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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. ^ OO, no need to get defensive. I said I agreed with what you said about the Tigre.
  2. Old Observer said: Tillamook, “You need to realize that when you are poor, backward technologically choices are made for you, you are nt in any position to choose. You only have the choice to limit the damage others chosing can do on you. All Tigre can do is stay as neutral as possible, but not neutral enugh when Djibouti would be threatened. Any big change in Djibouti has direct impact on Tigre and viceversa. The Oromo is more of Egypt than UAE or Saudi. The Amhara maybe more American and small degree Egypt as far as foreign support goes. I think UAE is trying to resolve the problem with Djibouti in Tigre/through Tigre. A compromise maybe in the works, but America is biggest problem. America wants Djibouti punished or thought a lesson. And the Tigre are caught in a catch 22 with their interest and leanings every player knows. Tillerson might have threatened Tigre as regards to Djibouti. They must have refused to do anything against Djibouti and that is why he still spoke publicly undiplomatically about the SOE.” —/—-/——/——/—— Old Observer, I agree with your corrected statement. That’s the closest you have gotten to speaking truth on SOL.
  3. Waryaa, markii dooda kaa hoos baxdo, ninka ragga ahi waa inuu qiraa, and give credit where credit is due. Instead for rebuttal, you opted to foolishly attempt to predict the future— as if that is the purview of any one one man, let alone a not so bright chap like you. As to the borders issue, Somalia has never had any nationally recognized borders. Somalia never recognized the so-called borders that the colonialist left behind, which is precisely why the Horn of Africa has remained a hotbed of destabilization and conflict. Marka, Suldaanow, put aside your abject servility to the wishes of the former colonialists and learn to embrace your Soomaalinimo.
  4. I think it’s about time for Somalis to learn not to keep all their eggs in one basket. All those commercial interests concentrated in Dubai should have been diversified long time ago.
  5. As always, the reasoning in your statements are shallow to put it mildly. The Arab league, like all other international organizations like the UN, was created for member countries to thrash out their differences through diplomacy and arbitration. These institutions don’t exist for the exchange of bellicose rhetoric and verbal insults among member nations. So, ina Cawil Mucjiso, your views on this matter are incorrect, if I must put it in the nicest way possible.
  6. ^ I agree, the Tigray regime is pivotal in the cloak and daggers game being waged in the Horn, which is one of the reason the Oromo and Amhara are being encouraged to do an uprising against the Tigray. One thing is for certain— the Tigray have their work cut out for them, and the longevity of their leadership depends on who they decide to align with.
  7. ^ When were they ever sheathed against our people?
  8. To Holac: Maybe or might not be. For all we know it could be the opponents of the UAE doing the silly bot flooding to further drive a wedge between the Emirates and Somalis. In any case, Somalis are well to do to mind their own national interests when it comes to these competing powers.
  9. ^ Suldaanta, like I said to your fellow cretin-in-arms, Ina Cawil Mucjiso, the impudence of the buffoonery contained in your remarks are mindbogglingly surreal. No one that I know of on SOL advocates for or has ever advocated for the return to Pre 1991 Somalia. Anyone wanting that is as retarded as... well.. you! Somalia is now a federal republic with member states where locals manage their own local affairs and where only common national interest such as defense, currency and foreign affairs shall be managed federally. This is very different from the pre-civil war days when a military’s junta ruled the nation with an iron fist. Surely even you would discern the differences if you only stopped drooling on yourself long enough to think about it. Finally, to your last foolish comments about the Dervishes, I would like to reply with the Somali saying...“Tuug intaadan 'tuug' dhihin buu 'tuug' ku dhahaa” Marka Suldaanow, tuug tuug dhalay baad tahay...and like a child who hath absconded with some camels from the homestead, ya ain’t gone get far before someone drags you back by the scruff of the neck...lol
  10. Not so fast, Mudane Oodweyne, a.k.a Ina Cawil Mucjiso( He who was sired by an infertile Octogenarian)--No need to rush out of here just yet, saaxiib, without first being thoroughly chastised by Señor Tillamook for your silly statements. Seems to me that all Duufaan did in here was share with us what he saw on the ground, which was a people that support Villa Somalia and the unquestionable unity of Somalia. A people with some rigid adhesion to Villa Somalia that are looking forward to the stability, economic and social prosperity of our country after many controversial civil war years that were imbued with divisiveness, poverty and wretchedness. So tell us, Ina Cawil Mucjiso: Why should we take your version of events and facts, and your many questionable... "knew in his heart and in his head" statements, and not Duufaan's? Seems to me you have made a number of nonsensical assertions above without providing a scintilla of provable information proving your oblique insinuations . Worse still, despite offering the usual rubric cube of gibberish that we are accustomed to from you-- you had time to accuse others of pulling stuff from their "back-sides" and yet before that, like a bogus Shaman, you were claiming to know what resides in men's hearts and minds. Simply put, Oodweyne, the impudence of the buffoonery contained in your arguments are mindbogglingly surreal.
