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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. I don't know how feasible it would be, but I think it would be best to bring the thousands of police departments across the country under the direct control of a single federal department like the FBI. That way the racist cowards, in small municipalities and big cities--who hide behind law enforcement badges and believe that that alone is a license to kill black folk, with impunity-- will be brought to justice or sacked.
  2. Oh please, Saalax. This news you've shared is not true because the Puntland security forces that were dispatched to Carmo--to bring to an end Mudane Gallan's photo-op in the town-- did not find him there.(Gallan had done the sensible thing and retreated to the surrounding countryside to avoid confrontation...so sorry for the letdown, guys?) Saalax, I will have ye informed that the area Elders are handling this matter and they have decreed that violence should be used only as a last resort to subdue Gallan--after all, he is nothing more than a disgruntled former civil servant and his supposed "insurrection", at the end of the day, is as useless as the wind that dried yesterday's laundry. Marka saaxiib, I urge you not to entertain this sort of pitiable and effeminate doom-mongering, like our Mudane Malistar who always hopes and prays that Puntland becomes as chaotic as the domains of the Moryan-Hutus of the south?
  3. @Tallaabo said: I am surprised this man is still roaming free. He should be eliminated as a soon as possible. Somaliland should not ignore this mass murderer and should deal with him or pay others to do the job for us. I am sure there is no shortage of warriors desperate for cash who would be more than happy to take on this noble mission. If the government is not willing to do this, then the public should organise themselves and appoint a committee to hire suitable guys. Walaahi I am willing to pay my share if the victims of Morgan's war crimes get together and take on the noble task of bringing this criminal to justice. Habar fadhida lagdin la fududaa...?
  4. ^ Lol?? C'mon Che, you know the hapless habro have a soft spot for the General.
  5. A Worker Reads History by Bertolt Brecht Who built the seven gates of Thebes? The books are filled with names of kings. Was it the kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone? And Babylon, so many times destroyed. Who built the city up each time? In which of Lima's houses, That city glittering with gold, lived those who built it? In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome Is full of arcs of triumph. Who reared them up? Over whom Did the Caesars triumph? Byzantium lives in song. Were all her dwellings palaces? And even in Atlantis of the legend The night the seas rushed in, The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves. Young Alexander conquered India. He alone? Caesar beat the Gauls. Was there not even a cook in his army? Phillip of Spain wept as his fleet was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears? Frederick the Great triumphed in the Seven Years War. Who triumphed with him? Each page a victory At whose expense the victory ball? Every ten years a great man, Who paid the piper? So many particulars. So many questions.
  6. Galbeedi, enough with the overdramatization! No harm shall come to our beloved Habros; however, expect the unexpected with regards to the Silanyo administration in the coming months.
  7. The worst sort of xenophobes, in my opinion, are the less fortunate sheep in a particular herd, who find it convenient to blame all their misfortunes and troubles on those sheep who are not members of the very same herd. There is nothing sinister about these opportunity seeking migrants into Somalia. Surprising as it may seem-- they've come to Somalia to improve their lot in life, whilst we Somalis are dying in the seas, trying to do the same in our attempts to migrate to Europe. Allah(SWT) has said "fantashiru fil ardhi"... so good luck trying to stop what has effectively been going on for ages.
  8. Not gonna happen anytime soon. Berbera isn't Silanyo's marfash to be auctioned so cheaply.
  9. ^ You are right, Xaaji, Somalia has indeed acted like a headless chicken without Somalilands active political participation... however keeping up the metaphor, we can also say what good is a decapitated chickens' head just laying there on the ground, doing nothing laying on the ground? ? P.S Whatever happened to the "Somalia-Somaliland talks" thread that you started? How dumb could you have been to think hopeless Culusow could deliver recognition to the hapless Habro? Saaxiib, Culusow ma haduu bilaabey qosolka mise waagii habraha uu ka waalayey wadahadaladii Turkiga...lol?
  10. Xaaji Maalaayacni, Keep up old man, you might think you still have what it takes to obfuscate your way out of this one, but Silanyo now realizes the precious time and energy he wasted by siding with hopeless Culusow and Damjadiid and the futility of giving him the vote of the Habro delegation back in 2012. So now, the old man is looking to see what other viable political alliances he can forge post 2016, for Culusow's prospects of remaining in Villa Somalia are very slim.
  11. Saalax, But, ofcourse, Silanyo would be seated with the delegation from Somalia led by Mudane Culusow. Why would you think otherwise?
  12. ^ Somaliland has votes in the upcoming federal elections in Mogadishu, and Silanyo has invited the parties of ARAN JAAN and AALA SHEIK to come woo him in Hargaysa for those votes. By doing so, Silanyo still hopes to perpetuate the falsehood of his secessionist pipedreams and as usual fool the people of Somaliland-- who of late have been dying in droves in the waters of the Mediterranean, trying to get away from his administrations "wey duushay" nonsense. Now let's all wait and see how desperate Sheikh Sharif and Mudane Faroole are for the Somaliland Vote later this year. ?
  13. Always good to get your feet wet at the state level and then move on up to the federal government.? By the by, I expect a "repentant" Ilko Xanaf to return home to Hargaysa.?
