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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Instead of trying to score cheap political points--I urge anyone in Hargaysa who can help to come to the aid of these less fortunate people.
  2. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Xabad is fast rising in my estimation as a serious political scientist. His arguments have a lot of merit. The usual feminine ululation of one of our resident hapless habros of SOL is duly noted in here...? Tallaabo, why do you wanna throw homeboy Xabad under the bus like dat... you petty rapscallion you...?
  3. ^ Lol? C'mon, Che: You know that inconsequential non-entity is mad at me for ripping him a new a-hole in that other thread. So just let him be... let him rile against his betters. ?
  4. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Wrong, it's worse than the 4.5 system. At least with 4.5 the major qabiils have equal vote, the alternative favors those with larger land mass and hence more degmo. you have no problem with that, PL are enthusiastic for this, but some of us are fair minded and have a long term view as to how end the hostilities in the Somali peninsula. The boffins can sit down and come with a better system than this 4.5 system i am sure, but if there no alternative i say keep it. So deen and clan chauvinism go like hand and glove, somaha Tillamook. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. The silly suspicions of an inconsequential non-entity such as yourself, my dear boy, is irrelevant in this case. The 4.5 travesty has been tried and tested for the past 16 years and to date, we are yet to have a genuine and legitimate government that has the full support of the people of Somalia. Che speaks of the government's lack of accountability; and it's precisely because of the 4.5 travesty that it is so and that we still have a bunch of hapless individuals under UN protection without the legitimacy of people calling themselves the government of Somalia. We believe, if MPs and senators are elected by the provinces and districts of Somalia respectively , then these individuals would be accountable to their constituencies--just as other democracies in the rest of the world. Marka, Xabaddow, ha ii caroonin sidii dhoocil la fara xumeeyeyee... ee afaaraha Soomaaliya ama si daacad ah u abaar, ama lugaha isku duwo marka aan gollaha joogo!
  5. ^ Mudane Haatu Wangai, ma nooshahay wali? ? Salaan sare sxb!
  6. ^ Let's not encourage animal cruelty, shall we! <cite> @xabad said:</cite> See, its all a zero sum game with you. Domination, pedestal, right place, laangaabnimo , waa maxay waxaan ? Nin caqli leh aan kuu haystay. Ileen your just a knuckle dragging e-mooryaan. We are past this nonsense, son, it doesn't excite us, besides nobody will respect you more or think your tough cause your beating and taunting on a fellow skinny. The world doesn't care. I don't even enjoy fighting with black people let alone other Somalis. What have we learned from the civil war and the last 30 years, if you bloviating like this ? Dib isugu noqo, son. Don't make assumption about my clan, you'd be surprised if i reveal my clan. Look in the mirror Tillamook. Godspeed. Hehehe, Godspeed from a flaming atheist, eh? Oh, the irony...? First of all, if you gonna hit the reply button, I urge you to actually provide a cogent rebuttal to what was said before, instead of putting down the first drivel the sprouts out of your mind. If you'd paid any attention to what I wrote earlier in this thread, then you'd know the only way to move from the clan based zero-sum politics in Somalia, is to allow the nation to form other coalitions based on regions, provinces and districts. Ergo, your fear of the D-block's dominance will be greatly reduced because people will instead be forced to make political alliances based on the geographies and territories they live and belong to, instead of the bloodline they might share with others-- no matter how sacrosanct it maybe(only in the case of the D-Block, of course ?) Now, once again that was my argument and so if you have a better argument as to why you believe the 4.5 travesty will better provide a more equitable and fair democracy, then by all means... Let's have it! P.S As to me making assumptions about the Somali clan you formerly belonged to, I wouldn't give it the time of day. And besides, everyone knows that once one becomes an atheist and renounces the Tawheed, then one has rescinded his somalihood and therefore cannot belong to any Somali clan or family. For to be a Somali, my dear mooncalf, is first and foremost to believe in the one true God.
