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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. You, sir, are a peddler of rubbish! Damjadiid is Al Shabab, and Al Shabab is Damjadiid: This rigmarole you've posted is nothing more than a desperate publicity stunt to show that Damjadiid are serious about fighting terrorism...but everyone knows nobody is ever really punished in Xamar, by the defunct Culusow administration, for being part of Al Shabab.
  2. ^ And that is precisely what is going to happen: Those who a happy to advocate for the 4.5 travesty can rest assured their shananigans will only affect their respective constituencies.?
  3. ^ Oh, snap!!! Looks like shit has hit the ceiling fan??
  4. ^ Ha ha ha? There must be something to these accusations for it to bring out Mudane Oodka, our aged secessionist lurker-in-chief, from out under the rock he's been hiding all this time. All jokes aside: it is well known that the Shabab and the administration of the hapless habros have always had a very cordial and working relationship. It is also known that, lately, the Silanyo administration and the Damjadiid clowns in Xamar have had a slight falling out; Ergo, this Daalo airline attack could well have been the first ominous rumblings of discontent between these two erstwhile friends.
  5. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Madaxwaynaha Puntland oo Looga yeedhay dalka Ethiopia The Love for Foreign Intervention it's Amazing supposed to be Harvard graduate Intellectuel I suggest you worry less of Abdiwali's academic credentials and foreign travel, and more about the unfortunate human trafficking of the womenfolk of Xamar, that Damjadiid and Culusow are using to raise funds for the upcoming elections.?
  6. <cite> @gooni said:</cite> Tell that your president You mean, our president,right? Caqli bursaliid?
  7. What's this... Bah, the damn Hutus are at it again...always purveying their sad wet dreams about Puntland, as if anyone will take their desperate and cheap propaganda seriously. Malistar, give your silly claptrap a rest, will ya! Puntland State of Somalia and Federal Somalia are here to stay, despite all the nonsensical bleatings of Damjadiid and their light-weight supporters on SOL?
  8. The naïveté of my SOL colleagues is unrelenting, to say the least. Al Shabab is nothing more than the armed wing of Damjadiid(The corrupt cabal that surrounds Culusow who arm and use Al Shabab to further their warped and shortsighted political objectives) C'mon guys, get with the program!
  9. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> 90's was serious bitch slapping time for the likes of Tilamook. I love the fact that you need attention so bad that you had to name drop Señor Tillamook into this boring thread. That makes me feel happy ? Enjoy your depression?
  10. ^ But Mooge, even if the talks were genuine... what would the Silanyo administration bring to the table? We know what they want is recognition; but what are they willing to offer to the Somali Federal Gov for that recognition?
  11. Saalax, ha la wadahadlo ma xuma, laakin maxaa laga wada hadlayaa weeye su'aashu?
  12. ^ Che, you shouldn't reply to every desperate Hutu who comes to SOL, pretending to be a Puntlander, and posts nonsense on here--with the intent to dissimulate.
  13. ^ Heeeeey! I am a proud Puntlander and I don't hold such views about those damn Hutus in the south.. so stop your baseless insinuations here..?
  14. ^ Waryaa, stop your petty generalizations and simpleton biases. Members of Damjadiid and their terrorists armed wing come from every region in Somalia.
  15. Tillamook


    ^ Aaheey, waa runtaa?
  16. Tillamook


    ^? "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" Touché, CidanSultan?
  17. Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay Soomaaliya Michael Keating oo gaaray Kismaayo Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa maanta gaaray wafdi uu hor kacayo safiirka cusub ee wakiilka uga ah Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya Mr. Michael Keating ee sanadkii hore damaadkiisa loo soo magacaabay. Waxaa wafdiga garoonka Kismaayo ku soo dhaweeyey madaxda Jubbaland oo ugu horeeyo madaxweyne ku xigeenka Cabdullaahi Sh Ismaaciil Fartaag iyo masuuliyiin kale oo maamulka tirsan. Safarkan oo ah kii ugu horeeyey ee safiirka ku tago Kismaayo ayaa ujeedkiisa lagu sheegay is xogwaraysi ku aadan Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya waxaana uu la kulmi doonaa Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madobe. Mr. Michael Keating iyo Axmed Madoobe ayaa dhamaadkii bishii hore kuwada kulmay magaalada Muqdisho oo ahaa kulankoodii u horeeyey. Horseed Media
  18. Churchill's grave by Lord Byron (A fact literally rendered) I stood beside the grave of him who blazed The Comet of a season, and I saw The humblest of all sepulchres, and grazed With not the less of sorrow and of awe On that neglected Turf and quiet stone With no name clearer than the names unknown, Which lay unread around it; and I asked The Gardener of that ground, why it might be That for this plant strangers his memory tasked, Through the thick deaths of half a century; And thus he answered––“ Well, I do not know Why frequent travellers turn to pilgrims so; He died before my day of Sextonship, And I had not the digging of this grave.” And is this all ? I thought,––and do we rip The veil of Immortality, and crave I know not what of honour and of light Through unborn ages, to endure this blight? So soon and so successless ? As I said, The Architect of all on which we tread, For earth is but a tombstone, did essay To extricate remembrance from the clay, Whose minglings might confuse a Newton’s thought, Were it not that all life must end in one, Of which we are but dreamers ;––as he caught As ’twere the twilight of a former Sun, Thus spoke he,––“ I believe the man of whom You wot, who lies in this selected tomb, Was a most famous writer in his day, And therefore travellers step from out their way 30 To pay him honour,––and myself whate’er Your honour pleases:”––then most pleased I shook from out my pocket’s avaricious nook Some certain coins of silver, which as ’twere Perforce I gave this man, thought I could spare So much but inconveniently:––Ye smile, I see ye, ye profane ones! all the while, Because my homely phrase the truth would tell. You are the fools, not I––for I did dwell With a deep thought, and with a softened eye, On that old Sexton’s natural homily, Kanzelrede In which there was Obscurity and Fame–– The Glory and the Nothing of a Name.
  19. ^ It stands to reason that your hapless predisposition and nature would lead you to rally around the weaker segments of Somali society! LONG LIVE THE NOMADS?