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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> We dont hate them. We want to help the insane khataddicts to gain sanity. Lol @ SomaliaRising. :D I guess they've forced your hand into opening up a psychiatric hospital for the sick folks of this forum. Saaxiib, ka wareeji nimanka!
  2. Everyone is leaving the doomed terrorist sanctuary known as Somaliland. Before it was only the general populace who were leaving in droves, but now it seems even those holding government jobs are jumping off the sinking ship. How unfortunate!
  3. ^ Adnan, nobody hates somaliland nor the people from there. We are merely shedding light upon the futility of the secessionist agenda and the foolishness of the baboons who propagate it on this forum, nothing more nothing less...now scurry back from whence your crawled out of!
  4. It seems, some of the somaliland police officials who'd just recently attended the training seminar in Italy have become tahriibis. http://baligubadlemedia.com/2014/03/war-degdega-saraakiil-boolistka-ka-tirsan-oo-tababar-loogu-diray-talyaaniga-oo-baxsaday-iyo-sarkaalkii-hogaaminayay-oo-raadinaya/
  5. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> kkkkkkkkkkk Somalidiidoow, did Italy mention Maamulka SNM? Then why is Maamulka SNM there on the training? loool The Training is for Republic of Somalia from Seylac till Raskambooni. If snm are separatists why did they go there kkkkkkk Somalidiid will also spin this out. ” well training is part of Istanbul agreement, well we need the training, it does not damage our ictiraaf programm, well wanlaweyns must stop claiming us, well we go to Italy as seperate country. Italy called on us as seperate country. Well where do you see the evidence that Italy only called Somalia. Well Wanlaweyn are so ignorant of politics. As for the Turkish Airlines and the Somali ambassador, well the somali ambassador entered the wrong door, he was not welcome there because two Qarans(Turkey and maamulka snm) were talking”. And Somalidiid sleeps better at night by feeding himself lies lol Lol @ SomaliaRising Walahi, you cracked me up :D You are having a field day with the secessionist troglodytes today.
  6. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> I dont hate Khatchewing Somalidiids. I pitty them. SomaliaRising, Not just pity, but rivers of ridicule as well..
  7. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Somalia maxay qabi karta sawta Ugandhees iyo burundiisku qabaan Waa runtaa Xaaji, adduunyadaan waa la is wada qabaa... Somalia waxay saddex ku qabtaa somaliland, dabadeedna wadamada dariska ayaa Somalia laftigeeda saddex ku qaba, markaas Africa oo dhan ayaa saddex lagu qabaa waxaana ku qaba wadamada cadaanka ah. The only problem is that the marfashlanders are too daft to understand this reality about global geopolitics.
  8. ^ Go on with that nonsense outta here! Foreign forces are in YOUR country, and that country is called Somalia.
  9. ^ Lol @ Buuraha, Saaxiib, waa runtaa oo aqoonsigu Waxaa lagu heli karaa Somalia oo idinka yeesha, but like an obstinate husband who refuses to sign the divorce papers for his favorite wife, Somalia won't recognize the habar enclave, maadaama ay saddex idinku qabaan Marka, Buuraha saaxiib, goormaad edab yeelanaysaan oo aad dadkiina dhinac ka raaci doontaan?
  10. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> No one cares what the whites do the Whites recognize Somaliland yes or no than why should Somaliland back down from receiving training i don't see how this harms SL independence cause , by receiving training from Europeans. Again if this training was given inside Somalia by Europeans SL would back down same as the talks we accept to hold talks with the Koonfurians in Turkey not in Somalia we accept to receive training in Italy but not in Somalia maybe u will understand. Xaaji, you said " i don't see how this harms SL independence cause , by receiving training from Europeans." I always thought from your point of view the independence and sovereignty of Somaliland was a foregone conclusion, so when did it become a "cause"? Just admit it sxb, the bullsh*t about an independent republic called Somaliland that you've been spewing on this forum all these years is officially unsalvageable. Also, don't tell us all of a sudden that you " don't care what the whites do"; weren't you guys petitioning them in a different thread?
  11. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> They are in Europe receiving training from the Europeans how is this a form of unity, Puntland army operates independently even though puntland claims to be part of Somalia. But Puntland wishes to have the same training the damuljadid government receives. Somaliland and Somalia already agreed in the talks to boos their securities and receive training's so i think this is part of the wider range. This is how ever not unity Somalis cannot unite there is to much unfinished business. Have u not seen Europeans visiting Hargeisa garowe and Mogadishu the same guy from a EU commissionery and other officials this is the same. Hey genius, the only reason all the things you've mentioned happen is because one country is being trained, and EU officials are merely visiting different regions of one single solitary nation known as Somalia, now stop polluting the forum with nonsense.
