, and the bone aches where it was broken. The feet remember the dance, and the arms remember lifting up the child. The heart remembers everything it loved and gave away, everything it lost and found again, and everyone it loved, the heart cannot forget
  4. LOL @ "it's a range of issues that raise some concern" If bullsh!t was some kind of art form, surely Xaaji Maalaayacni has perfected it. Sxb, tell us why security issues in Puntland are more worthy for your "concern" than in somaliland? That's the million dollar question.
  5. No need to apologize for being blind. My only advice to you would be to go get that checked out by an optician!
  6. Gabiley: (Somalilandsun) -The police in Gabiley have carried a continuous operation of arresting members of youthful gang that created havoc & preached peace and tranquility that was enjoyed by the dwellers of the region with great ramifications. According to the police reports in Gabiley town it is officially reported that groups of youth have created chaos that resulted to grievous bodily injuries & other assorted damages –with the injuries carried amongst themselves. It is contended that the gang members were initially in the same group before dividing after a deal that went sour that subsequently led to police arrival at the crime scene and thereafter arresting the two gangs. According to the reports of Abdilahi Hassan the police commander in Gabiley police station while briefing the press disclosed that they have arrested a couple of the youth who fought amongst themselves. Mr. Abdilahi Hassan also revealed that the gangs have caused major damages to small scale traders operating within the town- both bodily and property injuries. The police commander further revealed that once they are through with the ongoing investigation they shall publically reveal the causes of fighting. He had earlier said that they have arrested two leaders of the gang.
  7. Xaaji Maalaayacni, This news is as old as stale bread, for it was already reported in the thread titled "Progress Report from the Troglodyte den up north". Give us something fresher instead of regurgitating old cr*p!
  8. Holac, I posted this in the women's section so as to get specific feedback from the ladies of sol. I presume you are NOT a lady, correct?
  9. My first instinct is to simply pole vault over to her and say "I know you got it, so give it here, shortie!", but something tells me this chick don't get down like that. So ladies, any advice?
  10. The Ideal Star-Fighter by J.H Prynne 1. Now a slight meniscus floats on the moral pigment of these times, producing displacement of the body image, the politic albino. The faded bird droops in his cage called fear and yet flight into his pectoral shed makes for comic hysteria, visible hope converted to the switchboard of organic providence at the tiny rate of say 0.25 per cent "for the earth as a whole" . And why go on reducing and failing like metal: the condition is man and the total crop yield of fear, from the fixation of danger; in how we are gripped in the dark, the flashes of where we are. It pays to be simple, for screaming out, the eye converts the news image to fear enzyme, we are immune to disbelief."If there is danger there ought to be fear ", trans- location of the self to focal alert, "but if fear is an evil why should there be danger?" The meniscus tilts the water table, the stable end-product is dark motion, glints of terror the final inert residue. Oriental human beings throw off their leafy canopies, expire; it is the unpastured sea hungering for calm. 2. And so we hear daily of the backward glance at the planet, the reaction of sentiment. Exhaust washes tidal flux at the crust, the fierce acceleration of mawkish regard. To be perceived with such bounty! To put the ring-main of fear into printed circuit, so that from the distant loop of the hate system the whole object is lovable, delicious, ingested by heroic absorption! We should shrink from that lethal cupidity; moral stand-by is no substitute for 24-inch reinforced concrete, for the blind certain backlash. Yet how can we dream of the hope to continue, how can the vectors of digression not swing into that curve bounding the translocal, and slip over, so that the image of suffered love is scaled off, shattered to a granulated pathos like the dotted pigments of cygnus? 3. What more can be done. We walk in beauty down the street, we tread the dust of our wasted fields. The photochemical dispatch is im- minent, order-paper prepared. We cannot support that total of dis- placed fear, we have already induced moral mutation in the species. The permeated spectra of hatred dominate all the wavebands, algal to hominid. Do not take this as metaphor; thinking to finish off the last half-pint of milk, look at the plants, the entire dark dream outside.
  11. ^ LOL...don't you get it by now. Xaaji Maalaayacni is obsessed with Puntland, its leaders and peoples. He was gladly willing and eager to report the unfortunate incident in Galdogob where the local top cop was involuntarily dispatched from this earth, but yet when a similar unfortunate incident occurred in the town of Xaaji Saalax in somaliland where the police commander was also slain, our residing human fart of SOL did not report it. Which begs the question: Are Puntland Police Officers more worthy? Tell us, Mr Xaaji Maalaayacni!
