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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Rubbish. Only laangaabs try to hide and seek shelter under the Somali umbrella! If you wanna reconcile with me: come on out in the open without cloaking yourself with this nonsense known as somalinimo. Come out in the open. Who are you? Why are we at odds with one another? What do you want? What do I want? Let's talk man to man, family to family, clan to clan! Only then will we reconcile.
  2. ^ Masha-Allah, Tallaabo, if you mean to tell us that everything is fine and dandy and that your lot are as happy as pigs in shit, then who am I to disagree, huh? Let's move along to something of more concern to your blessed and verdant republic of Somaliland .. Who was beheaded and who was bombed in Syria?
  3. Bloody amateurs Every Somali clan on sol has a unique alias which can enable you to speak of Somali politics and whatever clan you want without directly mentioning their respective forbidden names. For instance, just yesterday the Pirate president of Puntland signed an agreement with the Kacaan prime minister of the Somali Federal government. Naturally Bililiqo Inc. in Xamar were not happy about this agreement and so decided to hold their own press briefing to condemn said agreement. See how easy that was... Now give it a shot without breaking the rules of the website! Tell us why do you suppose they went against the Garowe agreement between The Feds and Puntland?
  4. ^ lol @ " we are cutting off the ties with the federal government but especially the office of the prime minister "Fad ama ha fadin waa lagu fadsiin" has spoken!
  5. ^ Clearly you're suffering from the Silanyo syndrome( sweeping problems under the rugs). Saaxiib, the elctorial process is in shambles with the opposition parties calling for war and and Silanyo being adamant about cheating his way to a second term. The pursuit for international recognition has come to a quick and brutal end. The youth are suffering and fleeing the place. Surely with these problems and many more too numurous to list, why the eff would you give a damn about Syria and Iraq? Saaxiib, tiisa daryeela tu kale Ku dara!
  6. Lol... It seems our resident secessionist Habros of somaliaonline have all found themselves a new pet project: being for or against the groups engaged in the conflict in Syria and Iraq. Have any of y'all ever wondered why these hapless secessionist Habros give a damn about the conflicts of the Middle East, when they could easily discuss and debate the myriad problems of their little enclave. Answer me this: why do you care about Yazidiz when Habro youth hang themselves and die in droves on the high seas? Why would you support the terrorists groups of the M.E when the youth of Somaliland need your support! Saaxiibyaal, caqlixumo ayaa idinku goobatay ee bal sida isku dhaama!
  7. What the hell is going on in Hargaysa these days! It seems the place has turned into a circus clown show. c'mon my habros, this is very unbecoming of my favorite Somali people.
  8. Malistar, Thanks for sharing the news, but I was hoping you'd share with us what your thoughts are about this agreement, signed between The Puntland State of SOMALIA and the Federal Government of SOMALIA? Also, please opine upon what impact-- if any-- that it could have on the "fad ama ha fadin, waa lagu fadsiin" philosophy you were so keen on championing? Thanks!
