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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Decentralization is pointless unless the folks at the grassroots are willing to take their fates into their own hands. After having watched the documentary shown above, it seems to me that too many people at the local level still expect others to come in and provide for them essential services, which with hardwork and initiative, they can provide for themselves. Local governance is much more than simply levying taxes and receiving in return the unnecessary defiance of the locals who for the most part have never paid taxes and cannot fathom the benefits of paying taxes to the community as a whole. But in any case, I am grateful that Abdiwali's administration had the cajones to direct us towards local governance. It will take time and a lot of headaches, but eventually every Puntlander will have no choice but to take full control and responsibility for the local affairs of his or her community.
  2. Welcome back Ditoore Good to have you back.
  3. ^ I thought you were a fighter. Why aren't you kicking butt?
  4. This is stupid and unnecessary. Instability in northern Somalia is the last thing we want. There are numerous other avenues open to Awdalites to achieve their goals of self governance instead of resorting to petty guerrilla tactics. Sad day for Somalia, indeed.
  5. Terrorism is and has become the last resort of the hapless seccesionists these days. Saaxiibyaal, ama is qarxiya ama Shabab naasnuujiya ama daacish ku biira, at the end of the day --Puntland's progress and that of Somalia in general will not falter!
  6. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> Niyoow that is qoslaye's picture. He put a huge photo of himself behind where the leaders were supposed to take a picture. niyoow this shows his lack of confidence and megalomaniac behavior. Mooge, saaxiib, that picture only shows the new reality of the new Federal Somalia All the Jaalle Siyaad style billboard pictures of Mudane Culusow and all his Damjadiid parachetes cannot change that. Just look at the lineup of individuals in the picture and you will see for yourself that after all the cheap brouhaha by the anarchists and seccesionists has dissipated, that it will only lead to the Landheereyaal of Somalia taking the Lion's share of the politics of Somalia. So once again... It is a Nice Photo
  7. <cite> @SomaliaPatriot said:</cite> Seriously? Abdiweli who hails from Puntland , a state that called xabashi tanks to wage for them war against Reer xamar because puntland cant fight? Since when does Puntland care about flags and astaanta qaranka Axmad, the funny thing is that Puntland who can't fight seem to always win in Somali politics, whilst the dreaded fighters you hail from always loose, prime example being Mudane Culusow. So one might beg the question: But why? ... And by the by: This post ain't about Abdiwali, but rather, Culusow's carpeting choices: The fact that out esteemed President chose to use our Flag on the floor in Villa Somalia, shamefully signals his general indifference to decorum. Now, if you can't understand the problem with that, then you my friend are as clueless as all the other dreaded fighters that you hail from
  8. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> Damjadiid are daft clowns. To use our National Flag in such a manner is of course in bad taste, to say the least!
  9. With the Presidents of the Federal Member States in Mogadishu, I believe this will be the final caretaker cabinet which will get pushed through our 'placeholder' parliament. I personally don't have any squabbles about this team seeing the country through to 2016.
  10. Silaanyo has made himself many enemies within Somaliland. Galbeedi and Saalax from west Burco--- Silaanyo is coming to get you with his antiquated ww2 era armored vehicles
  11. Poor President Culusow: I don't envy the predicament he finds himself in. Who would have thought after a very triumphant removal of the previous PM that Damjadiid would turn on one another A unanimous vote to fire Yulka. A unanimous vote to hire CCC. But after all is done and said, the same parliament is unwilling to give the president and "his" new PM the cabinet they want. Like the old man from the north who begged the question..." Jow! Waar dee xagee sallaadu iska qaban la'dahay? One might wonder why is Culusow not getting his way?
