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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Masha Allah, awesome music! Keep 'em coming Xaaji... it's always good to see people doing what they do best
  2. Like any business in the world, a port's success will depend on its customer satisfaction regardless of a particular port's advantages or disadvantages, which is why COMPETITION is the magic word. The port that services a customer's needs the best will be more successful than a port that does not, regardless of what locational advantage it may have. And by the way, Somali ports don't stand a chance competing unless they build good and safe infrastructure, such as roads and railways, that will permit customers from far flung regions in the hinterland to access these ports.
  3. These are not the real clan elders of the konfurians...And I doubt the real clan elders of reer Sheikh will even seat in the same gathering with these pretenders cobbled up by the HAG anarchists for their own sordid agenda with Silaanyo.
  4. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> Tallaabo, you are talking about Xamar People? Yes they are centralists, but not for the correct reasons. They fear federalism and think that federalism will make them become prey, sieged from north and south by their rival clan. Iam centralist for islamist reasons, not clan reason. My thinking is that we as somalis must unite behind righteous islamic leader, and to prepare ourselves for Amir al muminun Al-Mahdi. When the amiir comes, our own islamic leader will cease to exist by giving Mahdi allegiance bayyah. So iam saying Islamic Republic of Somalia is a interim solution until the real Ameer comes. First of all my name is Tillamook and NOT Tallaabo. Tallaabo is a seccessionist cross dresser(judging from his defense of gays on SOL), and I am hard hitting, take no prisoners, defeated Lot King Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand... you say, you want an Islamic Republic of Somalia, and that is federalist in my point of view because if you were genuine religious Centralist you should insist upon having a global Islamic Republic...oh wait! Some wackos beat you to it, but at least you don't blow up anyone who says otherwise... or do you?
  5. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> Somalis as whole must reshape themselves sxb. It means first we need genuine reconciliation that includes to return properties and farmlands to each others, to punish the war criminals. When that is done, the somalis should come together and decide on the future capital city. Iam in favour of Baraawe or Marka, it can become the capital city of all somalis. Centralism with shariahlaw as our only law is the way out. We can agree that the Umura(leaders either suldaans or presidents) cannot rule for more than 4 years. Centralism is what makes us strong bro. It unites the ranks of somalis. We have one major army, one amiir, one currency, one (new)flag, new capital city. We can start all over again. Arise, Islamic Republic of Somalia! But i doubt somalis will support this idea. Some are hardcore cilmaaniyiin, they want nothing to do with islam. Others are extremely qabilists that wants "federal state"for themselves. Somali and Non-Somali knows that federalism wont work in Somalia. It is fake. Saaxiib, I can't make heads or tails of what you've said. You proclaim that Somalis won't accept Centralism because the are tribalists hell burnt on having a federalist state for themselves, and in the same breath you add, that federalism won't work. Yet in the same token, you say for Centralism to work--reconciliation should take place, looted properties returned and the capital be moved, yet we all know that those against Federalism don't want to return any stolen properties or reconcile with their fellow Somalis. They are staunchly against moving the Capital... so answer me this: How will Centralism succeed when those who want it the most, don't want to make the necessary sacrifices to help make Centralism somewhat palatable to a majority of Somalis who see federalism as the answer? Also, I wanna add, just by calling out federalism is "fake" will not make it go away. Federalists are on the march, whether you call them clanist or not. As you know, they lost blood and treasure establishing the TFG in a destroyed Xamar. They worked hard turning it from a transitional government to an internationally accepted SFG in a short period of time. They went ahead and set up a federalist constitution which became the law of the land and blueprint that Anyone in Villa Somalia must follow. And because of this now, nearly the whole country has federal regions sprouting everywhere with the exception of the central parts of Somalia. In short, the federalist are walking the walk and their agenda is being furthered. On the other hand the Centralist haven't done one single noteworthy thing to help support their cause. My advice to them is that for Centralism to become a viable competitor for the hearts and minds of the average Somali they should make the really tough decisions which might include pursuing genuine reconciliation, reparations for lost lives and properties, and even to show good faith in a willingness to relocate the national capital from Xamar to somewhere else. In Conclusion, Centralists must sell their vision not simply yelling federalism is bad but by implementing wise policies that bring the people of Somalia to their point of view.