  11. Countless dreadful apprehensions present themselves to our Tigre friend, Old Observer, as the Tigre regime begins to slowly crumble around him and this undoubtedly disposes him to melancholy; But let me say this to him: Fear not OO, the Somalis of the horn of Africa shall NOT allow the Oromo and Amhara to gang up against your lot. As Somalis, we maybe many things, but accepting injustices to ourselves and to others, we do not. We shall always stand by any group in Ethiopia that suffers injustices, including the Tigre regardless of the disagreeable nature of our relationship has been of late, mainly due to the Tigre leaderships ingratitude for all the incorruptible fidelity and help that Somalis had rendered to the Tigre during their struggle for independence from the Derg and Amhara.
  12. Saalax, sxb, why does this sound surprising to you? You have characters like Oodweyne openly admitting in this forum that they are descended from impotent/infertile octogenarians calling themselves Ilmo Mucjiso, when in fact the DNA results now show that they are likely the by-blows of the despised faqash....ha ha ha
  13. As the article above delineates correctly, it isn't wise for any right thinking Somali to allow foreigners control over 70% of the shares of the port in Berbera, for all the obvious reasons even a child would understand. This is simply a very bad deal, and I urge all Somalis everywhere in the world to refuse to accept its implementation, irregardless of the abject sycophancy of the corrupt politicians of both the federal government and the administration in Hargaysa.
  14. Waxaa todobaadkan si rasmi ah ay u Saxiixdeen Dowlada Itoobiya, Somaliland iyo Shirkada DP World mashruuca balaarinta dekadda Berbera kaasi oo ahaa mid muddo dheer soo socday wadahadalkiisa. Sidaan ku sheegay Maqaalkii aan qoray [12kii Janaayo 2016], xiligaasi oo uu Madaxweynihii hore Somaliland Axmed Siilaanyo codsaday in dib loo furo wadahadalka Somaliland iyo Dowlada Federaalka ayaa qodobada ugu waaweyn waxa kamid ahaa Mashruucan dekadda Berbera. [Halkan ka akhrsio Maqaalkii 2016] si aad wax uga fahanto halka uu mashruucan salka ku hayo. Maqaalkan waxaan ku eegaynaa qodobada kala ah: 1- Taariikh Kooban Mashruuca Berbera 2- Guusha Itoobiya ee mashruuca Dekadda Berbera 3- Codsiga DP world ee ahaa in Itoobiya heshiiska wax ka saxiixdo 4- Halista Somaliland kala kulmi karto sida loo qeybsaday mashruuca 5- Awooda Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Taariikhda Mashruuca Mashruuca loo yaqaan Berbera Corridor ayaa ah mid markii hore hindisihiisa ka yimid dowlada Federaalka ee Itoobiya isla markaana ay ka dhaadhicisay Somaliland inay ogolaato. Qorshaha Mashruucan dowlada Itoobiya waxay soo bilowday 15 sano kahor, wuxuuna qeyb ka ahaa mashaariicdii Raysalwasaarihii hore ee Itoobiya Meles Zenawi uu ku doonayey inuu ku kordhiyo illaha dhaqaalah ee Itoobiya iyo sidii loo heli lahaa dekaddo uu wadankaasi aan bada