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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Whatever differences and grievances Somalis may have with Ethiopia, it is very naive and foolish for Somalis to wish ill for this neighbor of ours. If civil strife brakes out in that country, the effects will have grave consequences for all Somalis in the Horn of Africa. Let's all pray that Ethiopia gradually, and more importantly peacefully, turns it's current undemocratic regime to a more inclusive government.
  2. ^ Doctor, Mogadishu will recover inspite of the bad policies of Culosow and his cronies. I urge all Somalis to remain patient and to give Hooyo Xamar Caday the chance to heal from the destructive shenanigans of the anarchists and troublemakers.
  3. I disagree. The president is doing a good job. I hope he finishes out his term..
  4. Macbeth( The three witches, casting a spell) by William Shakespeare Round about the cauldron go; In the poison’d entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone Days and nights hast thirty one Swelter’d venom sleeping got, Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark, Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark, Liver of blaspheming Jew, Gall of goat, and slips of yew Sliver’d in the moon’s eclipse, Nose of Turk, and Tartar’s lips, Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-deliver’d by a drab, Make the gruel thick and slab: Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron, For the ingredients of our cauldron. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
  5. ^ Why Adnan? Is it maybe because I can communicate with more than just a single sentence like you? C'mon Adnan, try to reply in two sentences next time. And for what it's worth you might endeavor also to opine upon the topic of the thread, i.e the recent comments of the Somaliland minister regarding his supposed meeting with the president of Puntland?
  6. Lol... SomaliRising, no such thing will happen. You just focus on pacifying Xamar!
  7. Wow.... CidanSuldan rushes in here, yet again, after having consumed copious amounts of glue fumes, no surprise there, but what IS a surprise is the fact that he didn't mention stomping boots or some such other claptrap that we've become accustomed to from him. I guess even rabid kittens tire at some point... CidanSuldan, you're like an open sewage pit. Repulsive, disgusting and stinking up the whole neighborhood. Now, you have one last opportunity to crawl out of the cesspool and rejoin the conversation... Tell us, why did the minister from Hargaysa air claim that he met with Cabdiwali, the president of the Puntland State of Somalia.
  8. ^ Rabid kitten, does that mean you unable to answer the question I asked? Alright then you may resume sniffing yourself...
  9. ^ Xaaji Maalayacni and the rabid kitten of SOL señor CiidanSuldan, please don't derail the topic of this thread by sniffing each others rear ends in here. We are trying to keep this forum somewhat decent... You've reported to us that the unfortunate minister of marfashland met with the president of the Puntland State, yet the retarded gent was unable to share with the world any sort of proof that such a meeting even took place. Now tell us, why would a grown cretin such as your minister spread such churlish rumors?
  10. ^ Cawaan fooqul cawaan iga dheh! You right, desperation is the name of the game, and the habro are basking in it...
  11. The heading of this thread states that Cabdiwali signed something, yet there isn't any proof whatsoever that the president even met with the minister from the deranged habros enclave. So what sort of cheap propaganda is this? Is it some sort of a desperate moryanist joke or have the qaldaans completely lost it?
  12. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> I am a very big supporter of sahal lobby group who I see as the saviour of beesha especially in it's coordination on powerful subclans among the family. I urgr that we stick on this policy front of minimizing mogadishu to be a symbolic govt whereas the power is in the region. I urge for a coordinated foreign policy strike on the irir clans through ddsi heavy influence on Ethiopia foreign policy towards Somalia and Garissa heavy influence on kenya foreign policy. I urge Puntland to play a huge role in the western and middle east foreign policy towards Somalia. We need to keep streghtening ties with kuwait,uae,yemen. We also need to bring Oman to our side,which we haven't exploited as of yet which is very advantageous to us. I urge we shape UNOM foreign policy thru nuradin diriye and igad foreign policy thru afey. It's time to take our respective role for the good of the nation or else it will be just a continous nightmare if we keep watching this nonsensenin mogadishu. I urge that Jigjigga keeps developing and also garissa so if Somalia burns the irir lose it all, but we got somewhere to go, this is the strategy we need to put to these ppl caqli kale malaha, sahal needs to keep playing a big role in Somalia or else their is many fronts on which they will lose the most. I ugrge irir time is up you had 20 years the duo of destruction and division, you failed to use your time effectively when sahal was begging you too, but now thats it, we will make sure your removed from the picture all together and this nation can see peace for once in its life. We need to use irir weakness which is somalia being their only home to our advanatge to scare them into submission that we got somewhere to go but where will they go if it all burns. I think this will make them think twice. PL will enjoy its Bosaso port, Kismayo will enjoy its port. JL must take the kenya and somalia trade via road while uilizing its most fertile somalia soil where all the rivers meet to be an agriculture powerhouse. PL must lead the way in fishery and livestock sector. OIL must be exploitrd onshore and offshore in both regions to guarantee the success of our future generation. PL and JL must form their domestic policies simulataneous thru sahal lobby and exchange of ministers in both administratiin. Sahal must coordinate Jigjiga and Garisa on domestic front in Somalia to ensure smooth foreign policies of both countries towards Somalia. I've honestly had a gutful, we need to use our advantage and just take over Somalia once and for all, because how long can we sit by and watch the duo of destruction and division go on? nimankan waxba ma soo wadan, 20 sano waxba ma soo wadin, manta inu wax soo wado ha moodina. Sahalow tashada, waxan haysan wax walbo aan uu bahan nahay haday ahan lahayd labo deked half od somalia econmy, xeeb, dhul, resources, iyo foreign policy wacan. Inaan iska fadhino ma aha, lets take the head of irirism out of somalia and rehabiliate this nation. As for the anti sahal forces, their not much can be done to stop this, its already been decided by sahal group on beesha siyasad and their is no going back, you had your time in the destruction and division, ninki laha ayaa soo noqonayo. I agree with the good doctor 100%
  13. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> hawdian i've followed your posts, your the most outspoken critic of the HAG, it shows you share no blood with them, your constantly smashing them and see all they care about is money, have u ever seen a sahal pm incriminated on corruption charges by the u.n monitoring group? never sxb, it's always the hutu same pattern everytime Lol @ the enrichment of the Hutus in the SFG
  14. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> lool@alore. he looks like beyonce's father. lol Ha ha ha .... That's funny as hell!