  12. Surely for this petition to succeed a lot more people would have to sign it and because of my benevolent nature, I have added my support to the futile cause of the marfashlanders. I signed the petition to help buttress the laangaab numbers that won't, at the end of the day, even amount to a rat's fart. P.S It doesn't help your cretinous cause when terrorist Silaanyo sends somaliland police commanders to attend training seminars alongside Police officers from the "Bantu occupied south" I mean, what's up with this? http://youtu.be/6eK9DitGooI
  13. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> Compare this with the average pay the native soldier gets non they have beg for food from civilians and quality of his food rations. Very big different . Pray tell us, who's primary responsibility is it to feed and pay the so called "native soldier"? We have a saying in Somalia..."dhinicii loo dhaco ayaa loo dhutiyaa". Somalia is a nation recovering from many years of turmoil and civil strife, and up until we have a stable and functioning government that is able to collect taxes and provide for the country's armed forces, we will have to endure the African forces and their paying European overlords. So be patient, don't become party pooper. Let our African brethren enjoy their newly found gold strike
  14. Ha ha ha, shameless sex tourists are the only hope for the secessionist terrorists.
  15. Lol@"...or you are one of the shameful mercenaries who secretly welcomed the burka-wearing terrorist-funding SNM coward to the great city of lasqorey. whatever your motives are, your opinion is insignificant. move on." That cracked me up walahi... :D
  16. ^ Just admit it Xaaji: Your only hope now is our dear old president Mudane Culosow
  17. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> ok. the joke is over now. fyi..........here's the structure of a joke. it’s all about the punchline. you need to say it with all the detail you can, keep your audience wondering and before they know it, deliver that last line with sweet timing and get out of there. Ok, lemme give it another try. Because I gots a good joke. Silaanyo likes his terrorists like he likes his diapers...... ...always strapped and ready to suffer a serious and dangerous explosion. Now how do you like that for a punch line, Mr. Alphy?
  18. Lol@ "a new strategy to achieve recognition" Might as well seek a different "strategy", because the old one of supporting terrorism hasn't worked Good luck to the prof.
  19. President Hassan should offer to mediate between the two sides like he did when he'd said he'd be willing to mediate between Russian and Ukraine over the Crimea issue....lol All jokes aside, why would the SFG come to the aid to an administration that supports a terrorist group? Silly Marfashalnders!
  20. ^ LOL... Ma ogid miyaa, Culosow Dhangad macalin waxba kama tarto. Odeygu wuxuu ahaa kuwa maalin walba macalinku garaaci jiray markay casharka kasoo bixi waayaan. All jokes aside, I must say the President looks very presidential in those photos. My only hope is that he begins to walk the walk better than he talks the talk, if you see my meaning.
  21. Heshiiya by Yurub Yuusuf Ciise Aduunyadu waa ayaan, habeenba har bay degtaa. Himilo cusub bay gashaa, horaa loo talaabsadaa. Caqlaa lagu howl galaa. cilmi baa lagu hormaraa. Muxuu hayb iyo qabiil--Adigu reer hebel ma tihid-- habsaan iyo ciil nabadday. Dagaal Hanad kuma dhasho. Halyay baa kaa dhintee Intii hore, samirka hooy, samirka hooy. Hubkiyo iyo baruuda dhiga, Heshiiya! Dadyoo dhamaantiin, Heshiiya.
  22. ^^ Bummer: I had hoped that we had a decent Somalilander in our midst. Alas, it was nothing more than a mirage... Holac, where are you from and what's your take on the allegations that the Somaliland administration finances, protects and supports Al Shabab in Somalia?
  23. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> I have no doubt that some of them do. But you see Tallaabo, I'm not deranged like some of these Somaliland Separatists, some of whom frequent these forums. I actually want the best for the people of Waqooyi and Toghdeer. I want them to have a peaceful and prosperous society. But some of your brethren will do whatever is in their power, including sponsoring a Shaytaan entity such as Al-Shabaab, just so it'll increase the chances of them "officially" separating from the rest of Somalia. That's the difference between us. Wow, a reasonable and pragmatic somalilander: Do they still make your kind? I thought decent Somalilanders were as extinct as the dinosaurs. DoctorKenny, you're a breath of fresh air, both literally and figuratively. I mean, you yourself admitted the existence of the pestilence that dolts like Xaaji Xayawaan and CiidanSuldan. Anyway, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. And I hope you remain a positive representative of the decent folks of waqooyi galbeed.
  24. <cite> @gooni said:</cite> Snm.qudheedu dagaalka ma jecla laakiin waa deeqsi dhaqaalaha wax ka bixiya aad buurta la fuusheen. Gooni, Deeqsinimadaas wey ka shalayn doonaan haduu Eebe idmo...