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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. For far too long have cowards hiding behind the shields of law enforcement committed such atrocities with impunity. Thankfully, with more technology these days, their days of impunity will come to an end soon!
  2. ^ LOL @ Adam:D To Saalax, Enjoy the homeland saaxiib.
  3. I believe this particular news about this youth's relationship to Silaanyo to be untrue, even though the support Silaanyo's administration provides the terrorists hiding in the Galgala mountain range is irrefutable. The reason for this is that everyone knows how old Silaanyo is and that the president hit menopause long ago in the mid 1920's. Ergo, this youth pictured in the video couldn't possibly have been sired by El Presidente Silaanyo
  4. Somalis must welcome our Yemenite brethren with open arms!
  5. Tallaabo, leave the old man be! Mudane Silaanyo is a peerless example of a genuine Somali leader.
  6. EU and Germany Rehabilitate Garowe-Galkacyo Corridor in Puntland, Somalia Somali NewsToday, EU Ambassador to Somalia, Michele Cervone d’Urso and German Ambassador to Somalia, Andreas Peschke, together with the President of Puntland, H.E. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali ‘Gas’, launched the “Sustainable Road Maintenance Project“, aiming at rehabilitating the “Garowe-Galkacyo” corridor. The European Union provides 17.75 million Euros and Germany another 3 million Euros to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to implement the project which is part of the Somali New Deal Compact and which is crucial to promote Puntland’s economy. Indeed, the Garowe-Galkacyo corridor is key to livestock rearing and exports from the ports of Berbera and Bosasso. The programme will finance the rehabilitation of the road’s damaged sections and the construction of flood control structures and check dams as the roads were heavily affected by the floods in 2013. Similarly, the project will provide policy support to the Puntland Roads authorities and the Puntland Ministry of Public Works. It also involves a routine annual maintenance programme, allowing drainage and culvert clearance, clearing of bridges after floods, side brushing, and pothole filling. In addition, on the job training will be provided to upgrade the skills of the local contractors. Both Ambassadors highlighted the strong commitment of the EU and Germany to support the Somali Compact. They emphasized that peace and political stability are pre-conditions for economic recovery. President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali ‘Gas’ welcomed the initiative and thanked Ambassadors Peschke and Cervone d’Urso on behalf of the Somali people. Source: Horseed Media
  7. Lol @ Mooge Sxb, this Buraashadleey dude is more a Southwesterner than a Puntlander. His peeps own the Yeed and Ceel Baraf districts in Bakool, ergo, Sharif Sakiin is politically astute enough to know since all the districts of Somalia will send their own reps to the federal parliament in2016, he must make sure these two districts vote alongside his bloc and form strong alliances with the people of all the districts in the federal state he is president for. As always, Sharif Sakiin has played a good political move, and I personally believe he will come very close to the presidency in 2016, if not outright win it.
  8. I once penned the above article to shame secessionism, and from the feedback I have gotten since, only tells me that I should have written it much early. I am happy to report that the secesionist inclinations of some folk in the north, who supported it for clan solidarity reasons, have been greatly reduced--thanks to my prescient and logical calls to reject it. So I thought it best to revive this thread so that the new flock of secessionist youngsters on SOL like Tallaabo and others, can draw some benefit from it. Marka, hoo bariiska!
  9. Saalax, I've been meaning to ask you: Do you, in your hearts of hearts believe, Silaanyo will leave office peacefully? How popular is the old man within the 3 habro communities, who form the core of the Somaliland federal State? Are there any competent politicians, who can lead the decendants of the great Sheikh from the precipice of political inconsequentiality in the new and federal Somalia? I mean, it is one thing to oppose Senile Silanyo, but a different thing to have nothing better to replace him with.
