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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. If these rumors of Omar Abdirashid are true, and Culusow is foolhardy enough to nominate him for PM, then it's because Damjadiid have exhausted all their political capital firing Yuulka and are now at the mercy of the IC who might insist upon them making such a mad choice.
  2. Am glad we are on the same page, sxb. However, I fear all this brouhaha over Silaanyo will came to nothing if after all is said and done and Silaanyo is removed ...someone worse than Silaanyo takes the reigns.
  3. Lol@ Saalaax... You so desperately want the beef between the Awdalites and the administration to worsen, huh? Saaxiib, take a chill pill, for Silaanyo's days are numbered: You should NOT encourage disruptive political strife based on tribal affiliation just to oppose Silaanyo. It is better for the Awdal folks to oppose Silaanyo's bad administration without permanently damaging the long term peace and stability and unity of the north of Somalia.
  4. ^ Ameen saaxiib. May Silanyo's tenure end peacefully and may better leadership for the people of Somaliland take the reigns. Now that I have gotten all the niceties of etiquette out of the way... brace yourselves my dear hapless Habros of SOL--for Silaanyo's removal will cost the people of Somaliland a very costly price.
  5. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Foreign footballers pouring into Somalia prior to top league opening Mareeg.com- The increase of foreign football professionals in Somalia is seen as a ‘significant’ mark for soccer progression in the country. For the first time in Somalia’s football history, last year the country’s Nation Link Telecom championship attracted at least 8 foreign players, and the current champions Banadir Sports Club were recognized as the pioneers for transferring foreign players. But now with more than a month to go since the beginning of the country’s top football league, the number of foreign players in the country increased, as more clubs transferred foreign players from different African Countries. “The show up of foreign players in the country is very noteworthy—some six clubs in the national league have transferred more players, so this is a remarkable progress for Somalia which is now recovering from decades-long anarchy” Somali Football Federation Media Officer Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar (ISLOW) said in a press statement on Sunday. He said that the appearance of international professionals in Somali league was also an outstanding marketing step for the country whose football has mainly been dependent on the financial assistance from FIFA. The statement went on to say that the lawless atmosphere in Somalia was preventing the country from attracting international sponsors, but now that the situation is returning to normal the SFF and its clubs were eying on local and international sponsorships. “Somali football is now recuperating from the wounds caused by the lack of stability we experienced for dozens of years and the path for more progress has now reopened” SFF Media Officer Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar (ISLOW) explained in his press statement. Below is the names of foreign players in the country, the clubs they joined and as well as their countries. HEEGAN FC: Mohamed Zubairu (Nigeria), Samsoniyke Chukwu (Nigeria) GAADIIDKA: Lehman Meheso Mwenza (Kenya) SAHAFI FC: Ambrose Mumo kula kalatai (Kenya) ELMAN FC: Elungat Martin, (Uganda) Ntaabazi Mubiru Eddie (Uganda) and Mugsha Ivan (Uganda). DEKADDA: Zubeir Yossuf Oduori (Kenya) OKoro Mattias Ogbokiri (Nigeria) BANADIR SPORTS CLUB: Marcel Odhambo Oyugi (Kenya) Thomas Mwancu Cuihobi (Kenya) and Mustapha .I. Maxwell (Nigeria). Somali Football Federation Media Department Email:somalifootballmedia@gmail.com This definitely takes the crown of all your progress reports from Mogadishu, saaxiib Lol @ Email:somalifootballmedia@gmail.com
  6. <cite> @Odey said:</cite> Who wants to invest in my company Www.xildhibaan.com I do Xildibaans are trading at an all time low ever since the failure of the cyclical Motion business, so this is the best time to get in on the action now before the next prices get too expensive!
  7. The motion has come to an ignominious end(yet again) ... as I proclaimed it would-- and Culusow is no longer the untouchable president he once thought he was. His desperate and uncalculated machinations have now left him in a hopeless and difficult position, leaving him with very a difficult choice... resign! For if Damjadiid wishes to participate in Somalia's politics in the coming years... they must insist that the president resign, so as to bring down this PMs government--this is the last avenue still open to them. Otherwise, they will have no choice but to sit on their hands till 2016, and hope for a way into the new Federal Somalia post 2016 which, I daresay, won't be conducive for terrorist supporting political parties like Damjadiid.
  8. Now that Damjadiid and Culusow have wasted all their political capital, like Was predicted, how will they address this brazen effrontery by this bald and Alien looking prime minister?