lahayn kala soo dego ganacsigooda, isla markaana ka dhoofiyo wax soo saarkooda. Xukuumada Itoobiya ayaa sheegtay inay dooratay Dekadda Berbera maadaama sida ay sheegtay uu yahay dhul u dhaw dalka Itoobiya, waxayse arrintan ay dhinaca kale la xariirtay Itoobiya oo u aragtay in gorgortanka ay la gelayso Somaliland uu ka fudud yahay kuwa ay la geli kartay Kenya iyo Jabuuti oo ah dalal la aqoosan yahay. World Bank & EU Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa mashruucan markii hore codsatay in uu deyn ahaan ku maalgeliyo World Bank, waxayna ku qiimeysay 2 bilyan oo dollar. Waxaa mashruucaasi ku jiray balaarinta Berbera iyo isku xirka wadooyinka Berbera illaa Addis Ababa. Qorshaha ayaa ahaa in Itoobiya ay mashruuca geliso in ka badan 200 milyan oo dollar, isla markaana inta kale dhaqaalaha Bangiga Adduunka bixiyo si deyn ah oo dib loo gudo. Wuxuu Bangiga Adduunka xiligaasi ku xiray Itoobiya laba sharuud oo kala ah; A- In Itoobiya keento shirkad Caalami ah oo qeyb ka noqota dhismaha iyo maamulka dekadda. B- In Dowlada Soomaaliya ee la aqoonsan yahay ay saxiixdo. Dowlada Itoobiya waxay markii hore xiriiro la sameysay shirkado caalami ah oo daneenayey dekadda Berbera, waxay dhinaca kalena cadaadis ku saartay Somaliland inay furto wadahadalkii ay lalaheyd dowladii Federaalka, taasi oo keentay codsigii Madaxweyne Siilaanyo u gudbiyey Baarlamaanka Somaliland oo ahaa in la furo wadahadalka Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho. Itoobiya & EU Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa sidoo kale sanadkii 2003, ka codsatay Midowga Yurub inuu gacan kasiiyo mashruucaasi Dekadda Berbera, halkan ka akhriso Warbixintii EU-da ee sahmintii kowaad ee mashruuca Berbera-Addis Ababa, waxaana sahmintaasi ka qeyb qaatay hay’ada fadhigeedu yahay dalka France [LOUIS BERGER S.A.] iyo AFROCONSULT oo ay xarunteedu tahay Addis Ababa, Itoobiya. [Halkan ka akhriso Warbixintaasi 2003] Kadib xiriiro socday muddo 10 sano ah ayaa lagu guuleysan waayey in Bangiga Adduunka iyo waliba Midowga Yurub (EU) ay maalgeliyaan mashruucan sababo aan weli la shaacin. Waxaase loo badinayaa in ay la xariirto Su’aalo ka yimid dhanka Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Midowga Yurub ayaa joojiyey Shir lacag loogu aruurin lahaa mashruucan oo ay qaban lahaayeen November 2015, kadib markii ay dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ka codsatay. Guusha Itoobiya iyo DP World Kadib caqabadahaasi badan ee Itoobiya ka qabsaday maalgelinta ay ka sugeysay Bangiga Adduunka iyo Midowga Yurub, ayey waxay go’aansatay in mashruucan maalgelintiisa laga keeno shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay. Bollore vs DP World Dowlada Itoobiya iyo Somaliland ayaa shirkadaha ugu waaweyn oo arrintan kala hadleen waxa kamid ahaa shirkada Bollore ee laga leeyahay wadanka France, oo qorsheenaysay in loo saxiixo in ay muddo 20 sano ah maamusho dekadda Berbera. Balse shirkadaasi Bollore ayaa waxa