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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ SomaliaRising, what you wrote is unbecoming of a gentleman. The secessionist mindset is a minority view and as such we should not generalize a whole community.
  2. The "mooshin" people have been effectively neutralized. President Culosow isn't going anywhere.
  3. I believe there is nothing wrong with making a little side money for the first couple of Somaliland.
  4. ^ Nin Soomaali ah baa waa wuxuu yiri, "Laangaabku waa ehlu Naar!" I rest my case.
  5. I too am against the impeachment of President Culosow. Continuity is important. If Culusow has failed to lead then it should be because of his own incompetence instead of some naysayers in parliament, who lord knows are as useless as he is. This parliament in Somalia cannot pass a single legislation to build the necessary institutions of governance that our country so desperately needs, yet they want to blame Culosow because the government does not work well-- what utter rubbish. Culosow will stay!
  6. ^ Until you furnish the gallery with some sort of gibberish translating app, I am doomed to keep repeating myself, for you seem unable to get through that thick skull of yours that there is NO SUCH THING AS AN INDEPENDENT Somaliland!! If you were independent, then we would have seen a marqaanified habar representing this fictitious country of yours in the United Nations General Assembly. But since no such thing will ever happen, we will just have to endure the repetitative nonsense you keep spewing on somaliaonline, after all that is about the only thing you are independent and free to do in this world. Waryaa, geed baad iigu xirantahay sidii ari aan leeyahay ee sheekada raqiiska ah dhoc ii gala beydh.
  7. Xaaji, I think I should have also insisted in my earlier post that you not ONLY keep your comments tethered to the topic at hand, but also keep them tethered to REALITY as well. First and foremost, there is no such a thing as an independent Somaliland. Because there is NO country called Somaliland which is currently recognized by the international community of nations, and to which a seat at the United Nations General Assembly has been given. The world ONLY considers somaliland ONE of SEVERAL semi-AUTONOMOUS regions in Somalia, such as Puntland and others, that were established after that country's civil war by different warring clans. And you, yourself, have admitted that independence is not forthcoming because of the difficulty of securing international recognition for so many different reasons when you said... <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> ... But its dealing with the Arabs who have geopolitical interest in the region the Europeans who are after resources the Americans who have also interest in the region. Somaliland diplomatic quarrels is with the international community , Somaliland has actually proven that the west only cares about its pockets and all the democracy and what they make the 3rd world believe is nothing but an art to deceive the little Africans. Now with that out of the way... let us talk about Silaanyo. We both agree that he is a capable politician and I would add to that, that he is a very smart politician too. A politician, I believe, who has realized-- to the benefit of his constituency-- that SINCE independence is NOT forthcoming(for all the reasons stated above), he has no other option but to begin the long and arduous task of normalizing relations with his fellow countrymen in Somalia, who for over twenty years he's avoided politically-- so that maybe at least, if independence has become impossible he can try to solidify the autonomy of his clan's region. I also believe this can be achieved, because currently in Somalia, the federal constitution allows for 2 or more provinces to come together to form an autonomous federal region. Now whether he will get this through a confederacy of North and South Somalia or by a federation of several different regions in Somalia is something we all have to wait and see. Now with that out of the way...let me answer your question of why I should care whether Somaliland gets recognition or NOT. I care because...how can I put it in the most humble way possible...because I am a Laandheere boqol Laandheerayaal dhaleen Waddaankaan Soomaaliya la dhaho aniga ayaa iska leh ina-adeer, adiguna luuq yara ayaad ka dagantahay. Xorriyada waddankaan iyo calanka Soomaaliyeed anigu dhib kasta waan usoo maray oo dhibkasta oo la igu sameeyo waan u dul qaadanayaa, waligaynah Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalida kalena kama cararayo. Adiguna waxaad tahay kan wali ka cabaadayo xogaa yara oo dhukhayn lagu sameeyey qarnigii hore. Taasuna markhaanti waxay ka noqonaysaa, inaad aad iyo aad u liidatid. Adigoo saas daciif u ah, ayaad i waydiinaysaa "maxaa kaa galay hadii la i aqoonsado?"... war anigu waxaan ku leeyahay, boqol jeer ka horna waan kugu dhahay, SADDEX BAA KUGU QABAA... Soomaaliya anaa leh, adigana anaa ku leh, meel aad u socotidnah majirto. Marka, orod oo meel ii fariiso!