  7. ^ If I cared to listen to the braying of a donkey, I'd visit the local petting zoo I take my kids to. This district based constituency vs 4.5 based constituency debate is a national debate we are having, and you will have to come to the table with more than the simpleton shibboleths that you've proffered thus far. Now, if you wanna give it another go and bring something with a little more substance to the table then by all means give it another try...but if you're going to continue to bray nonsensically, then the petting zoo is thataway---->>
  8. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> That is a damned Lie and you know it ! What system are you for ?? ...and so you have the audacity to challenge the all concurring hero of SOL, Señor Tillamook ? ? Xabad, the record is out there for all to see that you support and prefer the 4.5 travesty because you fear the indomitable D-Block would otherwise assume their rightful pedestal over the Laangaab nimcompoops who support the 4.5 nonsense. Need I say more...? <cite> @xabad said:</cite> The timescales involved are over decades, naxar, waxba horay uma socdaan dalkaan, it gets worse and worse every year, eventually the somali speaking bantustans would be folded into the neighboring regional states that know how to govern, somalis can only bicker. say, in 2030, regional states could get bold and take the case to the UN to divide and take over the country formally after years of laying covert groundowrk. this is not a normal country or people, expect the crazy I agree district vote would give D block unfair distribution, that is why PL'ers are lobbying hard for it. 4.5 has proven to be really good idea.
  9. Ways of Rebelling By Nathalie Handal Who needs to be at peace in the world? It helps to be between wars, to die a few times each day to understand your father's sky, as you take it apart piece by piece and can't feel anything, can't feel the tree growing under your feet, the eyes poking night only to find another night to compare it to. Whoever heard of turning pain into hummingbirds or red birds— haven't we grown? What does it mean to be older? Maybe a house with- out doors can still survive a storm. Maybe I can't find the proper way to rebel or damn it, I can't leave. I want to, but you grow inside of me. And as I watch you, before I know it, I'm too heavy, too full of you to move. Maybe that's what they meant when they said you shouldn't love a country too much.
  10. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Honestly i don't know, a few years i would have said loose federation. Even that may not bring justice and peace, as Qabyaalad turns inwards when it doesn't have outside targets. What's this doublespeak, sxb? In a different post your frantic hullabaloo for the 4.5 system was duly noted, and yet in here, you decide to crawl back under a rock and in a defeatist tone proclaim that you don't know how we should divide power in Somalia. So how shall I chastise your atrocious breaches of national obligation and social justice?? Xabad, unfortunately we can't get rid of Qabyaalad in Somalia because it is the one and only thing-- so far--that our individual interests coelesce around. But what we can do is manage our Qabiil social security system in such a way as to mitigate its latent deleterious effects or "tyranny". And this can be done, we federalists believe, once we start electing government officials through provincial/ district level constituencies, instead of the current 4.5 tribal constituency method. The notion here is that if you're part of say the majority clan/view on the national level, but find yourself at the provincial/ district level, that you hold a minority clan/view, then you have a good reason to both temper your own behavior on the issues you support on the national level and not tyrannise over the minority, and when at the provincial level you find youself in the minority clan/view, you have reasons to accept your loss this time around and vice versa. Thus politics in Somalia will no longer remain a zero sum game, and you will find folks saying, "There is always next time" on divisive political issues. So next time you might be part of some different coalition and you might be able to prevail. In conclusion, an ideal Somalia will be one without Qabyaalad, but since that ain't happening, we need to start bringing other factions and coalitions into play to counterbalance the strong influence of Qabyaalad on our politics. And the regions, provinces and districts of Somalia is a good first step. P.S 16 years of the current defunct 4.5 travesty has failed to move our country out of its political doldrums, and so it's time to try something different.
  11. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> I answered that, I am against MAJORITY rule in general, it's a bad thing, it's tyranny and i am against all tyranny, clan, religious, national, ethnic etc. Granted, you fear the purported tyranny that may arise from a majority taking control ... but, how do you propose we, Somalis, divvy up the cake of power? Since we're not homogenous, per your earlier assertion(unlike Swaziland???) and since there is an obvious diversity of interests within Somalia, how do you suppose we share power?