hawada ka saaray ganacsato waaweyn oo xiriir laleh Somaliland, kuwaasi oo ka danbeeyey in shirkada DP World ay noqoto tan mashruucan lagu wareejiyo. Canshuur Dhaaf Sanadkii 2014 ayey dowlada Itoobiya la saxiixatay Somaliland heshiis is faham ah [A memorandum of understanding 2014] heshiiskaasi ayaa ah midka si gaar ah loogu xusay arrimaha canshuuraha customs iyo transits. Heshiiskaasi ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa in Itoobiya Wax Canshuur ah laga qaadi karin, dhamaan waxa ay kala soo degto Berbera heshiiskaas oo loo yaqaan (Transit Trade Agreement), ayaan weli loo soo bandhigin Baarlamaanka Somaliland. Itoobiya ayaa sheegtay inay ku bedalan doonto canshuur dhaafka loo sameeyey inay dhisto oo Ballaariso wadada Berbera iyo Wajaale oo ah mid ahmiyad gaar ah u leh dhaqaalaha iyo ganacsiga Somaliland, taasi oo u fududeenaysa in maalgashi caalami ah lagu sameeyo dhulkaasi. Waxaa halkaasi uga baaqatay Itoobiya dhaqaale badan oo ay horey u qorsheenaysay in mashruucan ku baxo oo ay markii hore u qorsheysay 2 Bilyan oo dollar. Waxaana taasi usii dheer canshuur dhaafka ay ku helayso (Transit Trade) oo wadankaasi u badbaadineysa balaayiin dollar sanadkii oo canshuur ah marka loo bar bar dhigo waxa ay kala soo degto dekadda Jabuuti. Itoobiya iyo Awood Yarida Somaliland Dowlada Itoobiya oo kamid ah dalalka Afrika ee kasoo horjeeda in Aqoonsi Caalami ah lasiiyo Somaliland, ayaa dhinaca kale doonaysa inay ka faa’iideysato awood yarida Somaliland iyo xiriirka xun ee u dhaxeeya Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland. Waxaa tusaale u ah in dowlada Itoobiya sanadkii 2016 ka codsatay Federaalka Soomaaliya inay ogolaato mashruuca DP world ee Dekadda Berbera, si ay u hesho mashruucaasi oo qiimo badan ugu fadhiya Itoobiya. Halka ay dhinaca kale Somaliland ku dhiirigelisay inay wadahadal lagasho dowlada Federaalka ee caalamka aqoonsan yahay. Halista awood qeybsiga DP World iyo Itoobiya Shirkada DP World ayaa iyadu sharuud horey ugu xirtay in dowlada Itoobiya heshiiskan wax ka saxiixdo isla markaana (Share) ku yeelato mashruuca, taasi oo ah sharuuda Imaarada Dubai ku xirtay xaqiijinta heshiiskan, maadaama Somaliland aan loo aqoonsaneyn dowlad madax banaan. Sida hada ku muuqata heshiiska kama danbeysta ah ee la saxiixay ayaa loo qeybsaday sidan; DP world (Imaaraatiga) 51%, Itoobiya 19% iyo Somaliland (30%). Taasi oo ka dhigeysa in mashruucan ay awooda ugu badan (Majority share holder) leeyihiin dalalka shisheeye ee Itoobiya iyo Imaaraatiga oo isku heysta (70%), halka Somaliland noqoneyso (Manority Share holder 30% oo kaliya). Tani ma dhacdeen hadii ay Somaliland tahay dal la aqoonsan yahay, waana sababta Itoobiya uga soo horjeedo aqoonsiga Somaliland. Tusaale: Dowlada Jabuuti iyo shirkada DP World ayaa xiligan khilaaf ka taagan yahay mashruuca dekadda Doraale, mashruucaasi oo ay dowlada Jabuuti ku lahayd in ka badan 70% ayey hadana shirkada DP world oo ku lahayd wax ka yar 30% ay