  12. Wasiirada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Deegaanka Oo Kulan Kula Yeeshay Tuulada Laan-Mulaaxo Duqey Kasoo Jeeda Gacan Kudhiiglayaashii Diley Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliska Xaaji-Saalax Hargeysa(HWN)-Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cali Maxamed Warancade oo ay wehelinayso Wasiirka Deegaanka Shukri Xaaji Baandare, ayaa galinkii dambe ee maanta gaadhey Deegaanka Degmada Xaaji-Saalax iyagoo uga gudbey dhinaca Tuulada Laan-Mulaaxo ee lagu dilay Taliyihii Saldhiga Ciidanka Booliska Degmada Xaaji Saalax Marxuum Hurre waxaanay caweyskii halkaasi kulan kula yeesheen Duqeyda kasoo jeeda haybta gacan kudhiiglayaashii dilkaasi geystey kuwaas oo Warancade ku amrey in ay dhinacooda ka baadi goobaan oo looga fadhiyo soo qabashadooda. Sida ay Shabakada Wararka Hadhwanaagnews u xaqiijiyeen dad kamid ah Deegaanka Xaaji-Saalax oo goob joog ka ahaa kulankaasi, Waxa uu Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cali Warancade oo ay wehelinayso Wasiirka Deegaanka Shukri Baandare kulan wakhti badan socdey,kula qaateen Tuulada Laan-Mulaaxo oo katirsan Degmada Xaaji-Saalax halkaas oo ah goobtii dilka Marxuumku ka dhacey Waxaanay, duqeyda kala arinsadeen sidii ay dhinacooda ugu baadi dooni lahaayeen Gacan Dhiiglayaashii fuliyay Dilka Taliyaha, iyadoo ay kulankan dhinaca kale goob joog ka ahaayeen Gudoomiyaha Degmada Gaashaamo ee kililka Shanaad ee ismaamulka Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya. Inkastoo howlagl adag lagu raad goobayo gacan ku dhiiglayaashii fuliyay dilkii lagu toogtey Taliyihii Saldhiga Ciidanka Booliska Degmada Xaaji-Saalax Marxuum Mujaahid Hurre hadana ilaa iyo hada majiraan in lagu guuleystey soo qabashadoodu, waxaanay Wararku sheegeen in ay ku dhuumanayaan nawaaxiga Deegaanka Raamaale oo u dhexeysa Daroor iyo Cadaado halkaas oo la sheegay in ay ukala baxeen laba dhinac haseyeeshee, ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa kililka shanaad si xoog ah uga raad goobayaan, iyadoo Wasiirka Arimaha Guduhu dib ugu soo laabtey caweysinkii caawa Degmada Xaaji-Saalax hadana lama oga in uu kasoo gudbey niskan dambe iyo inkale. Sikastaba ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cali Warancade ayaa, goor iyo xeedho fandhaal kala dhaceen islamarkaana, dhinac walba laga soo qeylyay gaadhey Goobta uu ka dhacey Dilka Taliyuhu taas oo uu markii hore ka dhega adeygay in uu gurmadka u horeeya ku gaadho islamarkaana ka qeyb galo Aaska Marxuumka oo shaley galinkii dambe lagu aasey Degmada Xaaji-Saalax Hadhwanaagnews kala Soco Wararka arintaasi ku sahabsan dilka Foosha Xun ee lagu Dilay Taliyihii Saldhiga Xaaji Saalax iyo baadi goobka gacan ku dhiiglayaashii dilkaa geystey. Hadhwanaagnews Burco Office
  13. HARGEISA: (Somalilandsun) - A trade fair for women entrepreneurs was launched at Mansur hotel in Hargeisa Somaliland. The exhibition was organized and funded by International Labor Organization (ILO) to enlighten & enhance small scale women entrepreneurship skills by boosting up their trade managerial together with administrative acumen. Fifty women traders brought their trading merchandizes at the trade show which was launched some days earlier. Initially ILO organized to fund one hundred and fifty women traders in acquiring commercial skills to boost their trade skills & talents by creating avenues for job opportunities. According to Sofia Osman who is one of the women traders taking part in the exhibition had narrated to Somalilandsun how the acquired trading tips would be a boost to her commercial endeavors asserting that this will boost up women traders by encouraging them to be better trader. She also disclosed of plans where the first women traders who brought their items for sell at the trade show during the exhibition would automatically receive a bonus in the prices of their items. Sofia also revealed that the function was not the first that took place in Hargeisa as previous trade shows of the same nature were rolled before.
  14. HARGEISA: (Somalilandsun) -The Mayor of Hargeisa Abdirahman Mohamed aided (SOLTELCO) has launched the first solar project in Hargeisa city. C/rahman soltelcoC/rahman soltelcoThe project is part of his program of ensuring that Hargeisa city is beautified. During the initiation of the street lights project, the Mayor said "This is part of the new program we are starting in the city and we will ensure that we put the street lights in the entire Hargeisa city. He also thanked the government for working towards ensuring that Hargeisa city is beautified" These solar installations will assit in beautifying the city and curbing crime in some areas of the city at the same time assist in making Somaliland a 24 hour economy. The Street lights are automatic in nature and charges during the day and automatically switches on during the night.
  15. Xaaji Maalaayacni, Honest question: What's your obsession with Cabdiwali really all about?
  16. Nacnacda yareeya: qof walba tuuladii uu ku dhashey ha dhisto hana hormariyo. Maalin walba sheeko raqiis-ah ha loo soo shir taganina!
