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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Ha ha ha...OO, you such a bullshitter This dimwit wants us to believe this claptrap about, “ it’s not Ethiopia that wants the share ownership, but rather Djibouti and UAE are insisting they take ownership in Somali ports”... Dude, who the fcuck gives Djibouti and Dubai the right to give Ethiopia shares in Somali ports? OO, after all the other nonsense you’ve been spouting all this time have failed, you’ve begun to make stuff up, eh?
  2. Don’t change the subject, Hombre. I believe Guelleh can hold his own against the Tigray, what we’re discussing here is the Tigray regimes attempts to illegally steal a Somali national treasure. And the audacity of it all is that you think a few third world engineered and badly built roads could ever justify that the Tigray get 19% of Berbera. Keep dreaming, amigo!
  3. I know you are loath to see the Somalis to remain spectators in the boondoggle that the Tigray have created in Ethiopia. But spectators they shall remain, so you might as well get your Tigray head ready for that. Also, you keep speaking of the Somalis in the occupied Ogaden region as if they are helpless, and when the shit hits the fan in Ethiopia that they will be sitting ducks. Rest assured, you need not worry about us... we will manage.
  4. And we are supposed to take the word of a Tigray script on SOL that Guelleh ( a Somali President) doesn’t want to see Kismayu or Mogadishu develop. That is sheer utter rubbish, for both Mogadishu and Kismayu are very far away from the ports of Djibouti to ever be considered economic competition for Guelleh. Even Bosasso is not much of a competitive threat to Djibouti’s ports, due to its distance from the Ethiopian markets. I believe only Berbera, due to its close proximity to the Djibouti ports and the Ethiopian markets they service—coupled with Berbera’s location near the gulf of Aden, keeps the Djiboutians up at night. But even then, if the Somalis play their cards right, I believe both the ports in Djibouti and Berbera can complement one another benefiting all Somalis concerned. They can both use their respective Somali National assets to the benefits of their Somali nationals, and not to the benefit of the thieving Tigray regime (19%, my foot!)
  5. ^ OO, if you think the theft of a Somali national asset by Ethiopian regime( 19% or not) is, as you say, “ a small potato”, then you my friend live in cloud cuckoo land. And you probably should give me some of whatever you’re smoking. lol@ “This is not against Djibouti, nt against Puntland, not against Somaliland.”
  6. ^ If that’s the lullaby that you use to put yourself to sleep every night, then by all means let me not mess it up for you then, OO. This has nothing to do with me wanting greater somalia but rather with the Tigray trying to use the Somali as a shield against the wrath of the Oromo and Amhara. All I’m saying is that we Somalis should step aside and allow the chickens to come home to roost for the corrupt Tigray regime. Now is that too much to ask for..
  7. ^ I said no such thing, so stop obfuscating. I have never said Tigray, Oromo or Amhara are good or bad for Somalia. I’m truly nonchalant about all non-Somalis. They are all the same to me. We deal with them, the way they deal with us. Whatever, the outcome of the dogfight in Ethiopia between the Tigray, Amhara and Oromo shall be, the Somalis will still be around and we will resist whoever comes out on top, if their goal is to subjugate Somalis and to steal Somali lands and seas like the Tigray are attempting to do.
  8. Get outta here dude with that nonsense. Ethiopia would have liked to recognize their little Jeegaanland vassal a long time ago if only it could, but we all know it can't due to circumstances beyond its control and national interest. And also just because Djibouti, for now, placates Ethiopia with shares in their port does not mean Ethiopia will get such a special treatment from other Somali ports, no matter how many Somali politicians Ethiopia thinks are in its pockets. In fact, I know for certain, Guelleh is buying time with that arrangement with the Tigray, and as events are fast unfolding in the Horn, I don't expect the Djibouti deal to last. I foresee Guelleh giving the Tigray/Ethiopians the same treatment he just gave to the UAE. It's just a matter of time and leverage.
