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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ Ha ha ha Saaxiib, if Khat were to be banned then I believe a lot of secessionists would come to their senses and repent their foolishness.
  2. War Xaajigu bakhbakh baa ka dhamaatay Saaxiib, ma illowday Somalia saddex inay idinku qabto? You guys are like an estranged wife who wants a divorce, but when the judge(international community) asks you to first bring the deadbeat husband(Somalia) with you to the court, you refuse do so because you know if the husband was to testify in court then you won't have a case for the judge to issue a divorce decree. Keep writing your nonsense on allAfrica all you want....this dude ain't signing dem divorce papers P.S Whatever happened to the Somaliland-Somalia talks that beesha caalamka asked you guys to take part in? I tell you Xaaji, that those talks were your only chance to work with Somalia to secede, but it is truly a pity that Mr Silanyo wasted that opportunity and used the talks instead to work with Culosow to secure a bigger political pie in the Somali federal system. Tsk tsk tsk!
  3. <cite> @smartlander said:</cite> How am I langaab if CIA says I am the second-largest clan in the former Somali Republic? Lol :D This is what I mean. It's YOU who is unfair. Why should I have 28 MPs when the third and fourth and first largest all have 61 Saaxiib, it seems you don't understand your own lineage. The 4.5 system split all Somalis into four and half clans and shared amongst them 275 parliamentary seats. The Macmacaan folks got 31, the defeated lot got 61, the Looters got 61, the Digir&Muufo guys got 61 and finally your clan also got 61. Now out of the 61 that your main clan got only 28 went to your subclan in the marfashland triangle. So don't just look at your 28, you should also see the remainder of the seats that your main clan has in different parts of Somalia. kapish!!! Don't bring up the diin to me. If you were so religious you would be fair. But you're not. You use the religion when it suits you. Allah didn't say in the Quran that Somaliland and Somalia shouls be in a union. The only time I'll ever be in a union with you is when there is one Islamic government and the Arabs, Indonesians, West Africans and the Uighur are part of this union And neither did Allah say in the Qur'an that they SHOULDN'T stay together, so what's your point? Listen, if we were going by "what you wanted" then we wouldn't be having this discussion on SOMALIAonline, would we? The whole reason you are here bitching and moaning is because you are unable to do anything without our explicit approval, so don't take that tone with me, little man Whatever. The past is the past. It doesn't matter if Somaliland gets recognition or not. The fact that your own president or govt officials cant come to Somaliland already speaks volumes of how much of a dream this unity is. As long as I am not part of you, thats all that matters. We may not have recognition but we are independent from you. Alhamduillah As DoctorKenny would say, "only in your marqaaan deranged heads" are you independent from Somalia. CiidaanSuldan, I believe you were better off stomping on everyone that crosses your path on SOL, because this smartlander business is making you look like a clown. We all know that there is no such thing as a "smart" somalilander. For God's sake, haven't you seen Xaaji Maalaayacni, Tallaabo and the other cretinious secessionist minions on SOL. I hold you in contempt of this gallery for even having the audacity to suggest that there could possibly be, such a thing as an intelligent and smart somalilander Now I order you to revert back to your CiidaanSuldan alias, and bring to quick end this travesty that is called SmartLander!