  17. Gaas has gone to sell his SSC program to the Somali overlords in Addis. It's unfortunate but then again we Somalis put ourselves in a such a position.
  18. Doctor, keep educating Xaaji Maalaayacni and his rabid kitten, CiidanSuldan. No matter how much they froth in the mouth, the truth is a hard pill swallow: SSC is Puntland and Puntland is SSC. Love it or loath it
  19. Xaaji Maalaayacni: Galaydh and Gaas will both take part in the conference, after-all it's a family affair. Lol @ "it's 15 miles from their capital" Congratulations CiidanSuldan, you've done it. You've singlehandedly managed to answer the now age old question: Are all secessionist retards?
  20. Xaaji Maalayacni: Mudane Gaas will be the chairperson of the Taleex Conference. Rest on that on that and hopefully get nightmares.
  21. ^ I'm out. Voyeurism is where I draw the line. Kulahaa, "hidden cameras for my pleasure"
  22. Beer-gaal, you're right. Only in Somalia does the swearing-in ceremony come before the confirmation hearings of the parliament.
  23. Here is the supposed offending program(faaliyaha qaranka) by Universal t.v (Silanyo interview starts about the 05:20 mark of the clip) Reporter:Bismillahi Rahmani Rahiim, welcome to our exclusive interview with the president of somaliland, Axmad Maxamed Maxamud Silaanyo. First of all your excellency, welcome to Universal t.v. Silanyo: Thank you, you're very kind. Reporter: Recently the talks between the Federal Government and somaliland came to a conclusion. What's your take on it and Somalia. Silanyo: Somalia is a neighboring country of ours, the talks we had in Turkey was not aimed at the reconciliation of Somalia and somaliland or reunion of the two countries, but rather these talks were aimed at discussing the common interest of the two neighboring republics. Reporter: Your excellency, it is said that during the daytime your have a huge say in the day to day running of the affairs of government, but come nightfall-- these duties are carried out by your immediate family: What do you say to that? Silanyo: Those are merely exaggerated rumors spread by shameless blabbermouths. As you know, my strengths are not as they used to be and I go to bed early each evening. So if some of my family members handle my affairs, I don't see what the fuss is all about, after-all, my family are members of our society too and have every right to help manage our government. Reporter: The department of roads has been expanded...has it been directly brought under the immediate control of your office? Silanyo: As you know, our road network plays a very crucial role in our economy. So if this department is managed directly through my office, I don't see what the issue is, and the permanent secretary in the office of the president is a very hardworking and capable young man who can oversee this vital department. So I don't see any problem with this. Reporter: As you know politicians have their personal differences. Which politician do you hate the most? Silanyo: Personally, I loath and can't stand Faisal Cali Waraabe. Also, the speaker of the parliament --who is the head of the Wadani Party-- I find very repulsive as well. Reporter: You've defunded the committee responsible for the promotion of the arts and music, and by decree ordered that the funds be given to the clan elders. Do you personally dislike the musicians? Silanyo: I don't dislike them, per'se, in fact I love their music. Its just that musicians and clan elders, in my view are similar, in that-- they both earn their living yapping their mouths off. So I figured, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Now the elders get the funding and the musicians stay at home. Reporter: Mr president. You look like a very angry man. When you get angry, what do you really feel? Silanyo: A lot of people have asked themselves that. But personally, me as Silanyo, I believe when I get angry no one can tell if I am. Reporter: Puntland recently elected Abdiwali Gaas, who previously was the prime minister of Somalia. You didn't send any congratulatory remarks, his way. Why? Silanyo: What! I only know Abdulahi Yusuf is the president. Has someone else been elected??? Reporter: If you were asked to make any request you like. What would you ask for? Silanyo: As you know it has taken us 20 plus years for the world to recognize the secession of somaliland. And we've spent a lot of effort and energy in this endeavor. The people of somaliland are restless and dissatisfied. Therefore, my only request to you is that these people's disgruntlement be alleviated. Reporter: Mr president, you claim that you love music even though you refuse to support musicians and have asked them to stay at their homes. Tell us, what sort of music you like? Silanyo: The type of music I like, are songs like "abundance resides in our lands(Dhulkeena Nimcaa Fadhida)"*breaks into dance waving somaliland flag* Reporter: And that was the president of somaliland Axmad Maxameds Maxamud who we interviewed on our program Faaliyaha Qaranka. Thank you very much your excellency.*shakes hands with Silanyo*
  24. Is Silanyo too old to appreciate satire or was he ill-advised in this matter, again? Banning satire is a violation of freedom of expression and more importantly,in the case of universal t.v, a violation of freedom of the press. Imagine the uproar that would occur if the White House had ordered the shutting down of NBC because of their Saturday night live show every time said show did a sketch about President Obama! It would be madness. Yaa wax u sheega: Satires are pretend and an attempt at creating a make-belief world and should not be taken to heart, reer baadiyaal waaxiid! Silanyo should be counseled wisely regarding this matter and he should immediately rescind this flawed policy. After-all, in a truly democratic society, a thick skin is a necessary prerequisite for every politician.