sharuudo adag ku xirtay keentayna inuu heshiiskaasi burburo. Waxaa kamid ahaa sharuudaha DP world ku xirtay Jabuuti in dalkeeda aan dekad kale laga dhisi karin iyadoo aan ogolaansho laga heysan Dp World. Qodobadkaasi oo ay dowlada Jabuuti ku sheegtay mid kahor imaanaya madax banaanidooda. Waxaa xusid mudan in DP world ay heshiiska Puntland kula gashay dekadda Bosaso sidaas oo kale ku qoratay in aan dekadd laga dhisi karin xeebaha Puntland inta u jirta 150KM xeebta Boosaaso. heshiiskaasi oo isaguna dood badan ka taagan tahay ayaan weli lasoo bandhigin. Hadaa usoo noqono heshiiska Berbera, waxaa usii dheer Itoobiya inay noqoneyso (Guarantor) ama awood illaalineysa hirgelinta Mashruucan, taasina kama marna hadii loo baahdo awood militari. Sida uu ku sheegay Warsaxaafadeedkiisii 1dii Maarso, Madaxa DP World in saxiixa dowlada Itoobiya uu fure u ahaa hirgelinta heshiiskan. Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem ayaa yiri “….Having the Government of Ethiopia as a partner will enable DP World to support the Government in achieving its impressive development plans…” [Halkan ka akhriso] Itoobiya iyo Imaaraatiga ayaa faa’iido ka heli kara ganacsiga Berbera oo yoolkiisa yahay suuqa weyn ee 100ka milyan ee Itoobiyaanka ah ayaa waxaa halkaasi ku waayaya Canshuur Somaliland iyo Dowlada Soomaaliya labaduba. Arragtida Hogaanka Somaliland Somaliland ayaa u aragta in dhismaha dhulkeeda uu shaqo-abuuris u sameenayo shacabkeeda maadaama aysan heysan mashaariic kale oo waaweyn oo dhulkaasi laga hirgeliyey tan iyo burburkii dowladii hore ee Soomaaliya. Somaliland ayaa rajeenaysa in dhaqaale badan kasoo galaya wadooyinka loo dhisayo ee Berbera illaa bartamaha Hargeysa inta laga gaaro Wajaale. Sida ay sheegeen madaxda Somaliland mashruucan ayey rajeenayaa inuu sidoo kale dhiirigeliyo maalgashiga caalamiga ah ee deegaankaasi. Hase yeeshee Somaliland awood badan uma yeelan doonto inay wax ka bedasho heshiiskan maadaam ay noqotay (Manority Share holder) go’aanada ugu muhiimsana ay hada ka go’ado Itoobiya iyo DP World. Awooda Dowlada Federaalka Dowlada Soomaaliya ee Federaalka ayaa iyadu sharci ahaan awood ulleh inay horjoogsato mashruucan, iyadoo u mareysa dhanka Sharciga. Waxaase shaki weyn uu ka jiraa qaabka Dowlada Federaalka uga fal celin doonto, maadaama dowlada Itoobiya ay ku cadaadineyso inay aqbasho heshiiskan, sida codsiyadii Addis Ababa u dirtay Villa Somaliya sanadkii 2016. Maxamed Cismaan Horseed Media https://horseedmedia.net/2018/03/04/danta-itoobiya-ee-heshiiska-dp-world-ee-dekadda-berbera-qorshihii-meles-zenawi/
  15. ^ Is that the song the secessionist minister who signed the agreement was shaking his booty to when he agreed to give Ethiopia a 19% stake in the port of Berbera? Tell us, Suldaanka, was that the "secret sauce?"...lol
  16. ^ I sure as hell would not miss the facts shared by a character who has never penned anything longer than a paragraph in all is his fruitless tenure on SOL...