  4. <cite> @smartlander said:</cite> How about a nationwide referendum in independence in Somaliland once again but this time the international community must respect the vote? SmartLander, that's a very silly suggestion to say the least. If you want a free and fair referendum then it must encompass the whole of Somalia because the outcome will not only affect your enclave. You should have nothing to fear if you believe you have the numbers to pull off a victory Why should they burn in hell for not wanting anything to do with your mafia style politics? The fact that they will burn in hell is well known, because they waste their lives and time pursuing the unobtainable. And to make it worse, instead of trying to bring Allah's ummah together they are working on splitting it apart. So dem suckas will definitely burn in hell You gave my clan 28 seats in your AU parliament, less than the minority clans get when we are just as big or bigger than the others with 61 seats. We don't expect you people to treat us with fairness and we never have. No this is not true. The 4.5 system that was used to select the MPs was shared equally. Now if the unfortunate laangaab status of your subclan has secured a measly 28 seats, then by all means take it up with God because us, we had nothing to do with that. And the reason why my army should in this union I am already regretting to have even considered is because you can do your dirtiness on us again. The creation of a union army is not a priority at this moment. All that matters is every federal region of Somalia contributes to the defense of the whole country from foreign threats, that is all. This website is filled with hateful people. Just reading your hate makes me realize Somaliland did the right thing walahi o billahi Stop your whining kid, nobody hates you! Just because a great majority of Somalis oppose your flawed secessionist agenda does not mean they hate you. So don't confuse ridicule for hate. This website is only filled with folks like myself who only want to slap some sense into your thick skulls, and I believe my tough love stance against the habros of SOL is bearing fruit, now that you and others like yourself have begun to realize that you are flogging a dead horse called an independent Somaliland ! Go cry about your unity. It will never happen. I'm glad Somalia is broken up. Wallahi you dont deserve unity. Not with your hatred. How does it feel that Las Anod is under my rule Dr? Lol. I think it was you who said you were from there in a previous thread where we communicated. 2007 - forever haha. Whatever party you celebrate, whatever cleaning day nonsense you have, its all meaningless. Your Las Anod town is under Somaliland and that burns you inside. I'm glad it does. I think you forgot to switch to the CiidanSuldaan avatar. We've heard it all before saaxiib and we are all awestruck of your mighty BOOTS. We all know how brave and wonderful you all are that you are unable to share anything with the southern monsters you defeated because you don't trust them and that it's best that you get recognized as an independent country. However, like the wadaad who proclaimed, "Boqol iyo afar iyo tobankaan aqaan"...and to whom the mischievous reply was uttered...oo yaa kaa akhrisanaya!!! I say, yaa kaa akrisanaya cantrabaqash kaaga!
  5. Odayga, Walaal, sheekada qaybteedii koowaad waxaa fiicnaan lahayd inaad "link" toos loogu aado aad kor ku sameyn lahayd. Waxaana rabaa inaan kugu mahad naqo sheekadaan oo aad inoo si wadid!
  6. ^ SmartLander is the alias of the bi-polar CiidanSuldan(the rabid kitten of SOL). However, we will entertain his harmless shenanigans as long as he accepts his fate, that he ain't going nowhere from Somalia.
  7. ^ You just hold on, SmartLander, don't give up on our erstwhile "negotiations" just yet. How about this: We hold a nationwide census and after we get an accurate estimate of the number of people who live throughout Somalia, both north and south, we then agree on what percentage of the MPs will come from the north. If like you say, the north has 50% of Somalia's population, then by all means I accept your demands even though I'm very circumspect about your claims. I hope these terms will be agreeable to you. P.S As for those marfashlanders who would rather die than share Somalia with their fellow countrymen, my only hope is that they die a harsh and brutal death and burn in hell to top it all off!