  9. Rubbish. Just because Ethiopia will utilize the port in Berbera, does not give them the right to own a stake in Berbera. The Somali people have been shortchanged in this deal, which is precisely why all the Jeegaanlanders in here who are at the Federal governments throat for refusing to go along with this deal, have remained quiet about the 19% stake which is being illegitimately stolen by Ethiopia. I wonder why that is, Oodweyne and Co?. Why can’t this deal be wholly between only the UAE and Somaliland? In a different thread, Oodweyne naysayed a proposition of mine, which said, “ the secessionist agenda being pushed by Jeegaanlanders is an Ethiopian regime's project”. I asked a question then, “ Somalis, ask yourself, does the breakup of Somalia benefit the average reer sheikh nomad or the regime in Ethiopia?” The active-minded but probably shallow rabid mongrel who goes by the name of Mudane Oodweyne, refuted my suggestion. But now the proof is in the pudding, as it were for everyone to see... today, we have the Ethiopian regime trying to purloin Berbera( a Somali national asset) in broad daylight. And the most Oodweyne and his co-hearts can do is try to change the subject and make it about Xamar and petty Somali tribalism. This is theft by EthiopianTigray regime, period! Need we say more...
  10. ^ Which is precisely what we’re arguing. You admit that there will be no Ethiopia unless the federal system mainly run by Tigray remains in place. The Somalis of the Ogaden are an occupied people who never had a say in your so called federal constitution, so stop trying to confuse people by saying it was Somalis who insisted on article 39. That is just plain nonsense, with a generous garnishment of hokum coupled with a side-order of balderdash to boot. OO, stop trying to act like the Somalis will share the same fate with the Tigray. The Tigray for the last 30 years have made their own bed, now its time for them to lay in it. No amount of pettifogging and political chicanery will cause Somalis to share that bed of thorns with the Tigray.
  11. ^ The ai remains elusive, yet again. As usual, OO, you’ve side stepped the question. I wonder why?
  12. ^ Like the hanging sword of Democles, the Tigray intend to use article 39 as a nuclear option against anyone who might threaten their power.
  13. Article 39 was put into the constitution by the Tigray and for the Tigray, only. No other ethnicity can use it as long as Tigray are in power and if they loose power, then the Tigray themselves will use article 39 to get out of Ethiopia to protect themselves against the retribution of a possible Oromo or Amhara led government.
  14. OO, can you ever answer a question without all the unnecessary side show. What’s up with all the double speak? Let state some facts first: UAE and Ethiopia agree to divvy up Berbera between themselves. But then again Egypt and UAE have forces in Eritrea, which Ethiopia is very sensitive about because of the big disagreement over the GERD with Egypt (and which is why, OO, you can’t stand the “Bedawin” Arabs) You praise Djibouti and even go the extra mile on SOL to defend Guelleh from the shit storms being hurled at him by Oodweyne and Co who claim Guelleh wants to cockblock the Berbera deal. And lastly, OO, you also praise Sudan and proclaim that it is a more suitable ally, yet Sudan has distanced itself from the gulf Arabs altogether and is cozying upto Turkey and Erdogan and even gave him back his old Ottoman era port on the Red Sea. So, OO, which is it? Are the Arabs the purported “ Bedawin” you claim or should they be welcomed and partnered with like in the Berbera deal? That is a direct question! Don’t try to go into things that were not asked. If Djibouti has kicked out the Arabs, and Sudan has opted for the Turks instead, and you consider both Sudan and Djibouti close geopolitical allies of Ethiopia, then why does Ethiopia sign an agreement with the “Bedawin” Arabs, knowing fully that Ethiopia’s historical enemy Egypt is on the side of the “Bedawin” Arabs? c’mon, OO, put aside the Tigray ai and use your own grey matter and tell us.
