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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. The old saying that "even rats abondon a sinking ship" comes to mind.? However, the politics of these calculated resignation are plain for anyone to analyze...expect these same rat-like ministers to soon join either Wadani or Ucid! Silanyo being the old rapscallion that he is, wants to make sure that the Kulmiye that Bixi inherits is one hollow and toothless political party once his term extension ends, since Mr Silanyo had reached an agreement with Mr Bixi some months ago-- that, in exchange for Bixi's support for a term extension, Silanyo would in turn support Bixi to become the next head of Kulmiye.
  2. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Ma haysaa wax ku markhaati furaya in Itoobiya Soomaalilaan xukunto. Any evidence of direct or indirect interference of Somaliland's internal affairs by Ethiopian agents? The last time I heard about Ethiopian agents in Somaliland was when two of them whom Ethiopia later claimed to be "diplomats" were arrested and brutalised in Gabiley by the police. Tallaabo, your naïveté knows no bounds. Tsk tsk tsk!
  3. ^ Saalax, I don't care much about Cirro's bitchslap on that stooge, as you say ?... but what I wanna know is: what's up with this sudden rush to cash in on public property by Silanyo or rather, the people who pull the strings behind the curtains? This same phenomenon is happening in Xamar as well. What could it portend? Is it because since Silanyo in Hargaysa and Culusow in Xamar, and their respective cabals have lost all hope of remaining in office, that they've decided to auction these public properties to whoever, so as to raise a few millions before their time is up? P.S I am also amused by the private individuals who are supposedly duped into buying these public properties--as if they will keep them. Any thinking person Knows that once a legitimate federal government takes office, all these guys will have to return all public properties and lands. Makes no sense whatsoever!
  4. Libaax-Sankataabte, No. Puntland should get away from using the Somali Shilling all together, and instead establish its own currency. It has always been a foolish economic policy to keep the joke that is the Somali Shilling on life support for so long, especially with political disunity so rife in the country, and Garowe and Mogadishu unable to share a single unified monetary policy in this point in time. I believe it would have been prudent for Puntland to establish its own currency a long time ago and I still think it isn't too late either, although some Puntlanders insist we ought to be patient and first fix what they call the "temporary" political and legitimacy problems that make the federal government in Xamar dysfunctional. They say, only then can we hope to have a decent single currency regime in the whole country that can tackle the illiquidity crisis that is crippling the Puntland economy locally. Naturally, these Puntlanders are lukewarm to any calls for the demise of the Somali shilling which when viewed from their usual patriotic shortsightedness is understandable; they refuse to preside over its demise and are wary of venturing into anything that will seem anathema to Somali national unity. But I condemn this for what it simply is... beerjileecnimo... and Garowe's reluctance to do a way with the Somali shilling even for a short spell--if not permanently--until Xamar gets its act together, is an abdication of their governmental responsibilities. We have a big problem in Puntland and that problem is illiquidity, which I alluded to earlier. This is why a seemingly prosperous part of Somalia, endowed with abundant natural resources and hardworking people is always afflicted with constant problems of lacag la'aan iyo dhaqaalo-xumo. So waiting for Culusow& co. or whoever else replaces them next year, to fix the fiscal and monetary problems affecting Puntland locally, from the federal level, is not a plausible option-- if anything, it is an unpatriotic. Thus Puntland needs to mint a new currency immediately, so as to have full fiscal and monetary control over its own economy. However, this does not mean doing it the old way of just printing paper money and sneaking it into the local markets- like thieves in the night-- with no fiscal controls in place, hoping and praying that it will readily be accepted and won't lead to rampant inflation or worse. For this to succeed; time, money and effort must be put in effectually studying the real level of economic activity or GDP. I'm sure if President Gaas makes it a priority it will be easy for him to do so. All the economic output, whether it be goods or services must be measured thoroughly and credibly, so as to determine the level of illiquidity prevalent in the economy. Once this is done, then the Puntland authorities can slowly introduce the new currency in small batches-- alongside the Somali Shilling and the Dollar already in circulation-- to slowly provide liquidity and thus lubricate the rusted mechanics of the Puntland economy. Initial injections of the new Puntland currency should start with very small denominations so as to ease the problems faced by small traders who find it very difficult to provide change for small transactions such as a bus ride or a cup of tea. At no time should this new currency be forced upon the people if they do not trust it. Trust must be earned and it should in the beginning be voluntarily accepted, and am confident with strict exchange rates backed by the government it will quickly be generally accepted, with encouragement and promotion of course.? All government workers should be paid a portion of their salaries with this new currency at first, and then at some later date, they should get all their salaries in this new currency... with the government always ready to back it up with the Dollar, or if they so choose to get it exchanged. I believe with good execution, this will quickly encourage the general public to immediately accept the new currency for all their transactions, giving the Puntland economy the much needed stimulus it so needs. Also, by then we hope to have a federal government in place that is ready to resume its constitutional duties of establishing a national currency that Puntland and all other Somalis can fully and confidently stand behind. Wa billahi Tawfiiq!
