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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Lol @ "Tani way galbatayee aanu runta isku sheegno!" :D
  2. The determination of the political future of the peoples of the provinces of Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabeele and the subsequent formation of the Southwest State Of Somalia should be left to the Clan Elders and Educated ELites of the communities that live in those provinces, and should not be influenced by Sharif Sakiin, Madoobe Nuunow and Speaker Jawari-- who all have a track record of being corrupt, dishonest and not pursuing the interest of their community. And most definitely, President Culusow and his filthy damjadiid cabal should keep their hands off this conference to build the Southwest State Of Somalia. If am wrong, our resident "Editor"-in-chief, MMA, can correct me!
  3. ^ Galbeedi, saaxiib, I don't think the powers that be will allow things to spiral to such depths this time. What we have in the president and his prime minister are 2 individuals with opposing views on the federalization program that the Vision 2016 calls for. The President for very obvious and myopic reasons feels that federalism isn't in the interest of his constituents and in turn the influence and power his close Damjadiid cronies have. On the other side, the PM is genuine about fully implementing the federalization program that the provinsional constitution calls and that most Somalis or their representatives have agreed on, and on which the President and the PM were sworn to uphold. This is the true source of this current spat between the 2 leaders. However, the President's reaction was wrong and shortsighted, and he has only achieved to corner himself with this latest shananigans about a minister whose portfolio was switched. In any case, now, it's upto to the international community to help Culusow save face whilst ensuring their Vision 2016 program is not impaired in anyway, whatsoever. How they do that is anyone's guess-- but I assure you, the days of damjadiid political influence on Somalia's high offices has come to an end. ... and good riddance too
  4. What's going on in Hargaysa? That's what I'd like to know personally, Cidanka?
  5. <cite> @thefuturenow said:</cite> He's done. You heard it here first. Nonsense. If this news were true, then our resident damjadiid mouthpiece would have shared this wonderful and glorious news. Until then.. We await confirmation from Mudane Malistar of SOL
  6. Echo and the Lover by Anonymous Lover. Echo! mysterious nymph, declare Of what you ’re made, and what you are. Echo. Air! Lover. Mid airy cliffs and places high, Sweet Echo! listening love, you lie. Echo. You lie! Lover. Thou dost resuscitate dead sounds,— Hark! how my voice revives, resounds! Echo. Zounds! Lover. I ’ll question thee before I go,— Come, answer me more apropos! Echo. Poh! poh! Lover. Tell me, fair nymph, if e’er you saw So sweet a girl as Phœbe Shaw. Echo. Pshaw! Lover. Say, what will turn that frisking coney Into the toils of matrimony? Echo. Money! Lover. Has Phœbe not a heavenly brow? Is not her bosom white as snow? Echo. Ass! No! Lover. Her eyes! was ever such a pair? Are the stars brighter than they are? Echo. They are! Lover. Echo, thou liest, but can’t deceive me. Echo. Leave me! Lover. But come, thou saucy, pert romancer, Who is as fair as Phœbe? Answer! Echo. Ann, sir.
