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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ The only thing that has seceded are your mental faculties from the rest of your carcass-- judging by your obvious display of foolishness and making such pitiful remarks Oh ye daft one: Haven't we told you before that Puntland is Somalia, and that Somalia is Puntland, huh? Happy belated 1st of August to all Puntlanders worldwide ?
  2. Lol The old man has turned into a fermented piece of cabbage....
  3. ^ What a joker! Everyone knows Silanyo without the budgetary assistance provided by the IC is like a zoo keeper surrounded by hungry lions( when it's many hours past their feeding). El Presidente is gonna get his ass ripped up by the same Habros he has for so long brainwashed and decieved. In any case, expect for Silanyo and his cabal to invariably decamp for Xamar--any day now. Albeit, the IC must offer Silanyo some sort of carrots to help smooth his transition into the federal Somalia framework!
  4. ^ Wishful thinking mate: There's nothing the opposition can do to Silanyo besides make noise on the sidelines at this time. However, all the IC wants to know from Silanyo is when and how he will officially and publicly bring about a rapprochement with the rest of Somalia and get his part of the country ready for the vision 2016 plan for Somalia. Naturally, Silanyo doesn't have a clue as to how to do so without giving his vocal opposition a lot of political ammunition to come after him. Unfortunately for him though, he must either choose between the wrath of the people he's been lying to all these years or hold elections on time, so as to get someone else elected who will bring Somaliland in from the cold. So to say the least here; 2016 is fast becoming an annus mirabilis or annus horribilis for our beloved Habros
  5. ^ By making HAG settle for a one-and-half-Gobol Interim Administration, President Culusow has outwitted the HAG on-behalf of his own Unuka family, who will now have no problems establishing their own legitimate, and I might add-- constitutional Federal Member State in the Shabeellaha Dhexe and Hiiraan provinces where they will have an absolute majority. On the other hand, Guuleed's Interim administration, per the constitution, will have to come directly under the political aegis of the Federal government, since it does NOT fulfill the 2 or more gobols requirement to form a Federal Member State. Thus, it seems the Caydiid vs Cali Mahdi beef that started in early 90's will soon come to an end, with Unuka dealing HG family a knockout punch in 2016 P.S To all the anti-Fedralists on this forum: You guys are loosing... P.P.S And to prove things ain't as rosy for HAG, our very own Damjadiid mouthpiece Malistar hasn't posted anything worthwhile of that Galmudug inauguration in Cadaado. In any case, cheer up sxb...I'm sure the new Galmudug Interim Administration will be taken care of whoever replaces Culusow in Villa Somalia post 2016.
  6. <cite> @Odey said:</cite> horta yaabeye, kan mar waliba kasheekeenaya lagaroonayaasha iyo buryaqabka maxaa no keeney! Odey, this is the problem with the useless doqomo who seem to post on SOL these days. They have become so accustomed to spouting nonsense anonymously, that it all feels perfectly normal. P.S Mr Johnson, please keep up your pitiful posts,in here! I want you to keep us amused and entertained, like a zoo monkey that flings its feaces about in its cage
  7. Caabudwaaq today, and before then Dhuusamareeb, and even before then, Guriceel. These guys ain't playing around... At this rate, they will be in Buurtinle and the Nugaal valley, in no time: Oh but wait... Buurtinle, we are now supposed to believe is part of "Galmudug" territory, so am sure Malistar will make it his top priority to demand Mudane Cabdikariim Guuled stop these armed Sufi Clergymen before they get to us poor and peaceable "Galmudug" pirates Ain't that so Malistar? Lol
  8. ^ Looks like that Wikileaks story has created a lot of finger-pointing brouhaha between the top politicians in Somaliland, with accusations and counter-accusation flying which and everywhere. But I agree... Silanyo with all his aged political wisdom is a sheer utter failure when it comes to being straightforward with the Somaliland people in important matters like this. And it is also pitiful that he is trying to blame Minister Xirsi for his signature on that agreement. How naive must he think the Somaliland people are? Oh, wait...nevermind! We all know how confident Silanyo is with regards to fooling the gullible habros of the north.
