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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. My, my, my... Oodka, Ducaale must have touched a raw nerve, for you to unclothe yourself in such manner and brazenly stand centre stage, yet again butt naked, shaking your aged limbs while delivering a ham-fisted rehash of your one hit soliloquy about pirateland... lol Personally, I don't mind the constant nonsense that you’re known for in here—and that you so adeptly mask with braggadocio and effimanate threats like a true professional . After all there is no shame in being a hapless, hopeless and helpless little Marfash rat with a keyboard on SOL, is there?
  2. Rubbish. The military base is good for Somaliland. Somaliland should be trained and equipped by the Emirates. What’s your problem, OO?
  3. Calaacal.com OO, don’t worry too much...the military base comes with a 19% stake for Ethiopia in Berbera... lol Surely, The Bedawin are friends of the Tigray...ha ha ha
  4. OO, what’s this? What ever happened to the tri-partite agreement that you were supporting a week ago? Are we now back to calling the Emirates, “Bedawin” now their true intent is obvious...
  5. Jow! Waar dee hablihii Jeegaanta mid yari oo Ducaale la dhaho baa kor ka fuulay! Ducaale, xaal qaado... Hablaha noo daa! Lol
  6. Potato, Potahto. Tomato, Tomahto. Tigre, Tigray. Same difference, so let's not get to pedantic about semantics of the Tigray. The bottom line is that a 70% stake ownership in a Somali national asset by foreigners is unacceptable. You can call it what you like although I suspect you might not know the full definition of the word you and that other insect are bandying to and fro in this thread
  7. Somalia does not need to ban Ethiopia from doing business in the country, as long as the business is mutually beneficial for both countries. What is being prevented is the illegal attempt by the Tigre and others who are trying to steal Somali national assets, by throwing a few scraps to a few secessionist traitors.
  8. lol@ " The issue for the minister is that not the shares or the business, but hate campaign on Ethiopia and he happens to be Somali." OO, are youTigray bot by day and a standup comic by night?
  9. ^ OO, we get it. The Tigre in you is very Pro- China, but aren’t you afraid for your people if, like you say, “the West goes for broke”? Also, your hopes for Russian involvement is duly noted. Who knows...they just much oblige you—with the Chinese providing the necessary finanacial lubrication— and come to your rescue..
  10. Tillamook


    Lol... Someday soon that Cow will lunge out with a vicious kick at Biixi Ooyaye’s face and send him back to the dingy, fart scented Marfash from whence he crawled out of; crying like a babe in need of motherly comfort. Maybe, Ina Cawil Mucjiso, shall oblige him...
  11. The Arabs don’t care much about building successful thriving ports in Berbera and Bossaso. All they want to do is forestall Turkish ambitions in the Horn. If they were serious about these ports they would have equally played a hearts and minds game like the Turks do—to gain the support of the Somali people, but they really bungled it up when DP World CEO made seemingly unprofessional statements challenging the unity and sovereignty of the Country. So we shall see what their next moves will be.
  12. ^ It really is nice watching Oodweyne getting miffed about comparisons he shares with the atrocious new **** called Ducaale, and seeing him melting down into a gooey mess of worthlessness. Alas, Ducaale is merely Xaaji Xunduf...that drooling secessionist from yesteryears.
  13. Yep... the more things change, the more they remain the same. Fate is inexorable, but Somalis shall persevere!
  14. I’ve heard of “Straight Outta Compton”, but never did I think I would see “Straight outta Marfash”. Biixi Ooyaye is one hilarious fellow..lol
  15. ^ lol.. Nah, dude, I don’t mess with cold weather. But still I endorse the message. Somalia, Soomaali baa iska leh... Berbera, Soomaali baa iska leh.. Emirates, OUT! Ethiopia, OUT! Secessionist traitors, OUT! Soomaaliya ha noo laato.
  16. Wise lessons to impart, indeed. But still I believe your wayward and not so smart approach to our affairs in Somalia will at the very least ensure the damn koonfurians don’t take advantage of your lot again. And what better way of going than holding that gavel in that futuristic building pictured above, eh?
  17. Inshaallah, a landmark where yourself or your children will someday bang the Speakers gavel and shout, “Order in the House”!
  18. Mooge, Biixi Ooyaye blames his emotional outburst yesterday on the International Women’s Day commemorations. He claims he cried to show solidarity with our Somali women folk, since that was the girlie thing to do at the time..
  19. ^ Do you feel better now that you have that weight of your chest? Barwaaqo, we don’t have the time nor inclination to engage with your hapless and disgusting spleen in here, for we already have our hands full mitigating the wretched silliness of your fellow secessionist nitiwits such as Suldaanta and Ina Cawil Mucjiso. So instead I have opted to dedicate the the song the Crying Biixi has reminded me of...marka niic-da inta yaraysid ku raaxayso heesta... Afkayguba ma aamusoo Uurkaygu way olalayaa ayaa arkoo aaminaa indhahaygaa ooyayoo Yartaan awaadeed u oomanaa axdi wadaan marnoo may oofinine nabsi ooda baan ku albaabayaa ayaa arkoo aaminaa indhahaygaa ooyayoo Yartii aynigeed u ilwaadsanayd ereyada kal gacal tii i oran jirtee ubaxii janada midkaan ugu jeclaa ayaa arkoo aaminaa indhahaygaa ooyayoo Sida ubad aan dhalay yartaan eegan jirey taan aawadeed aanfacada u nacay waxa la yidhi armiyo amakaag tayoo anfariir tayoo ambatoo luntee ayaa arkoo aaminaa indhahaygaa ooyayoo ************************************ I hope I have calmed your spastic senses a little. Now take your medications for the delusional disorders they were prescribed to you for and then go to bed. You will feel the better for it.
  20. On the Beach at Night by Walt Whitman On the beach at night, Stands a child with her father, Watching the east, the autumn sky. Up through the darkness, While ravening clouds, the burial clouds, in black masses spreading, Lower sullen and fast athwart and down the sky, Amid a transparent clear belt of ether yet left in the east, Ascends large and calm the lord-star Jupiter, And nigh at hand, only a very little above, Swim the delicate sisters the Pleiades. From the beach the child holding the hand of her father, Those burial-clouds that lower victorious soon to devour all, Watching, silently weeps. Weep not, child, Weep not, my darling, With these kisses let me remove your tears, The ravening clouds shall not long be victorious, They shall not long possess the sky, they devour the stars only in apparition, Jupiter shall emerge, be patient, watch again another night, the Pleiades shall emerge, They are immortal, all those stars both silvery and golden shall shine out again, The great stars and the little ones shall shine out again, they endure, The vast immortal suns and the long-enduring pensive moons shall again shine. Then dearest child mournest thou only for Jupiter? Considerest thou alone the burial of the stars? Something there is, (With my lips soothing thee, adding I whisper, I give thee the first suggestion, the problem and indirection,) Something there is more immortal even than the stars, (Many the burials, many the days and nights, passing away,) Something that shall endure longer even than lustrous Jupiter Longer than sun or any revolving satellite, Or the radiant sisters the Pleiades.
  21. The Crying Biixi reminds of the song: “ Indhahaygaa Ooyayoo”
  22. This creature now wants to claim that Somalis were better off living under the colonialists... this thing surely has no shame. Wow