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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ Ha ha ha Tha has got to be the most honest thing ever said on SOL. Kudos to you, Nin Yaaban.
  2. ^ All is fair in love and war. Galbeedi, suunka dhuuqso!
  3. Malistar, Last we heard, there was some fighting in Dhuusamareeb between Ahlulsunah and Damjadiid. So I wonder, did the Galgaduud elders returning from Jigjiga ever manage to fly back to Dhuusamareeb?
  4. Ha ha ha...Lol@ " undermining" Everyone knows it's been a rough week for Damjadiid and their Anarchists incorporated colleagues: So it's understandable that Malistar has resorted to picking up such choice words as "undermine" and whatnot to cover-up his churlish meltdowns over the unstoppability of Federalism in Somalia and the futility of opposing its stalwart champions( Puntland). Sxb, Culusow is running out of time and 2016 is upon us, and his abject failures in office leave you and your lot no choice now, but to resort to your old argagaxiso ways... so get your Yasser Arafat style keffiyeh ready--- you gonna need it! Tick, tock, tick, tock.
  5. Lol The blackmail monies for the Mirqaan sessions are running short, indeed.
  6. ^ Thank you for the clarification saaxiib, although it's hard to believe anyone related to the disastrous Xaaji Maalaayacni was a competent minister.
  7. ^ Is it too presumptuous of me to assume that this Samaale has-been is a close clan relation of yours, señor Saalax? I personally can't see why the firing of a single individual could lead to such large revenue deficits in Somaliland. Nevermind the article clearly mentionining that deficits have been caused by reduced business taxes due to the conflict in Yemen. In any case, with such a lousy opposition, Silanyo is the right leader for Somaliland --and may he live long and thrive.
  8. This is what passes for political debate in somaliland: Politician 1: You were a snitch! Political 2: No. You were a snitch! Politician 3: shut up! You were both snitches and I wasn't. This is the pettiness of the politics of that part of the country. No one ever mentions anything about creating jobs or improving health and education. Everything is about who was selling out to the old regime in xamar. This is truly pathetic, which is why I say: Somaliland has no one better than Silanyo currently-- which says a lot about the unfortunate predicament those people find themselves in.
  9. ^ Tallaabo, am glad you have come to see the so-called opposition for what they really are: As nothing more than a bunch of "anna i dheh" opportunists. I've always wondered why Saalax & others are so eager to get rid of Silanyo and the unfortunate cabal currently running things, especially when there is no one better in the opposition?! Sometimes, matters should be as simple as keeping the devil you know...unless a genuine, progressive and well meaning opposition party comes to the forefront to challenge Silanyo, the current idiots running around like headless chicken in the opposition must not be allowed an inch near power!
  10. The elders, Ulamaa and civil society from the great sheikh's clan MUST come out strong to condemn these disgusting acts of blackguardism committed in their name. I have faith, that the right thing will be done.
  11. <cite> @Samafal said:</cite> Any Somali King/sultan/garad can represent on behalf of Somalis. You nailed it on the head. Per our Somali traditions and customs: Any King, Sultan, Garaad, Imam or Malaaq irregardless of their respective clans/families holds that title on behalf of all the Somali people. Unfortunately there are a few lowborn cretins with self esteem issues in this thread who either out of ignorance or other effeminate infuriority issues refuse to acknowledge these simple tenants of the Somali culture. Once again, the King has our gratitude!
  12. <cite> @Nin-Yaaban said:</cite> NOT my king, that's for sure. YES he is. But like a dead fish with glazed over eyes, you are unable to see the truth for what it simply is. The King has travelled to SA to speak with his Zulu counterpart about the security of the Somali community in that country. And I'm sure he has the thanks of all the Somalis living and doing business in South Africa who appreciate his efforts, no matter what the lowborn non-entities of this forum think and say.
  13. <cite> @Nin-Yaaban said:</cite> U are both shameful, this is the opening of the first VISA/Mastercard endorsed bank in all of Somalia. Where anyone with a Visa/Mastercard from abroad can withdraw money. But of course, don't let facts get in the way of ur hatred for the president. Oh please... save us the silly indignation here. Culusow, as President, has no business in playing the part of the grinning clown in that bank's advertisement. I believe he has more pressing and urgent duties to attend to ...and being a 4th world( if there is a such a thing) country's president is neither here nor there. That baboon in Villa Somalia has shamed us all.
  14. So... the lying, incompetent and hapless Silaanyo administration has finally admitted that they are bankrupt financially and morally. Whatever happened to the record multi-million budgets that Somalilanders used to brag about in these forums??? Tsk tsk tsk! Surely, if the poor pirate enclave next door--who regularly fail to pay their own soldiers --can welcome and settle thousands of Yemenite refugees and returning Somalis, then it should be a no-brainer for the wealthy Somaliland treasury to help folks fleeing from the conflict in Yemen without needing handouts from a third party. So what is this nonsense, about having no funds, really about? Is Somaliland officially bankrupt or is Silaanyo simply trying to avoid an unnecessary shellacking to the state coffers knowing full well how many people he must continue to bribe and blackmail to stay in office? Reason dictates that the latter of the two must be true.