  7. The Belle of the Ball by Winthrop Mackworth Praed YEARS, years ago, ere yet my dreams Had been of being wise or witty, Ere I had done with writing themes, Or yawned o’er this infernal Chitty,— Years, years ago, while all my joys Were in my fowling-piece and filly; In short, while I was yet a boy, I fell in love with Laura Lilly. I saw her at the county ball; There, when the sounds of flute and fiddle Gave signal sweet in that old hall Of hands across and down the middle, Hers was the subtlest spell by far Of all that sets young hearts romancing: She was our queen, our rose, our star; And then she danced,—O Heaven! her dancing. Dark was her hair; her hand was white; Her voice was exquisitely tender; Her eyes were full of liquid light; I never saw a waist so slender; Her every look, her every smile, Shot right and left a score of arrows: I thought ’t was Venus from her isle, And wondered where she ’d left her sparrows. She talked of politics or prayers, Of Southey’s prose or Wordsworth’s sonnets, Of danglers or of dancing bears, Of battles or the last new bonnets; By candle-light, at twelve o’clock,— To me it mattered not a tittle,— If those bright lips had quoted Locke, I might have thought they murmured Little. Through sunny May, through sultry June, I loved her with a love eternal; I spoke her praises to the moon, I wrote them to the Sunday Journal. My mother laughed; I soon found out That ancient ladies have no feeling: My father frowned; but how should gout See any happiness in kneeling? She was the daughter of a dean,— Rich, fat, and rather apoplectic; She had one brother just thirteen, Whose color was extremely hectic; Her grandmother for many a year Had fed the parish with her bounty; Her second cousin was a peer, And lord-lieutenant of the county. But titles and the three-per-cents, And mortgages, and great relations, And India bonds, and tithes and rents, O, what are they to love’s sensations? Black eyes, fair forehead, clustering locks,— Such wealth, such honors Cupid chooses; He cares as little for the stocks As Baron Rothschild for the muses. She sketched; the vale, the wood, the beach, Grew lovelier from her pencil’s shading: She botanized; I envied each Young blossom in her boudoir fading: She warbled Handel; it was grand,— She made the Catilina jealous: She touched the organ; I could stand For hours and hours to blow the bellows. She kept an album too, at home, Well filled with all an album’s glories,— Paintings of butterflies and Rome, Patterns for trimmings, Persian stories, Soft songs to Julia’s cockatoo, Fierce odes to famine and to slaughter, And autographs of Prince Leeboo, And recipes for elder-water. And she was flattered, worshipped, bored; Her steps were watched, her dress was noted; Her poodle-dog was quite adored; Her sayings were extremely quoted. She laughed,—and every heart was glad, As if the taxes were abolished; She frowned,—and every look was sad, As if the opera were demolished. She smiled on many just for fun,— I knew that there was nothing in it; I was the first, the only one, Her heart had thought of for a minute. I knew it, for she told me so, In phrase which was divinely moulded; She wrote a charming hand,—and O, How sweetly all her notes were folded! Our love was most like other loves,— A little glow, a little shiver, A rosebud and a pair of gloves, And “Fly Not Yet,” upon the river; Some jealousy of some one’s heir, Some hopes of dying broken-hearted; A miniature, a lock of hair, The usual vows,—and then we parted. We parted: months and years rolled by; We met again four summers after. Our parting was all sob and sigh, Our meeting was all mirth and laughter! For in my heart’s most secret cell There had been many other lodgers; And she was not the ball-room’s belle, But only Mrs.—Something—Rogers!
  8. Odey, I disagree... Culusow is one power hungry numbskull of a President who will stoop to very low levels to ensure the negative influence of his damjadiid overlords have on the federalization program in the country , and will do everything and anything to undermine the rule of law in Somalia. On the other hand, you have a Prime Minister who wants the federal system to get fully implemented and to do so, understands the necessity of sidelining Damjadiid who from the get go have done their best to place roadblocks on the path of the Federalization project in Somalia. Ultimately, this flawed constitution that our friend above spoke of--however provisional, it might-- is the law of the land. If it says, the president has a say on how the PM manages his cabinet, then by all means-- he will come out the victor in this political scuffle. But I believe, the PM would not have reshuffled his cabinet if he did not beleieve he had the authority to do so provided to him by the constitution.
  9. ^ Keep going in circles, like a kitten playing with its tail, all you want. The PM has the authority to reshuffle his cabinet. If the president is unhappy about the sidelining of his allies in key ministerial positions, then he should resist that using the powers given to him by the constitution. At the end of the day, the final arbiter of this spat between the president and pm will be the constitution. And as you know... gari labo qof kama wada qosliso!
  10. Clearly the PM is playing hardball, while Culusow fumbles about in the dark.
  11. Malistar, yet again, you are fighting a hopeless battle You keep asking why is this "kacaanist" removing Farah, but yet you fail to get through that thick skull of yours that the PM has the authority given to him by the constitution to reshuffle and dismiss ministers from his cabinet as he deems necessary.
  12. ^ Thanks for sharing with us the accomplishments of the former minister of Justice. We now hope you will continue to do so as Minister Farah takes his expertise and hardwork to the Ministry of Veterinary services.
