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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. This is definitely Silaanyo's fault. The old man, instead of paying the usual bribes, has instead opted to use his hard earned terrorist monies for expensive medical treatment in Europe in the hopes of preserving his decrepit soul. It's of paramount importance that these blackmail monies be paid continually to the Las Anod Politicians.
  2. CidanSultan, I liked you better when you used just trash us pirates... C'mon man, cut this nonsense about ancient Egyptians sun gods and bash some pirates for old times sake, eh?
  3. Definition of Burahadheer's Qaldaan Dictionary of English words: Minority: Laandheere Soomaaliyeed.
  4. ^ So realistically speaking, who has a better chance of unseating Silaanyo... Ciiro or Jamal?
  5. Inleen Odeygu waa tabcaan ummad kale u taliso...Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun!
  6. ^ Saalax, you keep making your opposition to Silaanyo well known, but you are yet to share with us who you would rather become president in the next election. For eff's sake, why don't you share with us the politician whom you support for the presidency and why? Something about his work experience or his educational background, anything???
  7. This thread is my love letter to Barwaaqo Hey darling, how do you like the masses of a small town like Garowe who seem to be as numerous as the stars in the heavenly firmament?
  8. Cut the old man some slack guys...there is nothing wrong with having a little rest and recuperation before the elections. With that said, I still believe Silaanyo would have earned himself a name if he stood aside and campaigned for a younger, more educated and capable candidate to become the next president of Somaliland.
  9. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Mr Tillamook, I do not expect Puntland to give up a large part of its population and territory to prop up a rival community, and indeed no body expected that from Puntland. However, what was also unexpected and incredibly clever is how the anti-federalists came up with this monster of a blow to put an end to the clan federalism agenda of Puntland :-D Tallaabo, am sure you wholeheartedly embraced that rude awakening in a different setting in the Puntland provinces of SSC, eh? As for clan federalism...We have never supported such nonsense. We support the federal constitution of Somalia and it is clear: 2 or more provinces can form a federal member state!
  10. ^ Galbeedi, you don't have to keep repeating yourself like a broken record in here, saaxiib. Ultimately the future political home of Mudug's remaining districts of Hobyo and Xarardheer will be determined by the will of the majority of ALL the people who call Mudug home. That is of course, if your definition of ALL the people of Mudug is insync with the reality on the ground. And when it comes to Somalia, I refuse to engage in the churlish banter of which clan has more people than another clan in a certain locale. Because, at the end of the day, the will of the majority clan of said locale will reign supreme...This is a simple truth, which baffles my mind as to why in this day and age, some Somalis still refuse to accept. I believe the sooner those who are adamantly against this reality accept it, the sooner our nation can move forward.
  11. ^ Marka sheekadu wali waa, “Fad ama ha fadin, waa lagu fadsiin”, miyaa?
  12. ^ lol @ ximan&xeeb being an opposition. That implies that Galmudug are the majority power of this place, which couldn't be further from the truth. Malistar, it's one thing to blindly follow the buffoonery of Culusow, but to pretend that Baraxley has more clout and power than Ximin&Xeeb is straight out just dillusional.
  13. <cite> @ElPunto said:</cite> ^This is nonsense. Malistar is right. This whole process has been championed by the PM - Culusow has been in the background for this. And criticism of this deal should be rightly directed at the PM if anyone is unhappy. Anything else smacks of clan coddling. Somalis like drama. And constant, perpetual infighting. Why did the PM announce the formation of a state where he did not consult with the government of 3 of the 5 districts of Mudug? How can this arrangement satisfy the constitutional requirement if the relevant stakeholders and their representatives have not been consulted or invited? How is it the PM didn't pick up the phone and talk to PL and provide clarifications or assurances or anything to ensure that its arrangement would not be met like this? It strikes me as near impossible that the PL president Abdiweli did not know about the efforts here to form some arrangement for the central regions. Did he call the PM with his concerns and ask to have them addressed? Did he suggest a way to bring the unruly clans in the central region together without declaration of a state - since it cannot meet the requirements of one? If the PL president was getting stonewalled - why did he not speak to the IC and the media to air his concerns and get changes in the final agreement rather than walking out of the government? This is a royal cock-up by the PM who has seemed like one who wanted to move the country forward. This arrangement doesn't meet the basic criteria of a state and fails to take into account the key stakeholders required to build a state. Both sides need to find a solution - marginalization/stonewalling and disassociation are not real tactics to move the country forward. El Punto, brother, your outrage at the PM is justified, however, what do you think would have happened if Yuulka-- who I know for a fact knows full well that this scheme is a nonstarter--refused to sign that purported agreement between these parties in the central provinces? I believe if he did not sign, the same accusation of clanism would be leveled against him...If he did not sign, today we would have heard things like... " Oh, he wants to build federal states for his clan and others, but when our HAG clan wants to build our own state, he goes against us" This is precisly the trap Culosow and his clique had set up for Yuulka. So I believe he had no choice but to accept their contrivance knowing full well that it will never see the light of day.