  15. ^ Ha ha ha... Little Adnan is dumbfounded. He doesn't know what Mooge is talking about...he he he
  16. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Dalmar, that's because the circumstances are not one and the same. Puntland and Somaliland together already constitute over 60% of Somali territory. The Landers are pretty adamant on seceding, and if things turn the wrong way for Puntland, they can declare secession as well. And it'll be much more possible if it were 2 regions declaring secession instead of just one. Again, this is a worst case scenario and no one would like to see this happen. And BTW, of course Puntland is bankrupt! Ever since Mogadishu has been rising as a city, Bosaso port (where the Puntland government takes in most of their revenue) has dried up. Couple that with a lack of foreign investment and no stable currency, this would obviously lead to poverty and a lack of development. Not to mention that virtually all foreign aid to Somalia gets swallowed up by Mogadishu, leaving Puntland in the cold HOWEVER , if Puntland is independent. And if they do have a strong military which controls the full territory (which they already do), then there's no question that their economy would grow. As long as they have the proper regulations to ensure a good business climate, then who's to say that the thousands of Somali businessmen who are living in Zambia, Angola, and Kenya won't be relocating to Puntland? They could easily apply for citizenship and then start investing in the new country. The only reason why these Somali businessmen haven't come to Somalia yet, is due to lack of safety, lack of property rights, and a hostile business climate. P.S. I'm not a citizen of Puntland and I don't hail from that part of Somalia, just letting you know. But I'm just suggesting the endless possibilities which could result if any one region of Somalia (or the whole of Somalia) becomes peaceful. Competition is good! I am glad that President Culosow has resorted to fighting on the economic front because we all know that he has lost the political war when he went against the federal constitution that Somalis from all corners agreed to abide by. I think it is wise of him to stabilize Xamar by investing heavily in infrastructure and thereby create a vibrant economy that can compete with Jubaland, Bayland, Puntland and Somaliland. I support this because in the long run, I believe such competition would lead to development throughout the country. For instance, when the port in Bosaaso starts loosing a significant number of its customers to the newly re-constructed Port of Mogadishu, then I know Puntland will have no choice but to invest and modernize its port... so competition is good and president culosow should bring it on, because even a broken clock is right twice a day
  17. ^ Believe you me, Xaaji Maalaayacni, the Doctor is a very astute observer of Somali politics. You maybe be right about Mr.Galaydh's chances of winning the presidency in 2016 but I assure you the good professor does have such ambitions, which is why he started the Khaatumo project in the first place. The Khaatumo project was never about helping the good folks of SSC, nor was it created to help Somaliland secure its "borders"(as most secessionist would love to believe). Khaatumo was and is about one thing, and one thing only...Prof.Galaydh! To Dr.Osman, Saaxib, why do you begrudge Prof.Galaydh the presidency? Personally, I believe if he plays his cards just right, he just might have a shot depending of course on what sort of opponents will face off with him come 2016.
  18. Rubbish... I call that very cheap booloxoofto from Puntland. I wish the Somaliland holy army all the best in their quest to secure the sacred borders. The pirates and konfurians must be contained.
  19. And what's wrong with that? Can't she thank her president? .... At times, it seems you guys believe the nonsense they peddle in here more than they do.
  20. ^ Adnan, dear lad, I agree with you 100%. Puntland is a desolate and dreary desert. Now is there something else you wish to get off your childish heart?
  21. The somaliland administration is fast becoming like the former authorities of East Berlin prior to the fall of the wall, who used to prevent their citizens from traveling over to the other side in search of better opportunities. Once again, Silaanyo is showing his dictatorial face and this will only bring closer the day the people in the north rise up against the tyranny of his administration. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> By the way whats with Mogadishu obsession with Somaliland fanaanin??? Xaaji, the north has historically had the best Somali singers and as such it's only natural for some of them to pursue their singing careers in Mogadishu which is the nation's capital and which has way more opportunities to further their careers.
  22. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> OMG. this is really funny. war nimanki SNM baxsad bay ka bixi wayen. if Somaliland is such a great place to live, why would a trained officer who would have had comfortable living in somaliland run to live in italian streets. the italians don't have welfare system so these police officers must fetch for themselves for a while niyoow until tolka smugglers from the UK can get to them. hahaha. these people have shamed Somaliland. What do you expect ninyahow: they've wasted all their energy and resources on trying to obtain the unobtainable, instead of focusing their efforts on creating jobs for the people.