  8. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Tillamook why would be envious if Somaliland is independent, in Somaliland no one gives a flying if if Puntland breaks away or stays with Somalia LOL Xaaji Maalayacni, I don't speak gibberish. If you wish to have an exchange with me, you must first make some sense and secondly keep your statements to me tethered to the topic at hand. Thank you kindly.
  9. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Tillamook That is not how it works, this is not south Somalia. Siilaanyo does not have the mandate to give out Somaliland aspirations he can try to sabotage it, but he will be hanged from a tree if he tries those other things. After all he came with the people's vote and they will simply take back their support. Saalax, Silaanyo has done everything humanly possible to achieve this coveted cantrabaqash on behalf of Somaliland, but the whole world has unanimously declared,"NOTHING DOING!!!" With regards to secession. Now he is doing the next best thing for Somaliland and that is to insure some autonomy within the framework of the federal government of Somalia. I personally believe this is achievable for him.
  10. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Forget about Somaliland as your 23 year envy and bacaac about its rise and success did nothing to stop us. I suggest your concentrate your efforts on finding out how you can share a country with the HAG and sort out your mess. What's there to envy my dear Tallaabo? Oh, wait...Nuttin'! I'd only be envious when the day comes that Marfashland gains independence... but since that will only happen once HELL freezes over, I will keep my envy tucked away somewhere hidden. It's people like you who will give mr Silanyo the hardest time when the reprogramming begins
  11. Twilights, V by Conrad Aiken, Now the great wheel of darkness and low clouds Whirs and whirls in the heavens with dipping rim; Against the ice-white wall of light in the west Skeleton trees bow down in a stream of air. Leaves, black leaves and smoke, are blown on the wind; Mount upward past my window; swoop again; In a sharp silence, loudly, loudly falls The first cold drop, striking a shriveled leaf . . . Doom and dusk for the earth! Upward I reach To draw chill curtains and shut out the dark, Pausing an instant, with uplifted hand, To watch, between black ruined portals of cloud, One star,—the tottering portals fall and crush it. Here are a thousand books! here is the wisdom Alembicked out of dust, or out of nothing; Choose now the weightiest word, most golden page, Most somberly musicked line; hold up these lanterns,— These paltry lanterns, wisdoms, philosophies,— Above your eyes, against this wall of darkness; And you'll see—what? One hanging strand of cobweb, A window-sill a half-inch deep in dust . . . Speak out, old wise-men! Now, if ever, we need you. Cry loudly, lift shrill voices like magicians Against this baleful dusk, this wail of rain . . . But you are nothing! Your pages turn to water Under my fingers: cold, cold and gleaming, Arrowy in the darkness, rippling, dripping— All things are rain . . . Myself, this lighted room, What are we but a murmurous pool of rain? . . . The slow arpeggios of it, liquid, sibilant, Thrill and thrill in the dark. World-deep I lie Under a sky of rain. Thus lies the sea-shell Under the rustling twilight of the sea; No gods remember it, no understanding Cleaves the long darkness with a sword of light.
  12. <cite> @YoniZ said:</cite> ^ Boowe nimaan Jalaaban kaluun ma cunee bahalka akhri Boowe xumaan iyo lugooyo ayaad wadaa... laakin yaa kaa akhri-sanayo
  13. lol@ 300k terrorists The Doctor outdoes us all. What would SOL be without him? Noolow King of Somalia!