  9. Song of the Andoumboulou: 85 By Nathaniel Mackey Came now to another crossroads. Stick people stood awaiting us, to the left, straight ahead, to the right. What was that song you sang, they asked, spoke without sound sound’s immanence, not without song but only one song, the one song summon­- ing song’s eclipse... The one song sang song’s inconsequence, crooned it could not’ve been otherwise, song song’s own lament... The one song sang song’s irrelevance, we were exhausted, we looked straight ahead, left, right. The stick people’s question fa­- tigued us, glyphed riddle whose decipherment they said we’d someday be, exegetes against our will... Lack, reluctance, pallor, eidolon. Crossroads cryptogram, they themselves were sing- ­ing, nothing not what could be seen they said, soul not sign if not eyelight, song more what could be seen than they could say, wan unwillingness they said... Slick stick people, tricky, soul a sick thing they said... Signs all said Stick City. Stick City straight ahead, to the left, to the right, signs pointed every which way... Stick sublimity sent us reeling, a we that wasn’t we against one that was. Mass, intangible we it was we were, beads thrown off in a row... We’d have given anything to get to Stick City and there we were. Whatever way we took would take us there. Stick City loomed ahead and to the left and to the right, any which way but in back of us, Stick City meant no turning back... Signs all said Stick City. We read them all out loud, “Stick City.” “Styxicity,” Itamar quipped... It wasn’t water we crossed, it wasn’t hell we were in. Stick City housed our hearts’ desires we were told, Stick City stood without end or assistance, line long since what stuck... Line was all point, point all extensity, stick’s own deictic drop... No longer point less point than point’s target, Stick City made them one and the same... So it was on to where the signs said next, Stick the one place we were yet to arrive at, Diddie Wa Diddie’s twin. A winding road it now was we were on, so curved we could see our backs. No work, no worry up ahead we heard, music’s utopic stir... Hogs lay stuck with knives and forks, chickens likewise we heard. A wall of beats for backup, Stick City way off somewhere... As quick as that we were there, Stick City. It wasn’t the way we heard it was. Everyone limped, walked with a cane, no way how we heard it was... As quick as that there we were. Stick City lay before us, lied about. Legbaland it might’ve been... Diddie Wa Diddie’s non-identical twin if twin it was, no way the way we heard it was • Stick-figure escorts ushered us in, pointed out what was what. Stick people's gait was flawless, they said, unstick people limped on sticks... A strand of horsehair lay in the road, hair from a horse's tail. Come rain it became a snake, would-be stick though Stick City said no... It was getting to be late again, the arcade's light less intense... Come night we lay under a horse, shouted voiceless trying to wake each other up and woke up, coiled hair stiffened with earwax, as if at last we were Stick City's own... Not so we saw soon enough. No home, no haven was it, noise what of it we could keep... West L.A. it might've been, Saint-Pierre it might've been wélélé no matter where we were... Stick symphony. Ictic sashay... Head bob atop watery neck, nod homage, noise, names came loose. What of it we kept we kept in name only, “Stick City” ours to hold on to. Chance it might've meant, I Ching, no place but we were long since gone... Where sign had been sound X marked it, stick bisected stick. Signal some said, noise's alternate, half where we were nowhere near where we were, were where's discontent... It was getting to be light again, noise the new day's largesse. Sound was what sign turned out from, sound itself exed out... What the song was we sang no longer what we were asked, stick inquisitors gathered, mum to the bone. Frown, furrowed brow, grimace the glyphs met us, faces lined up in a row. Line was what pressed us, point egged us on, what the song was we sang no song we sang, what the song was we sang moot... The strand-of-horsehair-become-a-snake became a rope around our necks, rope what the song we sang was. We'd have given anything to say Stick City was where we were... Breath it was we gave, rope round our necks... We were neck- less, bobbing heads, barbershop xtet, calabashes hit with sticks. Whatever we were, whatever noise there was we made ours. “This is our dispatch,” we said... Euphemistic necktie, eu- phemistic float. Horsehair tickling the tops of our throats. Wet, euphemistic scruff... As it was getting to be noon we got our necks and bodies back. A cartoon watch dog bit us, a pinscher with painted lips. We were stick people now, initiates. Stick legs only a blur, we were running, pant legs and hem- lines ripped... Cross. Chiliasm. Crisis. Stick bisected stick. More hopeless the less we needed it, less real the more shot with stick vaccine, less real the more stick we were... Stick inquisitors fell away as we went in. Stick City disappeared as we ran deeper. Too late to turn back, we were twigs, kindling, dispatch gone up in smoke... We were jíbaros, hicks, cuatro ping in back of us, howled, “Aylelolay lolelay.” We stood absorbed in what felt like advent. We stood on a plane cut thru an adverse cone. Low, rummaging burr, the sound we sought sought us, we the make-believe dead more dead than we knew... Syllabic run was more alive than we were, bass clack bugling disaster, brute sun outside the nod house door ______________ Crossroads though it was it seemed an impasse, stick as in stuck we