  6. SomaliaRising,so far your best argument to support a Centralist form of government in Somalia is that God wants it and that it is Islamic. Now as a Muslim, I can't go against what God wants, so tell me how best do we implement Centralism in Somalia? In this day and age, how possible will it be with all the mistrust Somalis have for one another? And how do we best convince the people from Puntland, Somaliland, Jubaland and the South-West states to abandon everything they've built for themselves all these years and have them all take orders from Xamar? What sort of a miraculous spell can we Centralists cast upon these federalists so that they listen to us?
  7. Doctor, you've cogently presented your arguments about the merits of federalism and so eloquently shown to the gallery why Federalism is the RIGHT solution. I couldn't have done a better job and I endorse your argument one hundred and ten percent. Now we await the arguments from the proponents of Centralism. We want them to tell us why Centralism is good for Somalia, and if so, how to best implement it throughout the country with the least amount of turmoil and conflict for the people of Somalia?
  8. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> moogow , leave reer moqadishu alone concentrate on Garowe affairs .Pres Xassan can see the plot SAHAL people are doing on his term. you will be karbashed if you don't stop wishing others bad all the time. SAHAL has got nothing to do with this current uprising in the SFG parliament against President Culusow. Infact, it is the HAG MPs who are calling for the removal of Culosow because in their mind they believe he lost to the D Bloc(who are the strongest proponents of federalism) over the creation of Jubaland. From their point of view, he broke the agreement in which he'd asked them NOT to build federal states like Puntland, independent of him, which will stregthen the federalist camp but rather give him control to appoint governors from Villa Somalia. That way, federalism will fail and political power will remain centralized in Xamar and HAG will benefit the most from a centralized system of government. This was well and good as long as Culusow delivered on his promises to not allow Jubaland from ever taking off. But as we all know, our dear president failed miserably for the federalist camp were too strong and too well connected with the international community to resist the formation of the Jubaland State Of Somalia. And to make matters worse, the South-West State of Somalia also begun being organized right under his nose. Here too, there was nothing Culosow could do to thwart the formation of that state in Baidoa and the least he did to placate the angry centralist camp was to cause a little mischief in Baidoa by promoting the 3 provinces versus the 6 provinces problem. Of course some innocents lost their lives, like in Jubaland before that-- but that's a different story. So what do you expect HAG to do now with Culusow? He is a very weak leader in their eyes who has broken his promises. What does HAG to show for Culosow's presidency? NADA! NOTHING! ZILCH!!! The federalism jaggarnaut seems unstoppable. They were told NOT to build institutions of governance for their own provinces because that would be supporting federalism, and because of this there is so much underdevelopment and insecurity in their provinces. Even in Xamar, the little security that was brought about by the presence of AMISOM is in jeopardy now because Al Shabab is flocking there in droves after having being removed from the newly pacified and federalised Jubaland and South-West states. Bottom line, Mudane Culosow has failed HAG and HAG wants him out, so as to salvage the Centralist agenda by replacing him with a more competent Centralist who can really put the D Bloc and their federalist shananigans at bay. To achieve this they told all HAG MPs, with some D&M MPs-- who are mad at Culosow for not strongly supporting the 6 Provinces camp in Baidoa-- to hold a press conference and ask Culusow to resign. But President Culosow, who returned from a trip abroad just smiled and said they were entitled to their opinion and he was happy they could express their feelings without fear (they don't call him Qoslaaye for nothing you know ) Now remember the HAG who are really mad at Culosow for refusing to resign don't have the numbers to impeach him in parliament yet. They know the D Bloc MPs will NOT vote to oust Culosow even though they are his strongest critics. I mean why should they... After all they have a federalist in the Prime Minister's office and after Saacid, they know Culusow has been defanged...but if Culosow goes, they know Cabdiwali's government will have to fall along with him and so instead they want Culosow with all his shortcomings to stay. So now what is left for HAG to do? In a last ditch effort, they have sent a 50+ man delegation to Hargaysa to drum up some support from President Silanyo( that brave IRIR lion) to instruct his Habro parliamentarians in Xamar to side with the HAG MPs who want to remove Culosow. And also, among other things, to strengthen their IRIR alliance if they ever hope to stand a chance against the political behemoth of Somalia, that is the D Bloc. Hence today, Silaanyo made some chastising remarks and dissed Culosow, calling him a political underweight and thereby giving the green light to his habro MPs in Xamar to vote against Culusow. Now that's how things stand. I don't know if the HAG will come up with the necessary numbers to remove Culosow, but one thing is for sure, the Federalist Vs Centralist fight is far from over although the federalist camp currently have the initiative and the support they get from the foreign countries that have a strong say in the affairs of Somalia plays to their advantage. As for the IRIR centralists (a.k.a the Laangaab Alliance ), their only hope now is to pursue the confederacy policy where political power will be shared between Hargaysa and Mogadishu. And the success of this policy will depend on how well they sell it to the foreign governments that run Somalia. HAG has got nothing to loose since Centralism thanks to Culosow has failed, but Silaanyo will have the added difficulty of first having to sell it to the habar community in waqooyiga which for so long has being brainwashed into thinking recognition for independence is around the corner. I don't know about you guys, but I got my popcorn ready:D
  9. ^ Thanks for the lesson MMA, although I believe coffee was first discovered and consumed in the Horn of Africa(Ethiopia/Somalia). It was then globalized by the ottoman empire which reigned supreme throughout the Middle East and some parts of the Horn of Africa.