  13. The constitution is clear. The prime minister has the power to dismiss and reshuffle his cabinet as he pleases. All Culusow can do is make noise now--only to be silenced by the constitution.
  14. ^ Lol Amin Amir is a clown... Ha ha ha Is it me or whenever a damjadiid ally of the President in the cabinet is either fired or sidelined, the FGS functions much better. For instance, when the former defense minister was removed-- the trouble Culusow used to cause in Jubaland was greatly diminished. When the former interior minister was removed, Al Shabab's activities in Xamar have been greatly reduced. And now with Farah sidelined, hopefully the work of the national court system and the implementation of a functioning and independent judiciary can begin. I wish Yuulka all the best of luck in neutralizing Damjadiid, who are nothing more that Al Shabab in suits.
  15. Isku Shaandheynta Xukuumada Federaalka iyo Doorashada 2016 xasan-iyo-faarax Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cabdiweli Shiikh Axmed oo todobaadkan dib ugu soo noqday magaalada Muqdisho kadib safaro dibada uu ku tagay ayaa markii ugu horeysay sameeyey isku shaandheyn qaar kamid ah Wasaaradaha Dowlada Federaalka. Wasiirkii Dastuurka iyo Cadaalada ee Federaalka Faarax Sheekh Cabduqaadir ayaa loo wareejiyey Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha Dhirta iyo Daaqa, waxaana xilkiisii lagu wareejiyey Saalim Caliyow oo horay u hayey xilka Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha, Dhirta iyo Daaqa. Sidoo kale qaar kamid ah Wasiir kuxigeenada iyo Wasiiru-dawlayaal ayaa xilalka loo kala wareejiyey waxaana kamid ah: Maaliyada & Arrimaha Dibada Cabdullaahi Sheekh Cali Qalloocow ayaa loo magacaabay Wasiir ku-xigeenka Maaliyadda. Wasiir ku-xigeenka Arrimaha dibadda iyo dhiirrigelinta maalgashiga waxaa loo magacaabay Cabdiraxmaan Cabdi Cismaan. Wasiiru-dowlaha Maaliyadda Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur ayaa loo wareejiyey Wasaarada Arrimaha dibadda iyo Dhiirrigelinta Maalgashiga. Waxaa xilkaas hada la wareegaya Burci Maxamed Xamse oo laga soo wareejiyey Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibadda. Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga Mahad Maxamed Salaad ayaa loo magacaabay Wasiir ku-xigeenka Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah. Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Fahmo Axmed Nuur ayaa loo magacaabay Wasiir ku-xigeenka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha. Isku shaandheyntan ayaa kusoo beegmaysa xili la hadal hayo in Raysalwasaaraha iyo Madaxweynaha Federaalka si weyn isugu khilaafsan yihiin hawlaha qaar kamid ah Wasaaraddaha xukuumada Federaalka. Raysalwasaare Cabdiweli Shiikh Axmed ayaa isku saandheyntan kusoo beegay xili ay socdaan hawlo muhiim ah oo saameyn ku yeelan kara Doorashada 2016. Doorashada 2016 Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Cadaaladda ayaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay waday hawlo la xariira dhanka Dastuurka iyo waliba sidii Garsoorka loo hoos keeni lahaa wasaaradda arrintaasi oo ay ka dhalatay murran soo dhexgalay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamada sare iyo Wasiirka. Waxaa jira warar sheegaya in xubnaha ku dhaw dhaw Madaxweyne Xassan Shiikh Maxamuud ay si weyn xiligan ugu mashquulsan yihiin sidii loogu sii gogol xaari lahaa sidii ay saameyn ugu yeelan lahaayeen hay’adaha la filayo inay ansixiyaan Baarlamaanka soo dooran doona hogaanka cusub 2016. Arrintan ayaa la xariirta in ay sii yaraatay rajadii laga qabay in shacabka ay wax doortaan 2016. Dastuurka Waxaa sidoo kale socda dib u eegis lagu wado dastuurka Federaalka oo horey qodobo badan looga saaray arrintaasi oo keentay xiisado siyaasadeed oo caqabad ku noqday dhismaha maamulada gobalada. xassanArrimahan ayaa loo aaneenayaa inay la xariirto xil wareejinta lagu sameeyey Wasiirkii hore ee Dastuurka iyo Cadaalada Faarax oo isagu kamid ah xubnaha laf dhabarta u ah xisbiga Madaxweyne Xassan Shiikh Maxamuud. Raysalwasaare Cabdiweli ayaa isbedaladan ku dhaqaaqay kadib markii Madaxweynaha isku afgaran waayeen habka loo maareenayo caqabadaha xukuumada Federaalka hortaagan. Hussein Farah Horseed Media
  16. ^ Opposing federalism without suggesting an alternative that works is just plain madness. Those who are against federalism in Somalia must have a functioning alternative to sell to the Somali people. Federalism allows each region/province to develop from the grassroots level--which in Somalia is a definite plus--owing to the fact that Somalia is recovering from a 2 decade long civil war and so much mistrust.
