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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Lol... However unfortunate it maybe for this young Garaad to so openly carry his heart on his sleeve--I wouldn't call it hate speech for a man to call a spade a spade. Everything that he said about the habar sub clan in Burco is true, so save us the unnecessary outrage saaxiibyaal.
  2. <cite> @HawdMan said:</cite> So is it only Jaylida Buntalanda who is going to demonstration against Xassan sheikh or all Sahal? Qalbiga dadi qaabil ka gashy, :-) somaga Mooge Eagleeow. Damn right!! It's the Puntland and Jubaland diaspora communities in the United States that has the most grievances against this vile, incompetent and hateful President. So they have every right to express their feelings through public demonstration, and due to their large presence in the US, the D bloc carry weight in Washington, which is why he has asked the newly appointed Somali ambassador to Washington to travel to the twin cities to help simmer down things. And in this same spirit he has asked the prime minister in Mogadishu to announce that he will travel to Puntland soon, just to appease the prospective demonstrators. Personally, all these attempts at appeasement are futile. A good majority of the Somali community in the twin cities plan on demonstrating against him which will shed some light on his numerous failures as president in front of the spotlight of the international community that will be in attendance for the US-Africa summit in Washington.
  3. <cite> @Cadale said:</cite> LOL i laugh at people thinking change of the capital will make a difference. Moving the capital won't solve anything. Al Shabab is at war with the government and Mogadishu is the seat of the government . If the capital were to be moved, the violence will move to the new capital. I, too, chuckle at the naïveté of folks who wish to move our national capitol elsewhere. If anything, this is a very shortsighted suggestion and one that wishes for Somalis to forever avoid their problems instead of confronting them head-on. There is nothing wrong with Mogadishu remaining our national capital-- the problem here is an incompetent president who is hellbent on aiding anarchists who fear a strong government that will hold them accountable. This is the problem that Somalis must face with a united front! All this talk of moving the capital is nothing more than running away from our problems. Let's hold Culosow accountable. Let's rebuild out justice system and let's not avoid confronting the challenging problems our country must overcome!
  4. It is never wise to generalize and anyone who blindly accuses a whole community for the crimes of a few is foolish to say the least. The death of the MP and the many others who continuously fall victim to the mayhem in Mogadishu solely lies at the feet of Culosow and his government. It is due to his negligence/incompetence that criminals like those who killed the MP can run amok with impunity.
  5. It is never wise to generalize and anyone who blindly accuses a whole community for the crimes of a few is foolish to say the least. The death of the MP and the many others who continuously fall victim to the mayhem in Mogadishu solely lies at the feet of Culosow and his government. It is due to his negligence/incompetence that criminals like those who killed the MP can run amok with impunity.
  6. A Canada-wide warrant naming Farah, 56, says he is being sought "for removal because he ... is inadmissible to Canada So is that all the Canadanian authorities want to do to this gentleman? I believe this punishment does not fit the alleged crimes the habros have accused of this Farah dude. The least we could expect from the Canadian government is a long prison sentence, but if all they wish to do is remove him from Canada, then I believe he has done them a favor by getting himself gainfully employed in Somalia.
  7. Lol @ SmartLander Saaxiib, I find your posts very entertaining, so keep 'em coming!
  8. Typical secessionist cantrabaqash: Whatever ever happened to your pitiful indignation when former Somaliland President Dahir Riyale Kahin came to power in 2002 after having served loyally for many years in the National Security Service (NSS) torturing and abusing the hapless habro for so many year? C'mon guys, get this nonsensical tears outta here!
  9. ^ Messi, however brilliant he may be, is just one man, and it will take a whole team that is firing on all cylinders to lift this World Cup. I predict a European World Cup final, with Germany having the midfield and defensive advantage and the Dutch attacking ferociously. It will be fun to watch!
  10. Talk about a German can-of-whoop-ass... Tsk tsk tsk!
  11. This is the beauty of federalism. If Somaliland wants to be lead by a benevolent dictator, that is fine. If Puntland chooses a less dictatorial president, that is fine too. And that goes the same for the other federal states of the country. The bottom line is that we will only judge them all by how well they perform for their respective constituencies. This will take time, but I believe Somalis will eventually get their act together, one region at a time.
  12. Lol We wholeheartedly welcome the Digir & Muufo clique to the fatuudland associations of Somalia
  13. Dictatorship is unnatural and in its very essence unjust. Which is why it will not suffice for Somalia. Somalis need to build institutions of governance and accountability at the grassroots level. When every sub clan focuses on educating their own children, providing health services for their mothers and women, and ensuring the security of their tuulos, then most our problems would be resolved. So Coofle & others, what have you done for your tuulo lately?
  14. <cite> @Coofle said:</cite> We are not short of enlightened leaders what we are short of is people who will let them lead. the satirical comment may be true "Every country gets the country they deserve"... "We have enlightened leaders but we just wont let them lead us"...is that right Mr.Coofle? I wholeheartedly disagree saaxiib. I am yet to see any one Somali individual who has the courage, wisdom, discipline, and kindness to lead all Somalis for the benefit of all Somalis. And also why do you make it sound like, we the Somali, are employers who can hire a leader whenever we wish but refuse to do so because we don't want to be lead. This is not true. Only when the Somali people can benefit from the leadership of an individual politicians will they rally around him. Have you forgotten that human beings are self-interested dissimulators who will only support what is in their immediate advantage? So these "enlightened leaders" you speak of better step up to the plate, and show us why it is in our personal interest to support them, that is of course, if they are truly enlightened.
  15. ^ Villa Somalia is our national state house, and if Culosow saw it fit to spruce up the place a little, instead just living in the midst of the dreariness of the Amisom tanks, then by all means, cut the guy some slack. If I was him, I'd build myself an indoor swimming pool as well, since going to the beach regularly is a nonstarter for our dear president.
  16. ^ Somalis are entrepreneurial by nature, so this argument-- that says our civil war is being prolonged because of our business community wishes it so-- does not hold water. War or peace, people still gotta earn a living.
  17. "Bubuland"...Ha ha ha... I laughed so hard a bit of wee came out. You must be so very clevah
  18. <cite> @Suldaanka said:</cite> It has been said that, "Some people take more care to hide their wisdom than their folly", so let's all hope that Mr Xirsi didn't leave Taleex on the back of that horse
  19. Dalmar, I didn't know you were an oncologist like Odey Xaad
  20. lol cadale Shabeele state Army? the national army? strange bedfellows MMA and Cadale!!! I don't know about you guys but I believe this is a good problem to have: I like how the conversation has moved from "we don't want Federalism" to how best to demarcate the southern provinces into viable Federal member states.
  21. ^ Saaxiib, Galbeedi, sheekadaadu waxay noqotay oo kale dayuuraddii Malaysia oo meel loo raaco lagarran waayey: Anigu Jubaland iyo "the powers that be" kumaan su'aalin ee bal ku noqo, and tell us what exactly Madoobe Nuune & company really want?
  22. ^ Ha ha ha... why are you lashing out at Dr.Osman? Why must he only, as you say, "stick with Garowe issue" when we all know that like all federalists from Garowe to Kismayo to Belad Xaawo, he too wants a legitimate and successful federal member state to be established in Baidoa. MMA, is daji saaxiib. Federalism is the law of the land and a majority of Somalis back it.