  10. Only laangaab habros and some anarchists in Xamar want to revert Somalia to the old way of doing business. Federalism is the most viable solution currently available for the salvation of the Somali people. Let's all develop our lands and regions and compete with one another. That's the way forward...
  11. I believe the recent visit of Secretary of State to the region have brought things to ahead for Culosow, the incompetent. However, for better or worse, Somalis should not allow foreigners to determine whether Culosow should stay or go even if Culosow deserves everything he's going through-- I believe his sacking and removal should solely be a Somali initiative and not come from a foreign capital.
  12. Could you please elaborate... What is this final solution you speak of and who decides whether it is even the RIGHT solution?
  13. ^ Lol Habartii kuftaba ma Silaanyo baa ka dambeeyo miyaa sheekadu? Saalax, Silaanyo is a terrorist, I grant you that, but I don't believe he had anything to do with this sort of petty school hooliganism..
  14. Naïveté, coupled with abject buffoonery, is the sole prerogative of any individual who believes in this day and age, that the presidency of the Somali Federal Government is only exclusive to a subsection of the Somali people!
  15. ^ Mudane Faroole has the expertise and ability to work at whatever political office he so chooses to pursue.
  16. So all of a sudden we have a unified group of MPs do we? Before it used to be the Hag MPs, d block MPs and D&M MPs, but now we have a united front do we? Where were these MPs when Culosow was running the SFG to the ground? If anything they are as culpable as Culosow because they were incompetent like he was? If Culosow goes, so should all the so called MPs!
  17. These shenanigans from the so called parliamentarians is nothing more than excuse for the foreign powers who run Somalia to fire Culosow. As Somalis we should not accept this. Culosow for better or worse is our president and we shouldn't let these foreign entities hire and fire our presidents whenever he does not deliver for them what they thought they would be able to get from him when they first put him there. Somali politics is clan politics. I urge the D block NOT to welcome nor support this attempted sacking of president Culosow.