  12. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Tilamook where is the hanjabaad where is ur cabdi cawar if ur not weak How Come waxad la rafanaysa a small cell in galgala for God knows How long. Cleansing u from the land and reducing your officials to waanu argagaxnay makes my day lol. There is no such thing as a darwiish clan the same way there is no Shabaab clan not sure How can a 19 century old jihadist movement got to do With a clan. As for colonialist we know the clans that used to brag about the italians about serving their interest in a place called hobyo and last but mot least did u day moving forward the 3rd prime minister cumar buur With no cabinet so far. The only thing that is moving around is cumar buurs belly nothing else. Yaanay dhaqdhaqa caloooshisa ku moodsin somalia dhaqqaqday Wow, that was really funny and scathing
  13. ^ War Odey, Xaaji Maalaayacni ha ku oomin. He's been chattin' shit about secessionism and other God forsaken claptrap for the last decade or so on these forums. We all know that he has a track record of nonsense unsurpassed by none. Also, the late 80s have traumatized him permanently, so I suggest a little bit more tact in mentioning those events, lest you cause Xaaji Maalaayacni to pick up a shovel and walk to the nearest graveyard to unearth the remains of the deceased. Lol, he calls others weak, when Puntlanders have single-handedly nipped in the bud, the secessionist claptrap of the Laangaab Habros using tact, suave and unending political acumen. Only in the warped universe in his mind, do men who pursue and get what they want called weak, while unfortunate habros begging for recognition are somehow stalwarts of bravery and strength.... As I like to say, NEGRO please!! And by the by; some people on this forum don't like me to refer to the hapless Habros as laangaabs, but the record --time and again-- shows Xaaji Maalaayacni crying to make the Daraawiish(sons of the D block) his kin on the hopes of ever amounting to something worthwhile. Who knows, maybe the reason he wants to share lineage with the Darawiish family is because he wants to share in the glory of their forefathers against the colonialists while at the same time concealing the ignomony of his own forebearers role as colonial bootlickers in the days that they used to sing "ingiriis dhaladkiiyow xaggee ka dhunkannaa xaaji, the SSC sub sub sub clans are inheritors to something much greater than the nonsense you endlessly peddle in here: So lay low, while other patriotic Somalis bring back the glory of mother Somalia while you sit in the corner of Somali politics, drooling and sucking your thumb like a babe You can keep crying about yesterday's could-have-beens all you want, while the rest of Somalia marches onto the future of a glorious federal Somalia!
  14. Oh oh! Someone is not happy with the current selection of cabinet members. I wonder, who could it be?
  15. Perhaps, Mr. THEFUTURENOW... However, "hate" is too strong a word for any of the nonentities that I nonchalantly guillotine on an everyday basis right here on SOL. You, sir, can attest to that fact! Now, what else is on your mind, saaxiib?
  16. ^ Saalax, saaxiib don't go the way of the rudderless Xaaji Maalaayacni! This ain't about individuals, like you say, nor is it about particular families loosing anything. The conflict was constitutional in nature and the last primeminister had dealt a preemptive strike against the Damjadiid's attempt to tamper with the constitution. I believe he tremandously succeeded in that objective, and so today you have a very humbled Damjadiid that is unable to put their dirty hands on the constitution. As for the two former primeminister--You haven't heard the last of them, especially Yuulka
  17. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Tillamook thats a very weak argument saaxib and u know it to the whole issue of the former cabinet and the reason the pirates were making allot of noise was sanbolooshe and farax being dismissed and even guleed who resigned is back. What is the purpose of constitutional ministry, when Somalida constitutionkoodu qabiil yahay Dastuurka qabyo qoraal ma ciid ba ku shaqeysa it still has to be put to a referendum before its adopted. There were no negotiations Xassan and damuljadiid got what they want thats a fact.What does Somaliland got to do with all of this lets stick to the topic there was always one or 2 sell outs from Somaliland in the Mogadishu administration nothing new here fawziya was the deputy pm to. So this is nothing new. Saaxiib, like an errant she-camel I have tried to take you to the watering hole, but I cannot force you to drink from it: You ask, what is the purpose of Constitutional affairs? When everybody knows puntland and all the other federalists in Somalia, were making the loudest ruckus about the attempted adulteration of the current constitution by damjadiid. This was the true source of the last fight between the former primeminister and the president. Unfortunately, for Puntland, if you champion the constitution then you must also submit to the rules set by it, which say, hate it or love it, Culusow as president has the right in the constitution to fire the prime minister. See, Xaaji, most numbskulls on SOL fail to accept this and choose to turn every little political tussle over the constitution into an issue about individuals. I believe this cabinet is representative of all the political factions in Somalia, including the hapless Habros, who have gotten their share. Now, the task ahead for Ina Cabdirashid, is to herd these fighting cats(a daunting task) towards the 2016 vision using the current constitution as his guiding star. Xaaji, step up you understanding of Somalia's politics. It ain't a zero sum game. All the opposing political camps in Somalia have no choice but to work together and move the country forward-- something, I know, that gives you nightmares.
