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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> niyoow nin cabdiweli nin la yirahda oo feker badan oo aan degdegin ba meshi fadhiya. wuxu ku leyahay i need time to lay the ground work. sillanyo's visit to lasqoray was god sent for him his advisers are saying because he can easily say "somaliland started the latest daandaansi. but we have to wait niyoow. i am very much support of abdiweli strategy. madaxweyne degdega faaiido maleh. waxani waa dagaal dheer. I personally don't believe Puntland will go to war with Somaliland over this. What I do know, however, is that the policy of Silaanyo's administration of supporting terrorists will brought to an end, and Hargaysa will be singing a different tune.
  2. <cite> @B_A_L_L_E_R_Z said:</cite> Ala fuleysanaa "Waanu Argagaxney-Land" looooooool this is just a cry for help which in reality translates to "PLLLEEEAASSEEE AMISOM COME HELP UUSSS" :-D WAANU ARGAGAXNEY INDEED Argagaxiso Amisom Kaliyah Ayaa baryahaan ka adag, marka Silaanyo ha u diyaar garoobo!
  3. Lol Even Deeq Awil, the silent poster of SOL, picked up on the support the Somaliland administration provides the terrorists. Keep it up. Let the whole world know what a vile and sinister administration the Somaliland regime truly is! : D
  4. Lol @ "The best terrorists from Somaliland". Only a fool would brag about such a thing. Mooge, soon the Hargaysa terrorists will have their day of reckoning.
  5. I can do one better.... Here is the video of the denial of the so called "entry visa" to the great republic of Somaliland. http://youtu.be/-lFmfLBZQlE I like how the camera guy is coaching them...
  6. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> These people will do anything, including making a deal with International Terrorists, just to increase the chances of getting their much-coveted state recognition. They'll make a deal with the Shaytaan so they can officially gain secession recognition. They would sell their own mothers to achieve this. If this is true then granting Somaliland recognition and then treating them as an enemy state is inevitable. Hear hear! However, I wish to make the distinction that the people are innocent in this. They are merely the misinformed khat chewing masses who go about their daily business. It is the Silaanyo administration in Hargaysa that supports Al Shabab.
  7. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Evidence or it didn't Happen, i cant help it that Somalilanders are the best athletes the best Entrepreneurs and the Best terrorists. Somalilanders are generally good at what ever work they do, The Amiir Godane is not any different. I know the Pirates cant face the Somalilanders in battle thus they resort in labeling people as terrorists, but it doesn't work, now i ask you one more time where is the evidence. You will have your evidence once the Hargaysa sanctuary of Al Shabab is dismantled, in the meantime keep playing the retard and when the day comes, don't say we didn't know!
  8. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Somaliland does not support African union troops in Somalia because its bad for the Koonfurians ,, but because the southerners love the AU troops Somalilanderes say fair enough waxad isla jecelshihn wanu idin la jecelnahay Alshabaab does what it likes , Alshabaab has attacked Kenya uganda but never Ethiopia. Have u ever asked your self why shabaab has not attacked Somaliland ,well it did , but the Somailand security apparatus is alert very vigilant and every citizen works with the defense forces. Walahi Xaaji Xayawaan waa daacad... Lol Thanks for admitting that the Somaliland regime does not like African troops in Somalia. And I presume, in you wickedly deranged mind, Somaliland has every right to support Al Shabab who is also against African troops in Somalia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Is that the way of it? P.S The only reason Al Shabab does not attack Hargaysa is because allies don't attack one another. Why would Al Shabab attack the Somaliland administration when Somaliland provides sanctuary, weapons and monies to them ?
  9. ^ We know the so-called "foreign troops" who in fact are peace keepers sanctioned by the UN Security Council to help stabilize Somalia are an anathema to Terrorists and the terrorist supporters in the Somaliland administration who do not want a stable and united Somalia. Love it or loathe it, Amisom will stay until their mandate is fullfled which is to destroy the Al Shabab and their supporters in Somaliland. Froth in the mouth all you want dear Marfishlanders! Your days of funneling money and bombs to Al Shabab so as to maim innocent women and children in Somalia are numbered.
  10. ^ Oh NO! Not the boot. Little Kitten, I suspect your Rabies has reached it's acute stage, which per the CDC includes,"delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, and insomnia." It is said, "Once clinical signs of rabies appear, the disease is nearly always fatal, and treatment is typically supportive." So my dear marfashlander, I'm concerned for you. Have you tried to get medical treatment lately?
  11. ^ Hey little kitten, don't lash out me. I just report the news. It is bad policy for the somaliland administration to support international terrorists. No country in the world will recognize marfashland.
  12. ^ Little kitten, why don't you tell us why you dislike Amisom? It's a simple question and I'm sure Cabdiwali didn't cause your hatred for Amisom, so give it a try, will ya?
  13. ^ See, even the international media has picked up on the two-timing face of the Hargaysa administration. Somaliland can't have it both ways. They can't want international recognition from the rest of Somalia and the international community, and on the other hand, support international terrorist organizations like Al Shabab.