  10. Saalax, cut the old man some slack here... It is not his fault that President Culusow failed miserably in derailing the federalism band wagon. The purpose of these talks were simple to begin with: they were meant to politically sideline the federalists of Puntland and pursue some sort of north- south confederacy whereby the clans of Hargaysa and Mogadishu held power respectively. But alas, Culusow tried everything but could not stop the formation of Jubaland and the Southwest state.(in fact, he lost a lot of political capital in the process) Now a defanged Culusow is useless to the Silaanyo administration... And all that they can do now is to throw petty tantrums since the original intent of these talks have failed--- and maybe hope the brainwashed habros get distracted enough with all the noise and tit for tat nonsense, that Silaanyo may stay on after the elections on May 2015. We shall wait and see.
  11. Axmad, sxb, nimankaan idinkaa iimaanka ka soo riday. Wadahadaladii hore waxaa loo soo diri jiray Damjadiid oo wakhti dhumis iyo cantrabaqashka si fiican u yaqaana, Laakin hada habrihii waa yaaban yihiin Waxay is wada leeyihiin, " JOW! WAAR DEE XAGEE SALAADU ISKA QABSAN LA'DAHAY?!" Lol
  12. And when I said, "the hapless Habros are delusional", some took it as a pejorative... Hehehe
  13. <cite> @thefuturenow said:</cite> http://www.mareeg.com/madaxweyne-xasan-halaga-qeybqaato-maamul-u-sameynta-shabeellaha-dhexe-hiiraan/ New state formation---Hiiraan iyo Shabeellaha Dhexe..... Sorry, Till. It looks like your prediction will be unfulfilled. Saaxiib, waa Hal bacaad lagu lissay! Matabaan and Guriceel will NEVER be in different federal states! P.S I am not in the business of predictions. I am in the business of facts only.
  14. ^ So you admit the name is spelt with two ii's, huh? Lizard or no lizard, you of all people should know that most Somalis usually bastardize someone's name as a form of endearment. Take yourself for instance: when you first signed onto SOL you gave yourself a perfectly "respectable" avatar name Xaaji Xunjuf, but lo and behold, just soon after-- all sorts aberrations were introduced like Xaaji Maalaayacni, Xaaji Habaar, Xaaji Xeyraan e.t.c The point am trying to make in here is that whatever you call yourself Somalis will call you what they choose.. So Siilyaanyo can be a Lizard or even the mighty warrior who eats a Lion's heart for breakfast...all that is moot in here, for Somalis will be Somalis.
  15. Horta, is the president's name officially spelt with one i or two ii's? Obviously, in Somali circles, the old man has more problems than senility and sacsacnimo, if his name has two ii's and the Somali sounding equivalent of a tomato Just imagine, if the title said, " sultan Wabar refuses to sit down with the Tomato vigina" Lol
  16. <cite> @Odey said:</cite> - Why are we having these problems in our beloved country? - Who finances these groups?. The old story of them getting finance from Kismayo port or collecting taxes no longer exist, yet they are still able to operate so they must be getting the finance from somewhere, and why is there no visible plan to tackle that? - What are the root causes of these never ending problems we face in our country? and how come These blood thirsty bastards are able to wonder around easily in and out of any city they want? Odey, Those very poignant questions you have raised, I'm afraid, have a very simple and straightforward answer. It is Damjadiid who are to blame for the atacks that take place in Xamar, period! Now some will be quick to point the finger at Al Shabab, and say that they claimed responsibility for the attacks. I say to them; so effing what? Al Shabab is nothing more than the armed wing of Damjadiid, and Damjadiid is simply the political wing of Al Shabab. There is a perfect symbiosis between the two groups and they are hellbent on derailing whatever little progress Somalia is making. Who is Culusow trying to fool? Every time things aren't going there way, these Damjadiid bloodsuckers always resort to terrorism. Nothing in Xamar will change until the wealthy business owners who finance Damjadiid's terrorist wing are apprehended and held to account. Nothing will change until the Isbaaro called Culusow is removed from Villa Somalia and the government is run they way a true government is supposed to run. In the meantime, expect all those political losers in Damjadiid to keep masterminding the deaths of politicians, parliamentarians and anybody opposed to their ideology. If you thought terrorism was defeated when Al Shabab was driven out from the south, you were are very mistaken. They just put on some suits and ran for the presidency with their huge ill gotten monies. They won when their man, was selected for Villa Somalia. If you really want to defeat Al Shabab, remove the terrorist president in Villa Somalia, who sends only Al Shabab militia to train in the name of the Somali National Army to foreign countries!
