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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. MMA, your naïveté baffles the mind walahi: It's fine and dandy to oppose what you denounce as tribal federalism, but you are yet to share with us, what you would have in its stead, knowing full well the current political outlook in Somalia and the mistrust that is abundant amongst Somalis. Love it or loathe it, the Southwest State consisting of only 3 provinces, will join Puntland and Jubaland as federal member states. We will then wait for the central provinces to come together to form their own federal state, after which we will invite Somaliland to an all inclusive table for talks to determine their fate in Somalia. This is the blueprint, ama calaacal ama is qarxi like your heroes, Al Barbaarta!
  2. ^ You are right, the Digir&Muufo groups are like a headless chicken in the matter of Shabellaha. It will be upto the Water peoples whether they will submit to the Galgaduud folks who are occupying their lands or not.
  3. Che, How are we to pursue reconciliation when a segment of the Somali population does not YET have any elected leadership who would take part in reconciliation negotiations on their behalf? Now with the differences between the 2 groups in Baidoa resolved, I believe Somalia as a whole is closer to genuine reconciliation process starting. All we now have to wait for is for the HAG communities to form a representative federal State for their regions. I believe once the HAG communities, who are yet to coalesce all their quarrelsome local group administrations in the central provinces into a federal state, finally agree to erect a federal member state, only then can we ask every state's elected/selected leaderships to come to the table for reconciliation and whatever else that is in the collective interest of their respective states. Charity begins at home: Everyone should focus on developing their respective regions and local districts. We need to stop scapegoating our own local failures for the lack of reconciliation with other Somalis.
  4. ^ Buuraha, you sentence construction makes no sense: who are you referring to and who will you so graciously wish to, if I may use your own words, smack!?
  5. Wonderful news Xaaji: The permanent securing of the border is almost neigh... Long live the Afro-Cushitic Republic of Somaliland!
  6. "Rome wasn't build in a day" Give Africa time!
  7. ^ What does US policy in Somalia got to do with the great Afro Cushitic Republic of Somaliland? Ain't that so, Xaaji?
  8. This is very unacceptable for the Afro- Cushitic democratic republic of Somaliland What the hell are they still doing near Taleex? The border is at Garowe for heavens sake... Somaliland's mighty forces need to go there and close that damn border once and for all!
  9. Lol@ Xaajiga Saaxiib recognition baad ku qafiiftay... Ha ha ha
  10. Moryanism will be defeated. The peaceable people of Shabellaha have for far too long tried to tolerate the Anarchist Banditti from Galhaduud in their midst, but alas a moryan will always be a moryan and the only language that an anarchist moryan understands is violence-- and ultimately the victory will belong to the home team.
  11. It will be in the interest for all of Somalia that a free and fair election takes place in Somaliland. I hope the elders and the general populace insist on having a free and fair election, and should not fall victim to the politicians who might want to divide them along tribal lines. Should Silanyo, Bixi or anyone else should win fair and square, then all Somalis should support him. All this talk about fighting Bixi if he DOES win is nonsense. If a fair election takes place and either Silanyo or Bixi wins, then we should support him!
  12. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> Why did the Ethiopian government order the evacuation? Is this land claimed by another tribe? Caqli gaalo iyo indo qudhaanjo midna dhaqso looma arki karo, laakin warkii jiraaba cakaaruu iman!
  13. CiidanSuldan, these are some pretty serious allegations... Why would Bixi, an aspiring future president of Somaliland, wanna commit such heinous crimes? It just doesn't add up, but if these allegations are found to be true then Bixi and Silanyo's political differences are more ominous than I've thought and could lead to an all out habar on habar violence in Hargaysa. Let's all hope cooler heads prevail!
  14. This is welcome news. We hope the funding for these promised projects becomes available as soon as possible and that these projects get underway with as little mismanagement and corruption as possible.
  15. ^ War marmasiyada raqiiska ah meeshaan kala dhex bax! Hadaad naf iyo murti aad meesha ku haysid waa hore ayaad lasoo shir tagi lahaydee. At this rate, I believe your "visit" this time around will be short lived. Who knows... it might be best that you come check on us 10 years from now to see whether we've grown up enough to bask in the glory of your wisdom.
