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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Xaaji Maalaayacni, welcome back from your self-imposed hiatus Saaxiib, shit hit the fan in Hargaysa with Silanyo arresting and killing people left and right, acting like the true dictator he was born to become... And you come back to SOL to tell us that Somaliland is taking new lands by force. Is this not the same force that was used against those poor civilians in Burco just yesterday? Maalaayacni will always be Maalaayacni, but as you were saaxiib... and good to have you back on SOL.
  2. Officials say US threatens aid cuts to Somalia By Associated Press November 14 at 10:34 AM MOGADISHU, Somalia — The United States has threatened to make significant cuts in the financial assistance it gives to Somalia because of political bickering by its leaders, officials said. The top U.S. representative to Somalia, James P. McAnulty, recently threatened an aid cut unless the country’s bickering president and prime minister begin working together, a Somali official said Thursday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of providing details about private discussions. The international community is losing confidence in the Somali government, and the United States has threatened to pull military and financial support from Somalia, said a United Nations official who insisted on anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly. The U.S. Embassy declined to comment on the reported threat of an aid cut. In a statement this week, Washington said it was concerned about “recent political turmoil” in Somalia and that plans for a no-confidence vote “do not serve the interests of the Somali people.” Washington also this week announced it would not attend an international conference on Somalia next week in Denmark, saying political divisions are distracting Somalia’s leadership. “I think they’re basically saying if you want more money and support from us, you need to fix these problems,” said E.J. Hogendoorn, an Africa expert at the International Crisis Group. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed have feuded since Mohamud last month rejected a Cabinet reshuffle by the prime minister. The president has been trying to call a no-confidence vote in parliament, and the U.N. has said it’s concerned about vote buying allegations surrounding the vote. The U.S. gave $58 million to Somalia in development assistance in this fiscal year and an additional $271 million in military assistance for the Somali national army and the African Union force in Somalia.
  3. Culusow is so incompetent that he can't even get a simple no confidence vote through a known corrupt parliament. I mean, what is the guy good for?
  4. ^ If wishes were horses, mate... if wishes were horses!! But if it's worth anything... I too, would love to see everthing you've just stated Doctor.
  5. Jawari is fast becoming an interesting politician! I wonder... what motivated him to abandone Damjadiid?
  6. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> The UN / IC and other donors Partners are pushing for Dialogue and compromise sustainable agreement until 2016 the issue is bigger then Farax and Cabinet reshuffle .Today IC and American delegation are meeting with President and Pm if Nothing comes out today - meaning The President and Prime minister don't agree on to work together then the Motion will pass and the faith of the Prime Minister is in the Hand of Parliament ....... The IC has spoken: Motion is no go. Culusow not happy! Yuulka also instructed to help save face and reverse some of the cabinet moves he made in his reshuffle(..not clear whether Minister Faraax will get back his old ministry which started this whole affair). Overall, Culusow tried to play hardball and attempted to stare down the I.C, but unfortunately for him, he came up short.
  7. ^ Odey, this was always expected, after the international community, let it be known that they would not tolerate nonsensical motions brought forward through corruption against the prime minister, Also, it has been reported that the UN has imposed some limited sanctions against some members of the president's inner circle, including Minister Faarax. So I figure, Jawari and his fellow parliamentarians have heeded the call from the international community to stop this motion business or else suffer the consequences as well.
  8. LOL @ Malistar :D Good job thrashing these dimwit secessionist habros. That's one thing you and are agree on, at least
  9. <cite> @Homunculus said:</cite> Since he became the prime minister I noticed improvement in many issues, I didn't hear of any corruption scandals regarding him, so what is this motion about? Is it only about the shuffling of the ministerial posts? Are the president and the parliament that silly that they will fire a PM after one year over this? This solidifies my wish for a completely autonomous federal system, a government based in Mogadishu is a complete failure. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> My thoughts exactly. This incompetent President wants to start a tantrum simply because some ministers were shuffled around. Why isn't Qoslaaye focused on finishing off Al Shabaab while they're weak or trying to create some competent civil administrations around Somalia? I can't believe this is taking up the President's time when we should be using our precious resources for far more urgent issues. Anyone who supports the President here has completely lost his mind, and it solidifies my desire for a decentralized Federal System in Somalia. We really need to give up on Mogadishu Hey guys, Our dear president has cornered himself now....this will not end well for him!