  14. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> So fuaad shangoole who is actually hiding in mudug is a puntland agent he is there to punish xassan sheikh and the muqdishaawis because they refuse to bow for federalism imagine if i come with that kind of answer. makes no sense.. Godane is his own man he is on his own mission he has no connection with SL. Trust me if SL was supporting shabaab , alshabaab would do much and much better on all fronts. But SL has no interest to hurt damul jadiid and reer muqdisho. But can u bring proof that SL is supporting shabaab As usual, Xaaji Maalayacni, you're talking out of your rear end! You have the audacity to compare the leader of Al Shabab to a mere foot soldier? How moronic can you get? It is known fact that the Silaanyo administration openly protects and provides sanctuary to the leader of Al Shabab.Silaanyo funnels money and weapons to them, and also help Al Shabab in the Galgala mountains.
  15. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> hadii run la rabo fulay tahin , Your giving Hargeysa admin to much credit thier budget is like 200 90 % aid It's such cretinous remarks that make me wonder if you have some loose nuts in your head. Nobody claimed that the somaliland administration is the ONLY entity providing resources to the Al Shabab criminals terrorizing Somalia. Like ciidansultan has stated above, since he as a somalilander knows very well the exact nature and the extent of the resources that Al Shabab receives from not only the administration he supports in Hargaysa who are in cahoots with Al Shabab, but also the Arabs and others that he and Xaaji Xayawaan have mentioned.
  16. ^ Fear not little kitten, the folks who've made their lives' work to fight and stop terrorism around the world have all the proof they need to bring to an end the Silaanyo administration's support for these international criminals. Stay tuned and have some more milk...
  17. ^ Ciidansultan, our dear resident rabid kitten: What do you have against Amisom troops? Why do you hold them in such contempt? Aren't these African countries trying to help stabilize a sister nation? I mean, you're mentioning their tanks and how the're protecting the people in the south like it's a bad thing. Or is it? Is it, maybe, just maybe, that because they're thrashing the heck out of Somaliland's Al Shabab forces in south Somalia, you despise them? Do you hate them because Amisom first kicked out Silaanyo's proxy forces out of Mogadishu, then Kismayo, and then Baidoa and now Amisom has even begun moving them out of central Somalia. I mean, who knows what Amisom will accomplish by the end of the year. Maybe 2015, Amisom might be able to fully secure the whole of the south and help allow peace and prosperity to return that part of the country. Oooooooooooh! Be afraid my dear pitiful kitten, be very afraid-- peace and stability in Somalia is well-neigh! Rabid kitten, the game is up! Al Shabab's days are numbered and so are your hopes of an internationally recognized marfashland and a Somalia in disarray: Now be a good little kitten, and go lap up some milk...here, have some! P.S For the record, moryanStar, it was Puntland Minister for Public Safety that announced in the press briefing that Somaliland's government gives material aid and support to Al Shabab.
  18. Lol.. Puntland and Somaliland will never go to war over anything. However the international community who are currently running the affairs of Somalia will soon deal with the terrorist supporters in the Hargaysa administration who funnel weapons, money and foot soldiers to Al Shabab.
  19. ^ Alpha, don't walk in here like a headless chicken. Cabdawali is not the subject we are discussing in this thread. We are talking about the tacit support that the administration in Somaliland gives to the international terrorist group known as Al Shabab, so as to allow the latter to continue to destabilize the rest of the country in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, the international community favors the north with some sort of international recognition. Now address that, if you would! Do you support this suicidal policy of Silaanyo's administration or do you think it's misguided?
  20. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Alshabaab card has been used over used the pirates cant handdle the galgala cell and accuse SL of supporting them the pirates are so weak. As for Shabaab , Somaliland and Shabaab do not share the same ideology, and Amiir Godane does not need SL help, nor does SL provide shabaab with assistance. Alshabaab is sponsored by Eritrea rich Arab wahabis and alqaeda and Koonfurians C'mon Xaaji Maalaayacni, give us a brake. Everyone knows the Al Shabab leader is an agent of the Silanyo administration.
  21. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> SNM is not only alienating the clans of buuhoodle and garowe , it also made new enemies: clans from Kaaraan and Guriceel. It is huge Qalad to take usc(now HAG) as enemies. The ones who saved you from Regime. SNM will regret making new enemies. They are under siege: Djibouti in the North, Awdalland in the northernWest, Puntland in the east.and Ogadenia in the west. SNM is going to fail. I agree with you that the Silaanyo administration is foolish for supporting Al Shabab, but don't you think that their rationale will backfire on them?
  22. Somaliarising, please refrain from generalizing all the people of north Somalia. It is the administration in Hargaysa that is sponsoring international terrorists, not the average habar that merrily chews his khat in the dim marfishes that seem to dot the place like weeds in a desolate swamp.
  23. I personally believe it is a very wrong headed policy. It's one thing to pursue unilateral secession, but it a whole different ball game when Somaliland makes allies out of a known international terrorist organization such as Al Shabab. Discuss!
  24. Federalism is the way forward for our country. Albeit a slow and difficult process, but in the end it will result in the political salvation of our peoples wherever we may be.