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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ If I understood the chatter, I might have had something to say. But, alas, I cannot partake in such. Please take you drivel elsewhere!
  2. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> And where is the evidence to back up your interesting claim? Tallaabo, you are like a drowning man who is crying out loud that he thirsts for water You tell us, why else would they care about a mere 22 months if it did not have something to do with their goals for 2016 in Somalia? We all know this isn't the first time a Somali leader has been given a term extension by Clan elders( Abdullahi Yusuf[AUN], Faroole and Riyaale Kaahin all got term extensions at the end of their respective mandates.) So why the hell are the UN, EU and U.S making a fuss about this term extension for Silanyo?
  3. ^ Somalia: UN envoy expresses deep concern at postponement of Somaliland elections Somalia: UN envoy expresses deep concern at postponement of Somaliland electionsUnited Nations Special Representative to Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay has expressed ‘deep’ disappointment by the decision to postpone the self-declared state of Somaliland elections, which had been scheduled to be held in July. Mr Kay called for a ‘’reconsideration’’ on the decision on a tweet message he made on Wednesday. ‘’Deeply concerned by move to postpone Somaliland elections by 22 months. Urge reconsideration. Time to set a positive example for democracy,’’ he said on his twitter account. Kay_tweet Earlier this week, Somaliland’s house of elders moved to extend a further 22 months for the current President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo. The decision led to fierce demonstrations across the region that cost human lives. Opposition groups disapproved the decision and called for elections to be held as scheduled. In 1991, after the overthrow of Somalia’s military leader Siad Barre, the northern territory of Somaliland declared independence, but has not been recognized by the International community. Horseed Media
  4. Lol@ "our fiefdom" Sxb, you are a false pretender: It's MY FIEFDOM, Mitch!
  5. The international community wants a new administration in Somaliland before the federal elections of 2016. So this term extension that Silanyo wants does not jive well with their vision 2016 plan for Somalia. Silanyo must resist his dictatorial inclinations and ask the people of Somaliland to renew his mandate in a free and fair election--which was agreed upon by the political parties and other stakeholders.
  6. ^ Tut, tut, Mr. Tallaabo! Such defeatist talk is why I have coined the phrase "hapless habro" Waryaa, suunka dhuuqso!! Somalia and Somalis are a great nation and people. We are merely going through a small hiccup in our history and we shall persevere and come through as one united and strong nation.
  7. Saalax, why would you expect an unelected and inheritently undemocratic body such as the Guurti to become champions of democracy? That is just a pipe dream! If there is to be genuine democracy in somaliland, you guys should build that thing from the grassroots level. Every district and every Tuulo and town, must elect their own local leaders. This will take time of course, but if you think a son of Afweyne like Silaanyo will voluntarily give power over freely... then you've got another thing coming to you.
  8. You lost the plot a long time ago, Buraha. Your tripe is nothing more than the shameless machinations of a Mirqaan debilitated hapless secessionist's malfunctioning mind. Every sensible person out there knows that the criminals hiding in the Galgala mountains have been effectively neutralized and that they've been reduced to hurling hand grenades at the Police. The only reason the International community are speaking of the Galgala mountains is because they have concerns that the civil war in Yemen might cause some die hard terrorists to seek shelter in the mountains. And to alley those concerns, the International community must provide more assistance to the local Puntland security forces. You, Buraha, on the other hand can continue to spew your hogwash as you please, but Puntland knows how to handle its business
  9. I will take Xoosh's protestations seriously when he returns to his home district as a candidate and runs for the federal parliament in 2016, and wins: But then again, we all know that this creature has no support back home, so let him chat shit all he wants!
  10. Nothing new here... Somaliland's eventual integration into the new Federal system of Somalia was always inevitable. However; what you have here now is Culusow and Damjadiid trying to convince their erstwhile Habro allies into breaking up somaliland into 2 federal states, in the hopes that a coalition between them will garner more support in the coming elections in Somalia. We will see if such a plan will work, but if I were a betting man, I wouldn't put my money on any plan concocted by Culusow's shortsighted cabal.
  11. 谢谢(Mahad sanid) ninyahow indhaha yar!
  12. ^ I wouldn't put much faith into the "remarks" our dear president makes, if I were you. We all know there isn't one single solitary thing that he has said he would do, that he has accomplished. Good examples of this are his previous debacles in Jubaland and Southwest state. So what makes you think that Galguduud will be any different?
  13. Galbeedi, putting aside Malistar's uncouth declarations, I believe PM Geedi has not endorsed such foolishness publicly( or atleast-- if he has, I am yet to witness such an announcement). So let's not deride Geedi for this until evidence of his support for this bankrupt idea is provided!
  14. Ha ha ha This is merely another desperate case of the rudderless Moryaan mentality that we've become accustomed to these years. lol Mogadishu will remain the national capital and seat of the Federal Government of Somalia. kulahaa, "the stakeholders have spoken": Stakeholders of what?... An Cambuulo restaurant
  15. Gooni, cudurka ku haya adiga waxaan filayaa inaad ka fiyoobaan doontid marka ay konfurta Mudug kusoo biirto Dawllad Goballeedka Puntland. So be patient, my boy!
  16. Personally, I'd favor a term extension for President Culusow.
  17. I hope the authorities in Puntland take heed and bring it to an end immediately.
  18. ^ Bloody cheap shananigans as usual! When will they learn?
  19. <cite> @Dhagax-Tuur said:</cite> Do we need more destitute people? Do we want to remain in a cycle of poverty? We humans manage everything else, why can't we manage our people when we can barely afford to keep the living ones alive? How can we educate our people to have the number of kids one can feed, cloth and educate? Without sounding western, arrogant etc? I welcome insults, constructive criticism and all good ideas. P.s. I know it's not a new idea, but hasn't the time come! Imaan laawe waaxid!