  18. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> Galbeedi you must be a fool or just kidding yourself. There is no doubt jigjiga is the longfoot, even the colonials knew this and named it after them like they named our region after our name, if their were other people there surely they wouldn't as is the case in djibouti known as territory of ISA and Afar or the southern somalia states known respectively with anything but tribal name. For god sakes galbeedi, I didnt think you were that stupid. Are you saying that there is more fertile land then the jubbas anywhere somalis inhabit? my friend the soil is soaked with wawter and is capable of rice farming nowhere else in somalia is. This place for god sakes has the 2 major rivers of somalia meeting smack bang together in its area, nowhere in somalia. Now your doing what your typically known using the irir card, I am not talking about population here but productivity of each of our lands. There is no question when it comes to agriculture in somalia jubba will be the main force and enjoy a good slice of the economy. Puntland dominate fishery with its 1600 kilometer coastline. Livestock trade is well known it's puntland dominated. These are major sectors of an economy, this aint no hawala or telecoms which a is a few people's wealth that is insignificant when you look at the gross earnings of a Somalia GDP. Were talking the bread and butter of our people livestock, fishery, agriculture are all going to be dominated by yours truly the doctor. Our two ports are going to serve as sea ports for pretty much all of somalia because of size of our ports and location. Mogadishu port will most likely go into foreigner hands and no somalis will be allowed there. Barawe and Marka have jetty port other then your basic foodstuff commodities they will need to use kismayo port thats basically the whole the south bay,bakool,shabellaha loose, shabellaha dhexe,juba,gedo. Same thing with Puntland port which will dominate the trade from hiiran,galgadud,mudug,ogadenia,nugal,bari,sool,sanaag,togdheer. Were going to be powerhouses in the trade sector, agriculture, livestock, and fishery which is pretty much all somalia economic sectors. The power will just continue to increase as usual with oil due to the nfd finds which is same landscape as jubaland and puntland also. Not to mention kenyan and somalia trade which is HUGE, u know how many trucks from somalia go to kenya for goods? u can just imagine the custom revenues from that. Wa ilo dhaqaale wayn. Galbeedi I am not trying to show off but this constant undermining of a powerful clan of somalia will do no favours for people and its best we all accept it and move on to build out country, sahal aint going nowhere and its about time somalis realize that, after all we had a 20 year war and everyone is in the same spot still arent they. Doctor, you sir are a very capable educator. But alas you've been cursed with very daft students. Your reward is with God, so keep up the good work saaxiib.
  19. Keep the pictures coming Doctor, am loving 'em.
  20. ^ And I might add to your statement...screw protocol and the nonsense you are trying to sell to us Mr. Maqane : We only bow to God, and that son of a gun has brought embarrassment on all Somalis. Period!
  21. However horrible president Culosow is, I am wholly against his early removal from office. I hope he can stay on to bumble his way through aimlessly until his term ends in 2016. I am against the foreign powers who ran the affairs of Somalia hiring and firing our presidents whenever they feel like it. They put him there, they must learn to live with him until 2016.
  22. The tag for the hearts and minds of the people of SSC continues. It has always been known that amongst the SSC politicians, some support Puntland, whilst others support Somaliland and then there are those who support a Khaatumo independent of both Puntland and Somaliland; however, what really matters at the end of the day is Public Opinion. First and foremost, the people of SSC are adamantly against any association with a secessionist entity which they consider stands for against everything the Darawish family have stood in the history of Somalia. Secondly, there is a good majority of the SSC community, who possessing the clannish nature of Somalis, wish to continue to be part of Puntland, and then there is of course a segment that wishes to forge their own destiny and build a Khatumo State of Somalia. Now this Taleex conference is supposed to help the politicians of this community hammer out their differences, however, I believe neither one of these 3 opposing groups of politicians are ready to reach an agreement, especially if that agreement will go against their political ambitions. So here in lies the predicament for these guys: they either all go to war with each other to force their politics on the other opposing groups--something which I find impossible, knowing full well where public opinion lies and no wise politicians would go against public opinion or call for another conference. So I predict business as usual. Unfortunately, the only option left to these guys is to kick the can down the road...yet again!