  5. <cite> @nuune said:</cite> Tillamoock, I beg to differ, the economy of Puntland has flourished in the past few weeks since the arrival of Yemen refugees (returnees and yemeni originals), the economy was much worse before the arrival, the signs are everywhere that these refugees brought something with them :-) And yes, it is unique to Puntland alone, I would not compare with Somaliland by the way (which is a head of Puntland, economy wise, and many other sectors, that is another topic I guess!). I spent 2 months in both regions, and all I can say is, Puntland has a lot to catch, hopefully, the construction of the Bosaso airport will change things, and the urgent need for new port, the current one, I cannot comment on it since it is another topic as well, it is just an old fashion and cannot be described as modern day port (take a lesson from Berbera Port). Your earlier post was allegedly blaming Gaas for the economic issues affecting Puntland according to what you heard from the "locals"--but now as you say, because of the Yemanite Refugees the economy has started to boom( no thanks to Gaas?). In any case, the infrastructure projects currently underway and those promised by the president will give the Puntland economy a much needed boost, which in the long run will be beneficial to the whole of Somalia.
  6. ^ Nuune, Gaas being liked or not can only be determined with the next election. I personally am no fan of the man, but I choose to give him the benefit of doubt until the end of his term, where like every other Puntlander I will have an opportunity to judge him based on all the promises he has made and the accomplishments he will have to show. By the by, the economy of the whole of Somalia in general is in the doldrums and is not unique only to Puntland. However, in the case of Puntland, the conflict raging in Yemen has had a direct despressing effect, which will have to be endured and I hope that Gaas provides the sort of leadership necessary to mitigate its adverse effects.
  7. ^ I still don't understand whether this scheme is meant to generate a return for the people who invest in it, or it is just another glorified form of Qaaraan?
  8. Akhyaarta SOL, calaacalka yareeya! Keep in mind, that our country is tediously recovering from decades of civil strife and state collapse. So let us stop this futile blame game, and focus on getting our nation back on track, irregardless of the overt and covert activities of some foreign governments who, in the end, are only trying to protect their geopolitical interests.
  9. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Tilamook, I think we all read between the lines. As you said the message is clear: Culusow, do not think of overstaying your time or else. If he doesn't back of, then they should put Speaker Jawaari will lead the 12 remaining months and implement the road map. I did listen that useless debate broadcasted by VOA last sunday. They just kept talking about constitutional court and other impractical maneuvers. If two third of the Parliament want to throw you out, there is no need to refer the matter to court. The hapless members of parliament are the highest legislators of the land. No court can overturn a two third majority. Mr. Culusow already got the writing on the wall. The international community want a Transfer. if he does not back off, the wheels will turn very quick for impeachment. Galbeedi, Did you say, courts? What courts? You mean the courts that the parliament never created....lol ? You see, this is what I mean when I say that Damjadiid are desperate... Am sure, you've also listened to the recent calaacal former minister Faarax Cabdulqadir hurriedly bellowed over the airwaves. Tsk tsk tsk ?