  14. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> Talaabo don't expect that sahal will learn from you, u learn from us and copy us in everything like oil, claiming arab descent, etc,etc Doctor, so are you telling us that SAHAL leads and the rest follow?
  15. LOL I like how you say, "The two communities agreed to share the country in two halfs"...ha ha ha I only wish they had done this a long time ago... never mind the Elephant in the room
  16. Dear Admin, Okay, undestood, for future reference(pun intended!), I will use the following to reference the 4.5 constituents: Defeated Lot, Habro, Anarchists, Digir&Muufo, and the Macmacaan(I just made this one up) As for sub clans...we will have the Pirates of Puntland, the 'sii soco soo soco" association of Khaatumo, the Pedophiles or Marfashlanders of Somaliland, the Looters Inc. of Xamar, The Big Foots and Kacaan Clique of Jubaland and so on and so forth. What say you?
  17. lol@admin You deleted something, but left alone the "defeated lot" reference. So answer me this, when is one reference better than another? I gladly await the day Somalis outgrow clan politics and move to a multiparty political system. But until such a time, these references will have to suffice. I mean seriously, how are we to discuss the 4.5 system currently in place in Somalia without being creative with our references since an outright mentioning of the constitute clans of the 4.5 political system is NOT ALLOWED?
  18. <cite> @burahadeer said:</cite> ..Is IRIR really some for real.I'm at loss here, can you explain to me how they related and where I belong to Irir...there's nothing saying Irir in my lineage. IRIR is a fictitious lineage created under mysterious circumstances to counterbalance the Elephant in the room which is the Defeated Lot) Now you may be right that no one told you that you share a common ancestor with the anarchists of the south, and the reason was because Somalilanders mistakenly thought that they could amount to something worthwhile in Somalia without the support of their troublesome Kinfolk from the south. But the elders in Hargaysa have now realized the folly in this sort of thinking and have now decided to embrace once more their erstwhile cousins in the south in the hopes that they could face the big Elephant of Somalia.
  19. Buuraha, am glad you see that hag are being encircled by the defeated lot, so make sure that uncle Silanyo provides Culosow all the help he can give... IRIR solidarity is what is called for!
  20. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Told you guys not to trust this crook. Saalax, sxb, mucaaradnimada raqiiska ah jooji ina Adeer! There is very little Silaanyo can do about getting recognition for Somaliland. I think when all is said and done, Silaanyo is very pragmatic to begin the slow tedious process of reprogramming the brainwashed folks of waqooyiga who for over 2 decades were being lied to. No recognition, no independence. Period! The sooner you accept this reality, the better for the collective mental health of habaraha waqooyiga. In the eyes of Silanyo and other pragmatic Somaliland politicians, time has come to pursue an alternative policy... a policy short of full blown independence, but one that can ensure that Somaliland retains a lot of autonomy within the politics of the Federal Republic of Somalia. For this alternative policy, Silaanyo views the Hapless HAG as natural allies against the D Bloc who were and still are the number one reason somaliland's seccessionist shenanigans have been nipped in the bud. And quite frankly, Habros WITHOUT recognition and HAG WITHOUT centralism make a perfect couple. A couple who need each other to combat the federalism tide that the D Bloc has used to secure political dominance in Somalia. Like I said in a different thread, the success of this confederacy policy that Hargaysa and Xamar want to push for will depend on how well they sell it to a majority of Somalis and how much support they can get for it from the countries that manage Somalia affairs. However, judging from the failure of the Habros in gaining international recognition for their secessionist cantrabaqash and the failure of HAG of imposing Central rule on Somalia,I wouldn't hold my breath!
  21. SomaliaRising, why are defeated group angry? I didn't get a chance to read the H.O article... Summarize it for us, would you?
  22. Xaaji, it is customary for other lesser people to perform for Royalty, so it's only natural that the laangaab folks are good at entertaining the royal family of Mooge and Dr Osman.