  10. This so-called "mooshin" is like a tree falling in the middle of a very large forest. No one notices and more importantly nobody cares!
  11. <cite> Commander In chief indeed Bringing Pm to Airport while also firing him soon for misbehaving Most Successful confident leader since Siad Barre rip - The mudane Culusow will defeat terrorist Nabaadiids - Spoilers . Raise Somalia from failed state Congrats ..... This Mogadishu sxb IC are irrelevant they either support the Road map vision 2016 or shut up let the Commander in chief fulfill his vision and and plan that is working successfully .... Malistar, with those shades and that smirk on his face, methinks, that PM does not look like someone whose being fired. So what have you been smoking saaxiib? And by the way, what's this Comander in chief business you keep repeating? Has Culusow been promoted within the ranks of Damjadiid, now that Minister Faarax will be spending more time on the welfare of Livestock of the nation?
  12. We all know that these MPs have done nothing but be a rubber stamp for Damjadiid. Granted Damjadiid uses money, but it is known that even MPs who refuse to go along with their agenda find themselves being killed Mafia style. Which is why the international community and the Somalis that want to see Somalia move forward refuse to allow the country to be held hostage by Damjadiid, which is nothing more than Al Shabab in suits. Therefore, no motion will ever see the day of light in front of this cabal of corrupt or afraid MPs...and this is why Culusow lashed out at the UN yesterday--whose tanks and planes he uses to travel the country. If Culusow is serious about removing this PM, then he should use the same constitution that is protecting Yuulka. Culusow must himself resign and thereby take down Yuulka and all the rest of the executive branch down with him! That is, of course, if he is really serious about the continuity of Damjadiids warped political agenda. But if he isn't and cares more about his own power and prestige, then he should just shut up, sit back and let Yuulka run his cabinet however he pleases!
  13. <cite> @thefuturenow said:</cite> Underlying your reasoning is that the constitution and protocol has any credence. I say it doesn't. Quite simply, no one cares about the constitution. But it is a convenient excuse for both sides. Au contraire saaxiib, this constitution is isbaaro proof and there's too much at stake for the Somali people to allow Damjadiid to play games with it. And this ain't no "speculation" By the by, what is this alignment that you speak of and how is the PM standing on the wrong side for now? I strongly believe the PM chose to pick this political showdown over Faarax precisely because he is confident that it is within his constitutional powers to shuffle his cabinet as he deems necessary, come what may. Bottom line is... Culusow overreacted and now he is making bigger mistakes than merely wanting to oust the PM illegally. As you said, we shall wait and see... But Culusow cant't oust his PM!
  14. <cite> @thefuturenow said:</cite> Way off base. But i'll indulge. I am not saying what the president is doing is right. I am saying it DOES NOT MATTER if it is right. It's politics. Power politics. Puntland and Mudug are crucial because: (1) The PM signed an agreement with PL that made him a target for the so-called Central State stakeholders. (2) The agreement gave these MPs from Central region reason to oust him and invalidate Garowe agreement. (3) Also, Sakiin and SW state were already in the president's camp. So where does that leave the PM? Out of a job when the motion comes. If the PM understood politics, he would've signed the Garowe agreement AFTER sacking Faarax. First of all, don't count your chickens before they're hatched saaxiib. The reflective powers of Yuulka's bald head is still blinding and dazzling Damjiid with all their Arab terrorist monies and corrupt MPs in Xamar, and they are yet unable to bring forth this so-called holy grail of a Motion in parliament to oust the PM. Secondly, like Culusow, I believe you're giving way too much credence to the capabilities of our lame duck parliament, which at the moment, is nothing more than a place holder for the real parliament which will be established in 2016. Thirdly, even if a motion to oust the current PM were to be brought to parliament...there is a precedence that was set by the Kampala talk between former President Sharif and his then PM, Farmaajo, that I believe will handicap Culusow in ousting Yuulka. And finally, Culusow does NOT have the support of the international community which protects and funds him in Villa Somalia-- so to insist on this churlish move to oust a PM for merely an individual whose portfolio was switched, is a bit like biting the hand that feeds you. For these reasons and the general incompetence of Culuosow, I believe Yuulka is staying put! That the fellas from the central provinces don't like that the PM signed an agreement that the SFG will respect the constitution and will not mess with North Mudug is neither here nor there. That Sharif Sakiin is very eager to receive his Motion money does not cut it either. What counts is... who is right?(although you say otherwise) You have Yuulka using the constitution--making a huge and impenetrable redoubt of it-- and then you have Culusow, who-- like a headless chicken-- is all over the place. So every right thinking person can foresee where this political fight uu ku biyo shuban doono
  15. By the way, Culusow should give President Silaanyo a telephone call and ask him how things turned out for him after making certain remarks about the U.N in general, and Nicholas Kay in particular...
