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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> A morally and financially bankrupt feudal clan fiefdom might carry out an armed robbery in the high seas but it cannot bring instability to the blessed democratic Republic of Somaliland. Neither can a politically neutered habar enclave fool anyone saaxiib...Now, go find yourself a nice cozy tree from which to hang yourself, because as you know the pirates are charging an arm and leg to ship Tahribis from Bosaaso.
  2. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> First of all, your not so subtle prejudice and immoral attitude towards fellow Somalis is noted. Secondly, the belligerent behavior by Puntland can plunge Somalia back into tribal warfare, both in the south and north. Any and all consequences of such possibility or outcome will be Puntland's responsibility. Lastly, the Somali Federal Constitution was never put to vote; Somali public needs to be given the opportunity to vote for or against it. Immoral? How do you mean? Is it our fault that the provinces that make up Puntland are predominantly populated by a single clan? How is being a majority in a particular part of the country immoral? What would you have us do, move? Ridiculous! It is this same 'fellow Somalis' who you accuse me of being prejudice against that refuse to acknowledge what is rightfully mine is mine. And Somalia will never move forward, until the political will of the majority reigns supreme in the country. Ever since the fall of the old regime, so many false pretenders tried to lead without the backing of the majority and have failed miserably. Why do you think the anarchists in Xamar could never rule the country after having taken over the capital of the country? The reason is simple...they did no have the backing of a majority of the Somali people. Why do you think the habro secessionists couldn't breakaway? The reason is the majority of the Somali people do NOT support such nonsense. This is the fact... Somalia will only fully recover when the majority will of the Somali people reigns supreme, and am not saying others cannot have different political agendas, they can. But as long as you don't have the support of the majority of the Somali people then NOTHING DOING saaxiib! Also, blaming Puntland for every little insect that farts is something we Puntlanders have become accustomed to by now,but at the end of the day-- no one can force anything down the throats of Puntlanders. Many have tried and failed, and many more will, but the path the majority wants the country to take will always come out on top. And in this particular time, Puntland wants federalism and since 1998 Puntland has been pushing for federalism, and so far so good. Federalism is being implemented at a good pace. And the least its detractors now can do is to call it names like 'tribal federalism', which I must say, is quite an improvement from the days you used to support Al Shabab, all because of the late A.Y's push to set up the transitional federal government in Xamar. You have come a long way, Che-- but rest assured, I'll always be around to rehabilitate your argagaxiso tendencies
  3. AMISOM will be replaced by UNSOM.. Or rather, these same Contingents in Somalia will be given blue helmets!
  4. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> http://www.garoweonline.com/page/show/post/141/somalia-puntland-sets-intl-presence-condition-for-talks-with-federal-govt Though Puntland's concerns might be legitimate; one cannot have a government within Government. This is the problem with tribal federalism. Che, just because Puntland chooses to keep the leadership of the federal government in Xamar accountable to the federal constitution does NOT make Puntland a government within a government. Puntland has every right to look out for its own interests, and if an independent party is invited to become a fair observer between them and Culosow( who has developed an innate inclination to break agreements, of late)--then so be it. As for your last contemptible remark of some alleged tribal federalism, all I can say to that is... balderdash! Somalia adopted a federal constitution after the long anarchy of the civil war. This agreed upon constitution called for 2 or more provinces amongst the existing 18 provinces could form a federal state. Puntland, if you are yet to comprehend this, is one of these federal states that make up Somalia. Now, if God in his ultimate wisdom and abundance chose to plant a certain contiguous segment of the Somali population-- who also happen to share a common ancestor-- in that part of the country, but did not do the same for the other federal states or prospective future federal states, then by all means, take it up with him!
  5. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> ^ Your cousins are very well represented in both terror and tahriib so spare us the nonsense. That's precisely what I've been saying: Somalilanders are my cousins!