  15. Bitter and Sweet by Ahmed I. Diriye Qasim, Consider the aloe - how bitter is its taste! Yet sometimes there wells up a sap so sweet That it seems like honey in your mouth. Side by side the sweet and bitter run Just as they do, my friends, in me, As I switch from sweet to bitter And back to sweet again. My two hands, right and left, are twins. One twin gives food to strangers and to guests, It sustains the weak and guides them. But the other is a slashing, cutting knife - As sharp to the taste as myrrh, As bitter as the aloe. Do not suppose I am the kind of man Who walks along one path, and that path only. I go one way, and seem a reasonable man, I provoke no one, I have the best of natures I go another, and I'm obstinate and bold, Striking out at others without cause. Sometimes I seem a learned man of God Who retreats in ascetic zeal to a seclude sanctuary - I turn again and I'm a crazy libertine, Sneakily snatching whatever I can get. I am counted as one of the elders of the clan, Esteemed for my wisdom, tact and skill in argument, But within me there dwells a mere townee, too - A no-good layabout he is, at that. I'm a man whose gullet will allow no passage For food that believers are forbidden to eat, And yet I'm a pernicious, hardened thief - The property of even the Prophet himself Would not be safe from me. I have my place among the holy saints, I am one of the foremost of their leaders, But at times I hold high rank in Satan's retinue, And then my lords and masters are the jinns. It's no good trying to weigh me up - I can't be balanced on a pair of scales. From this day to that my very colour changes - Nay, I'm a man whose aspect alters As morning turns to evening And back once more to morning. Muslims and infidels - I know their minds And understand them through and through. "He's ours!" the angels of Hell proclaim of me "No, ours!" the angels of Heaven protest. I have, then, all these striking qualities Which no one can ignore - But who can really know my mind? Only a grey-head who has lived for many days And learned to measure what men are worth. And now, my friends, each man of you - If either of the paths I follow Takes your fancy and delights your heart, Or even if you cannot bear to lose The entertainment I provide, Then come to me along the path - You're free to make a choice! - Translation by, B. W. Andrzejewski with Sheila Andrzejewski ***** ***** **** **** ***** ***** Original Somali version: Macaan iyo Qadhaadh ... Gabaygii Axmad I. Diriye Qasim(Eebe Jano Fardawso ha ka waraabiyee) 1. Dacartuba marbay malab dhashaa ood muudsataa dhabaqe 2. Waxan ahay macaan iyo qadhaadh meel ku wada yaalle 3. Midigtayda iyo bidixdu waa laba mataanoode 4. Midi waa martida soora iyo maata daadihise 5. Midina waa mindiyo xiirayiyo mur iyo deebaaqe 6. Masalooyin talantaalliyaan maandhow leeyahaye 7. Nin majiira keliyuun qabsada hay malayninae 8. Marbaan ahay muddeex camal san oon maagista aqoone 9. Marna macangag laayaanahoo miiggan baan ahaye 10. Marbaan ahay muftiga saahidnimo mawlacaw gala'e 11. Marna Mukhawi waashoo xumaha miista baan ahaye 12. Marbaan ahay nin xaaraan maqdaxa aan marin jidiinkise 13. Marna tuug mu'diya baan ahoon maal Rasuul bixinne 14. Marbaan ahay maqaam awliyaad maqaddinkoodiiye 15. Marna mudanka shaydaanka iyo maal jinbaan ahaye 16. Marbaan ahay murtiyo baanisaba madaxda reeraaye 17. Oo ay weliba muuniyo dulqaad igu majeertaane 18. Marna reer magaal Loofaroon muuqan baan ahaye 19. Waxan ahay nin midabbeeya oo maalinbays rogae 20. Muuqaygu gelinkiiba waa muunad goonniyahe 21. Miisaanna ima saari karo nin i maleeyaaye 22. Muslinka iyo gaalada dirkaba waan micna aqaane 23. Malaa'iigta naartiyo jannadu waygu murantaaye 24. Ninkii maalmo badan soo jiree madaxu boosaystay 25. Ee inan rag maamuli yiqiin waa I maan garanne 26. ninkasta halkii kuula mudan ee ay muhato laabtaadu 27. Ee aanad madadaaladeed ugala maarmaynin 28. Iska soo mar waa kuu bannaan marinkad doontaaye
  16. ^ Ha ha ha... Tallaabo, sxb, you must have imbibed your faraxal along with your breakfast this morning to come up with such a snide comment. It is known that no Habar in Xamar has suffered anything untoward. That is the simple truth, whether you love it or loath it. I believe, our beloved Habros are too inconsequential for anyone to be bothered to disperse them from their May 18th celebrations anywhere in Somalia. You on the other hand are gullible and churlish enough to believe the claptrap a tabloid such as the somalilandsun publishes on the Internet... and you have the audacity to accuse others of chattin' gibberish....negro, please!
  17. ^ So will this thing work with my Apple Pay account? If not, how is the money going to be paid to the Hawala?
  18. This is bogus news. The habros are nothing but attention seeking drama queens without an iota of decency and respect, who will not hesitate to publish such cheap propaganda. No one was dispersed in Xamar!
  19. I am usually quick to renounce and redicule anything that comes from the mouth of a hapless Habar, but in this particular instance (regarding the reconstitution of the once feared SNA) I must agree with Mudane Mujaahid Siilyaanyo. Somalia, and for that matter any other country out there, has no business building and arming a military force without first ensuring a genuine reconciliation between all the Somali people including our erstwhile Habros in the north of the country. Many Somalis have witnessed in the past the sort of atrocities a strong military is capable of committing against its own population without strong national institutions of governance to contain its force.
  20. This is an acceptable. The holy habro warriors must descend from their marfeshs to teach these wishywashy dervishes a lesson to remember. How dare they? Especially on May 18th... God forbid
  21. Lol Silanyo has lost it, if he has been forced to stoop to the level of replying to a madman like Faisal over the airwaves. Always knew the Somaliland leadership were in over their heads...