  12. ^ C'mon old sport... Give me more meat to chew on! I asked what do you think of majority rule in general first? Is it a good thing or a bad thing, in general? After you answer that, then we will go from there as to why you are against majority rule in Somalia. So give it another go, would you? Much obliged.
  13. ^ Xabad, whilst we await Mooge's reply to your question... might I ask you a question, in turn. What are your thoughts about majority rule in a multi-pluralistic democracy-- in general, and it's feasibility in Somalia, in particular? And do you truly believe a 4.5 system of power sharing will lead to such a democracy or the district/provincial way of sharing power in Somalia?
  14. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Nacalaa Ku Yaal Bakhti u Sujuude... What an embarrassment!
  15. <cite> @Illyria said:</cite> That might be just wishful thinking, but at the end bitter than worm-wood. just look at Gaas in Puntland. Still, i was hoping Jamal and A/Rashid would have stood a better chance in assuming the leadership, but that now looks improbable if the mad dog has a say in the matter. As the old saying goes "Layli aan la hubin, Hayin la liiqaa ka haboon". All in all, I am on the fence. I, too, would have liked Jamal& Co. to step upto the limelight and bring to an end the senility that runs amok in the north. Unfortunately though, these younger guys haven't grasped the intricacies of Somali politics, yet.
  16. Lol @ "we don't want to 'rock the boat"? How does one even begin to counter such idiocy?
  17. ^ Lol @"I really don’t get HAG sometimes." ??? Mooge, their tendency to talk out of their rear ends on these forums usually baffles you, don't it? ? P.S The race is on Somalia... our goal is to organize direct flights out of major North American and European cities straight into Bossaso Intetnational by 2017.
  18. Silanyo points fingers at Xamar for Xirsi gaab's shananigans? 1) https://youtu.be/p6M-xJjCJtM 2) http://youtu.be/xuLF_bVtvCw
  19. Lol@ Xabad? Sxb, kuwaan haku oomin.
  20. Malistar & Young Asad MAKE IT CLAP for the Turks, miyaa??
  21. Bah! The gullibility of my Somali people never ceases to amaze me...? Turkey doesn't give a flying fart about Somali muslimhood nor about any ancient and historic links with Somalia. Turkey only cares about Turkey! But don't get me wrong here: I have nothing against Turkey pursuing its national interest in Somalia, just as are the West, the Arabs, the Chinese and others are all doing, in one way or another. In fact, I know it was after the Turkish president's visit to Somalia that caused many other foreign countries to rethink their Somalia strategies so as to secure their influence and interests with the Somalis. Ergo, Turkish involvement is welcome any day because it provides competition to the other world powers who all want to influence Somalia on the cheap. But it is upto us Somalis to play the game of international geopolitics much more adeptly, and come what may; play these world powers against one another so as to bring our national interests to the forefront of whatever they do. P.S Bosmanoglu: tell your higher-ups, that Turkish relations with Somalia will be just fine as long as you deal with all Somalis equally and not try to take advantage of their tribalistic shortcomings like some other world powers.?
  22. I like how he educates the desperate naysayers who wish to conceal their obvious skullduggery by demanding the defunct and unfair 4.5 system to return in 2016. Abdiwali says that the major clans(I.e D-block, Hag, Digir&Muufo, and the dir) all send delegates from their respective districts. As for the so called (.5) minority tribes - they get to keep their current quota. However generous and noble of Cabdiwali to wanna give minorities fair representation in the next government, I believe if any allowance for leeway is given to the 4.5 system and it gets prolonged, then that old adage of ..."give 'em an inch and they will want to take a mile" will come into play sooner or later. I believe the constitution has ample protections for minority rights, so these minority groups need not be allowed to undermine the very constitution that is supposed to protect them by further propagating the 4.5 nonsense.
  23. Saalax & Galbeedi; Xirsi's Damjadiid and Al Shabab connections have tainted him beyond repair, and he will never again rise to any high office in the north.
  24. ^ I agree. Somalia has no choice but to side with the Arabs for many national interest reasons; the most important which is that our vital livestock trade depends on it. However, our current president and his cronies are only doing so for very myopic selfish personal reasons and do not give a damn about our greater national interests.