  10. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Election will take take place 2016 and just like any other citizen Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud has the right to Run for the President seat as second term ,No constitutional law denies him that ? Okay, I will concede you that little ground; that no constitutional law in the books currently denies Culusow to run. But then again, it is the custodians of the constitution who have brought this motion against him. And also, there is a different law/ power in Somalia which prevents the president at every political turn he takes. The same power that obligated former President Yusuf(A.U.N) to leave office without finishing his term. Culusow and damjadiid have bitten off more than they could chew, and now we are witnessing them choke. From his attempts to forestall the formation of Jubaland, and his current attempts to befuddle the formation of the remaining federal states, Culusow has shown himself to be a political ameture that tries to bite the hand that feeds him. He is doomed and I wish him luck with the moryaan in parliament ?
  11. ^ Markaad xaarkaaga aad walaaqan jirtey miyaa la gaaray? To dignify the nonsense you've posted above with a serious reply is tantamount to further encouraging your buffoonery. ? I will take a rain check on that.
  12. ^ Rather than accepting the IC calls for a "legitimate transfer of power"(keyword being transfer) for what it is, you choose to delude others through obfuscations and your own self- imposed discombobulation. Transfer of power means just that: A TRANSFER OF POWER from Culusow to whoever else gets selected/elected in 2016. For all intents and purposes, Culusow and damjadiid are as good as roadkill, politically.
  13. <cite> @Mintid Farayar said:</cite> So much for the theory that the international community, including the US, is behind this impeachment attempt. The IC seems genuinely weary of petty Somali score-settling. No wonder, the old sage Xiinfaniin used to refer to you as macno-yare.? Do you honestly expect the IC--regardless of their true intentions--to come out and openly side with the parliamentarians who brought the impeach motion against the president? Politics 101, mate! The IC, just like some federal member states and a majority of the Somali people are tired of Culusow's mismanagement and corruption, and the hindrance he's become to the vision 2016. In short, everyone, including his mama, wants that baboon out of office without causing any further mischief. However, as a sitting President, Culusow still possesses some power still endowed upon him by the very constitution which he has been trampling upon ever since he was first selected, which he can still use to undermine or delay parts of the federalization process(prime example being his attempts to legitimize Galmudug knowing full well that it does not have the prerequisite 2 or more gobols needed to establish a legal federal member state). But I digrace... any astute observer of Somali politics will understand that this current showboating by this particular toothless parliament is nothing more than a delaying tactic meant to preoccupy Culusow and his cohorts, as their term in office runs out. Wether they succeed or not, is something we will all have to see, irregardless of the wishes of the IC.
  14. ^ Malistar, are you now nitpicking sentences to extract anything even remotely useful to your daft form of cheap propaganda, huh? ... While recognising the progress that has been made in Somalia in recent years, especially on federalism, and also recognising the important and courageous contribution made by the Federal Parliament, often at great human cost, we remain concerned about progress on the legislative agenda and the need to pass key legislation including laws on elections, citizenship, political parties’ and the constitutional court. Emerging institutions are still fragile. They require a period of stability and continuity to allow Somalia to benefit from the New Deal Somali Compact and to prepare for a peaceful and legitimate transfer of public office in 2016. So tell us my desperate damjadiid mouthpiece: who might the IC wish to have provide " a legitimate transfer of power"? Face it sxb, time is running for retard culusow and the buffoons in parliament. 2016 has sealed their fate. Tick, tock, tick, tock...you hear that, Malistar? That's the clock running out for the embecile in Villa Somalia:", irregardless of the silly sideshow our placeholder parliament has going. ?
  15. ^ Malistar, it is very fortunate indeed that some retards don't have the power to become the judge, jury and executioner of MP Yusuf, eh? ?
