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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ Gooni sheekada raqiiska ah meeshaan kala dhex bax! Batrool ama batrool la'aan, qof waliba oo ku nool degaanada Puntland-- ama dhalad ha ahaado ama dhul kale haka yimaado ee- waa muwaadin Puntlandi ah. Laakin waxaa muhiim ah inuu qofku u hogaansamo sharciyada iyo dhaqanka u yaal ummada ku nool dhulkaas. Puntland xaq bey u leedaahay inay iska ilaaliso dadka afka duubta, kuwa burcad badeedka ah iyo kuwa tahriibka ku lug leh. Sharciguna isku si' buu uwada qabanayaa kuwa dhaladka ah iyo ku meelaha kale ka yimid!
  2. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Wallahi Alpha deserves to be banned for his constant displays of hatred towards Koonfurians and Muslims on this forum C'mon DrKenney: Don't say anything to get our headless chicken all upset. He needs to worry more about the hedonistic khat chewing marathons at his local Hargaysa marfash and less about a few konfurian skinnies grinding it out on YouTube
  3. ^ But CiidanSuldan, What's good for the goose (is good for the gander) Surely this selfsame sage advice you seek to impress upon these "Kismayo and Mogadishu folks" about "stopping the sexual exploitation of somali women" must first be heeded in the marfishes of Hargaysa. Infact, some folks might be so bold as to also suggest that not only women but young boys as well find themselves victims of sexual abuse in Hargaysa! So what gives saaxiib? Don't you think you should practice in Somaliland what you preach in here?
  4. ^ CidanSuldan, welcome back son! Tell these anarchist HAGs and these bloody d block miscreants not to pimp out "Somali women". Educate them all like you used to and tell 'em Somaliland is the land of milk and honey. That's the spirit... That terrorist sh1t was so unlike you mate, welcome back to your true hapless habar nature.
  5. The modus operandi is very simple: Companies will seek out an African country's resources and use hired mercenaries or their national troops to secure their mining/drilling operations. And thereafter, just sit back and watch the black baboons who own the country fight each other. Good luck Somalis, you've earned your baboon status
  6. China to Deploy Troops to Protect South Sudan Oil Facilities China will send 700 soldiers to protect civilians working at oil facilities in South Sudan, where civil war has raged for almost nine months, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mawien Makol Arik said. Troops will be deployed by November and help protect “vital installations,” reinforcing United Nations peacekeepers already in the country, Arik said by phone today from South Sudan’s capital, Juba. The UN mission’s acting spokesman, Joseph Contreras, said the Chinese forces are part of a troop increase authorized by the UN Security Council in December. No decision has been made about where they will deploy, he said. “Our peacekeepers are not mandated to protect the infrastructure of the oil industry, only civilian workers in that industry who might find themselves caught” up in the violence, Contreras said in an e-mailed response to questions. Conflict erupted in the world’s newest nation in December, pitting President Salva Kiir’s army against rebel forces allied with his former deputy, Riek Machar. Thousands of people have died and more than 1.5 million have fled their homes. The fighting shut down about a third of the country’s oil production, which is pumped by China National Petroleum Corp., Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional Bhd. and India’s Oil & Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC) The companies evacuated some staff from the country because of the violence. Employees Rescued Mongolian peacekeepers in April rescued employees of a Russian oil company in South Sudan’s Unity state who were threatened by fighting between the army and rebels, Contreras said. “This does not reflect any privileged status for civilian oil-industry workers, they were eligible for our support simply because they were civilians facing a threat of physical violence at the time,” he said. China currently has 350 troops in South Sudan, mostly military engineers deployed in Western Bahr el-Ghazal, Warrap and Lake states, according to Contreras. Personnel in other locations include medical staff and three military liaison officers, he said. To contact the reporters on this story: Mading Ngor in Juba at mngor@bloomberg.net; Ilya Gridneff in Nairobi at igridneff@bloomberg.net To contact the editors responsible for this story: Paul Richardson at pmrichardson@bloomberg.net Michael Gunn
  7. I had hoped for a stand alone Apple watch; but this nonsense, about carrying my iPhone along with it at all times, is a deal breaker for me. I will wait for the next iteration, which will hopefully work without an iPhone.