  18. He he he... Yea yea viva Damjadiid! Xaaji Maalaayacni is a convert to the holy cause. Saaxiib, you are right, our president, Mudane Culusow did get his compatriots back into the new cabinet and so did the other side who managed to wrestle the Constitutional affairs ministry from the death grip of Minister Farax, who has now been relegated only to the Justice Ministry. Clearly, after long and tedious negotiations --PM Cumar, has tried to appease all the competing factions with this new cabinet. And in any fair negotiations, the parties involved must all come to an agreement and accept demands from the opposing side that might NOT, at first sight be palatable to the parties involved. With that said, Mr. Maalaayacni, tell us about the noteworthy contingent from somaliland in the newly announced cabinet-- which includes, the Vice premiership and others? Dont you think this is a way for Konfuria to welcome back the elites of Marfashland back into the warm embrace of mother Somalia or do you think nothing will change in Hargaysa?
  19. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Faisal knows how to deal with the Pirates Lol @ Xaajiga How on earth do you call THAT "dealing with pirates"? Faisal says, "Bacaac... faqash...bacaaac...Garowe ayaan soo fadhiisanayaa...bacaaaac...wadada Bosaaso ayaa xirayaa... bacaaaaac...magaca Puntland anaga ayaa na dhahaa...bacaaaaaaaaaac... Maqas bay wataan... bacaaaaaaaaaaaac!" And you think Faisal's incessant bleating, like an aged cross-eyed goat, every chance he gets--is in actuality, akin to "dealing"with the troublsome Pirates? Lol C'mon saaxiib...I know being Xaaji Maalaayacni has its own perks on SOL, but dude don't over do it! Now moving on to the actual interview: Who is that hottie interviewing Faisal? Does anyone out there know whether she is still available? I don't know about you guys, but I sat through all that nonsense Faisal was spewing just being mesmerized by the girl's beauty. Allow me, if you would, to digrace and tell you that that interview reminded me of my younger days, when we used to go to rave parties(some of you younger fellows might relate, and may Allah forgive us all), where after hitting it off with a good looking chick on the dance floor and partying all night with her-- one might decide to get a little action inside the club. Once the hugs and kisses commence, you deem the situation merits a bit of privacy and the only place that comes to your horny mind at the time is the rest room. So you head over there, with your partner in crime(and in sin) in toe, while at the same time, instructing one of your buddies to keep an eye out and inform all intruders that the restrooms are occupied. ... so now everything is good to go, and you present the Drill Sergent who is ready to put your accomplice through the paces, when all of sudden you realize something ain't right! And you wonder what it is that distracts from urgent duties? But once the strong pungent stench of the urinals strike your nostrils, you have your answer and you ask yourself "why on earth you're half naked in a nasty public restroom?". And then you remember why...It is because of the beautiful hottie in your arms. So there you have it...I only watched and tolerated Faisal's claptrap for the duration of that video only because of the beautiful sister asking him the questions Marka Xaaji, gabadha nambarkeeda ii soo raadi hadaad tahay nin Ikhyaar ah! Lol