  9. ^ Lol @"traitor" Methinks, the term traitor lies in the eye of the beholder: To some, Silanyo is an astute politician who was always loyal to Mother Somalia, irregardless of all the brainless buffoons who he'd brainwashed into thinking Somalia could be dismembered in this day and age.
  10. ^ Like I said, the opposition is deluded and grasping at straws, and it is very unfortunate that the hopes of Somaliland have come to rest on shoulders of the likes of Faisal Cali Waraabe & Co.
  11. ^ That point is moot saaxiib. As long as the security forces are still taking orders from him, then Silanyo remains the President of Somaliland and the opposition parties are deluded, grasping at straws and destined to eventually accept Silanyo's term extension until 2016, when a lot of things are expected to change in Somalia as a whole.
  12. Where have we seen this film before? Oh, I remember... "Madoobe Nuunow and the 6 gobol fiasco" The same old lousy Damjadiid script is being screened in Cadaado, only with different actors. And like Madoobe Nuunow's nonsense, after a few weeks of dramatic cantrabaqash in Cadaado, all that will follow is the same predictable and anticlimactic failure for Damjadiid. Mooge, saaxiib, we are witnessing the last dying kicks of 2 desperate old horses( Culusow and Jawaari)--and all we can do is be patient and just watch the pitiful baffoons croak, as they run out of time.
  13. Holac, Liif the geeral. I am stiil took like hiir upto now. Now all jokes aside, I understood everything she said in that snippet, which at the end of the day, is what really matters.
  14. This article is all smoke and mirrors: It is known that Culusow and Silanyo are close political allies, and come 2016-- you will see these two running on the same political platform.
  15. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> At last the much awaited transformation of the Somali society is successfully nearing its completion. These are the times when the role of the silly, aggressive, and completely useless Somali man is reduced to a mere sperm donor :-D All power to the Somali woman. Our society's future is a matriarchal one. Waa in hooyada lagu abtirsado. The only thing which now needs to happen is for women to take control of politics too. Hmmm... Horta, xagee baan ku arki jirnay Qaldaan rabo in habar lagu abtirsado? Wait, don't answer that! Lest you expose Tallaabo's obvious bias in advocating for changing the abtiris system from the sperm donors to that of the sperm receptacles of our society. But I only speak in jest... I beg the pardon of our honorable womenfolk
  16. ^ The only thing the inhabitants of those cities are addicted to are the ships and vessels traversing the Indian Ocean. I kid
  17. ^ Horta, marfashyada marka lagu garshayo, ma la istijooda? Meeye raggii marfashyada waqooyiga ku baashaali jiray?
  18. It should be common knowledge by now that the western use of "last names" does not jive well with our ancestral lineage naming and counting system. So with that in mind; since your child's full Somali name is Dayax Sharmarke Ali, I believe it should remain so, no matter who will get confused about why he does not share the same "last name" as you do, according to the nomenclature used in western countries! On the other hand, if you wish to become a westernized Langaab who wishes to renege on his Somali heritage, then be all means... pick your grandfather's name as a "last name" and pass it on from generation to generation. The choice is yours.
  19. Oh lookie...the secessionist is back with his drivel, once again. How charming! CidanSultan, Federal Somalia is marching forward with or without the hapless and hopeless landers; and you- know nothing: Puntland remains at the vanguard of a federal Somalia, with mighty Jubaland by her side. So all you out there, best beware!
  20. ^ As if that will make the hogwash you posted any more truthful. Negro please!
  21. Who let the mental institution patients on SOL today? Puntland is Somalia and Somalia is Puntland, so nigga please...get the eff outta here with that nonsense!
  22. ^ Malistar, Ain't it a damn shame though, for these selfsame desert-dwelling pirates to leave the United Anarchists of Somalia no choice but to resort to the same sort of hopeless argaxgixisnimo that they used to engage in during the TFG era? Like that is ever gonna make Damjadiid and their blind Moryan sheep amount to anything worthwhile in Somali politics...tsk tsk tsk! Face it Malistar: The Damajdiid Moryan project in Villa Somalia has completely failed. It is time to accept democracy, federalism and progress.