thought. Stick as in stone's accomplice, Quag's bone- yard remit... Insofar as there was an I it fell in, a brass bell's everted lips now convergent, shush we were hollowed by. Insofar as there was an I it was as each of us insisted, as far as there was an I, stick beating stick, there was an X... Crux... Cross... Crutch... Legs' Osirian soulstrut lost, Legbaland it was and we limped on, limped in, Stick City's outskirts endless it seemed, no matter we leaned on sticks... Were there an I it stood like a stick, mum-stuff crossing itself. Insofar as there was an I it was an X taking shape, there but to be gone if not no sooner there than gone, glass house holding its own ______________ We knew we wore skeleton suits. We knew we walked holding placards. “Dead from Day One” they read, part requiem, part rebuke... What lay around us had the sound of steam. Low-motion lurk. Time-lapse cascade. Stick City city limits notwithstanding, glass intangibles allowed what was lost otherwise, gripless in the house outside the house... It slipped away and we slipped away and it slipped away, Stick City a mirage nod concocted, not to be be- lieved but we did though it receded, nod Nub's emic retreat
  10. [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] By E. E. Cummings i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
  11. <cite> @Dhagax-Tuur said:</cite> ^Goormaa Soomaali noqoneysaa oo Puntland booska labaad ee aqoonsigaaga shaqsiyadeed galeysaa? Have to agree, qabiil driven friends of Bosaaso have pulled off a good one. I only wish that they were driven by Soomaalinimo. Imagine, I know it's hard for you to even entertain the thought, all of them working hard to twin our capital with Minnesota! Guess, they will all get a good welcome in Bosaaso, next time the organizers head there. Congrats. This post of yours wreaks of ignorance and lack of substance! First and foremost, Bosaaso will share twin city status with the city of Minneapolis and not Minnesota(The State) per the wishes of a considerable population of Puntlanders which lives in the Minneapolis metropolitan area. Secondly, don't cast unnecessary aspersions on the wishes of the people who lobbied their city government to twin their curent home city of Minneapolis to a city in their native region and country, just because of your low self esteem issues. The twinning of Bosaaso and Minneapolis makes sense, but twinning Mogadishu with Minneapolis does not--Mogadishu being our national capital which deserves to be twinned to other national capitals around the world, such as D.C or London or Paris. And for your information, Mogadishu has been twinned with Ankara, Turkey and many more other capitals will follow! Now go take a break from you cuqdad before it really causes you to fall off a cliff, or better yet... Don't!
  12. Since this is just hearsay, I will wait for the official statement from President Silanyo as to his presidential aspirations which knowing him, I believe, will remain unchanged.
  13. It is indeed a good move to broaden the tax base. For far too long have many businesses in Somalia thrived without paying their fair share to the country. I must also add, the enforcement of tax collection must be vigorously coupled with a very strict Audit system which will ensure that the revenues collected from taxation are not lost to corruption, mismanagement and waste. President Gaas must soon create a State Auditor's office which will have immence powers to prosecute anyone stealing the publics tax monies and provide transparency to where the taxes are spent. This will ensure that the average Faarax pays his taxes knowing full well where his money is going and what it is being used for.
  14. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Tillamook, is it true Pland will have to contribute money to the federal budget as part of any negotiated deal? Yes. If these talks lead to an agreement to faithfully implement the federal framework-- then revenue sharing between All the regional states and the federal government will occur. However; before this can happen-- the leadership of the federal government must accept Puntland's demands that the federal constitution be fully implemented: Which means, respecting the "ONLY 2 or more provinces can form a regional member state" clause of the constitution. Which among other things also includes the creation of a free and fair judiciary branch of the federal government and the formation of an upper House of Parliament similar to the Senate of the United States, where direct representatives of the federal member states can debate and pass laws that will govern their respective states. There is a lot on the table, but at the end of the day, the success of these talks will be determined by the willingness of President Culosow to fully support the federalization process, something I personally feel he is unwilling or unable to do because of his misplaced loyalties to damjadiid which is nothing more than Al Shabab dressed in suits!
  15. ^ The talks will begin tomorrow and the outcome is anyone's guess, but Puntland has made the presense of the international community a prerequisite for any talks with the federal government. However this does not mean that Xaaji Culusow has given his blessing to these talks. In fact, he downplayed the Prime Minister's trip to Puntland-- saying that, Yuulka is only in Puntland to take part in the National flag day celebrations and refrained from mentioning any of the things that Puntland and the federal government are at loggerheads about. In any case, the talks have begun and we will await the outcome with bated breath.