  8. <cite> @smartlander said:</cite> Listen here you are my enemy. You are to me what a Israeli is to a Palestinian or a Nazi to a Jew. But I will admit secession is not the answer. But that doesn't mean you are to have any say in Somaliland. You are my enemy. I want Silanyo out of office first. I want someone aggressive to talk to you demons. Someone who will make you cry. Muse Bixi is good choice but we cant pick Muse Bixi. There is history with him and I dont like him. But someone who will make you cry. Somalilands demands 1) Presidency or PM (rotation). One term we are President, next term we are PM. Not PM every term. I know your southern tricks 2) My clan needs full 61 MPs 3) My clan needs 50% of the ministers 4) Hargeisa must be home to half of the ministries 5) Federal budget must be 50% for Somaliland 6) Upper House must be 50% Somaliland If you cant comply, don't come to me. You demons are already begging in Hargeisa. I hold the cards. We will let this drag on for another 5 years when you are forming your government institutions. You are coming to me in my own city. You people are desparate. I will wait longer for you to be more desparate and then we will sign the papers. The more desparate, the more i can get out of you. We will sign it when you are on the most pathetic begging pleas that it will make me sick to my stomach. We will use you so much you will afterwards beg us to leave the union lol We will be autonomous state. We will not be federal state. You will have no right to enter Somaliland unless you are from Somaliland SmartLander, is this some sort of stickup? I can not, will not submit to such demands! Did you say you need 50%? For heaven sake, do the math, and come up with something a bit more fair or else these demands will bare no fruits like your previous nonsense of breaking up MY country. p.s To the habros on SOL, Just because this fellow has sobered up and realized that your secessionist claptrap is a nonstarter does not mean you guys should all hate on him. I, for one, will negotiate with him as rehabilitated habar who like new baby is new to reality... 50% my foot
  9. <cite> @Peace Action said:</cite> Che as they say beggers can not be choosers. Abdiweli is seen so far as a man of integrity and le us hope he makes sure the IC fulfills their promise. Ultimately the Somalis themselves are to blame for any short comings because of their own corruption. Tuuug tuug kale ma Qabto We need infrastructure and jobs and competent collection of tax revenue for the state. I will consider Cabdiwali's presidency a success the day his administration builds those important roads inside the state. Until then he can have all the P.R photo ops with those IC people all he likes.
  10. ^ Lol @ "nacalaa Alzheimer" That's funny as hell.... ha ha ha SmartLander, all jokes aside: I think time has come for all the brainwashed masses to finally accept that secessionist nonsense has run its course to come to a dead end. We all know Silaanyo has!
  11. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> Kennedy I Don't deny that hargeisa was attacked but it wasn't genocided. If 100k died in syria over 3 year day/night bombing with sophiscated weaponry and including chemical warfare, its impossible 50k died in hargeisa in 88. Think about the population difference. If 100k is from 22 million, if we halved that to 50k the population would need to be around 11 million. Are u saying the north had 11 million ppl in the 80s? 75 census says we had at best 4 million across all somalia. Waqoyi population wasnt even anywhere close to that. For 50k figure to be believed, that would mean 11 million ppl must of lived in the north in 1988. Get out of here, that's unbelieve. I would be suprised if 1000 died. Plus the air assault should leave clear marks on the city like it did with HOMS syria, we don't see those marks in Hargeisa when looking at 1990 pictures. We see a few bullet ridden homes which again proves it was low intesity war not high intensity because the damage looks far worse in mogadishu then hargeisa. 88 no planes attacked hargeisa, they're simply aint any marks left on the city to show such a huge bombing, plus their wild figures contradicts basic logic of population. They are the biggest liars in the world. Imagine, if the 300K enclave really lost that many people, there wouldn't be any habros around 25years years later chatting sh!t on SOL. It's all hogwash, I say!
  12. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Dr Osman, that's very true. I'm not buying the story that 50 000 people died in Hargeisa when Siad Barre bombed them in 1988. It's such a far-fetched number, totally inflated and not taken seriously by anyone except CidanSultan and his crew. I don't think they appreciate how large of a number 50 000 actually is. It's called mirqaan my dear friend. And as you know one of the major side effects of marqaan include hallucination and delusions.
  13. First of all this current government does not YET have the necessary legitimacy and nationwide public trust to implement a successful re-introduction of the Somali Shilling. Secondly, to successful reintroduce this currency the government must focus on revamping all the sectors of the economy so as keep inflation at bay.