  8. Illaahayoow sharkooda naga du', khayrkoodana na sii... Xiinfaniin, soo laabasho wacan awoowe!
  9. That's because they've been keeping themselves busy with the inauguration of their next ambassador to Konfuria( Godane's cousin).
  10. ^ Being realistic, in itself, does not necessarily entail that we should loose hope. WE MUST PERSEVERE!
  11. ^ Hear, hear... Now that the bogeyman is dead, I wonder what new contrivance awaits the Somali people?
  12. ^ Mooge, don't rub salt onto their wounds: Did you really have to include that last remark about Puntland?
  13. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Indeed. Even neighboring countries have closed their borders. Some people might claim but the IC doesn't affect us however deteriorated relations with closest neighboring countries will obviously affect you in terms of travel and trade restrictions and other things. Lol... I like how Somaliland politicians always fail to tell the people the truth. It was UNSOM who were behind the closing of the the so-called border. After the administration in Hargaysa refused to cooperate with President Kay in Xamar because of some nonsense about being independent and not being part of his jurisdiction, Ethiopia and Djibouti who are both troop contributing countries to the UN mission in Somalia, where asked to limit access to the "borders" they now control. On top of that, certain funds heading to Hargaysa politicians were also limited and as we all know, after it got a bit hot for Silanyo and his clique, they were quick to invite Nicholas Kay back to Hargaysa for some sort of rapprochement. Nicholas went and ordered them to fully support the UN stabilization agenda for ALL of Somalia-- including their little enclave. But as of yet, the hardheaded habros haven't yet given in fully to his demands, which among other things explains why all of sudden the international community has started to support President Galeyr and his Khaatumo project. The secessionists know they are fighting a losing battle, which is why we are hearing all this bleating sounds coming from Hargaysa. They know, they have no choice but to support the UNSOM 2016 road map for Somalia or else things will get real ugly real fast for the politicians currently running the place-- but at the same time, these same politicians don't have balls to start reprogramming all the people they've been misleading all these years, who they've been telling that recognition is just around the corner. Imagine, Silanyo trying to convince the youth who for the last 23 years were being lied to that there is no such thing as an independent Somaliland and that they are all still an integral part of Somalia and therefore share a common destiny with our Somali brethren: I say, good luck Silanyo.. Also why do you guys think SOLers like Xaaji Maalaayacni and Oodka--who always used to chat Sh!t about some claptrap of an independent Somaliland--have stopped gracing us with their unwanted presence on this forum? I believe, they now know the delusions and lies have come to an abrupt and climatic conclusions, rendering the rubbish they used to post on this forum unnecessary
  14. Hargeisa is doing well because it was and still IS the 2nd capital of Somalia. The purported democracy of Somaliland is a farce-- solely orchestrated to fool the international Community into bestowing recognition-- and was never genuine, because if it was, then ALL the people of waqooyiga would have been reaping the benefits, not just the politicians in Hargaysa.
  15. ^ The DNA of any laangaab seccessionist will suffice, I guess!
  16. ^ O ye disbeliever! This here is the Puntland version of walmart, so why do you gotta hate, hater?
  17. If this news is true, then most definitely Silaanyo has stopped paying the blackmail monies he used to send to these guys.
  18. Oh so now, Malistar of SOL wants us to believe that Mudane Qeybdiid is gonna wage holy jihad on Gaas from Baraxley, miyaa? On what basis, might we ask?
  19. God bless Caasimada for uncovering this evil plot of the bloody pirates
  20. Another positive step in the right direction! Laying a strong bureaucratic foundation is of utmost importance. Test everyone in the government to make sure the right person is doing the right job for the right reasons.