  16. The West will never risk pushing Turkey into the welcoming arms of Putin. This thread, along with the mooncalf who started it, is a nonstarter!
  17. ^ Barwaaqo quruxleey, oo maxaad igu nacday aniga? You know you are ma favorite gal, right?
  18. So Malistar, your Qeybdiid love affair eventually turned out to be--yet again, like Barre Hiraale before him-- an unproductive wet dream after-all, eh? I realize being a keyboard Moryaan on SOL has never been so much fun or so easy, but c'mon dude! Did you honestly think that Qeybdiid's shenanigans were ever gonna amount to anything substantive for Culosow wayward political buffoonery? Failure after failure after failure.... When shall it end, Malistar?
  19. Lol I like how Malistar keeps getting wet dreams over failed warlords like Qeybdiid! Saaxiib, have you not learnt your lesson from your backing of Barre Hiraale?
  20. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Loool Tillamook Where is Xaaji Xunjuf these days? Doctor, saaxiib, political failures on SOL tend to go AWOL once they realize the futility of the hogwash they've been peddling on this forum. Xaaji Maalaayacni is one among many, on a long list of failures who have come on SOL to preach a foolish flash in the pan political point of view that was wholly and definitively found wanting with regards to the affairs of Somalia. But fear not saaxiib, you and I shall face any and all bullshiteers who try to bring to this forum rubbish that is not in the interest of Somalia. We shall face them with stout hearts and a zero tolerance for nonsense, and-- like the patriotic sentinels that we are-- we shall watch them scurry back to the rat holes from whence they crawled out of
  21. That photo-op was well orchestrated with that beautiful background about a fictitious "republic of Somaliland", up until the unexpected glitch occurred where the Norwegian ambassador to SOMALIA reiterated that there is only ONE SOMALIA and that Hargaysa admin better be pragmatic in their politics. However, it is unfortunate that the Norwegian ambassador does not realize that the laangaab politics practiced in Hargaysa is by its very nature hopelessly impractical and foolish. The funny thing about this secessionist policy of the Hargaysa politicians is that most people of the Habro clan know it is nonviable and so too do other Somalis from the rest of the country, know too, that under these current conditions, the secession of the Habro clan is unworkable--especially with the current leadership; and so what baffles the mind is why these same politicians don't openly admit the failure of their unachieved objective and maybe suggest a plan B to the Habro. And to make things even worse, the big guns of the so-called international community like Europe and the U.S do not want to breakup Somalia because at this particular time the breakup of a country that is wholly and easily within their hegemonic domain is not to their interest. Think of it this way: Somalia is currently a single dollar bill in the pocket of the west, now the west chooses to keep this bill intact safely tucked within the folds of their pocket, but they may come a time when it becomes in their interest to break that particular dollar bill into quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies-- but fortunately it is not in their interest at this point in time So to my secessionist colleagues of SOL, I say, " better luck next time, chaps!" It is time to pursue a different policy...A policy which can ensure somaliland's political relevance within Somalia and one which will ensure that the Habro clan thrives and prospers with their fellow Somali brothers and sisters in Somalia.
  22. I would have called Culusow's first two years in office a success if he had managed to dismantle Jubaland and instead of President Axmad Islam he had a Barre or Baasto running things in Kismaayo. I would have called him a success if Madoobe Nuunow and his 6 state adminstration were running the shots in Baidoa. I would still give him kudos if Qeybdiid could get off the ground the recently announced abortion named the Central State of Somalia. But since none of these thing have happened and Culusow's political plans are all in shambles-- then we can safely assume and without any regrets call this fool of a president out for what he truly is... A sheer utter failure of infinite proportions!
  23. Lol@ "Adduunkiina wuxuu inoo arkay inaynu maamul-goboleed nahay illahay inagama dhigee" Boowe, yaa usheega Illaahay inuu maamul-goboleednimada ugu sii daray laangaabnimo, caqlixumo iyo siyaasadxumo