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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Unless there is a written law in the books prohibiting the display of campaign signs, then I believe that police officer had no business telling that driver what he can or cannot show on his personal property. This is undemocratic and if anything the police force and army should remain neutral from political considerations.
  2. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Tilmook, Saaxiib in normal circumstance the sitting President always leads the party for any re-election. Now Ina Biixi want to defeat Siilaanyo. that is why the list matters. an insider told me a huge compensation of cash is in the works to silence him. wE SHALL SEE Saaxiib, if like you say Biixi has the power and ability to shakedown Silanyo to an extent whereby Silanyo & his ilk are willing to pay large sums of money to Biixi to cut them some slack, then by all means, I believe, this is Biixi's presidency to loose. And if I were Señor Biixi, then by all means I wouldn't settle just for money, but I'd make sure I became president so as to get both the money and the power!
  3. ^ I have heard a different story saaxiib. Maybe, if I find the time, I shall narrate it on SOL. Be forewarned, it's very scandalous to say the least.
  4. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Tilmook what do you wish to know about King Bucur ama Maxammad al xaniif hist imposter name , the hebrew king of Somaliland in ancient time. Somaliland is a land rich in civilization... I wish to know everything about your grand ancestor Bucur Bacayr! Please educate us some more Mr. Xaaji Maalaayacni?
  5. ^ Surely Adnan, you guys take it to whole new level. I mean c'mon... the parliament of all places
  6. ^ Ilma Bucur Bacayr... Don't attack me for mentioning the unmentionable. All I asked was you guys share the history of this forebearer of yours.
  7. Ha ha ha ha :D They don't call it Marfashland for nothing you know...lol
  8. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> I think you have taken my jokes about your new captain very badly indeed. Cheer up ditoore, this is just SOL :-D I still can't figure out why he had to wear Arab cloths though!! The whole ceremony looked like the crowning of an Arab colonist invader. The Arab garb is paying homage to the ancestor of his expansive clan and whose cousins from across the Gulf of Aden came to pay their respects. But we do understand that the secessionists can't fathom this respect for tradition--for there own ancestry is shrouded in ignomony for all eternity! Tell us, Tallaabo, about the illustrious history of the common ancestor of the Habro of Waqooyiga who went by the name Bucur Bacayr? Tell us what sort of clothing he used to wear?
  9. ^ That's besides the point: What I would personally like to know is why wouldn't any ruling party stand behind their incumbent? Only once a sitting president is termed out should a party hold their primaries and elect their new leadership. Am I wrong in thinking so?
  10. <cite> @Freedom78 said:</cite> ^^^ you one crazy guy Adnan, I agree with you lil man Seems the good Doctor has left his sense in some arid place in Puntland, yet again!
  11. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> It is what it is. I don't know about south Somalia but in Somaliland we are open about where a person is from.Those kind of details are important to avoid misinformation. You say "important", but the question that begs for an answer is WHY is it important? He is no Silanyo( whom we all know you love so very dearly) but only the chosen speaker for the delegation from Somaliland who in my opinion spoke honorably and passed the people of somaliland's best wishes to the new King of Somalia. Put the politics aside saaxiib, and see it for what it was!
  12. Galbeedi, Make me understand this... Didn't kulmiye nominate the incumbent Silanyo to run or will Bixi run against Silanyo even though they both belong to the same party?
  13. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Boqor Maxamuud Cali Carab hails from Yiroowe/East Burco. Why did you get specific with exactly where in Somaliland he is from? Saalax, it seems the disease that has caused you to seek secession from Somalia has now spread, whereby you now want to even secede from east Burco, it seems.
  14. ^ Waryaa don't be silly. Cali has to come pay his respects like everyone else out there. I said earlier put aside your petty politics and see this historic event for what it simply is... A customary coronation of the King of Somalia.
  15. My dear habros of SOL, please set aside your pettiness for once in your lives and refrain from politicizing a simple traditional event in Somalia. I assure you even the traditional elders of Somaliland will be on hand in person, or they will send their personal representative, to pay their respects to this new King. Put the politics and caadifaad aside for just a second and see this event for what it is...
  16. ^ What do you know about Islam, you defender of gay rights? P.S Please also try to refrain from justifying yours reason why you do so on this thread.
  17. ^ SmartLander, thank you. I urged you long ago to end this SmartLander travesty. Switch your nic back to CiidanSuldan and come stomp these konfurians to submission with your awe-inspiring boots. That's about the only reason they understand.
  18. <cite> @Barwaaqo said:</cite> Ever heard of fasaq. You just need to prove- in aanad masruuf iyo mariin aanad ka helin, mudo badana kala maqnaydeen kaa sheeganaya in uu 3 kugu qabo. Inaalilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun...Caku Xaaji Maalaayacni iyo tabar la'aanta habaraha waqooyi ee SOL wax ku qora: War ma gabdhihii baad nagu soo kiciseyn? Walaalay, Barwaaqo-- adoo raali ah-- Soomaaliya sheekadaas oo kale uma jixinjixdo ee orodoo burjikadaada iska kor fariiso!
  19. Doctor, you never mind Xaaji Maalaayacni. He is just being as inconsequential as ever. He can't help himself that is all We all look forward to the coronation of the 34th King of Somalia. I hear hundreds of elders from all over the country will be in hand to pay their homage and allegiance. It will be a grand spectacle and all the low born Laangaabs should best lay low while the royalty of Somalia celebrate the coronation of this new King. May Allah bless him and his household. Long live the King!!!
  20. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> This incessant attack against the people of Somaliland should not and will not be tolerated. The remnants of the Somali Nazi regime like Tillamook and Dr K should be shamed and made to apologize; few days in Mandhera couldn't hurt either. Long live the Republic of Somaliland and may its enemy choke on their pus. Ha ha ha Che, don't you know that I've got pirate cousins in Maandheera state penitentiary. I say, it Wouldn't hurt to pay the rapscallions a visit, would it now
  21. No such thing sxb. This here is a monogamous relationship Somaliland is forever doomed to share a bed with its farting, snoring and drooling husband