  15. Notwithstanding their negligible successes in the Yemen so far, the Saudi/UAE Arabs are trying to control both sides of the gulf of Aden to prevent the Turks from setting up shop anywhere near the Important trade route, which is why they are in a hurry to stake claims on Berbera and Bossaso. The Arabs heartily loath a competing power like Turkey to ever gain a foothold in the gulf of Aden, for fear of the possible disruption to their lucrative Oil trade. But the Turks are obviously not being disconcerted about such maneuvers. They got themselves Mogadishu and that other port in Sudan. Just the other day, their Ambassador was shopping around in Hobyo. The Arabs and Turks can dance around each other all they like but I fear a Syria-like proxy war will soon erupt in the whole of the Horn Africa and, as usual, the headless chicken Somalis will do most of the heavy lifting for these competing powers— even then, when the dust settles they will be the worse for it, for history shows the fate of the Somalis of the Horn to be grim and inexorable.
  16. OO, Now that Ethiopia and the UAE have signed this “deal”, how do you suppose things will pan out between Ethiopia and Egypt( a close ally of UAE), since Ethiopia was previously upset with the UAE/Egypt collobaration in Eritrea. Share with us your $0.02 worth, if you would..
  17. OO says: "Actually its opposition that are physically threatening MPs. Jawar had issued his army to intimidate and threaten Oromo MPs." Tillamook says: " so what? All’s fair war!" OO says: "Me thinks a lot of plans were disrupted by the SOE." Tillamook says: " Rubbish. The cowardly state of emergency only shows how incompetent and scared the Tigray elites have become" OO says: "There may have been a plan to take over the country Ukrainian style. Block all roads, burn few things, kill some people and paralyze the government." Tillamook says: " This is yet again another nonsensical statement by our esteemed colleague OO because the whole point of a revolution is to resist the status quo in Ethiopia which only serves the interest of a small minority. OO says: "Jawar in safe and warm house in America forgets this is third world or doesn't give a shit." Tillamook says: " Don't begrudge Jawar his safety and warmth, because we all know the Tigray would rather have him flung into a vermin infested dungeon. Also, it is precisely because Jawar cares for his Oromo people that he encourages them to rise up against the injustices of the Tigray regime.
  18. Stop side-stepping the point. The religion of Oromo PM the Tigray bring forward is a non-issue. The real issue at hand is for the Oromo to bring forth a leader of their own choosing, not the Tigray establishment.
  19. ^ OO, You’re not making any sense whatsoever. All I said was that the religious affiliation of the next Tigray stooge who becomes PM is irrelevant. That is all.
  20. ^OO, I think the Tigre regime is barking up the wrong tree by attempting to exploit the religious differences of these communities. I realize-- after their multitudinous attempts to turn everyone against the Oromo community alone ethnic lines have fallen short-- that they're getting desperate but c'mon dude: who gives a damn whether their next stooge is Pentecostal, Orthodox, Muslim or Animist?
  21. So Lemma is the Tigre's incarnate stooge being bandied about among the ruling establishment, eh? Good to know. By the way, what's this about giving in to Oromo blackmail? Are you suggesting the current state of affairs was brought on by an armed Oromo rebellion?
  22. ^ Old Observer, I didn't know your algorithms were capable of sarcasm... In any case, OO, tell us...which of the Oromo guys in the running is the Tigray establishment backing?
  23. Ha ha ha , lol @ the "jurisdictional legality" of Somaliland Ina Cawil Mucjiso, you crack me up saaxiib!
  24. Tallaabo, First of all, Sanaag like all the other northern provinces of Somalia falls under the aegis of the federal government of Somalia, and if said Federal government wishes to recruit and train troops from these provinces of hers then by all means it is their undoubted prerogative to do so... Secondly, cut out the naiveté, mate: It's not like past and present secessionist administrations of Hargaysa haven't done everything in their power to undermine the recovery of Somalia from its civil war, and in fact continue to do so as we speak, by funding and helping the terrorist Al Shabab and Daesh groups who are destabilizing the country. So you tell me now, what makes the authority and the claims of the Jeegaan administration a sacred cow?
  25. ^ Things are moving fast, indeed. The Tigre military hasn't found the ideal Oromo stooge to place into the premiership. A stooge who will serve their purposes and hopefully prolong/protect their hegemony. There are not too sure about this Lemma Megersa fellow. They're afraid that once he is in, he could become confrontational and insist upon drastic reforms which would include the arrest of the Tigray who stole the nation's wealth. When you think about it, it is all just a big crapshoot.