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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. There's nothing wrong when men fighting for whatever reason, be it power, money or influence kill each other...but nothing justifies the killing of women, children and the elderly. This is in humane and very unsomali.
  2. 6 caruur ah iyo Ayeeydood oo lagu diley Shabeelada Hoose, kadibna meydokoodi la gubay! Wararka ka imaanaya gobolka Shabeelada Hoose ayaa sheegaya in tuulada Dudumo oo ka tirsan degmada Shalanbood lagu diley 6 caruur ah iyo Ayeeyadood. Dilkan waxaa geystey dabley colaad kala dhexeysey beesha ay ka dhasheen caruurtan, kuwaas oo habeenkii xalay ku miray gurigoodi. Arrintan ayaa noqotey mid si weyn loola yaabey kadib markii caruurta la geliyey dagaalada beelaha iyo aartgoosiga. Dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegaya in dableyda dilka geystatey ay meydka caruurta iyo ayeeyadood isugu ururiyeen meel kadibna ay dab qabadsiiyeen, tan oo ah mid si weyn loola yaabey, dadkasna ku ridey argagax. Kooxda dilka geystey ayaa sidoo kale dhacay xoolo ay qoyska la diley kadibna la gubey dhaqanayeen oo isugu jira Lo iyo Ari. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose Ibraahim Aadam Cali oo u waramay VOA ayaa xaqiijiyey dilkan, waxaana uu ku tilmaamey dil aan horey uga dhicin oo aad u fool-xun, Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in marar badan oo la isku dayey in labada beelood heshiis la dhex-dhigo lagu guuldaraystey. Horseed Media
  3. ^ Xaaji Maalaayacni, at it again eh?? For the record: Is Culusow coming back after the elections??
  4. ^ Che, Find us picture of that same waterfall about a month after the rains end, and you will see the place return to being a desert once again. All that water will drain into the ground and the vicious cycle of thirst and drought resume yet again for the hopeless Somalis and their livestock.
  5. I wouldn't recommend Mr. Yusuf to go into any sort of politics, whatsoever! However, if he wants to be of service to Puntland and Somalia, he ought go back and share his judicial expertise and help Somalis work on building a fair and independent court system.
  6. This is ridiculous, and could have been avoided with a little community organization and hard work. We know, most reer miyi folks in Somalia dig themselves a little ditch(Baraag) in the ground every year to store rain water, but usually they aren't big enough or deep enough to store much water. But if these same individuals pooled their resources together I believe they can construct themselves and their communities very large water reservoirs/ dams for the drought months. Problems with Somalis though is that they expect every bloody thing be done for them. They lack initiative even if their lives depends on it...?
  7. Boorame: 6 qof oo ku geeriyoodey roobab ka da’ay gobolka Awdal Posted by Keyse Aadan Inta la ogyahay 6 qof ayaa ku geeriyoodey kadib markii roobab xoogleh ka da’een gobolka Awdal, gaar ahaan magaalada Dila iyo miyiga ku xeeran. Dadka geeriyoodey waxaa kamid ah caruur iyo dad waayeel ah. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Awdal Maxamuud Cali Saleebaan oo la hadley laanta afsoomaaliga ee VOA ayaa sheegay in loo xaqiijiyey geerida dadkan. Iyada oo gobolka Awdal ka mid ahaa meelaha ugu xun ee ay saameysey abaarta ka taagan Soomaaliya ayaa roobka dadku geeriyoodeen ka da’aayey halkaas in ka badan 4 saacadood. Weli qaar kamid ah gobolada Soomaaliya waxaa ka taagan xaalad abaar oo ba’an, waxaana hadda la sugayaa roobabkii xilliga gu’ga. Horseed Media
  8. @Xaaji Xunjuf said: I have said it before Cabdi Cawar is a weak leader he will bend for Mogadishu, willingly so much huffing puffing booraash cune boorashe cune dhalay weye and this was predictable indeed. The whole drama cabdi cawar was putting on was no 4.5 under any circumstances in Somalia 2016 ma la marsiiyey wakaas eeh, tedros ba ii damanaad qaaday iyo beel calaam lol in aanay 2020 mar dambe 4.5 la keenin. Bal isaga max loo concedegereye zero nothing. Cabdi cawar is and will remain a loser even faroole rejected this. Masha Allah, Xaaji Xunduf, in da house! Salaan qaali ah saaxiib..? Funny thing is everything you've said is exactly what some very loyal and patriotic Puntlanders have been saying about President Gaas ever since, in my opinion, he was shanghaied by the I.C into accepting the 4.5 travesty to choose the delegates for the coming national vote in Xamar. However; it would be prudent in the future for the President to manage the people's expectations better-- because what happened last Sunday was just a complete and utter PR disaster. ?
  9. ^ Yes. Faisal niicle did say,"a boy in Addis was closer to him than a boy in Xamar". Ergo, Barwaaqo & Tallaabo's ass-kissing ego boost that they thought necessary to proffer toward Jigjiga is not required. It is customary for Somalis to come to each other's aid in times of need, irregardless of our political difference.