  17. Poor Tallaabo and his fellow hapless Habro of SOL <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> I think the only dreamer here is you. If as you claimed Somaliland has neither natural resources nor a useful human capital, why is then Koonfuria so obsessed with it? Why don't you and your follow koonfurians let this small patch of dry and worthless corner of Africa with few nomads living on it go its separate way and keep all the wealth and blessing in the South for the people of that region alone? I am sure if you guys leave us alone to get on with our lives everyone will be happy. The koonfurians will get to enjoy all their oil, gas, mineral, fish, and agricultural wealth alone without worrying about sharing anything with the poor folks from the North; and the Somalilanders will be content with the little they have and will never bother you. I like how you accuse others of "Bacaac" when you yourself, and that screed of yours quoted above, takes the crown of all bleating sounds. Saaxiib, are we holding guns to your head? No. Are the rest of your fellow Somalis occupying your land? That, too, is an emphatic No! So why do you seem it fit to blame your leaders' uselessness and failures of achieving international recognition on the rest of Somalia? It is the abject buffoonery and shameful incompetency of your own leaders and politicians that is the true cause of the lack of international recognition for that tiny God- forsaken marfash enclave. Silaanyo & Co. have been unable to use the golden opportunity they had for the last 24 yrs-- where the rest of Somalia was in disarray-- to their advantage, to gain international recognition. So no need to snap at us like a defanged snake. Go blame your leaders!
  18. The revolution was more than Siyaad and his mistakes. A lot was achieved, although something more important was lost in 69. At the end of the day, we must commemorate the achievements of the Kacaaan, as well as condemn its mistakes. The Kacaan is Somali history now. We must learn from it, and move on! It's retarded of you guys to accuse everyone and anyone who acknowledges the many successes of the Kacaan as doing so merely for clan reasons.
  19. Sense has always been in short supply in that part of Somalia, but it is always good to see a Somalilander who has finally woken up from the self- induced delirium of international recognition. I just hope whoever becomes the new president in the forthcoming elections will have the necessary mettle needed to reprogram the brainwashed masses! The Federal government should also play its part and help the Habros back into the Somali family.
  20. Au contraire, Mr. Tallaabo, The 4.5 formula did achieve its intended purpose because it established a nascent and faltering Transitional Federal Government into an internationally recognized and Legitimate Federal Government of Somalia in Mogadishu. So I totally disagree with you that it has failed. It brought Somalia out from a place and time that we all would rather not return to, or maybe in your case, the secessionists would prefer the warlords of Xamar and the conflicts of the south to return? So there you have it: 4.5 has served us well. It stabilized the politics of the country. It helped us agree to run our country under a federal system of governance, where eventually every region will directly send its own representatives to the federal parliament thus rendering the 4.5 formula obsolete. This will take time, of course, and will take a lot of headaches and disagreements before it is realized. But ultimately Somalis will share their country and resources under a federal system which at the moment is the most fair and pragmatic way to govern Somalia after all we've been through.
  21. ^ Anigu kuwa gacmaha cun cunayo ayaan ka mid ahay? Lol @ MMA Nice one.... Thanks for editing my post. Talk about low self- confidence.... Ha ha ha