  14. DrK, Culosow and his Moryan cabal's whole agenda is to discredit the federal constitution of Somalia--since these guys know full well that their pipe dream of controlling Somalis under a central government in Mogadishu has failed miserably. So now their modus operandi is to try to create conflict in every corner of the country, so as to claim that federalism cannot be implemented. But ultimately federalism which is the will of a majority of the Somali people shall succeed.
  15. Malistar, How naive do you think Puntlanders are? Why should we blame the PM for something he had nothing to do with, and if anything why blame him for a moryan concocted dream which was delibrately put into play just to discredit the PM in the eyes of the Somali people? As we know Yuulka is a capable PM, unfortunately he has to work with Culosow who is hellbent on thwarting the implementation of the federal constitution. Malistar, this is politics and never forget that you are dealing with the political masterminds of Somalia.
  16. ^ Tallaabo, as usual, you make way more sense defending gay rights on a Somali website than giving your $0.02 on political matters on this same Somali website. This does not mean, however, that I mean to discredit your opinion on this particular matter regarding whether 2 districts in south Mudug should be allowed to cause 3 districts in North Mudug to split from Puntland which is already a functioning and recognized Federal member state. And to prove to you of my earnestness in not wanting to discredit your point view regarding this issue, I too agree that there is nothing wrong with north Mudug breaking away from Puntland and joining this new state, just as it is valid for south Mudug to forget about this new state and join Puntland. Both arguments are valid, but reason and logic stipulate that the will of the majority will prevail. The majority in this case will lead to the choice of the 3 districts tramping the will of the 2 districts. That is ofcourse if fairness and equity are paramount. Also, besides the majority of the people of Mudug being part of Puntland, there is NOT real tangible unity between the brotherly Hag communities of Galmudug and Ximin&Xeeb to really even pull through such a daunting task of stealing away north Mudug from Puntland. So Mr. Tallaabo, please explain to us once again how you suppose this abortion of a scheme to ever see the light of day with such odds marshalled against it?
  17. MEN WHO DO ANY KIND OF HOUSEWORK ARE WOMEN! PERIOD!!! ...not that there is anything wrong with being a woman ofcourse
  18. ^ You are right about Galgaduud, Hiraan and Shabeelaha dhexa ultimately becoming a regional state that is insync with tenents stipulated by the federal constitution...However, about the current constituent provincial members of Puntland and the addition thereto ..bal ku noqo xisaabtaas --O ye with the inexhaustible wisdom!
  19. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Dr.k, the controversy is Puntland may lose all of Mudug including Gaalkacyo and Galdogob. Mudug, FYI, consists of 5 districts. So answer me this, señor Galbeedi with your inexhaustible wisdom, why should 3 districts that are the founding fathers of Puntland,which predates this whole federal state building scheme underway in the country at the moment, have to leave Puntland and join up a new upstart state? Surely a wise and fair mind would support the wisdom in having the 2 districts in Mudug currently looking to form a state to join the other 3 which are already part of Puntland, that is of course, unless for tribal reasons you have a different agenda? Bottom line, in my opinion, is that this new Mudug/ Galgaduud scheme will ultimately fail because their is a tribal agenda driving it. And in Somalia, if the game turns into tribalism, then the D Bloc laandheeryaal will prevail and the history of our country backs this up one hundred and ten percent
  20. As I said, if tribalism rears it's ugly head then everyone will have no choice but to coalesce around their respective clans. But if pragmatism and upholding of the federal constitution is what is in Somalia's interest, then this nonsense about making Galgaduud province and 2 districts in Mudug province into a federal region is a nonstarter. But then again, you can't blame a moryan for wanting to do bililiqo on a whole Somali province.
  21. This is a welcome step for galmudug, ximin&xeeb and Ahlulsunna in the central region of the country to first come together and have a single leadership that can deal with both the federal government and neighboring regional states. However, after this is achieved, it will be upto to the new leadership of this new administration to work on how they will fulfill the "only 2 or more gobols can form a federal region state" requirement in the federal constitution. I believe this will lead to some horse trading which will eventually lead to Galgaduud joining Hiiraan and middle Shabelle provinces, whilst the 2 districts of Hobyo and Xarardheer join up with Puntland. This is the most pragmatic way forward, but first Somalis being what they are, I also believe tribalism will show it's ugly face, where the Hag communities would want all their districts to remain under one federal region, and the D Bloc in the Central provinces will insist to do the same and join up with their kin in Puntland. As usual, I have my popcorn ready and it will be fun to see how things pan out