  23. President Culosow cracks me up walahi. Lol Is it just me or is there a bowl of cambuulo on the table?
  24. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> I am going to spill it out all now about the frustration puntlanders have been put under with these constant terrorist attacks from 300k terrorist in somaliland and the sfg totally abuse of federal power. I think it's time somalis have real talk and everyone present their case on why they think their clan is the best for somalis. My case for Puntland being the best is supported by the following facts; 1. There would be no somalia historically and presently without them. Mogadishu would be busy destroying somalia and somaliland dividing 2. Puntland people are the only ones who actually left their regional homeland to build mogadishu, we do not see the same happen from mogadishu to build puntland in history or post civil war somalia. 3. Puntland has remained firm on it's somalinimo regardless of being attacked constantly by siyad barre, usc, al-itihaad. The somalilanders only faced siyad and nothing else and left somalia based on it but puntland never did and was attacked alot more. 4. Puntland plays a positive role in Somalia, it actually tries to help mogadishu, I mean can you imagine if abdillahi yusuf didnt come and federalism or farole and the constitution or even gaas short time ending the transition and achieving recognition for mogadishu which has accelarated mogadishu development. Where-as there is not a single thing that HAG politicians have left for somalia other then 4.5 from abdiqasim and their pockets. Somaliland actually undermines mogadishu and other parts of somalia thru terrorism. 5. Puntland is the clan which brought the somali flag, created SYL by yasin sharmarke which he nationalized and HAG joined as memebers. I think somalis need to stop all the bravado and cheap talk by dahir alasow and even solers thinking their clan is the best, we really need to assess evidence and just see who history will look upon as the mother of somalia through thick and thin regardless if genocided multiple occasions and always back up on it's feet to do its bit to help mogadishu. Have we ever recieved a thanks no? we only get mogadishu folks who not only dont invest in puntland and invest in somaliland, they are looking at ways at undermining puntland and jubaland at anytime opportunity to get. This is the frickin place that helped them, what sort of nonsense is this? I think it's time the HAG stop this anti federalism nonsense your doing and all these bogus reconciliation because after 20 year civil war somalis may forgive but noone will ever trust, in order for that trust to come back autonomy is needed. This is a long term solution or everything else is just bogus ways of the sfg to collect money again. I think its time the HAG drop all this hatred they have Puntland, which makeas no aenase, if puntland was bad person he wouldnt help you, we would do what somaliland doing and fund opponents in mogadishu against each other like u did in kismayo. HAG wake up, federalism is the only way forward for all of us, if you do not want to share the capital, then I am sorry your govt will be made one on paper only with no federal strength at all, we will undermine you by forming allies with foreign countries. It's not a winnable solution, its bad politics, I don't understand why you continue playing this game of no winner in the long term. Mogadishu has strengths such as foreign aid, foreign greets n meets, capital and investments they need to use these strength then to negiotate with somalis on what they want from the regions in return, thats good politics, thats smart politics. The regions will also hold the key to whether sfg is going to be strong govt or a weak one, infact without the regions your govt will be paper based, international community will see it as not inclusive and pulled support from it. So your politicians responses of behave like PL and JL is not wise politics when your in the capital because the strengths the capital has is not the same as the strength the regions have.Thats why gaas said negiotation is truly needed and he is right because u will lose something and so will we. We will lose foreign aid as is evident, u will lose legitamcy and be weak. I urge the HAG change this course of politics and support puntland and jubaland, their is no point fighting it, because it will just cause more friction and suspicion. It will look like the sfg is a clan govt which makes it lose legitmacy unlike the regions who can be clan govt since their not in the capital and dont require somali inclusiveness. We enjoy different strength and weaknesses at the end of the day and u need to use your strength and I need use my strength and we need to ngiotate, thats politics my friend not this nonsense you guys are playing in mogadishu for the past 20 years of winner takes all mentality because their will be no winner as is evident in the past 20 years because every clan will get foreign support period. Finally I urge the mogadishu folks as Puntlanders we know why you don't want federalism and its over petty matters due to villa somalia, you just want to convince the IC community the HAG must be in villa somalia because they dont have a regional govt and if you guys create a regional govt you lose that argument. All over petty villa somalia ambitions. Thats why your trying to prolong federalism and put up obstacles everywhere from kismayo to baidoa and then central regions when we get there so it isnt completed before 2016 and you can take villa somalia again with that petty argument. Puntland will do the role you have failed to do, we have invited sw3 and sw6 for talks, which you were supposed to but as we know you won't due to your petty villa somalia ambitions. These guys have only small political and economical concerns that can be addressed through extra infrastructure funding for states with smaller ports like merka and barawe. At the end of the day dont mess with Puntland and Jubbaland. I mean seriously we can sack hassan sheikh tommorow thru afay being igad advisor and nuradin diriye being nicholas kay advisor, you cant do the same to our governments because were regional, it has nothing to do with u, but the capital has something to do with all somalis. U dont see us interfering in beletwayn or dhusomareeb do you? so learn your god damn strength and weaknesses and negiotate rather then using failed HAG policies of winner takes all mentality which resulted in no winner at all for the past 20 years and your repeating the same thing. As for the title of my heading, Puntland is the real mother of somalia, I think when my kids look back on the civil war they will be proud to say "if it wasnt for them in puntland" their would be no somalia today just like we say back in the 60s if their was no puntland their would be no indepedence. I love that state not just because I am from there but all the evidences point to why we are so great and above petty clan politics like other somalisl Truly the hoyo of somalia and the other clans are the childrens running the asylum My name is Tillamook and I endorse these statements by the good Doctor 110%!