  9. Waryaa, Malistar, bal magaranweyday intaad noo soo masawiraysid taalooyinkii Boqor Keenadiid(A.U.N) uu xoolaha ku dhistay-- inaad noo soo masawirtid markabka aad leedaahay wuxuu kusoo xirtay xeebta Hobyo? Next time, please share with us something a little more tangible than Mudane Cabdi Qeybdiid's hearsay shananigans (It was only last month, he was gonna build an airport for us poor Mudug folk )
  10. Lol @ " one of the doctors is a Puntlander and Damjadiid himself" :D Mooge, you crack me up walahi...lol
  11. ^ And that is precisely what the objective has always been and why Damjadiid are throwing everything they got at the PM knowing full well that time is running out for them. It only shows how politically naive they are in pursuing these desperate actions to remove Yuulka--who after-all is only an individual-- and spending all their political capital and influence to get rid of him without having any guarantees that these actions will most definitely set back the federalism camp.
  12. Oodka, welcome back, and nice to see you post after such a long time, especially in a thread that I've started See, Oodweyne, the last time you contributed to a thread of mine, it seemed you had a diabolical meltdown which led you to confuse me with a nonentity by the name of Ngonge...Tsk tsk tsk I refer to the following thread, by the way, in case you memory ain't what it used to be---> http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/topic/illusions-birthed-by-a-conspiracy-a-tale/ Now, back to the topic at hand: You claim that the Looters Inc are like the Pashtun of Afghanistan, which couldn't be further from the truth because for one-- the Pashtun, are the majority ethnic group in Afghanistan, something our Looter brethren are not in Somalia. Secondly, tomorrow, no one ever claimed that Culusow will be removed: All I say, is that Yuulka will stay put. This desperate motion business will fail, like the last 2 attempts they tried to run it through parliament. However, Culusow will come out of this affair still the president but very weakened. He will be allowed to remain a lame duck president till 2016 and Damjadiid's political agenda and influence on the federalization program will come abruptly to an end.
  13. There has been an ongoing debate these past two weeks over the high stakes political tussle between Damjadiid and the Federalist camp in Somalia, (or what passes for a debate among the bleating sheep here, anyway *sneers at the futurenow*) As most of you know, by now, I am a die-hard federalist who called this one early, and said Yuulka is staying put no matter the petty corruption of Damjadiid and their erstwhile head, Culusow? And yet, for some reason. . .I remain unrewarded for the minimal effort it took me to make my case why Culusow has put himself in a difficul hole which he will find very hard to climb out of, if he does at all. Now, don't get me wrong, saaxiibyaal. I don't need your applause to know that I called this correctly early on. And one can hardly blame the naysayers for their reluctance to admit Culusow's failure to make more than a miserable token effort in the corrupt parliament tomorrow. But it just seems to me that withholding your admission of the federalist camps practically effortless domination of the Damjadiid project is just a bit petty. In any case, tomorrow, we will all get to witness the outcome Culusow's last sally at the redoubt Yuulka has set himself up with. We will see who will come out victor between Damjadiid or Federalism; Between Anarchy and Law & Order SO PLACE YOUR BETS!!!....my money is on Yuulka
  14. Although neither Jawari nor Shariif Sakiin should be at the vanguard of the people of Bay, Bakool and Sh.Hoose, I do welcome the formation of the Southwest State of Somalia and the assumption of its rightful seat amongst the federal states of Somalia. Also, I hope more capable and professional leadership steps up to the political limelight to take charge and save the people of those provinces from Jawari--who just doesn't have a clue and Shariif Sakiin, whom we all know is nothing more than a political pimp who will prostitute the fate and future of the people of the Southwest State to the highest bidder. I believe, the people of that region deserve better than simply playing second fiddle to other Somali groups and the political whims of HAG and D block politicians! P.S MMA, our esteemed moderator, please stop lurking in the shadows like a disheveled witch and contribute your thoughts to this topic, since you hail from that part of Somalia! Also, please don't tell me Madoobe Nuune and his so-called 6 province state is the salvation, because that just sheer utter stupidity. Thank you kindly.
  15. I beginning to have very short patience with folks on SOL who always want to refight yesterday's battles. On the issue of the cabinet reshuffle... Yuulka has won and it's clear for all to see. Now, I suggest, let's move on to something else which is controversia!