  14. @Maakhiri1 said: Tillamook, are you OK, or blinded by tribal, The guy has delivered nothing but misery to the Puntland people. Xagee kaaga bilaaba? The army the police, not paid for 12+ months, the public servants not paid, tax increase, nepotism,incompetence, significance fraud and corruption, censorship, lack of leadership, and many more Sidee wax kaa yihiiin oo u indhaladahay?He is absolute failure. As for impeachment, what army you talking about? there is impeachment process defined under the constitution, which is currently under way, watch this space. He is incapacitated and unable to lead the state. You, sir, are a peddler of bullshit. If you or your Hutu financiers have a better political vision to offer Puntland, then by all means... begin your campaign for the next elections to challenge Gaas. In the meantime, limit your cheap antics and baseless claptrap. p.s How is Mahiga doing?
  15. @Holac said: Gaas hasn't done well in Office. He failed. How exactly has he failed, and to what standards and parameters were you holding him upto? Please elaborate!
  16. @Maakhiri1 said: Gaas is a major failure and disaster, traitor, and must be impeached ASAP. You and whose army? ?
  17. @Ilbir said: Men & women are not the same biologically, you must of course understand this. Even our religion verifies this and I agree with it %100. Men rely on instinct and as instinctual beings if they are exposed to an open vagina they will act on it. The utmost importance is in the woman's morals to keep it hidden from strange men's eyes for exposing it will cause alot of trouble. I told you I'm an avid researcher of Holstic medicine & health, this is why I have formed my opinion about sex. Firstly it is in my opinion that coitus is indeed a very nutrient wasting task and is taxing to the whole body's system. If you are having sex to have fun instead of to procreate you are doing alot of damage to yourself. Oral coitus is not normal if that were so animals who are smarter then us would be doing it. Many books of the ancient times have said that in the end-times people will result to Oral coitus, Anal coitus, and homo-sexuality. How saddening. You are so silly bro. KOW KOW KOW… II WAD SHEEKADA! HADANA II WAD SHEEKADA!! MISANA II WAD SHEEKADA!!! Maxamed, ii wad waa igu socotaaye. ?
  18. @Ilbir said: Simpletons! What will diaspora building hotels do for us?! It erodes the morals of the women and gives them a safe please to have sex-out of marriage. Why is it that these dhaqan-celis fools have come into Somalia and ruined the morality of Somalia. It was back in the day when women thought kissing was disgusting and against the religion, with their husbands missionary was the only position they did and kissing was frown up in the heat of the moment, now these same women are okay with blowjobs, standing while fucking, and other despicable acts. KOW KOW KOW... II WAD SHEEKADA! HADANA II WAD SHEEKADA!! MISANA II WAD SHEEKADA!!! Maxamed, ii wad waa igu socotaaye. ?
  19. <ahref=" http://www.somaliaonline.com/members/Tallaabo/ " rel="nofollow">@Tallaabo said: First of all you have either not read my comment at all or you have deliberately mis-quoted me. I neither called you a fool nor supported any administration. Indeed I consider the useless Silaanyo administration a total waste of time. Secondly, you have implied that the grass is a lot greener at your side of the fence and that the only way the youth in Somaliland can find any hope is to cross that fence. This too like the deliberate mis-quotation of others is a time honoured trick used by the propaganda ministries of the world's wicked regimes, and as everyone knows is completely untrue. The youth in Somaliland will never find any opportunity in a land where its citizens live for the sole purpose of bringing each other down, of course with the readily available help of foreign armies. There are no fences here, sxb, and your mention of these imaginary fences is precisely the worthless claptrap, I was talking of earlier, that the Silanyo administration uses to brainwash and distract from the important things in life. Like I said before, wrench your head free first...
  20. @Tallaabo said: You are either taking an immoral advantage of a sad situation or your logic is dictated by the raw emotion of the moment. Whichever it is, you will be wiser to avoid making any comments lest you make yourself look like a fool. Tallaabo, saaxiib, calling me a fool for rightfully pointing the finger at the corrupt and ineffectual Silanyo administration for this disaster, is entirely disingenuous and unfortunate on your part. I, like the poor mothers in that video who were mourning, fully lay the blame solely at the feet of Silanyo and his "waanu go'aynaa" administration for the tragic loss of lives in the Medeterranian. Be that as it may, sxb, if you still wish to further engage me directly on this thread about this particular disaster, then I will have to insist that you first grasp your ears firmly and pull; maybe then you just might be able to wrench your head free from your withered rear end and see how hapless, helpless and hopeless the youth of Somaliland have become because of the brigands in charge in Hargaysa who have nothing better to offer the people besides the usual diversionary claptrap of ..."waanu go'aynaa...iyo wey duushay bahashii... iyo May18 baa soo dhow ee aanu hudheelo lagu niikiyo, afarta beeni-jiho adduunka, ka kireysano". For fcuks sake, when will this misery for the people of Somaliland end? Tallaabo, sxb, the youth need good jobs and opportunities. The youth need hope. The youth must made to love their homeland and lives in Somalia, again. Somaliland deserves a better government than the current useless and out-of-touch Silanyo. Somaliland deserves better than Muse Bixi and Faisal Waraabe. Somaliland CAN do better!
  21. This is what happens when you destract the people with secessionist nonsense instead of actually working hard to improve the people's lives. To Silanyo and all his secessionist pipe dreamers who got nothing for the people but bullshit: This incident, once again, bestows upon your shoulders a degree of mocking infamy and ridicule which will be very hard to escape from! Shame on you , dimwits! https://youtu.be/TuVCgqx7WFo Walaalaha naftooda ku waayey baddaha waxaan Eebe uga baryaaya naxariis...ehelkoodana, samir iyo iimaan.