  17. ^ Get it through your head, the constitution is clear: "2 or more provinces can form a federal member state". It does not say half a province or quarter of a province not a third of a province, but a whole province can get together with another or others to form a federal member state. The petty clan politics of Mudug natives will be resolved one way or another and that province like every other province in Somalia will remain intact territorially and politically. As for Galguduud, Hiiraan and Sh.Dhexe which you dismiss so easily...the clan in Guriceel(Galguduud) has made it plain for all to see--with its recent victory against Culusow that they intend to keep their territories in Galguduud and Hiiraan' Matabaan districts, contiguous and part of any state building negotiations. So culusow may want whatever it is he thinks he will get for Unuka( which I doubt very much), but at the end of the day --no one clan in Somalia can force another into submission. I just hope the innate Anarchist in you understands that. In today's Somalia, only the politically adept will come out on top.
  18. Faafaahin: Weeraro is-miidaamin ah oo ka dhacay Hoteelo ay degaan masuuliyiinta Dowladda Ka hor salaadda Jimacada ee maanta ayaa laba qarax oo waaweyn ka dhaceen magaalada Muqdisho, Qaraxyadan ayaa loo adeegsaday mid ka mid gaarii ay ka buuxaan waxyaabaha Qarxa halka mid ka kale uu filiyey ruux isku xiray waxlaha qarxa, Gaariyada ayaa ku qarxey banaanka hore ee Hotel Central oo u dhow xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya wuxuuna ka mid yahay Hotelada ay degaan masuuliyiinta Dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Qaraxa labaad ayaa ka dhacay Hotel Naasa Hablood oo isna ku dhaw Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia kana fogeynta Hotel Centeral waxaana uu caan ku yahay in ay degaan Xildhibaanada iyo Qurbojoogta, Qaraxa labaad kadib ayaa la amqlaayey rasaas badan oo dhacdey. Weerarada Ismiidaaminta ee lala eegtay Hotel Central iyo Naas Hablood ayaa la soo sheegayaa in ay ku dhinteen dad tiradoodu kor u dhaafayso 15 qof dhaawacuna uu intaa ka badan yahay sida ay sheegayaan ilo ku dhaw ciidanka amaanka ee ku sugan goobta weeraradu ka dhacay. Dadka ku dhintay ama ku dhaawac weeraradan ayaa la sheegayaan in ay ku jiraan Xildhibaano, Wasiiro iyo maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, Waxaana la xaqiijiyey in uu weerarka Hotel Central ku dhintay gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Aadan Caano Geel oo dhanka siyaasada Qaabilsanaa Sidoo kale Dadka la sheegayo in ay dhaawacmeen waxaa ka mid ah Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha gudaha haddana ah Xildhibaan Cabdulqaadir Cali Cumar, Sidoo kale waxaa wararku sheegayaan in Cali Jaamac Jengeli oo ah Wasiirka Gaadiidka uu ku dhaawacmey weeraradan. Ilaahada waxaa adag in la helo tirada dhabtaa ee weerarkan ku dhimatay kuna dhaawacmay Iyadoo goobta ay ku hareersan yihiin ciidamada amaanka oo goobta amaankeeda la wareegay una ogelayn in saxaafada u gudubto waxaana soo afjarmay dhawaqa rasaasta oo u ekeyd mid dagaal uu ka dhex socday Hoteelada. Ururka al-Shabaab ayaa si deg-deg ah u sheegtey weeraradan, waxaana ay sheegeen in ay ahaayeen kuwo qorsheysan oo ay ku bartilmaameedsadeen madax sare oo ka tirsan Dowladda. Qaraxyadan ayaa imaanaya iyada oo maalmihii u danbeeyey Dowladdu jidadka Muqdisho soo dhoobtey ciidamo cusub oo la sheegey in ay si gaar ah u tababaran yihiin kuwaas oo wadey baaritaano xoog leh. Wararka ku soo kordha dib ayaan u soo daabici doonaa. Horseed Media – Breaking News
  19. It's just been reported that a Hotel and Mosque being used by government officials have been attacked by a suicide bomber. Not much details out yet, but some ministers and other high ranking officals are reported to have been killed or wounded. Stay tuned for the gruesome details.