  16. DoctorKenney, are you serious? How can I not like him...I mean he so wonderfully predictable and so full of pretentious tommyrot, of which the best part is that he got no idea how wonderfully simple it makes him look due to his obvious disregard of logic. He loves nothing more than to show ill will towards his fellow Somalis, yet has apparently no idea that it simply makes him look like a bitter and hateful old man. What our wonderful Xaaji doesn't get is that his very way of thinking, his way of seeing things, his very own crooked politics and the other mind-numbing nonsenses he propagates on SOL, just make him look like he got no clue. He just endlessly waffles on about cantrabaqash he don't know about, and methinks all that khat has permanently effed up his brain! Yes, he needs our help. Urgently! How? I don't know yet. You are the Doctor here and I'm sure you've seen the symptoms too, so please, if you know of any remedy, Xaajiga is in desperate need-- so please try.
  17. Good old Galbeedi...never say in four words what can be said in a hundred, eh! You make me look forward to little Adnan's short and terse one-word posts
  18. Lovely. Just bloody lovely Mr. Mustafe( man who used to "visit" SOL some 10 odd years ago or so): Why would you even fathom such a grotesquely horrid notion as to bring about the B word in this assembly of SOL's greatest? I don't know what sort of place SOL used to be 10 years ago, but if you ever come in here again throwing around the B word willy-nilly, and in the midst of somaliaonline's greatest, you will leave us no choice but to take you down a notch! You've been warned
  19. I agree with the poster who used "visit" SOL ten years ago: Señor Galbeedi in this particular case is chatting bollocks! ...but then again, he is one of my favorite habro who posts on SOL-- unlike those other seccessionist vagabonds like Xaaji Maalaayacni & Co.--so I will tolerate his ramarks.
  20. Over the World's Rim by William Faulkner Over the world's rim, drawing bland November Reluctant behind them, drawing the moons of cold: What do their lonely voices wake to remember In this dust ere 'twas flesh? what restless old Dream a thousand years was safely sleeping Wakes my blood to sharp unease? what horn Rings out to them? Was I free once, sweeping Their Ewild and lonely skies ere I was born? The hand that shaped my body, that gave me vision, Made me a slave to clay for a fee of breath. Sweep on, O wild and lonely: mine the derision, Then the splendor and speed, the cleanness of death. Over the world's rim, out of some splendid noon, Seeking some high desire, and not in vain, They fill and empty the red and dying moon And, crying, cross the rim of the world again.
  21. Grey the Day by William Faulkner Gray the day, all the year is cold, Across the empty land the swallows' cry Marks the southflown spring. Naught is bowled Save winter, in the sky. O sorry earth, when this bleak bitter sleep Stirs and turns and time once more is green, In empty path and lane and grass will creep With none to tread it clean. April and May and June, and all the dearth Of heart to green it for, to hurt and wake; What good is budding, gray November earth? No need to break your sleep for greening's sake. The hushed plaint of wind in stricken trees Shivers the grass in path and lane And Grief and Time are tideless golden seas— Hush, hush! He's home again.
  22. Night Piece by William Faulkner Trumpets of sun to silence fall On house and barn and stack and wall. Within the cottage, slowly wheeling, The lamplight's gold turns on the ceiling. Beneath the stake and windless vane Cattle stamp and munch their grain; Below the starry apple bough Leans the warped and clotted plow. The moon rolls up, while far away And thin with sorrow, the sheepdog's bay Fills the valley with lonely sound. Slow leaves of darkness steal around. The watch the watchman, Death will keep And man in amnesty may sleep. The world is still, for she is old And many's the bead of a life she's told. Her gossip there, the watching moon View hill and stream and wave and dune And many 's the fair one she's seen wither: The pass and pass, she cares not whither— Lovers' vows by her made bright, The outcast cursing at her light; Mazed within her lambence lies All the strife of flesh that dies. Then through the darkened room with whispers speaking There comes to man the sleep that all are seeking. The lurking thief, in sharp regret Watches the far world, waking yet, But which in sleep will soon be still; While he upon his misty hill Hears a dark bird briefly cry From its thicket on the sky, And curses the moon because her light Marks every outcast under night. Still swings the murderer, bent of knees In a slightly strained repose, Nor feels the faint hand of the breeze: He now with Solomon all things knows: That, lastly, breath is to a man But to want and fret a span.
  23. The Race's Splendor by William Faulkner The race's splendor lifts her lip, exposes Amid her scarlet smile her little teeth; The years are sand the wind plays with; beneath The prisoned music of her deathless roses. Within frostbitten rock she's fixed and glassed; Now man may look upon her without fear. But her contemptuous eyes back through him stare And shear his fatuous sheep when he has passed. Lilith she is dead and safely tombed And man may plant and prune with naught to bruit Hie heired and ancient lot to which he's doomed, For quiet drowse the flocks when wolf is mute— Ay, Lilith she is dead, and she is wombed, And break his vine, and slowly eats the fruit.