  16. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Culusow is telling the United Nations to keep out of the country's internal politics.
  17. The last sentence of those statements is rather interesting. I wonder...hmmm
  18. Meydka Taliyaha Booliska Soomaaliya oo dalka dib loogu soo celiyey Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa maanta la soo gaarsiiyey Meydkii AUN Taliyihii Booliska Soomaaliya G.S Maxamed Sheikh Xasan Ismaaciil oo maalintii Sabtida maydkiisa loo qaaday dalka Kenya si loo soo baarasho Sababaha dhimashadiisa ka dib markii laga shekiyey in la sumeeyey. Cutubyo kala duwan oo ka mida ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliya, Kuwa wadooyinka iyo Baambayda ayaa diyaar ku ahaa Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cade markii la soo dejinayey maydta Taliyaha, Waxaa sidoo kale garoonka ku sugnaa masuuliyiin ka mida golayaasha Dowladda. Baaritaanka lagu soo sameeyey meydka ayaa sida wararka ku helayno sheegayaa in uu u geeryooday xanuun sambabada oo ku soo booday balse Ilaa hada warbixin buuxda laga bixin baaritaankii lagu soo sameeyey meydka Taliyihii Booliska Soomaaliya, waxaana goordhow xukuumada laga sugayaa in war cad ka soo saarto. --Horseed
  19. Ergada ku shirsan magaalada Baydhabo oo dooratay shir guddoon Shirka ka socda magaalada Baydhaba ee xarunta gobolka Bay laguna dhisayo maamul goboleedka ka kooban sadexda gobol ee Shabeelada Hoose, Bay iyo Bakool ayaa waxa uu yeeshay shir gudoomiye. Sheekh Xasan Ibraahim (Lug-buur) ayaa waxa uu helay codad ka badan 350 kana mid ah ergada ka qaybgalaysa shirka ka socda magaalada Baydhaba kaasoo uu wejigiisa sadexaad furay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud todobaadkaan sii dhamaanaya horaantiisii. Shir gudoonka ayaa waxaa hor yaala howlo ay kamid yihiin ansixinta ergada ee dastuurka loo diyaariyay maamulka sadexda gobol ka koobnaan doona iyo weliba gudoominta shirarka joogtada ah ee ay yeelanayaan ergooyinka ku sugan hoolka uu shirku ka socdo ee magaalada Baydhaba. Weli magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ka taagan khilaafaadyo siyaasadeed oo ku saleysan dhanka maamul u sameynta ah.
  20. ^ Although you may be right and it may not be prudent to prejudge an investigation. I still believe Damjadiid/Al Shabab have their fingers written all over this one--just like the many other assassinations of MPs and other government officials in Xamar. In any case, the body was flown to Nairobi for an autopsy, and until those results confirm otherwise..."fartu waxay ku godan tahay Damjadiid"!