  16. CLOSING REMARKS AT MINISTERIAL HIGH LEVEL PARTNERSHIP FORUM ON SOMALIA by JEFFREY FELTMAN(Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs) Copenhagen, 19 November 2014 Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, This has been a rich day of discussions. I will not attempt to summarize all our deliberations, but let me review the salient points. First, I welcome the agreement we have heard on the need for an arrangement to ensure political unity, continuity and stability. We welcome the process initiated by IGAD to facilitate dialogue to this end. We have agreed to come together within 6 months, to evaluate progress on the political process, implementation of Vision 2016, and security. Recognizing the recent military gains, we have reaffirmed our commitment to the conclusions of the London Security Event. We have also reaffirmed the importance of stabilization activities, both governance and peace dividends; and highlighted the need to link the process of establishing local administrations to the state formation process. We have agreed on the need to redouble our respective efforts on financial accountability and transparency, and to implement together the principles of the New Deal. We have renewed our partnership and revalidated the Compact as the path and process whereby we work jointly for a peaceful, united and prosperous Somalia. Finally, we finish our work today conscious of the urgency of delivering for the citizens of Somalia – on political unity, on stability, on security, on prosperity. The past year has seen advances in our partnership, but activities in all areas need to be stepped up. Now is the time to show results. We cannot afford delays. Ultimately, the people of Somalia will be our judge; we must be ready to stand before them.
  17. Alla nimanku fakhfakh badanaa I guess, Malistar, if you fail once try again, miyaa sheekadu.. Those signitures still don't look legit, with a few of them simply saying, "For Hassan". Now what the heck is that saaxiib? Damjadiid and Culusow must realize that to get rid of Yuulka, they must all resign. Now why is that so hard?
  18. ^ Saaxiib, el Punto, neef marka la bireeyo wuu raftaa oo si qaab darran buu u galgashaa-- ilaa naftu ay ka baxdo. Marka, nimankii Damjadiid ahaa, galgashadii lagu yaqaanay xoolaha marka la gawraco ayaa hada gilgilayso-- kawaanka Hilibka Xoolaha lagu qalana waxaa iska leh nin la yiraahdo Yuulka oo aan nixin
  19. Gents, look carefully at the piece of vomit or rather, document--our esteemed Damjadiid desperado, Malistar, has shared with us! 16 ministers listed, looks like fewer than 13 signitures were penned... hmmmm... I wonder why? I know my numeracy and arithmetic abilities ain't what they used to be and all, but am sure as hell 12 does NOT constitute a majority of a cabinet of 25 members. so as usual, this ain't nothing more than the usual--smoke and mirrors-- shenanigans, we've become accustomed to with regards to the desperate Damjadiid party. The corrupt motion commotion in parliament and the pointless braggadocio exhibited last week by Mudane Culusow against the international community have all come to naught...and now we see the last kicks of a dying horse. Where on earth have you seen cabinet members calling for the resignation of their own cabinet chief? I guess only in the delusional stratosphere occupied by the deranged Damjadiid clique. This is more akin, to say for instance, if some day the maids, cooks, and gardeners that you employ at your own home came up to you and tried to fire you from your own household ... Any right thinking individual would say, "Negros, please!" "Get ya asses back to work or else quit!" ...and that's precisely what the PM has done. And for all what it's worth, I beleieve if these ministers were a true majority, like Malistar says, then instead of issuing calls for the PM to resign... they themselves-- if they really had the numbers--could have resigned and thereby force the PM to announce a new cabinet, which would then be at the mercy of their corrupt parliamentarians to approve or decline. See, it is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
  20. ^ Deeq, I always thought of you as an automaton who just posts articles on SOL and is incapable of having regular exchange. But now that I see what your first independent contribution is... I believe, it's best you resume your blasé posting duties on SOL. Kulahaa, "word coming up..."
  21. ^ UN site or not..ultimately Somalia's rights CAN ONLY be defended by a United Somali people and Nation.
  22. I rushed in to put paraffin onto the fire that Galbeedi has lit to Bar-B-Q the SNM riffraff of SOL...but it seems my services are not required in here, seeing how well Mudane Galbeedi has the Hapless Habro cornered and surrounded. Good job saaxiib...just know that my gallon of Parrafin is always nearby--if it is ever needed to light up things, so to speak! With that said Señor Galbeedi, please answer the direct question Malistar has asked you, which was.. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Ps Galbeed can you give us the history why rer awdal accepted to divide Somalia sing Habros National anthem bury the blue flag and raise habro flag....?
  23. Silaanyo has just reignited the inter-habar civil war of the early 90's. So says Cali Guray