  17. Suldaanka, sxb , waxaan u gartay inaad is dhiibtay oo aad ka leexleexanaysid su'aasha gollaha taala. No problemo, mi amigo.. Like I mentioned before, you lack the necessary gumption and required mental acumen to go toe to toe with moi. Which is to be expected, of course, from a troglodyte secessionist such as yourself. At least, I'm hopeful that my retarded friend Oodweyne will provide us with something a little more entertaining than the gnawed gristle (Kulahaa, "Secret sauce" lol) you have thus far shared with us. In the meantime, Suldaanka, lugaha isku duwo, lest you get knocked up by Tillamook's rapid fire assault. P.S If treasonous secessionists are being referred to as "the vanguard of the Somali race", then surely the Somali race is doomed to blindness and destruction...
  18. ^ Suldaanta, In your desperation for a wise cracking retort to my earlier lambast of you, the best you could come up with was a clip of an electioneering politician, eh? In any case, seeing that you want more of the same from me... how do you propose I resume your ignominious thrashing, huh? Shall I give it to you without further preamble (which also runs the risk of the edict givers of SOL rushing in to your aid) or should I, which in fact I think would be more tactful on my part-- rip you apart replying to some asinine answer you might submit... Here take a bite, Suldaanta, if you would: why wasn’t the agreement recently signed wholly between Somaliland and UAE, only? What benefit will be gained by the average reer Sheikh nomad from Ethiopia gaining a 19% stake in Berbera? Give it a think and tell us...godspeed!
  19. Looks like the Emirates are getting themselves some negative publicity everywhere these days.
  20. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/03/us/politics/george-nader-mueller-investigation-united-arab-emirates.html
  21. ^ Che, He will probably get in here and speak about something totally unrelated to the post, and make it look like he is actually engaging the subject raised. But seriously, the Tigray are in a tough spot. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't, for them I'm afraid.
  22. Suldaanta, you neither possess the necessary gumption nor mental acumen required to spar openly with me on this here gallery. So I urge you not to get your underwear in a twisted bunch just yet, and desist from replying further in this post, until or when we hear the humbug Ina Cawil Mucjiso has to say about the topic at hand. Only then, might you be allowed to shake your booty for his comments and pander to his drivel in the supposed defense of maandeeq. Unless of course, you wish to me manhandle you-- right now, right here-- for the atrocious secessionist scoundrel that you are and make quick work of it. Should it become necessary; it would behoove me to approve myself exceptionally capable in such an enterprise; overlooking the minutest sympathies one might feel for a lost secessionist simpleton such as yourself. So the ball is in your court, now. Bust a move, negro!
  23. Our insomniac Tigray ai is loosing it... Those remarks above were not meant for you, OO, even though you’ve taken it upon yourself and assumed responsibility to reply to each and every comment posted on SOL... lol Unless, your name is ina Cawil Mucjiso, step aside OO!
  24. Waryaa Xiniinyo dabadood, or might a more suitable monicker for you, Oodka, be Ina Cawil Mucjiso( He who was sired by an infertile Octegenarian) The topic at hand has nothing to do with Somali nationalism or any other drivel you wish to placate your fellow mooncalf secessionists with here on SOL. The topic at hand is Ethiopia’s attempted theft of Berbera. Marka, Oodka, if you have an iota of sense left in your empty cranium, explain to us... why wasn’t the agreement recently signed wholly between Somaliland and UAE, only? Why must—in your shoddy reasoning— Ethiopia have to get a 19% stake, knowing that the arguments so far proffered by the Tigray bot on SOL, OO, have fallen short. OO claims that Ethiopia wants the stake because they will build roads, and when that was laughably debunked...he came up with a more hilarious reason which was that, “ it is Djibouti that insists Ethiopia take a stake in Berbera!” Marka, ina Cawil Mucjiso, put aside all the other cantrabaqash you’re accustomed to pen around these parts, and let’s see what justification you will make for why Ethiopia must take a 19% stake in the port in Berbera?