  16. IC instructs the parliament and president to adhere to the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2232, which basically means that, since hapless Culusow and the current parliamentary vagabonds --who are trying to impeach him-- are both nearing their political exits in 2016, there's no need to bother with all this unnecessary showboating in the media. Basically, the parliament and president are like two disruptive drunks being forcibly ushered out of a club house who begin to distribute fisticuffs upon one another, just as the exit door gets closer. ? Methinks, these petty shananigans will hardly buy them anymore time to stay a little longer in the club house of federal Somali politics. Thus, good riddance to the lot of them! ? ********************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IC Statement: Mogadishu, 19 August 2015: As concerned partners of the Somali people, the envoys of the United Nations, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the European Union (EU), the United States of America and the United Kingdom express their deep concern that the parliamentary motion to impeach President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud will impede progress on Somalia’s peace and state building goals. “While we fully respect the right of the Federal Parliament to hold institutions to account and to fulfil its constitutional duties, the submission of any such motion requires a high standard of transparency and integrity in the process and will consume extremely valuable time, not least in the absence of essential legal bodies. We also recall that Somalia and all member states are bound by United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2232, which sets out the expectations of the international community on the security and political progress needed in Somalia, and the need for an electoral process in 2016 without extension of either the legislative or executive branch. While recognising the progress that has been made in Somalia in recent years, especially on federalism, and also recognising the important and courageous contribution made by the Federal Parliament, often at great human cost, we remain concerned about progress on the legislative agenda and the need to pass key legislation including laws on elections, citizenship, political parties’ and the constitutional court. Emerging institutions are still fragile. They require a period of stability and continuity to allow Somalia to benefit from the New Deal Somali Compact and to prepare for a peaceful and legitimate transfer of public office in 2016. In 2014 international partners advocated consistently for political stability and continuity, respect for institutional roles defined within the constitution and strong measures to tackle corruption and improve public financial management, including in the security and defence sector. In 2015 this remains our firm call. We are determined to assist the Somali people in preparing for an electoral process in 2016 that will not be dominated by any single institution or stakeholder. The exact choice of electoral process, will be made by Somalis following a national consultative process, in which the executive, legislative, regional administrations as well as civil society across the country will participate. We note that both the Executive and Members of Parliament have endorsed the proposed Action Plan for the national consultative process. We believe the Somali people should be given the opportunity to hold their elected representatives and government to account in 2016 through an inclusive and transparent electoral process. We call on the Somali federal institutions to maintain their unity and cohesion during this challenging period and focus on priorities Somalis have set for themselves: (a) the preparation of the electoral process in 2016; (b) the formation of federal member states and the constitutional review process, which are vital for stabilisation, governance and state-building; and © the fight against Al Shabaab, which is at a crucial juncture, thanks to the support and sacrifice of Somali national security forces, the African Union and partners
  17. Today, goats... tomorrow, space going vessels, inshallah. Long live our Hapless goat herding Habros ?
  18. ^ Lol@ "the president always laughs like a hotel receptionist" ha ha ha ???? Our resident Damjadiid mouthpiece, Malistar, is one relentless peddler of nonsense and cheap propaganda, if there ever was one, I must say. But then again SOL needs the odd entertainment... ?
  19. ^ Rats abandon a sinking ship. The irony though is the hypocracy of it all. Take for instance, Speaker Jawari's statement about the motion brought against the president... "Gudoonka ayaa sheegay in mooshinkan loo maareyn doono qaab dastuuri ah iyo shuruucda kale ee u degsan dalka. Waxaana Gudoonka uusan cadeyn xilliga Baarlamaanka uu ka doodi doono mooshinkan oo buuxiyey shuruudaha markii mooshin la gudbinaayo" ( Source: Horseed ) Pray tell, does anyone of you know what Jawaari might mean when he says "qaab dastuuri ah" ? Is not the Dastuur he mentions, the very same Dastuur that for the past 3 years or so, Jawari and his fellow MPs have refused to implement and stay true to?
  20. ^ Yep! It baffles the mind witnessing all the general goodwill Culusow got from all Somalis everywhere when he first got selected as President, and how he undermined the very same provisional constitution which was the very source of his own power and legitimacy. What a foolish despicable embecile!
  21. However, the only problem is that... our placeholder 'parliamentarians' are just as hopeless, hapless and helpless as Mudane Culusow is and has always been--especially, with 2016 just around the corner. Ergo, this move wreaks of abject desperation and attention whoring on the part of both the parliament and president, akin to two toothless rats-- in some horrid gutter-- trying to maul and maim one another? All we can do now is simply watch with amused pity. Horseed
  22. Lol Why do you ask Nin Yaaban if he is related to him?
  23. Samatar is full of hot air, as always. These doom and gloom scenarios for my beloved Habros are overly exergerated, and, I might add, pointless.