  14. Lol Silaanyo will run for president of Somalia in 2016 and here you're acting indignant.
  15. Wonderful news: The federalism bandwagon moves on. Next stop is Beletweyn
  16. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> Tilmamook it is crucial somalis address the SAHAL genocide. We need to revisit January 26 1991 and assess what happened, their is no point hiding from it, denying it, ignoring it thinking it will go away. It's not going away, books have been written, documentary interviews done. What we do know for a fact is SSDF didn't kill anyone, loot, rape, etc. Not 1 person has raised a complaint, but thousands raise complaints about USC/SNM which shows their has to be truth behind such a large amount of ppl saying the same thing. If this issue isn't addressed it can lead to a SAHAL seccession on the grounds 'we were genocided by IRIR community indiscriminately at a social level, those same ppl are leading us today and we fear another genocide' it can serious repercussions not addressing 1991. Somaliland seccession falls on it's face because USC is leading who didn't harm SNM or vice versa they had an agreement of cooperation to genocide one clan. Plus the fact siyad govt is gone resolves it all for SNM since it was at a govt level, govt come and go but the community doesnt thats why 91 is to hard for SNM AND USC to speak on since other factions didnt do genocides like them. 1991 is the true genocide it was purely based on clan, we have proof that USC/SNM didnt kill each other and cooperated to exterminate one clan, they weren't governments either but the community and their whole tribesman slaughtering us for hate. Siyad has evidence that he killed anyone that was a rebel not a specific clan the filthy jabhads of USC AND SNM. Puntland people are the only ones with a right to claim a genocide. From sayidka who genocided eyl folks he never commited such a genocide against others, then siyad barre in mudug under the leadership of ina askar, dhegawayne, ina kahin, tansaniya exterminating our main population NOMADS. Then USC/SNM a clan genocide in mogadishu, galkayo, kismayo and also in the north on civilian govt workers and SSC. Followed by al-ithaad massacres in bosaso and not to mention italian/britissh bombings of the bari region and its sultanate in baargaal,calula, iskushuban and taleh. Noone has suffered as much as and yet the most nationalist, I am fed up personally. We do most for somalia and when ask for our share of foreign aid were told no. When SFG is handing the airspace to somalidiid its saying to JL you cant have your port. When its saying to SL welcome to turkey taks, its saying to JL welcome to my bullet. We created everything the SFG stands the federalism, the constitiution, and ended the transition to be sidelined and fought once again while the HAGS support the somalidiid who have done nothing except destruction and division Haters will always hate Doctor. Their hate has not secured them secession neither has it secured them their wish to rule Somalia from a central government in Xamar. On the other hand: Federalism and it's supporters everywhere have once again taken a giant step in the southwest State of Somalia as the trumped up differences between the 2 groups in Baidoa have be resolved. Now, our next push is for the central regions to form a federal member state. This will be a bit of a challenge since hardcore anarchists don't understand compromise, and to form a state for the HAG community, a lot compromises and patience will be required. But as usual, the patriots of Somalia will not flinch from this daunting task. Federalism is the law of the land, love it or loath it!
  17. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> 6. Regarding 1988 stories your trying to sell won't wash. If 50,000 was killed how is it possible 100k died with 3 years constant bombing, chemical warfare, and sophisticated weapons in syria? are u saying 1988 population of hargeisa was the size of syria? the evidence of pictures being shown of 88 doesn't show any city levelled but a few bullet ridden homes, this indicates low intensity, where-as hamar homes show high intensity. Untill you show evidence 4 such claim, you can keep Flying your nonsense in the skies. Heck I can even show pictures of italians bombing calula and bargal and thats back in the 20s and u cant in the 90s thats say enough. . So Doctor, how do you explain all the skeletons these mad habros dig up every year?
  18. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> So you are glad that your uncles murdered unarmed women and children in Hargeisa? I refuse to dignify such buffoonery with a reply. As you were Mr.Tallaabo!
  19. Why isn't anyone shedding some light on the Arabs in the gulf who still engage in slavery? Why should only the source be shocking, when the real problem lies with those vile Arabs who demand young children as slaves.
  20. Shhh! That never happened. The only genocide that matters is the one that took place in the late 80s in Hargaysa where the Habro where showered with Kacaan love.
  21. I might have believed this story had even an iota of it been firmly attached to the realm of reality-- something we all know secessionists shun at all cost. But seeing, that it is a slow news day for the seccessionist enclave, I guess any sort of cheap tabloid propaganda shall suffice.
  22. Doctor, you've singlehandedly grabbed this debate by the scruff of the neck and manhandled it into submission. Those supporting the centralist view point have miserably failed to present viable counterpoints to you hard hitting arguments. You, sir, are a genius.