  6. ...and here are the same youth who ran away from that desolation as tahribis, who want to tell us what we can and cannot post on SOL. Adduunyow xaalkaa ba'!
  7. ^ Rubbish! It is definitely because the youth of Somaliland have compiled a record second to none in wretchednes which leads to such pitiful acts. It is a well known fact that the youth that Al Shabab mostly use to carry out suicide attacks in the south are recruited from Somaliland and also a great majority of the tahribis that leave from Bosaaso also happen to be from Somaliland. In short, this is one hell of dreary and hopeless place for any youth to find themselves in and I do understand the mindset that will lead some to such desperate acts-- at least, these guys didn't strap suicide vests on themselves and take down with them some innocents. And as usual, the politicians who lead Somaliland will have us believe that if only the glorious republic of Somaliland was to get recognized, then everything will be fine and dandy. Sheer utter rubbish, I say!
  8. Saaxiib, Gooni, sheekada raqiiska-ah meeshaan kala tag! Mudug, uma baahna Galgaduud. Mudug waxay isku maamul yihiin gobollada Nuguul, Bari, Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn...waa hadii aad indha is-tirayn!
  9. Thanks for sharing Holac! I chuckled a few times
  10. Condoms are for weaklings! Indeed, what's the point? It's like going for a swim whilst wearing a 3-piece Tuxedo with matching shoes! Can I get an amen, Somalis
  11. ^ No fight here, lad. These guys have only affirmed what we've been saying all along and it was only political mooncalves such as yourself who where claiming that the UN had blessed the breakaway of Mudug from Puntland. As everyone can now see for themselves, the UN and other diplomatic representatives of the international community have distanced themselves from such petty buffoonery and wholeheartedly apologized to his "Excellency" Gaas. And now for your last baseless assertion that Kay &CO, by refuting the claims of Puntland territory being a part of this new Central State, have now inadvertently somehow --once again--given their blessing to just Galgaduud and South Mudug forming a federal state, and thereby give this new Central State a raincheck on NOT fullfuling the '2 or more' clause in the federal constitution...What a load bollocks, mate! At this moment, the federal constitution is inviolable. Once the Ahlulsunna, GalMudug and Ximin&Xeeb reconcile and decide to jump on the federal bandwagon, whether as a whole or separately, they will still have to adhere to the "only 2 or more provinces clause" without affecting the territorial integrity of existing federal member states such as Puntland. I've said once and I'll say it again: Puntland is the Federal heavyweight Champion of Somalia, and any featherweight who tries to look its way, gets the fcuk knockout!!! The ball is in your court, kid!
  12. ^ That Somaliland has in common with all other Somalis. But there's an added problem in the north, which is that if you said the criticisms, you and Tallaabo leveled against your home region( rightly, if I might add) inside Somaliland, I believe you would be both sent to Prison and labelled as anti-Somaliland by the politicians. And the sad thing will be, the public who mostly agree with your sentiment will not come to you aid. Saaxiibyaal, let's face it. Riyaale and now Silaanyo were all minions of Mudane Afweyne, who-- God have mercy on him-- ran things a certain way. Silaanyo's whole experience of governance was the rigidity of siyaad's Regime and his dictatorial rule. So when universal tv is banned in Somaliland, this is seen as normal. When journalist are arrested nilly willy, this is seen as normal. And finally, when Tillamook and other Somalis outside the place point these things out, the are called out as mischievous pirates out to deny Somaliland their international recognition...tsk tsk tsk!