  10. Culusow and Damjadiid control Xarardheer.
  11. ^ ? Damn Hutus were given a thrashing they won't forget...hehehe
  12. ^ Oh shut it, you sniveling mooncalf? There is always gonna be one Somalia, one people, one nation. Irregardless of our seemingly unending idiotic political rivalries and the mistrust of our respective clans, we SHALL overcome it all and we WILL develop our country on par with the rest of the modern world. Now...keep faith(pun intended?)!
  13. Tillamook


    Sxb, Che, every inch of Somalia's coastline, from Ras Casayr to Ras Kambooni, is just as pristine- which is why the whole world wants a piece of Somalia...it's a pity, that we Somalis are blind to it and do not cherish the beauty of it all.
  14. Malistar, The only thing Culusow has sent to Puntland are a bunch of cimaamad wearing moryaan, and we know Puntland Security Forces are effectively putting a return label on the bodies of those very same cimaamad wearing moryaan...
  15. Saalax, "Culusow's riffraff hutus karbashed in Puntland" would have made a better title for this thread.? In any case, Puntland shall remain faithful in its fight against the abject moryanism of an increasingly desperate and spiteful Culusow. Puntland will never tire in its efforts to restore Somalia to its rightful place. P.S I urge any savvy investor out there to buy shares in the Chinese factories that make the keffiyehs these hutus cover their faces with...? P.P.S Malistar, have you dusted off your cimaamad yet? Pity we can't see it when you post on Sol?
  16. @Mooge said: look at what siilanyo is doing. how do you build a port next to berbera for your clan? niyoow i feel sorry for people who support siilanyo. they are irrational people. berbera is a somaliland port and it needs to be supported, not undermined. That small port Silaanyo is trying to quickly cobble together near Berbera-- if completed-- is meant to help minimize the storm of discontent which will surely be brewing within even his own closest allies and kin, once he leases out lock, stock and barrel the Berbera Port to foreigners.
  17. @Mooge said: Barwaqo, baayo maxa tiri? lol aa la tahay. lol Classic... :D
  18. ^ Rest assured sxb... We shall pass on your questions to our very own Damjadiid mouthpiece, Mudane Malistar--who shall, with all possible haste, post some photos of some guys in military fatigues marching about in Xamar. This, we hope, will allay the genuine concerns of our esteemed SOLers about the "on-going investigation" of the Daallo plane attack.?
  19. ^ Waa beentaa, suxulyahow. Ciyaal suuqa somalinet aniga ayee iga barteen?
  20. Galbeedi, I don't know why we Somalis choose to pretend that, however weak and disfunctional our country is... there are many who still fear what it was and what it can be, again. The arms embargo on Somalia will remain unchanged because those who've imposed it, don't share your fears about one clan in Somalia getting armed and then subjugating the other clans...but rather, they only wish to keep any heavy weapon systems from falling into ANY Somali hands-- for fear of such arms being used to wage war, in the future, on our fragile neighbors.
  21. <cite> @Johnny B said:</cite> For some of us, the psychological scars of Somalia's civil war are just too deep. For few of us it's beyond repairable, 26 years later,any Somali of military personnel that doesn't belong to their clan is somebody's militia or/and Al-shabab militia per definition. sad indeed. Hey Johnny: You appear to be arguing with me, so allow me to refute your malicious insinuation here-- that anyone who calls out Culusow's militia for what they truly are is being clannish. It is known that Damjadiid whilst fattening their own pockets--on a regular basis--send the local riffraff hutu militias and Al Shabab of Xamar to places like Uganda for training(as the so-called Somali National Army), only to come back home to resume their mooryaanimo and terrorism. Ergo, your continued denial of this obvious fact, only serves to debase your judgement below the sagacity of any braying donkey out in Xamar, that has wisdom enough to see Damjadiid's shenanigans, without being ever mistaken and designating others clannish.?
  22. ^ I agree, Shabab is on the brink because Al Shabab is Damjadiid... thus Damajadiid too are on the brink-- thanks to Culusow's failed presidency and rudderless policies. P.S When you say "our forces", you mean Culusow's Hutu militias-- who by day go about as SNA/NISA and by night Shabab-- right??
  23. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> i don't have time replying to programed computer who has been repeating same bullshit sentence for yearsdley ^ Ha ha ha...? You're one heck of a glutton for ridicule, aren't you? Of course, you are...Here you are trying to spin and wiggle your way out of yet another indefensible morass of claptrap, on behalf of the hopelessly ineffectual Culusow; but then still you have the audacity to say "you don't have time" (This has got to be the most hilarious example in history of the pot calling the kettle black)? Unfortunately for you, however, Culusow and his cronies in Villa Somalia are a total political failure, and the people of Somalia have to come to see them for the worthless pieces of shit that they truly are. Now, Malistar, if you truly believe in your hearts of hearts that Culusow is gonna stay on in Villa Somalia after the elections later this year--no matter, all the desperate and last ditch efforts he may try to stay in power--then you, my friend, are more retarded than I had supposed you were. Culusow ain't coming back, even if all the damn Hutus down south go back to masking their faces with those old school Yasser Arafat style keffiyehs and dust off their muqaawama terrorist nonsense. So keep posting and regurgitating the same old boring propaganda of Culusow playing cops and robbers with his friends, Al Shabab-- You ain't fooling anyone.?
  24. ^? You seem as if words have failed you, thus resorting to such petty and churlish memes. Try harder, ninyahow...Damjadiid still requires your services on sol?