  21. R.W Cabdiweli oo ka Tacsiyeeyay geeridii naxdinta lahayd ee ku timid Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed Maxamed, ayaa ka tacsiyeeyey geeridii naxdinta lahayd ee ku timid Allaah u naxariistee Taliyihii Ciidamadda Booliska Soomaaliyeed General Maxamed Sheekh Xasan Ismaaciil oo si kadis ah galabta ugu geeriyooday magaalada Muqdisho. Isagoo ku hadlaya Magaciisa, kan Xuumadda iyo kan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayuu Ra’iisul Wasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed tacsi u diray qoyskii asxaabtii iyo Ciidamadda Booliska Soomaaliyeed ee uu ka geeriyooday S/G Maxamed Sheekh Xasan Ismaaciil, waxana uu ugu duceeyey in Illaah janadii Fardowso ka waraabiyo. “Qof kasta waa uu dhimanayaa, geeriduna waa xaq, anigoo ku hadlaya magacayga kan Xukuumadda iyo guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaan Allah uga baryeynaa in uu naxariistiisa ka waraabiyo Marxuum Maxamed Sheekh Xasan Ismaaciil oo ahaa taliyihii ciidamadda booliska Soomaaliya isla markaana qeyb libaax kasoo qaatay dhismaha iyo qalabeynta ciidanka booliska.” Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed. Dhanka kale. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda F. Soomaaliya ayaa magacaabay Guddiga Wasiiro ah oo ka kooban shan (5) oo baaritaan kusoo sameeya geerida kadiska ah ee ku timid taliyihii ciidanka booliska Soomaaliyeed. Waxayna kala yihiin. 1. Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeen ahna Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta, Mudane Ridwan Xirsi Maxamed (Guddoomiye) 2. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Mudane Cali Maxamed Maxamuud (Xubin) 3. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Mudane Mustaf Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow (Xubin) 4. Wasiirka Beeraha Mudane Axmed Cabdi Baaffo (Xubin) 5. Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Mudane Khaliif Axmed Ereg (Xubin) General Maxamed Xasan Ismaciil oo ka mid ahaa saraakiishii booliska Soomaaliyeed mudada dheerna ka soo shaqeynayay ayaa horaantii bishii July ee sanadkan loo magacaabay taliyaha ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed, isagoona wax badan ka qabtay Amniga Caasimadda iyo gobollada dalka mudadii uu xilka hayey. —DHAMMAAD— Horseed Media.
  22. My, my, my...what have we here? Could it be Nin Yaaban accusing me of Qabilism? *looks around, bemused* Lol... I must have touched a raw nerve with this piece of news about Damjadiid. I wonder... when did Damjadiid become a Qabil and when did sharing news about them become tantamount to being a tribalist? Then again, Nin Yaaban will always be Nin Yaaban ..but let me assure you, saaxiib, I've been called worse on SOL...but still, a worthy effort, such as it is. For future reference: Please come up with some defense for Damjadiid instead of labeling each and everyone against their terrorist policies a tribalist.
  23. ^ I ain't talking 'bout the selfish bickering of these corrupt individuals over who's gonna lead the new state nor am I talking about whether or not the international community is insisting on the formation of the Southwest State, but the fact that the elders of the local community are being harangued into accepting these corrupt individuals as the new leaders of the state. I believe, there are many more capable men who would be better Nuunow and Sharif Sakiin who should rise to the top. If Sakiin or Nuunow become president, it will be back to their usual business of selling the future of D&M to the highest bidder and not to serve the interest of the people. They must be stopped and the elders must bring to the forefront a more capable and competent leader-- who always have the interest of his constituency first and foremost!
  24. Deg.Deg Taliyaha Ciidan Booliska Soomaaliya oo Geeryooday Allaha Unaxriisto Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed Gen. Maxamed Sh. Xasan Ismaaciil ayaa Goodhaweyd ku geeryooday Magaalada Muqdisho, Geerida Taliyaha waxaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyey saraakiil ciidan oo ka agdhawaa Taliyaha. Taliyaha Booliska ayaa soo shaqo tagey maanta waxaana si deg deg ah ugu soo booday xanuun markaa loo la cararay Isbitaalka ku yaala gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho halkaa oo markii dambeku geryooday.