  13. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Anyone who believes Somaliland is a normal country is deluded. Somaliland is a place where tribalism is taken more seriously than religion. It is a place where the wife of a minister or a man with slightly more money than you can have you arrested without any questions asked. It is a place where the president claims credit for the investments made by charities. It is a place where the typical citizen is a clan fanatic like Saalax or a relilgious zealot like CiidanSultan. It is a place where people build for themselves large gated villas but then dump their rubbish in the empty plot of land next door. It is a place where the opposition leaders' election campaign is nothing more than a cry for clan loyalty. It is a place where if a citizen wanted to invest in a region other his clan stronghold, an ugly protest would greet him. It is a place where minority clans are treated as sub-humans. I think I should stop here or I will get depressed. Damn Tallaabo, what's up with all the Self-deprecation today? Even if things are not going too well these days in Somaliland, I believe the people of waqooyiga have a golden opportunity now to push aside all the failed politicians currently in charge who think good governance is pushing problems under the carpet, telling lies to the people and arresting anyone who disagrees with them by labeling them as anti-Somaliland. I believe, it is never too late. We need brave men and women of Waqooyiga to stand up and change the status quo in Hargaysa.
  14. Oh Snap! Mooge, wuxuu ku fashilmay oo dhan baad sheegtay, lol Did you say he's pro Puntland and pro Abdulwali? That is the mother of all fashilnimo in the eyes of some!
  15. ^ Bal i noo faahfaahi wuxuu Faisal ku fashilmay, adoo raali?
  16. <cite> @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:</cite> Isqabqabsigaan ma dhamaanaayo. Maxaa ka qaldan gobol walba oo ka tirsan 18 gobol hore u jiray inay sameystaan baarlamaankooda, "madaxweynahooda" iyo guddoonka baarlamaankooda. Maadaama Soomaali ka dhamaan la' anigana "madaxweyne" i dhaha, marka gobol walba guddoomiyaha gobolkooda ha loogu waco "madaxweyne," hana la siiyo awood xoogahoo dheeraad ah. Taas ayaa ugu sahlan. Waxaan kale la isla daba yaacaayo dhib kale lee keeneysaa, xalin meesha uguma jeedi. Meesha ma nacnac baad ku qaybinaysaa marka aad leedahay, <<ha la siiyo>>? Soomaaliya, nin waliba wuxuu leeyahay Keliya ayuu heli doonaa!
  17. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Hehe@gooni This Fuad guy is even funnier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r7kM1OfPp8 Lol @"these rumors may become true or they may not" Like an auctioneer who is about to strike his gavel down, Fuad, has given both sides an incentive to increase their bids for him. So to both Silaanyo & Gaas: Going once...going twice...gone!
  18. ^ You will be "waiting and seeing" for a very long time, if you think Barre will be your savior. The era of the warlord has come and gone in Somalia. Barre is no different from Yalaxow and Qanyare in Xamar who still have a few militias but are unable to budge or cause mischief due to the new political climate in Somalia. If Barre ever hopes to achieve anything, for all those months spent being harangued by Mosquitos in the bushes, he must do things differently. He must build support from his own community instead of relying on some damjadiid failures in Xamar for financial, moral and political support.
  19. Odey Barre just wants a cushy Jubaland portfolio, so the leadership in Kismayo must cut the old man some slack and bring him in from the cold, once and for all!
  20. ^ It's all about the perception of what he can deliver that matters more than the reality of what he can actually deliver. The true source of the SSC problems always stemmed from a misunderstanding within the politicians of the Dervish community, and hopefully getting Xaabsade, Galeyr & others on board for these talks announced by Gaas is a first good step.
  21. Ultimately, the successful implementation of a just tax regime will depend on the accountability of the government. I assure you, the only way am gonna pay taxes to this government is when I see my money being spent on the progress of the nation and people, and I know where every dime is being spent.
  22. Lol Personally, I think folks give Culusow way more credit than he deserves...With that said, the turnout, for Somali standards, was very considerable.
  23. Che, Politics is politics, and most true politicians have no scruples when it comes to the preservation of their self interest. In my opinion, Elder Xaabsade is one of the shrewdest Somali politicians out their. As soon as he realized Silaanyo's political future is uncertain, he decides to return to Garowe through a back door. Naturally, Puntland will use this to further its cause of resolving the problems amongst its SSC constituency. My only advise to Gaas & Camay, is to not get fooled twice!