  20. <cite> @thefuturenow said:</cite> Till, The 2016 story is already written. And no one is going to defeat the "anarchists" as XX calls them with guns. We can put that strategy to the side. The rest of your spchill is old "I hate HSM" story. Give us ideas ninyow. How can this man weaken HAG and PL on his way out? Dabrow----kkk. Go home ninyow. <cite> @thefuturenow said:</cite> XX, How can it not be his problem? He has to sign off on a Central State. That state must be either 1.5 or 2 combined states. I think the safer strategy is to keep north Mudug in PL. This is because then it will only be a political problem but PL already controls that area. But if he agrees to a full Galmudug state then physical control of Mudug will cause trouble. Either way, there is no winning this one. thefuturenow, I at times wonder why you chose such a name ...is it because you are trying to conceal your Anarchist credentials on this forum, huh? First of all, allow me to set the record straight: I do not "hate" our president, and I have strong reservations about your churlish insinuations. Everybody on SOL knows about how I, like most Somalis around the world, welcomed his victory and how happy we were the night President Culusow got elected and all the hopes and aspirations we all shared. But unfortunately, after seeing his first anti-federalist executive actions in office, the honeymoon did not last long and all thinking Somalis everywhere realized that the President was a directionless circus monkey in a suit, hellbent on becoming a complete hindrance to the Federalization of the country. But alas, a majority of Somalis have embraced federalism and they insisted that Culusow respect the constitution and follow it to the letter, come what may! Which brings me to your other questions about the formation of the Bartamaha state and your naive statement that the new federal member state could either be made up of 1.5 or 2 provinces--as if the Federal constitution does not fully delineate the requirements needed to become a federal member state. I gather you suffer from the same delusions that have caused Culusow to find himself in the predicament he is in Saaxiib, there is no such thing as halves in the constitution... and the constitution is paramount in everything we discuss here! No one clan will be allowed to break up any of the 18 provinces of Somalia. The petty bone of contention over the two districts in Mudug( Xarardheer and Hobyo) which are not yet a part of Puntland will eventually sort itself out, and ultimately the fate of whether the whole of Mudug either remain in Puntland or Join up with the yet to be formed Bartamaha State will be decided by what a majority of the people of Mudug want. Now, señor thefuturenow, if you knew anything about the geography, and demographics of the population that inhabit Mudug, you would have no doubt that Mudug is indeed Puntland and Puntland is Mudug. Which should also answer your initial question: Culusow does not need to be of any help nor hindrance to anyone. Galmudug and Puntland will sort each other out and, I believe to the interest of the Unuka family, coalesce around one another under one unit called Puntland. Now the provinces left over which will form the last federal member state will be Galgaduud, Hiiraan and Shebeelalaha Dhexe. And the way things are looking to me so far indicates that the HG tribes, D.ir and Kacaan D blood family, which share the Ahlulsunna umbrella will take the lead in the formation of this new state. Their recent victory in Guriceel over the Moryan warlords( which are Culusow's hired mercenaries) shows that for a fact. So once again, our president is politically screwed. Unlike Ceasar, he came, he saw, and he failed miserably! The end!
  21. Ha ha ha So now the mighty and formidable Damjadiid juggernaut is reduced to soliciting political advice on the Internet, eh? Saaxiib, Culusow has played all his usual cards in Galgaduud when he sent the warlords who wreaked havoc in the south back to the central provinces to establish--by force--a federal member state that falls within the reach of Damjadiid's ideology. However, like his previous attempts to use Barre and Madoobe Nuunow to distabalize the Jubaland and Southwest states respectively, came to naught-- Qeybdiid and Goobaale will come up short as well. Therefore, our dear president is screwed politically and all that is left for him to do now is to sit on his hands,like a student in after-school detention, in a corner until 2016 when his forgettable presidency will come to an end.